Australia Australia - 1974 White Sands Disappearance of Raelene Eaton and Yvonne Waters


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Cousins Raelene May Eaton 16 and Yvonne Kaye Waters 17 from Bayswater, Western Australia disappeared after a day out on Sunday April 7th 1974.

They left Maylands via train travelling to Perth City where they caught a bus heading to the coastal suburb of Scarborough. There was supposedly sighting of the girls in Leederville, close to the Perth CBD, at the Leederville Hotel.

Apparently on their way there they hitchhiked, which the family says was "out of character" for the girls, but not unusual for that time. Arriving at the White Sands Tavern on West coast Highway Raelene and Yvonne spent some time socialising and listening to music.

Witnesses say that the girls were seen hanging out with three men for awhile inside the tavern. The men were described as in their mid 20's and scruffy looking. Beards, long hair and tattoos were mentioned by witnesses. Some saying they looked and dressed like labourers. After awhile Raelene and Yvonne left the White Sands with the three men. At around 645pm a White Sands doorman saw the girls walking with the men across the parking lot towards a white Holden Panel Van that apparently had Queensland licence plates, starting with PXJ.


This is the last known sighting of the girls.

As far as can be found out, there are no witnesses that actually saw Raelene and Yvonne get in to the car with the three men or leave with them. Although, a witness did overhear that the girls were going to show the three men the "sights" or "lights" of Perth. Raelene's mother Jean Eaton believes this was indicating they were heading to Kings Park. A large elevated parkland that over looks Perth city and is a half hour drive from Scarborough.

Jean Eaton grew concerned when Raelene didn't return home that night, knowing straight away something awful may have happened. Jean went to Bayswater police station the following morning and reported her daughter missing. The police dismissed her claims, saying she has probably "with a man" and will be home in a couple of days. It took the police some time before taking the report seriously. Meanwhile the family of the missing girls searched on their own, including looking interstate.

There has been no sightings of Raelene and Yvonne. Their bank accounts have not been touched, with both girls having either steady jobs with future plans and current boyfriends. The Western Australia Police Service unfortunately have little to no information to go on. Over the years there has been no breaks in the case.

Tragically Raelene's brother Graham died in a motorcycle accident ten days later.

(Note: This is my first thread post on Websleuths. Mods if there is an issue please let me know. Also over the coming days and weeks I'll be making some updates to this post.)
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That's a really good capture, for being 1974. ETA Was a re-enactment. Darn! :)

I'm surprised that they would get no tips from the public. Or, perhaps they did, but nothing ever led to those men; nor that vehicle.

45 years missing. I feel sad for their families, and friends.
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That's a really good capture, for being 1974.

I'm surprised that they would get no tips from the public. Or, perhaps they did, but nothing ever led to those men; nor that vehicle.

45 years missing. I feel sad for their families, and friends.

Sorry Jim, should have written that photo is from a Today Tonight reenactment. Either way you are right, with that info, they did not get any tips from the public regarding the men or that vehicle.
Missing 44 years
"Mrs Eaton said she remembers Raelene to be an ordinary kid.

And when asked, Mrs Eaton understandably focuses on her daughter’s physical attributes.

Things like Raelene’s small four foot, 11 stature and the fact that if seen today, her hair may have gone white as she was “already picking out grey hairs at 15”.

“But she was happy,” Mrs Eaton said.

“Once she started work, well it was her life and she and her cousin used to follow the bands in those days.

“She had lots of friends and changed the boyfriend regularly because she didn't comply with their requests.”

Sadly Raelene Eaton and her cousin Yvonne Waters are just two of the 1600 long-term missing persons in Australia.

And like Mrs Eaton, their families are still stuck, looking for answers.

“I’d like somebody to speak up – one of the three supposed men,” she said.

“Where are they? Somebody knows, but why don't they talk?

“It’s the not knowing.”
There was no fruit picking done in the area as far as I know. There has always been construction in the area as it has always been a popular built-up coastal suburb. Im sure LE looked into these men. They got nowhere in identifying them.

