GUILTY Australia - Masa Vukotic, 17, brutally murdered, Doncaster, Melbourne, 17 March 2015

I can't believe this scum was loose and roaming the streets. I'm on my knees with sadness for Masa's parents. I won't speak about capital punishment for now.

Masa Vukotic’s killer Sean Price ‘brazen, impulsive, extremely frightening’: 2004 report

DEPRAVED killer Sean Price had a disturbing obsessive interest in female underwear and became excited when assaulting women, a new insight has revealed.

Documents released by the County Court today reveal authorities were warned in 2004 about disturbing underlying mental issues plaguing the then 20-year-old.

Yesterday Price pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court to murdering schoolgirl Masa Vukotic then raping a woman before handing himself into police in March.
There were warning signs the man who murdered Melbourne schoolgirl Masa Vukotic was prone to violent, unpredictable and impulsive "blitzes" on women and would pose an unacceptable risk of re-offending if released into the community, court documents have revealed.

Sean Price pleaded guilty last month to fatally stabbing the 17-year-old in a park near her Doncaster home in March.

Key points:
•Sean Price pleaded guilty to stabbing Masa Vukotic
•He was prone to "blitz type" offending against women
•Judge believed he should remain under strict supervision order
•Didn't cope in the community, probably had brain damage from birth

He also pleaded guilty to a separate charge of raping another woman in an unrelated incident at a Christian bookshop two days after the teen's murder.

The court papers released from the Victorian County Court show a series of psychiatrists and psychologists agreed Price struggled to cope in the community, did not like taking medication and needed to be kept in a structured custodial setting where he could be treated effectively.
Reading this article, from the ABC, it is clear that Price was certainly treated, or at least , observed by many psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, probably observed daily while he was in prison, and in the hospital...

It didn't seem to make any difference as to his getting bail. I am at a loss to figure out exactly what would make a difference.. he was obviously severely psychiatrically damaged, incurably so, ... a congenital illness , but.. he still got bail. .. .
Masa Vukotic's killer Sean Price had sentence cut for mental health reasons

Date September 7, 2015 - 6:59PM

The man who murdered schoolgirl Masa Vukotic had a 2013 jail term reduced by more than two years on appeal when a judge found his mental health problems contributed to his offending, court documents say.

In January 2013 Sean Price was jailed for three years by a magistrate for criminal damage, after he caused more than $40,000 damage to an administrative building and cars – by throwing rocks and using a pole and wheelbarrow as battering rams – at the Corella Place sex offenders facility in Ararat, on being told he couldn't use the gym.

But he appealed against the jail term and had the term reduced to 10 months.

Sean Price has a long history of violent, sexual offending.
Masa Vukotic's killer Sean Price had sentence cut for mental health reasons

Date September 7, 2015 - 6:59PM

The man who murdered schoolgirl Masa Vukotic had a 2013 jail term reduced by more than two years on appeal when a judge found his mental health problems contributed to his offending, court documents say.

In January 2013 Sean Price was jailed for three years by a magistrate for criminal damage, after he caused more than $40,000 damage to an administrative building and cars – by throwing rocks and using a pole and wheelbarrow as battering rams – at the Corella Place sex offenders facility in Ararat, on being told he couldn't use the gym.

But he appealed against the jail term and had the term reduced to 10 months.

Sean Price has a long history of violent, sexual offending.

I've got no bloody words!
I've got no bloody words!

no.. I am gobsmacked... his term is reduced... . now.. I understand it is , as the magistrate says, reduced because of his mental illness... but looking at what is manifested by this illness, why reduce the sentence?? to who's advantage? certainly not the community. . as it turned out, it was most certainly to the community's disadvantage and tremendous sorrow...

I just don't follow the thinking.. . probably that's why I am not on the parole board..
IMO this demonstrates where our 'system' needs to evolve to a higher level: mental health disorders and character pathology do co-exist. This combination causes havoc in inpatient facilities for staff and other inpatients. This combination causes repeated challenges in the prison system among officers and other prisoners - as we learned in an earlier post. The staff of these facilities suffer distress as a result of dealing with this type of inpatient/inmate. Our authorities need to accept that such permanently disturbed people exist: people who are beyond 'rehabilitation'. Sean and Adrian are exemplified here: their pathological inner world is acted out on innocent victims in the community causing diabolical destruction to other people, their families and the community. A 're-conceptualisation' of how our 'system' manages such human destructiveness is called for. Releasing them back into the community is not the answer. Their legal 'rights' should be removed and they should be 'managed' for the rest of their lives in recognition of their human pathology, their criminal history and potential to cause diabolical harm to others. The Charter for Human Rights needs to be involved in this 're-conceptualisation' of how the system manages human pathology to prevent and protect others humans' rights and safeguard the community. My honest opinion only.
The release of Melbourne schoolgirl Masa Vukotic's killer into the community was a catastrophic failure of the justice system, Victoria's Corrections Minister Wade Noonan says.

