Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #10

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You are making sense but even though I do think media can be appalling at times, in this case I think they are quite disciplined and abiding by industry ethics and unwritten rules i suppose you might say.

Think about it - the media have known about this affair from the very first week and if they were just going to be sensationalist and try to sell papers they wouldnt have left it until now to write this story. They could have written it any time.

My belief, and through some knowledge of the media that I've had through work, is that it has been written now because the information has been released to the media now by QPS, or the paper has only got the QPS to agree to it being released now.

With all the gossip going around, a lot of it true, there is SO MUCH the media could have been wiriting about every day, with direct quotes from unnamed friends etc if they were going to be sensationalist, but we've seen none of that, which is why we have to scour online very day with very little new stories coming out.

Yes, you're right. The media is sitting on a lot of information but for a variety of reasons cannot print everything they have. As soon as she was reported missing there would have been a lot of people who contacted The Courier-Mail, and other media, with information. There are also many instances where a member of the public will contact a journalist with their suspicions before going to the police. The journalist then follows this information up by discussing it with police and asking the main people allegedly involved for their comments to offer a right of reply. It can be a very frustrating process because they have to be mindful of legal issues and not hindering the police investigation. Most journos would not proceed to just publish any info they have unless they can be assured by corroborating sources that it is correct. All stories would be triple-checked by the editor and the legal team first, and this can cause delays with the release of information. In many cases the journos and police will discuss what they know quite freely with each other, and then respect that each party has differing agendas about what information can be released, and when. The relationship between both is usually not the antagonistic one that Hollywood movies would have you believe.
While the search for his wife continued yesterday, Mr Baden-Clay sought solace with his family, including the couple's three daughters, at his parent's home in Kenmore after being released from hospital following a car crash on Sunday.

The 41-year-old real estate principal suffered minor injuries after crashing into the bus terminal at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre.

It is understood he was on his way to Indooroopilly police station when the accident occurred, and he has since hired a lawyer.

Read more:

Is this the very first reference to a lawyer?
Guilty my spelling and typos TERRIBLE

Think they are talking about someone else. The way they typed it seemed to me they were trying to sound like somebody different from themselves.
Just an impression.
There were 12 listings last week; down to 4?? A poster had a friend with a property up for sale with Century 21 Westside - they were contacted and told they could no longer look after the sale. Heresay, but it does appear to look like they are winding things up?

Yesterday I tried to search TM but under the "Meet the Team" it was blank.....
Quick question: If you THOUGHT you had info or you had info that you just had a funny feeling or gut feeling about would you contact police or would you gather more facts first??

I would always go with 'facts' first - as 'feelings & gut" are known to be wrong. They both change with our moods.... whereas Facts always remain the same.
It really sounds like GBC and TM were carrying on together out in the open and they didn't really care who knew. Poor Allison it must have been so utterly humilating for her knowing that everyone knew about it.
I would always go with 'facts' first - as 'feelings & gut" are known to be wrong. They both change with our moods.... whereas Facts always remain the same.

But what if the gut instincts pertained to what you knew that could "possibly" be related to the case??
So ...
ABC 43yo
NBC 41yo
TM 41yo lives St Lucia drives black BMW separated. Sold 3 personal properties in C21 catchment. Had affair GBC since she was 39yo. Born North QLD educated NSW.
Looking back at old reports, I wonder if he's now saying these same words about his personal life...

"In business, it's simple: never lie," he told The Courier-Mail in 2008.

"For starters, it's the wrong thing to do but secondly you will always get caught out and usually when you least expect it.

"There are just too many people, too many personalities, too many trails ... and too much to lose."
I'm no expert but the only media footage of GBC speaks volumes. The shaking of his head (the NO shaking) when he has helped the police as much as he can and his sister's nervous lip biting (a friend of mine does this when she is nervous). I can't see a snarl of the upper lip but maybe it's too quick for my eyes or I need to find my glasses :)

When he first walks up to the reporter his demeanor is very bizarre. It's like he goes from a happy kinda gotta put it on for the cameras (five minutes of fame) and looks showy like in his realestate vids to Oh I'm so sad. And it happens in a split second. He is standing tall in my opinion and not slouched as someone might be when they are down. The sister standing straight toward the cameras is like a front. She is close to him but not facing him which is what I would suspect someone who is comforting another would do. The sister's eyes darting all over the place? Does anyone have an answer for this ??