According to this 1997 newspaper article, one of the three men was identified and spoken to in the rural town of Wongan Hills in 1993 but received inconclusive information. The article mentions the South Australian serial killers Christopher Worrell and James Miller and tries to draw a connection to the missing girls. Both men were responsible for the deaths of 7 women between December 1976 and February 1977 in South Australia. The murders only stopped because Worrell was killed in a car accident and Miller was arrested shortly afterwards.
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According to this 1997 newspaper article, one of the three men was identified and spoken to in the rural town of Wongan Hills in 1993 but received inconclusive information. The article mentions the South Australian serial killers Christopher Worrell and James Miller and tries to draw a connection to the missing girls. Both men were responsible for the deaths of 7 women between December 1976 and February 1977 in South Australia. The murders only stopped because Worrell was killed in a car accident and Miller was arrested shortly afterwards.
Yes I've read about them. I wonder how much of what Miller said is true. Seems to have put a rosier glow over his actions in the crimes. For all we know he could have been the more aggressive one.
I don’t have anything to report except I lived next door to Yvonne Waters in Bayswater as a little girl and she babysat me on occasion. Just a normal, loving family. I do remember thinking it was really odd how the case just faded away, TWO young underage girls going missing and never heard of again, just seemed strange we never heard anymore and the Police were apparently quite dismissive about the parents’ concerns.
I don’t have anything to report except I lived next door to Yvonne Waters in Bayswater as a little girl and she babysat me on occasion. Just a normal, loving family. I do remember thinking it was really odd how the case just faded away, TWO young underage girls going missing and never heard of again, just seemed strange we never heard anymore and the Police were apparently quite dismissive about the parents’ concerns.

It is also interesting that over the years/decades after their disappearance the WA police haven't really pushed that hard on the case or had it pushed in to the public eye that much. Apparently the girls weren't even listed on the Missing Persons lists for a decade.

Maybe WA police know who was responsible but just don't have the evidence to charge.

Cousins Raelene May Eaton 16 and Yvonne Kaye Waters 17 from Bayswater, Western Australia disappeared after a day out on Sunday April 7th 1974.

They left Maylands via train travelling to Perth City where they caught a bus heading to the coastal suburb of Scarborough. There was supposedly sighting of the girls in Leederville, close to the Perth CBD, at the Leederville Hotel.

Apparently on their way there they hitchhiked, which the family says was "out of character" for the girls, but not unusual for that time. Arriving at the White Sands Tavern on West coast Highway Raelene and Yvonne spent some time socialising and listening to music.

Witnesses say that the girls were seen hanging out with three men for awhile inside the tavern. The men were described as in their mid 20's and scruffy looking. Beards, long hair and tattoos were mentioned by witnesses. Some saying they looked and dressed like labourers. After awhile Raelene and Yvonne left the White Sands with the three men. At around 645pm a White Sands doorman saw the girls walking with the men across the parking lot towards a white Holden Panel Van that apparently had Queensland licence plates, starting with PXJ.


This is the last known sighting of the girls.

As far as can be found out, there are no witnesses that actually saw Raelene and Yvonne get in to the car with the three men or leave with them. Although, a witness did overhear that the girls were going to show the three men the "sights" or "lights" of Perth. Raelene's mother Jean Eaton believes this was indicating they were heading to Kings Park. A large elevated parkland that over looks Perth city and is a half hour drive from Scarborough.

Jean Eaton grew concerned when Raelene didn't return home that night, knowing straight away something awful may have happened. Jean went to Bayswater police station the following morning and reported her daughter missing. The police dismissed her claims, saying she has probably "with a man" and will be home in a couple of days. It took the police some time before taking the report seriously. Meanwhile the family of the missing girls searched on their own, including looking interstate.

There has been no sightings of Raelene and Yvonne. Their bank accounts have not been touched, with both girls having either steady jobs with future plans and current boyfriends. The Western Australia Police Service unfortunately have little to no information to go on. Over the years there has been no breaks in the case.

Tragically Raelene's brother Graham died in a motorcycle accident ten days later.

(Note: This is my first thread post on Websleuths. Mods if there is an issue please let me know. Also over the coming days and weeks I'll be making some updates to this post.)

I have just found this article about a panel van that was missing for 40 years was found in Lake Illawarra in NSW. Here is the link Survivor Car Australia

This van is very similar to the van they were last seen near. It looks like it may have been white but has had a cheap respray to make it blue? Well worth following up since the years line up.
Cold Cases
Case date: Sunday 7 April 1974 Location: SCARBOROUGH


16 years of age at time of disappearance.
• Olive skinned.
• 150cm tall.
• Medium build.
• Long black hair.
• Hazel eyes.
• Raelene has a mole on the left side of her neck, and has a gold cap on a bottom front tooth.
• Last seen wearing a pink top, black skirt, brown platform shoes and carrying a brown shoulder bag.

17 years of age at time of disappearance.
• Light skinned.
• 158cm tall.
• Slim build.
• Ginger hair.
• Brown eyes.
• Last seen wearing long sleeved green top, long blue trousers, brown platform shoes and carrying a tan shoulder bag.


  • Raelene and Yvonne were cousins and very good friends.
  • Attended the Oxford Hotel in Leederville on Sunday 7 April 1974.
  • Police believe they caught a bus to The White Sands Tavern in Scarborough.
  • Socialised with five men aged in their early twenties, two men left before closing time.
  • At closing time the remaining three men left the Tavern in company with Raelene and Yvonne.
  • Raelene and Yvonne were seen talking with the three men outside the front doors and when a witness looked back, the group were gone.