Mr Noonan confirmed it was Victoria's Adult Parole Board that released 31-year-old Sean Price back into the community, despite a 2012 decision that he be placed on a 10-year supervised order to continue sex offender treatment in a custodial setting.

continue reading here....

It's as if the Victorian Parole board exist behind a brick wall.. nothing seems to seep thru... probably the same in NSW.. as if they are all in a high tower, way above the turmoil and abnormalities , and , let's face it, inconveniences of life scurrying about below...... ..

It makes me weep.
Masa's boyfriend, Timothy Draper, spoke exclusively to 7.30, breaking his silence since Masa's death.
Timothy was chatting to Masa via text just before she left home to go on the evening walk from which she would never return.

"She was talking about what dress to take to the formal ... and I'm like, 'you know, whatever dress you like. You're a female you've got so many dresses'," he said.

He did not receive a text back from her that night but rather was woken up at 2:00am as police came to his house and told him what had happened.

"I was in shock. I couldn't believe what happened. I couldn't stop thinking there was something I could have done to stop it," Timothy said.

"It really hit me when I checked my phone to see if she'd actually messaged me back and she didn't."
Imagine if Cowan, Gittany, Bailey and this murder's criminal history is disclosed to the jury there would be less crims walking the streets.

Juries should be told of criminals’ rap sheets, NSW’s top law officer says.
JURIES should be told if a person on trial has previous convictions, the state’s leading law officer has said.

Solicitor-General Michael Sexton SC also said in a new book that judges generally lived sheltered lives and would be unlikely themselves to be victims of crime.
The release of Melbourne schoolgirl Masa Vukotic's killer into the community was a catastrophic failure of the justice system, Victoria's Corrections Minister Wade Noonan says.

Mr Noonan confirmed it was Victoria's Adult Parole Board that released 31-year-old Sean Price back into the community, DESPITE a 2012 decision that he be placed on a 10-year supervised order to continue sex offender treatment in a custodial setting.
If this is what it takes for our parole eggheads to listen, well go for it!

Maybe they'll listen through the taxpayers pocket. (I doubt they'll care)


“He hadn’t been on the radar and because he hadn’t done anything for the last 10 years — because he was in prison — he was automatically classified as a low risk so he wasn’t even on police radar,” he said.

Parents of Sarah Cafferkey plan to sue the Victorian government

HEARTBROKEN parents of murder victim Sarah Cafferkey plan to sue the Victorian government for allowing her killer to be out on parole.

Melbourne’s Jill Meagher was murdered by Adrian Ernest Bayley who was out on parole after doing time for a number of violent rapes.

Sean Price, who murdered schoolgirl Masa Vukotic in the Melbourne suburb of Doncaster, was also on parole.

Serious sex offender review finished but findings still under wraps
November 30, 2015 by Nino Bucci, Crime Reporter for The Age.

A high-level investigation into the handling of serious sex offenders has been completed, but the findings will not be released until they are considered by the state government.
The murder of Masa Vukotic by Sean Christian Price, a serious sex offender on a supervision order, prompted the six-month investigation by an expert panel headed by former Supreme Court Judge David Harper...

The government has committed to releasing the Harper Review, subject to any legal, privacy and operational requirements, after it has been considered.
"This chick was on the other side of the road," Price is said to have told police of Ms Vukotic.

"I was looking, looking and I saw her ... and I thought this is the moment.

"I just *advertiser censored**ing had to kill her, man."

She received a total of 49 stab wounds to her neck, chest and other parts of her body.

"I made sure she was *advertiser censored**ing dead otherwise it was a waste of *advertiser censored**ing time," Price told police.

There just is no defence against this... no one can defend oneself against this.. no one can defend anyone else against this kind of madness... so random, so unreasonable, so irrational. . And they walk among us, thanks to useless parole boards, and useless employees of these organisations , and people employed to do a meticulous work of societal importance, and do bugger all.

Masa's killer targeted rich area: court
AAP December 14, 2015, 12:28 pm

The pre-sentence hearing continues on Monday... Price has pleaded guilty to the murder as well as other charges of rape, robbery and attempted theft; he was the subject of a supervision order when he went on his two-day rampage in March, the court heard.

"... The man who murdered Melbourne teenager Masa Vukotic told police he had been thinking of stabbing someone for some time and wanted to target a "rich area", the Victorian Supreme Court has heard"...

The observations of the corrections officer? Did he/she understand the significance of the symptom escalation? What action was taken/not taken about it? Training issue? Did he/she notify psychiatric services of the escalating symptoms given the established history of this man? :facepalm:
The problem is should have been behind bars. He was a vicious mentalcase BEFORE he murdered Masa. The police knew him. This is happening way too often. AND we can NEVER forgot Jull Meagher. They're being lenient for that murdering *advertiser censored* Baden-Clod. Ahhhh don't get me started.

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