Australia - Toyah Cordingley, 24, body found on beach, 22 October 2018

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Photos of Toyah morning of her death emerge
The photos show Toyah handing out samples to customers at Barr St Markets, a wholefood store and pharmacy in Cairns.
Photos of Toyah morning of her death emerge
Thanks for the link, so eerie to see those photos, so she would have returned home to collect the dog as clearly being around food and work she would not have been able to take it. Markets-->home--> beach. I wonder what her movements were at home and if someone had followed her there.
I imagine that the perp threatened to hurt the dog unless she tied it up, so being so loving and protective of animals she did, "shut that dog up" or "tie it up now or I'll..." Trying to calm the individual she probably decided to comply in the hope it would help.
Police said the 24-year-old was at Rusty's Market in Cairns between midday and 1:00pm on Sunday, before she was seen leaving in a blue Mitsubishi Lancer.

She then returned home briefly and travelled towards the Northern Beaches about 1:30pm.

Police said the car was spotted travelling through Clifton Beach just before 2:00pm and again at the southern carpark of Wangetti Beach.
Toyah Cordingley: Hundreds march in Reclaim the Night rally in Cairns - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
What a beautiful spot. It does look kind of isolated, but we live in such a busy world I can understand her going to this beach hoping to possibly allow her dog some off leash time. My brother has been here, he said at certain times of the year, heaps of people camp in the area.
7211FDDC-3396-45F8-AD84-078A9D767DCA.png Perched on a roadside spot just south of Wangetti, a series of Cairns (the rocks) have started appear. From dawn to dusk, cars are pulling over to marvel at the creations and take photos, which are starting to appear with increasing frequency on a variety of social media profiles from around the world.

No-one knows who started the trend at the site. But the cairns are proving so popular there is even talk on one social media channel of an international rock balancing competition, to be called Cairns in Cairns (of course).

The suggested grand prize? A golden rock, naturally.

Whatever happens with the proposed Cairns in Cairns international rock balancing competition, the site near Wangetti is already worth its wait in tourism promotion gold, as the photos below demonstrate.

Check out these cairns in Cairns
I’m looking outside the box & wondering if there was road rage involved.


A WANGETTI resident has called on local Government to ‘stand up and show some leadership ’ before someone is killed on the Captain Cook Highway.

Scores of tourists continue to congregate at a set of balancing stones between Port Douglas and Cairns, with erratic driving near the site regularly reported.

'Whose hands will blood be on if someone is killed?’
Detective Inspector Sonia Smith said police were keen to hear from members of a family who might have been having a picnic in the area.

"We have information there were two adults and two children and they left the beach area at about 1:20pm," she said.

"We are keen to speak to them to see what they saw."

"Is there anyone they know who has unexplained injuries, anyone who has movements that can't be accounted for last Sunday and anyone who can't have their clothing accounted for?"
Police seek family seen on beach near where Toyah Cordingley was found
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