Australia - 7 dead in mass shooting and suicide - Osmington WA - 11 May 2018

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I can't help thinking about the motive for someone to do this mass family killing. What could the grandfather's motive have been? Who would have had the motivation?
I cannot believe the father, Aaron Cockman, has not been arrested. I don't think the grandfather had a motive. Aaron was the angry one. He had to pin it on someone. Until finding this site, I could not believe I was the only one who thinks he is guilty.
I cannot believe the father, Aaron Cockman, has not been arrested. I don't think the grandfather had a motive. Aaron was the angry one. He had to pin it on someone. Until finding this site, I could not believe I was the only one who thinks he is guilty.
Except all the evidence points to the controlling, chip on his shoulder father and grandfather.
I cannot believe the father, Aaron Cockman, has not been arrested. I don't think the grandfather had a motive. Aaron was the angry one. He had to pin it on someone. Until finding this site, I could not believe I was the only one who thinks he is guilty.

Yeah, it just does not sit right with me that there was little to no investigation and still next to no detail released.

The abusive ex with a restraining order goes from sitting on the boundary of the property for weeks to the point that Katrina posted about stalking and harassment…

… to suddenly not being there the night of the mass shooting, saying some wildly bizarre things in the days after, somehow having very strong insight into all the detail of the crime in spite of his lack of recent contact, making the entire thing about the Family Court depriving him of custody at the time and for years since, and just generally being the poor angelic victim of the whole thing.

None of it sits right with me and it’ll haunt me until they release some sort of definitive report that 100% confirms it was murder-suicide.

The fact that he and his family are so willing to continue to shamelessly character assassinate Katrina all these years later should be a red flag all on its own.

I keep hoping they’re doing a long-running sting on Aaron to catch him out but it really looks like they just boxed this up as an open and shut murder-suicide with zero investigation.

His own family say he couldn’t be found in the hours after the crime was discovered, how in the hell does that keep going unchecked?

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