GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #3

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^ I dont think it was reported...I think the 'cuts on the forearms' originally came from the woman whos son drove him to the police station the day he was arrested.
I agree with that but what I don't understand is they could have made it so much easier such as, you give DNA whip of your top yadda yadda, they wouldn't have even had to single him out as they could have made them all do it? I by no means think he is innocent, nor guilty. I honestly have no idea. Time will tell us I guess

In an unrelated case, I was recently interviewed by the CIB in relation to an alleged deliberately lit fire. They had found DNA at the scene and they had concluded the offender received substantial burns to their hands, arms and head area. They asked me within the first 5 mins if I would show them my arms.(which I happily did)

Surely seeing cuts on the accused arms would have been enough to at least hold him for further questioning.

I'd assume (doing that alot here lol) when people volunteered their DNA the police wouldv'e asked to see their arms too??
2. Lack of information from the police, which lead to a lot of early speculation. Why, given what we now know of the murder scene, did the police wait 24 hours before annoucing it was a murder investigation? At first I thought they might be considering murder-suicide, but that is not possible with multiple stabbings and no weapon at the scene. It must have been obvious almost immediately that it was a triple murder, and the police even felt the need to justify their delay ( They said this "It would be irresponsible of me to release to the public that there had been a triple murder in the house if it was later established that was not the case." But I cannot imagine how they thought it might NOT have been murder.

Initially i thought the same as you, how could they not tell if it was a murder or murder-suicide and then i thought about it some more.

I explained this one yesterday, but one of the reasons they probably couldnt determine if it was a murder or suicide so early on is that there may have been so much blood that the weapon could have been hidden/covered in blood and not noticed yet. It could have been hidden under a body which may have slumped down on it/rolled over it and it was hidden. Another scenario is that if it was a suicide the person who stabbed themself could have done it a couple times and then chucked the weapon somewhere out of sight or even hidden it in the house and then stumbled to another room, collapsed and bled to death. They even could have tried to make it look like a murder when in fact it was a murder suicicde. In this case Im guessing that they simply had not began or had fully finished searching the scene for a weapon and this may have taken some time as they had to wait for photographs of the scene to be taken before they could move bodies, shift things around and look, then know 100% that there was no weapon left at the scene and only then could they rule out suicide.
Just as I was reading some of these posts I was reminded of how young we are programmed to cover our tracks when we know we have done wrong.I will share a funny moment from when my young lad was about 3 or 4.

He wanted a glass of soft drink (soda for you Yankees...) and had poured it in a glass.So I said ok go sit down on the step out on the patio and be careful, don't drop it spill it etc. Next minute I hear, crash, glass breaking and footsteps running down the side driveway into the backyard. My young fella yelling out along the way, Dad if you need me I'm down the back doing some gardening...Hilarious...but they learn young!
Perhaps they did see the cuts earlier, but wanted to keep him out and about for surveillance reasons as mentioned up thread and wait until the DNA came back?
In an unrelated case, I was recently interviewed by the CIB in relation to an alleged deliberately lit fire. They had found DNA at the scene and they had concluded the offender received substantial burns to their hands, arms and head area. They asked me within the first 5 mins if I would show them my arms.(which I happily did)

Surely seeing cuts on the accused arms would have been enough to at least hold him for further questioning.

That's what I am talking about!! They surely did that as soon as they had him in the line of fire, so if he had slashes on his arms then why not arrest him then? The talk around town and I emphasize talk is that it was semen DNA that they matched not blood. So if that is true and surely they checked his arms back when then that just does not add up
I reckon the "cuts on his arms" is a furphy (fabrication for USA readers).

As I posted previously, if there were cuts, how did they occur?

Did one of the victims get the knife off him, attack him a few times, only to have the accused wrestle the knife back again?

Or, if he cut himself during the attack, how did he cut BOTH arms?

Cuts to one I can believe, if he held the knife in his right hand and accidentally hit his left arm in the attack.

But cuts to BOTH forearms?????

Nup, can't come up with a reasonable scenario for how that would have happened.
Speaking of Rumors, we know that the victim had a new boyfriend - her facebook status showed this, but I don't think it has not been officially stated that she was having a physical relationship with the accused. Or has it? Is there a link?

I can only recall 2 ppl saying this, the lady whose sil was his friend (and he was only going by what the accused said) and nobody11 has also stated this.

