Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #9

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In one of the previous threads, but way, way back.....Im sorry, i havent a clue, but I definitely read it in here. I wouldnt even know which one to direct you too. There were 2 atleast that spoke about him flirting.

Yes, someone mentioned it, but it is not an official statement, i.e. it's rumours.
Laughing......No, no, we have to take any little bit of information he has for us....Hawkins is definitely "the man".

Maybe if I flashed this, it may help.
Nahhhhh....Just teasing.

Now that is just wrong on so many levels
At the risk of stirring up a hornet's nest again on the mobile phone...I think the information is very much wanted by QPS. I do wonder why the phone was still pinging after the event. It tells me that it was thrown away, or dropped, or PLACED somewhere to set up a scene....because if you didn't want anyone to find it, wouldn't you drown it in the river!
Anyway, these days, iphones or smart phones in particular carry FAR more information than regular phones. I was astounded when i looked into it (scary)
interesting reading from the 9th Australian Digital Forensics Conference last year:
and more here:
Mobile forensics turns up heat on suspects Textually has picked up on these kind of stories before, I find them so interesting, how forensic science is developping new tools to investigate cell phone data - even when deleted - and solve crimes. There's an interesting piece in The Register today. "The latest version of the top computer forensics package will be the first to include a mobile phone component. The move signals how vital mobile data has become to many prosecutions. ... A police source told us: "It's [a suspect's mobile phone] one of the first things we look for in serious crimes these days."
I'm a newbie - I have read most of the posts over the last few days - it is very intriguing - IMO I feel that although GBC comes across at times 'guilty' in his ways - that does not necessary mean he is.

... they argue and he loses it and kills her. He either went out and dumped the body


I feel GBC is inbetween a rock and a hard place in that he knows what probably happened and feels at fault as he had called his parents that night.


I'm confused though - how is this in any way innocent?
543, I wasn't being rude to you and I apologise if it seemed that way. I simply was not understanding your reference to the phone. As far as I know the Police have the phone, although they haven't released this info to the media. :moo:

Makara, how do you know this. All media reports are saying the phone is still missing.
Yes, someone mentioned it, but it is not an official statement, i.e. it's rumours.

Like 99% of the talk on here. TBH though, the women that came in, stipulated that he had flirted with THEM.....It wasnt their friend of a friend that came in and said it. They said it about themselves.

Is it a rumour, if one is talking about themselves?
is there a '543' Brookfield Road?

wild theory....

I wonder if the iphone is planted in that vicinity to make it 'appear' as though it was a hit & run.

well within the 150m triangulation?
Like 99% of the talk on here. TBH though, the women that came in, stipulated that he had flirted with THEM.....It wasnt their friend of a friend that came in and said it. They said it about themselves.

Is it a rumour, if one is talking about themselves?

I think unless the police confirms it, we have to assume all is rumour. If a member here said it directly, I tend to believe them, but we can't be sure that it is true IMO.
There are several things that just don't fit.

The Kenmore roundabout in particular. There is no reason that i can see, [...]

yes I've wondered that. were they expecting someone else to come in from Ind way?

I also can't get my head around the most recent report from a witness re; small blue 4wd and white 4wd tailing it. It sounds as if they were heading TOWARD Kholo Ck, as the white 4wd has not been definitely identified as ABC's car with the Century 21 logo clearly on the back, that the witness would have clearly seen if they were behind the vehicles travelling toward Kenmore/the markets at Rocklea. At 4am, wouldn't that be pushing the envelope a bit to be disposing of a body? It would take considerable time to do so, and as lots of tradies live out here and head off to work very early, u would again run the risk of being seen post disposal. also why the parking lights? To have those on, there must be power to the vehicle, so no flat battery and keys must have been available to be able to unlock the steering wheel. But why just parking lights if the vehicle in front had headlights blazing regardless? More than a bit odd i think.

Oh good point about parking lights eliminating the flat battery idea - thanks. I'll have to adjust my latest theory.

I figured the back car would have their lights down so as to not be blinding the driver of first car while being towed.

So what reasons can we find for car being towed? Or any other reason for cars travelling in that formation?
543:banghead:Ok.....I realize that it's a hard thing to explain to some people. The phone probably has nothing on it!!! It's where it is that is important and why it was left on!!!!!! It's not my fault if you do not understand what I'm saying....I could be nearly as rude as you are....but hey bud....there are rules!!


After reading your posts, I admire your tenacity regarding the location/finding out info re the phone.

I too am not sure what your theory is. Could you for the sake of all of us, please explain why this is a burning issue for you - and I ask this respectfully as I am interested in what you have to say. When I am like a dog with a bone, I will keep on about something until the penny starts to drop with the people I am trying to get my message across to......

:blushing: I would like to understand your theory/thoughts as it may initiate some other thoughts here.

is there a '543' Brookfield Road?

wild theory....

I wonder if the iphone is planted in that vicinity to make it 'appear' as though it was a hit & run.

well within the 150m triangulation?

There seems to be a 541 not far from the scene, but not a 543.
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