Australia Australia - Marion Barter - Missing After Trip to UK - June 1997 #19

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Not sure if this is appropriate to post this here (please advise if not) but thought it worth a mention….
After watching the rest of todays inquest, I stumbled upon a 60 minutes story about a mother of 3 that went missing in 1972. Swept off her feet by some smooth talker & just disappeared… never to be heard from by her family for 32 years!!
Then miraculously in 2004, she was located by police.
It just made me think… hope.. that just maybe, could it be possible that Marion might also be found one day? It was a very heartwarming story ❤️

With everything we've seen so far during 15 days of an inquest, it's clear he has a pattern of defrauding women, he admits to a relationship with Marion, and he admits to fraudulently using the FNM Remakel name.

So I think the Coroner has enough to say RB was definitely involved with Marion before her disappearance, and likely in a similar fraud-minded way he was involved with the others, and he was likely the reason Marion suddenly uprooted her life, sold her house and withdrew her money.

What's difficult to prove is when and how MB perished.
All the witnesses (we know of) are still alive, and he either left them stranded or disappeared, so it's going to be hard to suggest he changed his pattern for Marion.

Unless they have a few aces up their sleeve for tomorrow... can they show he's capable of taking a life?

Either way, it can be said he was likely the LAST person to see Marion alive and that's got to count for something, right?
I agree with that. It’s clear he had involvement with Marion but as far as we know there’s no evidence to suggest that he was involved in her death or suspected death. The sad part is that if there are other deceased victims, we don’t know about them and they can’t speak for themselves. Surely on the information and evidence provided Her Honour could ask that the matter be referred to the DPP for even some aspects to be prosecuted. We can only hope I suppose.

Re deaths - I suppose there’s the issue of IK, her death and the unclear circumstances surrounding that (IMO). The more you think about that the more it’s likely there are more women nobody will ever know about. IMO.
With everything we've seen so far during 15 days of an inquest, it's clear he has a pattern of defrauding women, he admits to a relationship with Marion, and he admits to fraudulently using the FNM Remakel name.

So I think the Coroner has enough to say RB was definitely involved with Marion before her disappearance, and likely in a similar fraud-minded way he was involved with the others, and he was likely the reason Marion suddenly uprooted her life, sold her house and withdrew her money.

What's difficult to prove is when and how MB perished.
All the witnesses (we know of) are still alive, and he either left them stranded or disappeared, so it's going to be hard to suggest he changed his pattern for Marion.

Unless they have a few aces up their sleeve for tomorrow... can they show he's capable of taking a life?

Either way, it can be said he was likely the LAST person to see Marion alive and that's got to count for something, right?
It may have something to do with:
1. Why he can't return to Japan / use the airline.
2. Why he quickly bought and sold a car just after returning from his trip.
3. Why he moved house from Ballina to Wollongbar for just that year.
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I can't imagine how this Inquest can only go for one more day! IMO there are more people who could/should be questioned and many questions that still have not been asked nor conclusively answered.
One thing that frustrates me is the endless going around in circles with the same questions we’ve heard many times before. I would try and change tack a bit. Delve into his personal life. Do you gamble? Do you like horse racing? Have you ever taken drugs? Have you been to a casino? Have you ever owned shares? Have you ever been to Hungary? Why do you have so many relationships outside of your marriage? Etc etc.
I agree so much with this. One question asked 5 different ways. It wasn’t easy to listen to. Especially smith I was actually saying out loud oh god stop ask something new!
That’s Christina Panter. She was an early listener of the podcast and lives in or near Tunbridge Wells. She has been doing investigating on the ground over there
She has covered a LOT of ground over there. I think she was the first person to actually find the Maria Coppenolle family lineage at the time.
I can't remember RBs original description of the man Marion took to pick up the tea chests at RBs. But earlier today he said it was a short man. And just now he said he had a big build and was possibly Indonesian. So now he's suggesting he was a Balinese Pilot.

This is new and interesting... sort of linking Marion to Bali. I don't think this link was ever implied before.
He may think he's clever linking a Balinese Pilot to the banker who said she saw Marion and Marion spoke of going to Bali. But the Bali LINK is RB himself! Might this be the thing that nails him for Marion's disappearance? All the links to Bali?
Has AKA ever been asked if Marion had stolen or found his Queensland driving licence in the name of FNR (when he says he never used that name with her and she barely shared his company), why she would then decide to bizarrely change her name to a variant of this mysterious person she didn’t know plus change her names on her passport and driving licence? And how on earth would she know FNR was from Luxembourg when completing the passenger cards?

It was touched upon again today but not in a way that made it sound utterly ludicrous.
Yes, I think the engagement clipping is very important! Particularly as it is connected to his Frederick De Hedevary name, which is his family name in Australia - the one he used for marrying Diane and having kids. He was clearly married at the time, so the they will argue that it's proof he intentionally misled a woman for financial gain. The clipping is a godsend of evidence! It's not just a he said/she said argument. Tomorrow will be interesting if his daughter is a witness. She is so brave!

Also bigamy. I appreciate he didn't marry but he proposed an act that had it been carried out would have been unlawful. He was either never going to do it - ie, deception, or he was going to do it and that would have been equally deceptive, so he's not going to come out of this equation well.
For sure! We'd have another arson! I do wonder if he was responsible for also burning the victim's son's farm?

I wondered same but she said the fire happened before she had met RB and hence why she was in an exhausted and vulnerable condition. However, this point could do with better clarification and checking IMO just to get events in the correct order.
IMHO - I think he was cooked today for further investigations for the police to prosecute him for what???? I'm not sure what the exact chargers are, or alleged prosecutions maybe, but, they are adding to the 'tendency' evidence and more cause for perjury investigations.

This man has not waivered in his 'style' of giving evidence under oath. It is based on lies, lies and more lies. He continued to throw these brave and courageous women under the bus. He kept saying that HE was the only one who is telling the truth. He used, and continues to use, misogynistic and narcissistic traits throughout his evidence. My fingers are crossed the SL gets her answers, and this man is held accountable.

I would say they're building a solid case for welfare benefits theft, fraud, deception, theft, false declarations on all manner of legally binding documents criminal investigations (probably already underway behind the scenes).

Also, they only have to get him on one very clear false declaration in court, perjury, and his word means nothing going forward as he is discredited.

Will someone remind me of the purpose of this inquest again? I'd be so grateful.
I'm asking this because I can't remember. I thought it was to officially open an investigation into Marion's disappearance; to establish evidence that supports the fact that she did not vanish of her own will and that she is dead. So for now the inquest is focusing on Marion fitting a pattern of women who were defrauded cruelly and criminally by the same man. Once they do that, do they then have to start a NEW investigation into the perpetrator of her death? I don't understand if Inquest #1 (this one) can establish anything more than Marion's being dead and that she was part of serial fraud. OR can this inquest also recommend that RB is responsible for Marion's disappearance?
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