Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2

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Surely she could say whether quetiapine in sufficient amounts may remain in the body indefinitely, or whether irrespective of the amount consumed all traces would pass away within, say, five years, or one month. Or that there is no research information upon that point.
SA posted this article last night …

Post in thread 'Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2'
Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2

The toxicologist stated if an adult dose was consumed then a toxic level would have been found in Charlise’s blood samples …. The way it is worded suggests that the blood level was not toxic ….so it suggests a small dose …. IMO
Surely she could say whether quetiapine in sufficient amounts may remain in the body indefinitely, or whether irrespective of the amount consumed all traces would pass away within, say, five years, or one month. Or that there is no research information upon that point.

6-7 hours for it to reach half-life - meaning 50% of it is still in your body.
48 hours, on average, for it to clear a (living) person's system completely.

Importantly .... individuals who take the medication may be at risk of developing abusive behavior. It suppresses dopamine levels - and dopamine is the natural chemical in our bodies that makes us lovely dovey.

Because Charlise was young, thin, and youthfully active, the quetiapine should have gone through her body and been completely expelled more quickly than an older, less active, heavier person ... if she had lived.


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Maybe it is thought that Charlise may have been doped up 6 hours prior to her death because what was left in her spleen was about ½ or half-strength of the dose that JS was on.

Considering that the half-life is 6-7 hours.

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SA posted this article last night …

Post in thread 'Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2'
Australia - JS, 32 y.o. man, charged w/ murder of 9 y.o. girl , Mt Wilson, 13 January 2022 #2

The toxicologist stated if an adult dose was consumed then a toxic level would have been found in Charlise’s blood samples …. The way it is worded suggests that the blood level was not toxic ….so it suggests a small dose …. IMO
Even a very tiny dose would cause significant sedation. It is actually prescribed (not sure if it’s off label?) for sleep difficulties. I have a teen with developmental disabilities and severe sleep disturbance issues and am very familiar with this medication. The doses used for management of schizophrenia are really high (300+mg) but the dosage to induce sleep is tiny (12.5-25mg, sometimes even less). In a child who was young and didn’t have a tolerance to this medication even a very small dose would make her very sleepy (and the sleepiness can carry over to the next day). From my understanding it would be out of her system within 48hrs at most- probably 18hrs if not a big dose. My experience is that the effects of a small dose last up to 12hrs (but maybe traces are still in the system).
Further report from todays attendance at Stein’s trial….

Rebecca Williams was an expert witness today. Ms Williams is a DNA forensic expert. Her job is to analyse and report on DNA. She received 233 DNA samples from NSW Police, in addition to other samples. She needed to have reference samples to compare DNA testing to, and these were taken from Justin Stein, Kallista Mutten, Jason Tucker (the guy whose apartment was described as “putrid” by the Daily Mail in late Jan 2022 - which was in the suburb of Surry Hills… where Stein was arrested eventually) and Scott (Charlise’s biological Dad that I have chosen not to state his surname here) and also a Carl who I didn’t catch the surname of - and don’t know his relevance here.
The jurors were shown a picture that I couldn’t see, and it was stated to be “sealed bag top” which the DNA found on it was Kallista’s. Another picture that I could not see was stated to be “bag swab external rear base” which showed Stein’s DNA.
The prosecution then went on to confirm the witness’s expert report and confirmed with her the DNA from balloons, “swab from yellow mouthpiece” was Charlise Mutten. Then each coloured balloon was then confirmed to contain Charlise’s DNA. There was Charlise’s DNA found in the mouthpiece and also the knot of yellow, pink and blue balloons.

Rebecca was then questioned on her DNA report of a Winchester rifle. A trace swab was taken from the trigger of the rifle and this showed a mixture of two individuals of which Justin Stein could not be excluded from this mixture. The second DNA present was not suitable for comparison because of the low levels present. No conclusion could be made who the other contributor was. The DNA found on the lever of the rifle was the same profile as Stein. The butt, scope, safety and under surface of the rifle showed low levels of DNA which were not suitable for interpretation.

Further DNA testing was done on the end of the gun muzzle in May, 2024, and no DNA was recovered.

Rebecca confirmed the DNA on a Powerade bottle mouthpiece, which showed DNA of two individuals of which Stein and Kallista cannot be excluded from this mixture. She then confirmed the DNA of a pull tab from a can of Solo, which was shown to be the same as Stein. Then lastly she confirmed about the DNA found on the “middle smooth side of tape” which she answered was the same as Stein’s DNA.