To me it seems more likely that he wished he was in a relationship with the victim and may have fantasied about it. He may have told his friends and family he was - when in fact it was just a friendship. I wonder if there are any witnesses to the relationship and I guess that is why the police look through computers and phone messages as these may prove this one way or the other.
^ one of the victims also grabbed a knife at one stage during the confrontation they both had knives.
I reckon the "cuts on his arms" is a furphy (fabrication for USA readers).

As I posted previously, if there were cuts, how did they occur?

Did one of the victims get the knife off him, attack him a few times, only to have the accused wrestle the knife back again?

Or, if he cut himself during the attack, how did he cut BOTH arms?

Cuts to one I can believe, if he held the knife in his right hand and accidentally hit his left arm in the attack.

But cuts to BOTH forearms?????

Nup, can't come up with a reasonable scenario for how that would have happened.

It's alleged he was injured somehow as the DNA was sourced from blood.

Perhaps he was ambidextrous and had a knife in each hand...(Tongue in cheek)
It was the police who began the rumour about the murderer being injured,
They were asking doctors etc who had treated a wound to advise them.

There is nothing in the official reports to say that the accused had any injuries.
Also, there is nothing to say he wore a jumper all week to cover his arms - that came from the same source yesterday who posted about the cuts, but has not been back (as far as I have seen).

It was a very warm week last week. You can see from the dress of all the people in the news reports. Most in t-shirts and shorts.

Anyone wearing long sleeves would have been noted by the police.
I reckon the "cuts on his arms" is a furphy (fabrication for USA readers).

As I posted previously, if there were cuts, how did they occur?

Did one of the victims get the knife off him, attack him a few times, only to have the accused wrestle the knife back again?

Or, if he cut himself during the attack, how did he cut BOTH arms?

Cuts to one I can believe, if he held the knife in his right hand and accidentally hit his left arm in the attack.

But cuts to BOTH forearms?????

Nup, can't come up with a reasonable scenario for how that would have happened.

The lady who posted seemed pretty genuine. She said he wore long sleeves all week and the work guys ribbed him about it. i don't recall if she said they saw the cuts.

If I was attacked I would grab whatever was around and lash out. He could have been hit with a lamp, photo frame bottle - you would grab whatever was around and lash out at his hands and arms to stop the knife attacks.
Well he was under their radar wasn't he, perhaps that is some suspicious behavior from him that did stand out in their minds.
The lady who posted seemed pretty genuine. She said he wore long sleeves all week and the work guys ribbed him about it. i don't recall if she said they saw the cuts.

If I was attacked I would grab whatever was around and lash out. He could have been hit with a lamp, photo frame bottle - you would grab whatever was around and lash out at his hands and arms to stop the knife attacks.

Same, I would be looking around for my own weapon too....I wonder if the father fought the hardest and made it to the kitchen and armed himself, but lost due to the injuries he had already sustained before he got there.
In an unrelated case, I was recently interviewed by the CIB in relation to an alleged deliberately lit fire. They had found DNA at the scene and they had concluded the offender received substantial burns to their hands, arms and head area. They asked me within the first 5 mins if I would show them my arms.(which I happily did)

Surely seeing cuts on the accused arms would have been enough to at least hold him for further questioning.

I'd assume (doing that alot here lol) when people volunteered their DNA the police wouldv'e asked to see their arms too??

Well they may have seen them (cuts) but not decided to jump on him too soon and make a hasty arrest or take him in for serious questioning just on the fact he had some cuts, but just note him down as a person of interest and wait until they had gathered enough extra evidence like DNA besides just cuts on the arms. In their mind they may have thought they had the guy a lot eariler but just wanted to make sure they could get a stonger case against him. As many of said, they dont just arrest/charge someone for a crime like this unless they are 110% sure they are right.
Hey guys im new to the forums really interested in this case and i found this is a great way of finding out information
What about the possibility that the accused was at the party the previous night and got a blood nose or something?

He mops up with a tissue, toilet paper, paper towel, and throws it in the bin.

His blood, with his DNA is at the murder scene.

Just saying that it could happen.
It was the police who began the rumour about the murderer being injured,
They were asking doctors etc who had treated a wound to advise them.

There is nothing in the official reports to say that the accused had any injuries.
Also, there is nothing to say he wore a jumper all week to cover his arms - that came from the same source yesterday who posted about the cuts, but has not been back (as far as I have seen).

It was a very warm week last week. You can see from the dress of all the people in the news reports. Most in t-shirts and shorts.

Anyone wearing long sleeves would have been noted by the police.

There was a photo of the accused posted on here of him at the makeshift shrine. He was wearing a long sleeve jumper/jacket and shorts (Britches for Mrs G ) lol
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