Raelene May Eaton was born in Perth in June 1957. She had an older brother and lived at home with her Mother and Father in Bayswater. Raelene was working at a nearby plumbing business whilst going to night school studying dress making and short hand typing. She enjoyed playing netball and hockey.

Yvonne Kay Waters was born in Perth in February 1957. She had one sibling and lived at home with her parents in Maylands. Yvonne was working for a concrete moulding business in Ashfield.

Raelene and Yvonne were cousins but also very good friends, often socialising with each other. Raelene’s father was the brother of Yvonne’s Mother.


On Sunday 7 April 1974, Raelene and Yvonne were going to go with a friend to the Oxford Hotel in Leederville for a band that was playing. Before Raelene left, her Mother was going to a family engagement and as she left, said her daughter ‘Have a good time’. These were the last words from a Mother to her daughter.

Police believe Raelene’s Father drove her to Yvonne’s place in Maylands and they both caught a train from Maylands into Perth. It is likely that they then caught a bus to Leederville. The girls arrived and remained in the Sandgroper Bar of the Oxford Hotel for a short period of time before the two of them decided to go to the White Sands Tavern in Scarborough together.

Police believe they caught a bus to Scarborough as a witness saw them walking towards the Tavern from the direction of the bus stop.

Raelene and Yvonne arrived at the White Sands Tavern around 4.30pm and were seen socialising with five men at a table inside. The band playing at the time were ‘Fatty Lumpkin’. Two of the five men left the table leaving the girls in the company of three men. The men were described as older than the girls, aged in their early twenties and scruffy in appearance.

At closing time, around 6.45pm, the girls walked out of the Tavern with the three men they were socialising with. They all stood outside in the car park talking and when a witness looked back, the group were gone. This is the last known sighting of Raelene and Yvonne.

Around a week after the girls went missing, Yvonne’s boyfriend was driving a car with Raelene’s brother in the passenger seat. A tyre burst, with the car hitting a curb and rolling. As a result of the crash, Raelene’s brother received serious injuries and passed away around two weeks later, on Monday 29 April 1974.

The person or persons responsible for the disappearance of Raelene and Yvonne have not yet been identified.

If you have any information in relation to the disappearance of Raelene May Eaton or Yvonne Kay Waters, or their movements around Sunday 7 April 1974, please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or make a report online below. All reports to Crime Stoppers can be made anonymously if you wish and rewards are available.
Well I think it's pretty obvious what happened to the girls. :(

Two of the five men left the table leaving the girls in the company of three men. The men were described as older than the girls, aged in their early twenties and scruffy in appearance.

Has none of the witnesses ever been sat down with a sketch artist? I'm surprised nobody has ever provided a better and more detailed description of the men.
Interesting read that was. Few things taken away from that.
Closing time was 645-7pm at White Sands on a Sunday evening? I always thought they had just decided to leave then..not it was closing.
"Police believe Raelene’s Father drove her to Yvonne’s place.." Why is it stated that POL "believe" and not know as a fact that the father dropped her off?
Witness seeing girls walking towards White Sands from bus stop, they travelled by public transportation and not hitchhiked as previously thought.
"Two of the five men left" 5 men - 2 = 3 men. 3 men possibly responsible, so who were the other 2?
Yvonnes boyfriend? First hearing that.
Brother of Raelene, Graham, dies in car roll over being driven by Yvonne's boyfriend. Always read Graham died in a motorcycle crash.
I have just found this article about a panel van that was missing for 40 years was found in Lake Illawarra in NSW. Here is the link Survivor Car Australia

This van is very similar to the van they were last seen near. It looks like it may have been white but has had a cheap respray to make it blue? Well worth following up since the years line up.

Interesting. I have tried searching a lot of online vintage car lots and even wreckers to see if something would show up. Especially thru Queensland and The Wheatbelt, WA.
Interesting read that was. Few things taken away from that.
Closing time was 645-7pm at White Sands on a Sunday evening? I always thought they had just decided to leave then..not it was closing.
"Police believe Raelene’s Father drove her to Yvonne’s place.." Why is it stated that POL "believe" and not know as a fact that the father dropped her off?
Witness seeing girls walking towards White Sands from bus stop, they travelled by public transportation and not hitchhiked as previously thought.
"Two of the five men left" 5 men - 2 = 3 men. 3 men possibly responsible, so who were the other 2?
Yvonnes boyfriend? First hearing that.
Brother of Raelene, Graham, dies in car roll over being driven by Yvonne's boyfriend. Always read Graham died in a motorcycle crash.
From what I heard in WA years ago, Sunday trading used to be up until just before the last bus left the area. This would allow people options of public transport home.

I can't find any documentation about this and I don't know whether it applied at the time but maybe that was the reason for the early closing.

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