Ariana Grande Scandal

Totally agree. I wish these stuck-up young stars could wake up and see themselves how they are acting. It amazes me that they dont care.

It happens way too often and they act like they are better than everyone else just because of their fame and money. It is a huge turn off and I always personally boycott famous people that take the road she is heading down.

So many rich actors do the same. It is sad and disgusting how they think they are above regular people.

(above, bbm)
Even more amazing...the newscasters who are giving her a free pass because "she's young."

I'm afraid the likes of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus have lowered the bar dreadfully, with their antics.
It would be hilarous if at her next concert, people threw doughnuts at her.
i'll put her in the same bucket with the Dixie Chicks.
Now look what they made me do. All this talk of donuts made me hungry, so I popped to the store to buy a nice healthy apple and.....

The flat thing on the right's an Amerikano. Never quite been able to work out exactly what they are though.

My favorite is a Berliner.
The photo of the pastry donut that you have, I have eaten many times in Germany, but I never could remember the name.
The Berliner, though is my favorite jelly donut.
Now look what they made me do. All this talk of donuts made me hungry, so I popped to the store to buy a nice healthy apple and.....

The flat thing on the right's an Amerikano. Never quite been able to work out exactly what they are though.

OMG! That is a palet de dame on the right,comes from Lille,France.I am addicted to them.When I go to Belgium there is a bakery I go by daily and get 2 and before I return home I order a dozen to take back home.I am on my last one atm.Trying to learn how to make them.They are rounded on the bottom and flat on the top with light icing, a cake like cookie.
OMG! That is a palet de dame on the right,comes from Lille,France.I am addicted to them.When I go to Belgium there is a bakery I go by daily and get 2 and before I return home I order a dozen to take back home.I am on my last one atm.Trying to learn how to make them.They are rounded on the bottom and flat on the top with light icing, a cake like cookie.

I know Lille well, but I never knew that! I've been searching for hours for a recipe in German and found nothing, so I guessed they must go by another name besides the local one I know. They are delicious. Especially when a person isn't in the mood for a donut...
(above, bbm)
Even more amazing...the newscasters who are giving her a free pass because "she's young."

I'm afraid the likes of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus have lowered the bar dreadfully, with their antics.

Yeah but did they ever say they hated America?

Remember Sinead O'Connor? She tore up a picture of the Pope. She was toast after that. I hope this happens to her. Go home Ariana...
What total contempt for the shop and other people who later bought that food (all those (allegedly) licked and spittled donuts got sold).

The impression I got from that video is that Ariane looked like she really wanted to eat those donuts but maybe feels she's not 'allowed' fatty foods and took her anger out on the donuts and the people who do feel free to eat them? And that her boyfriend, once she licked them, seemed to spit on them to impress and outdo her?

Some couples bring out the best in each other, while others....well.

I predict their sweet romance will end in sour tears, if it hasn't already.

That was my thought. That's food assault, unless she was planning to pay for the donuts she ruined. They can't be sold to anyone else once she's licked them! It's like poisoning food to do that.
I've never cared for her, but my daughter liked her. She played a whiny character on a show called Victorius. Don't care for her singing either...
(above, bbm)
Even more amazing...the newscasters who are giving her a free pass because "she's young."

I'm afraid the likes of Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus have lowered the bar dreadfully, with their antics.

She is 23, not 13. And even 13 year old should know better than to go around licking food that somebody else is going to buy and eat.
I can't believe a thread about some pop star that I never heard of, licking a donut, has a dedicated thread let alone 31 (now 32) posts. :hilarious:
I can't believe a thread about some pop star that I never heard of, licking a donut, has a dedicated thread let alone 31 (now 32) posts. :hilarious:

Well I resisted posting before now because I do know of her and never cared for her, but anyone who licks or spits or food for human consumption that's not their own food should be charged with assault and made to pay for it. All kinds of diseases can be spread through saliva.
'I was so disgusted with myself': Ariana Grande apologises for 'donut fiasco' and 'I hate America' comment... but fails to say sorry to the actual shop

Grande took to YouTube to apologise to her fans in a four-minute video

Incident took place at Wolfee Donuts in Lake Elsinore, California

Fails inspection after video is seen of Ariana Grande Reports cites 'customer licking donuts placed incorrectly on counter'

Shop pushing for charges to be made over 'cross contamination'

Grande and her new love, dancer Ricky Alvarez shared a couple of kisses

When donuts were placed on the counter, she says: 'What the ****** is that? I hate Americans. I hate America.' Then she licked them

Issued a statement saying her remarks were not intended as hateful

She cancelled a concert for this coming Saturday citing her wisdom teeth

Police in Lake Elsinore said they and Riverside County public health officials were investigating the leaked video

The cashier on duty said of the pop singer: 'She was really rude'
She is 23, not 13. And even 13 year old should know better than to go around licking food that somebody else is going to buy and eat.

Oh, she knows. But she clearly thinks she is above the rules that apply to everyone else. You know, she's special.
If you are so healthy/food conscious, what the heck are you doing in the donut shop? No, she's BUSTED, and that ain't a fun place to be.
If you are so healthy/food conscious, what the heck are you doing in the donut shop? No, she's BUSTED, and that ain't a fun place to be.

Good question. And why did they purchase that "poison" and leave with it in their possession?
I can't believe a thread about some pop star that I never heard of, licking a donut, has a dedicated thread let alone 31 (now 32) posts. :hilarious:

It's not just about licking a donut. It's about her disgusting behavior and her remark about hating Americans and America. As a self-professed "public figure" (you can see that here in her first attempt at a lame and ridiculous apology: ) she should be more responsible in the way she presents herself and her brand. Young people look up to her and this entire display is not worthy of that.

There have been numerous accounts of this young woman's diva behavior in the past. Someone in her circle needs to explain how the world works and that there are thousands of other, more deserving, talented young woman who would be more than happy to take her place in the pop world.
Well I resisted posting before now because I do know of her and never cared for her, but anyone who licks or spits or food for human consumption that's not their own food should be charged with assault and made to pay for it. All kinds of diseases can be spread through saliva.

I heard on the news this morning that the shop owner wants her charged with some sort of crime. He's afraid he'll be penalized for her gross behavior by the health dept.

No link, so take it FWIW

I heard on the news this morning that the shop owner wants her charged with some sort of crime. He's afraid he'll be penalized for her gross behavior by the health dept.

No link, so take it FWIW


I think that is true - since they've failed a health inspection since this incident occurred. TBH, though, those trays shouldn't have been on top of the case anyway. They should never have been out from behind the glass.

Still, a grown woman should know not to lick or spit on what will be someone else's food.

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