GUILTY Australia - Andrew, 45, Rose, 44, & Chantelle Rowe, 16, slain, Kapunda, 8 Nov 2010 #3

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^ sorry but every time I hear he has an alibi it makes me laugh knowing the police have DNA...

'Really, oh an alibi, ooh we're so sorry.....righto better clear this mess up then so you can go back to TAFE hadn't we!'

I have to agree with Mrs G Norris & Aussiecriminals (great site by the way Aussiecrimianls), IMO I think they have the right guy & solid evidence to charge him with and it is only a case of how & why.
LOL! Love the avi...and the comment....yep it's in the bag isn't it! Welcome to WS :)
It has happened many times in the past, seemigly nice gentle mannered people have killed a friend, a best friend, a family member, relative, or workmate. People/friends/family of victims just dont think it could happen to them and think its like the movies and the murderer has to be some random, evil, mean person not known to or close to the victim. There is nothing strange to me about the fact that the accussed was well known to the family and very good friends with CR and still could have done it. I have no doubt in my mind that many of the grieving friends would have never even considered 'the accused' could have been the murderer or that the murderer could have been grieving with them at the shrine etc

So true Cyclone, I have to admit I read a lot of true crime books, articles & so on and a lot of time I think how on earth did that person manage to do the things they did - so many seem mild and not physically capable and yet they carry out some of the most atrocious crimes.
Great to have a local here. So he had a good social group of friends and most knew he was in a relationship with the victim. Do you know if the victims boyfriend knew they were still in a relationship? Also any info on the accused family life? Mother and step father? Was it a normal happy home?

Sorry was having dinner lol.

First of some insight to Kapunda so this will make sense.

Majority of the residence there are low income earners who moved there due to VERY cheap houses and land. They came from very rough areas of Adelaide such as Elizabeth and Smithfield etc.

So in a whole for Kapunda they were a normal family. Maybe not what most would call "normal" but for that town they were normal. In fact considering some of the other kids there my opinion is he was a good lad. He didn't get into the kinds of trouble that other kids did in his generation
Brilliant...thank you, we were hoping it was blood!

LOL if you listen properly to that video they say.....
The blood droplets out the fron't does not match any of CR's friends whom supplied their DNA
So that means the blood didn't match the defendant because he had gave his DNA to them voluntarily
I guarantee Police etc. are here. You clearly have no idea.

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I'd say some of those guests might be LE.
There were twice this number of people online in the last thread though.
LOL if you listen properly to that video they say.....
The blood droplets out the fron't does not match any of CR's friends whom supplied their DNA
So that means the blood didn't match the defendant because he had gave his DNA to them voluntarily

It depends on if the accused had given his DNA yet. At that time they may not have tested ALL of CR's friends. They could have ment it does not match any of CR's friends who they had tested so far.
It depends on if the accused had given his DNA yet. At that time they may not have tested ALL of CR's friends. They could have ment it does not match any of CR's friends who they had tested so far.

But it certainly does not say it is from the defendant as suggested in here
It depends on if the accused had given his DNA yet. At that time they may not have tested ALL of CR's friends. They could have ment it does not match any of CR's friends who they had tested so far.

Has there been a msm confirmation that the accused had a dna match. Have read so much rumour and cant remember what is true my heads spinning.... we need a what we do know post.:confused:
Adelaide Now 16/11/2010 Police have checked males associated with three members of the Rowe family who were stabbed to death in their home early last week. - But police say a DNA sample taken from the crime scene is from an unknown male –
Then later the same day they arrest (he who shall remain nameless but is in custody) so they must have matched it or found other just as solid evidence against him or they would not have arrested him. the police will be have crossed their T's and dotted their I's they would not have charged him if they did not have a solid case.
LOL if you listen properly to that video they say.....
The blood droplets out the fron't does not match any of CR's friends whom supplied their DNA
So that means the blood didn't match the defendant because he had gave his DNA to them voluntarily

I'm certain I read somewhere on one of the closed threads, that the Police obtained his DNA from the makeshift shrine.
Has there been a msm confirmation that the accused had a dna match. Have read so much rumour and cant remember what is true my heads spinning.... we need a what we do know post.

Yeah it gets like that. A lot of the recent questions in thread 3 have been answered in thread 1 or 2. A lot of info is burried in those. Im not sure when they will be back online and how much info will have been removed by moderators though. Hopefully not too much is gone as so many people have spent a lot of time and thought posting stuff. I just love the fact that on here there is no abuse and name calling etc like on a lot of other forums ive been apart of. Maybe someone keen will type up a refresher summary to help out newcomers or just help the people out who have forgotten a few things from several days ago. At times it might seem like we keep going round in circles but i just like the fact that we have somewhere to dicuss this.
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