Have to get ready to go to the show now :D

the whole video is FULL of dodgy behaviour, from the both of them IMO, she is waiting with baited breath for him to play his role to perfection it looks like at times. just quietly he is pretty ***** at it IMO, also, she could be perceived to be standing over him to a degree, kind of monitoring him and his actions (his pathetic actions) If that were my husband, I kill him myself for being such a *advertiser censored* when it comes to my whereabouts!!!!
So ...
ABC 43yo
NBC 41yo
TM 41yo lives St Lucia drives black BMW separated. Sold 3 personal properties in C21 catchment. Had affair GBC since she was 39yo. Born North QLD educated NSW.

Didn't say born NQ, just something like family roots NQ.
But what if the gut instincts pertained to what you knew that could "possibly" be related to the case??

If you think you have info, go with your gut instincts. Pass it on to the appropriate people and they can decide if it is relevant JMO
I don't believe TM was involved in the murder or cover up unless a huge confrontation took place at her house. I can easily see Alison driving past and seeing GBC's car there,and having a huge fight when he arrived home, but unless she thought the children were also there, I can't see her going to the house. I wonder if GBc was meant to take the kids to sleepover.

Maybe someone can confirm when the affair began, I'd have thought it had just about run its course and GBc would have shown his true colours.
I can see an affair being exciting when it's your boss and he appears wealthy, but once you've been sacked, he no longer has any money and doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving his marriage, his star would wane surely.

At least TM is talking to the police, there must be so much she can tell, as I suspect no one from GBc's family are. I don't have a problem with her getting a lawyer, I'm sure she'd be doing everything she could to stop the media revealing all her sordid details, yet I have a huge problem with GBC lawyering up.

Please don't think I condone anything she has done, I'm sure her and GBC totally deserve each other, but I just see a huge gap between having an affair and murdering the wronged spouse. You really don't hear of this scenario much despite the 100,000's of affairs going on

I did find it odd the GBC told his staff Allison had found out about his affair, they must be a tight group.Lol I guess that is good old GBC showing his "upfront honesty"
All IMO only

I agree Kiwi50, its one thing to have an affair with a married man, its quite another to murder someone.
Did the phone go dead before he crashed at Indro? Could it have been taped to the car bumper?
That sucks...
I would love to take to him with a cattle prod... very wrong, I know; barbaric - but look what happened to Allison : (

Just shows how very human we all are - maybe you are not so different than he is if you could do that to another human being. Two wrongs don't make a right - I am sure if he is guilty the justice system will deal with him.
Going off your recent posts it seems you once wore the 'blue uniform' or perhaps still do (haven't been able to work that out).
This forum is about throwing ideas out there, sharing information, general discussion, asking Qn's etc and for the large part we can all do that without fear of sarcasim or ridicule.
Would Appreciate your 'cute' remark if it were sincere but clearly it wasn't, it was belittling.
This partiicular post was in fact about requesting some feedback from Hawkins or Dark Shadow on this matter and not a direct statement or remark on what 'I think' as you have pointed out. Hawkins has since elequently replied on the matter including detailing how the DPP will decide if their is enough evidence to proceed and not the QPS in this case. The QPS will determine timing of the arrest and he in fact pointed out that whilst no, the Children would not typically play a part in the timing he did also point out that under special circumstances they by all means have the powers to do so and it could be relevant in other cases no doubt. Just probably not this one.
This in fact was the main point of the post, i.e for Hawkins to enlighten those interested in this particular issue that was raised. He since has.
Thanks Hawkins
I responded too :blushing:. It was fairly late last night though, and Hawkins had already replied (unbeknownst to me at the time i replied) and did a great job of it :) - just didn't want you to think i ignored you :seeya:
Yesterday I tried to search TM but under the "Meet the Team" it was blank.....

"Meet the Team" on the current website was taken down some weeks ago. I think the business was broke and being sold anyway. The value in a real estate office is the rent collection agency not property sales so the sales team is now irrelevant.

TM is in an older archived version of Meet the Team at July 18 2008

A lot of comment has been made in this forum that ABC doesn't rate highly being at the bottom of that page. Contra to that is that she wasn't in sales and was probably the author of the page and didn't write herself 'up'.
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