Phew…. still more to come….
Rebecca confirmed the DNA on a Powerade bottle mouthpiece, which showed DNA of two individuals of which Stein and Kallista cannot be excluded from this mixture. She then confirmed the DNA of a pull tab from a can of Solo, which was shown to be the same as Stein. Then lastly she confirmed about the DNA found on the “middle smooth side of tape” which she answered was the same as Stein’s DNA.

Phew…. still more to come….

Do you know where each of these items were found, Marg? Like ... was the tape from inside the barrel, maybe used to hold together the wrappings around Charlise? And where did they find the Solo can and Powerade bottle?
Do you know where each of these items were found, Marg? Like ... was the tape from inside the barrel, maybe used to hold together the wrappings around Charlise? And where did they find the Solo can and Powerade bottle?
At the beginning of questioning the DNA expert, the prosecutor showed the jury what he called was “fire trail photos”…. And then the questioning of the DNA expert began. He did not say where each item was found, but I am assuming they were all at the fire trail. It was rather vague. And I was at a loss as I couldn’t see the photos they were all looking at. I wondered about the tape though, because we were told that tape was used to wrap Charlise up inside the barrel.
Further news from Stein’s trial today…..

I don’t think any media was present in court today. The few people in the gallery all looked like observers.

I missed mentioning earlier that the lady from Lawson’s auctions was questioned about what she was wearing when she met Justin Stein. She couldn’t remember exactly, but said she always wears a skirt and a business shirt and flat shoes.

Connie Aldaba was the last prosecution witness today. She is a Forensic Chemist, who had done a gunshot residue expert witness report on Stein’s footwear. She tested a pair of thongs and a pair of shoes that belonged to Stein, testing for gunshot residue.

She reported that no GSR was found. However she was informed that her testing was between 5 to 7 days after the incident.

Ms Aldaba stated that few, if any particles would be present due to wearing. Absence cannot be used to exclude somebody.

Stein’s Barrister did not question any of the witnesses today. Stein’s solicitor, Katsoolis, was sitting with his Barrister.
Further news from Stein’s trial today…..

I don’t think any media was present in court today. The few people in the gallery all looked like observers.

I missed mentioning earlier that the lady from Lawson’s auctions was questioned about what she was wearing when she met Justin Stein. She couldn’t remember exactly, but said she always wears a skirt and a business shirt and flat shoes.

Connie Aldaba was the last prosecution witness today. She is a Forensic Chemist, who had done a gunshot residue expert witness report on Stein’s footwear. She tested a pair of thongs and a pair of shoes that belonged to Stein, testing for gunshot residue.

She reported that no GSR was found. However she was informed that her testing was between 5 to 7 days after the incident.

Ms Aldaba stated that few, if any particles would be present due to wearing. Absence cannot be used to exclude somebody.

Stein’s Barrister did not question any of the witnesses today. Stein’s solicitor, Katsoolis, was sitting with his Barrister.

I think Lauren Ferri may have been there. She put up an article just an hour or so ago.

Not as detailed as your court report. Appreciate you sharing what you heard and saw.

I think Lauren Ferri may have been there. She put up an article just an hour or so ago.

Not as detailed as your court report. Appreciate you sharing what you heard and saw.

Thank you so much!! Lauren wasn’t there, but there was one man there who was taking notes who may have shared his info with her…?
Thanks for all your updates - you are very observant and explain things very well.

I wonder when the neighbour had dinner with KM and CM and JS?? Was it after the lady from Lawson's Auctions visited on 6th January??
I’m not sure when they had dinner together. Maybe MSM reported it? I will look back and see if I can find it.
I wonder when the neighbour had dinner with KM and CM and JS?? Was it after the lady from Lawson's Auctions visited on 6th January??

Before. January 3rd.

A resident of a neighbouring property, Jane Hutt, on Thursday told the court she had met Charlise on 3 January when she went for dinner with Stein, Mutten and the girl.

Do you know where each of these items were found, Marg?

He did not say where each item was found, but I am assuming they were all at the fire trail. It was rather vague

My interpretation is that these were all items found with, or in the vicinity of the two guns that were buried on the crown land behind the property.

I gather it's also what Stein was doing when disturbed by the neighbour. The neighbour said Stein was face down in a Culvert and appeared to be hiding. Stein claimed that he was 'searching for treasure'.

Justin Stein’s DNA found on rifle which was buried near property where Charlise Mutten disappeared, jury told​

This pay-walled DT article has some extra details:

Lauren Ferri is the journalist named in the article, and she is also named in the article. But, she wasn’t in the court today. Maybe one of the men in the public gallery near me in court today shared his information with her?
Lauren Ferri is the journalist named in the article, and she is also named in the article. But, she wasn’t in the court today. Maybe one of the men in the public gallery near me in court today shared his information with her?

Maybe she got a copy of the court transcript?
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