Autopsy Report - 13 Fatal wounds ***DISCUSSION***

An interview with Okmulgee's sheriff Eddie Rice said the girls were lying face down ???
I am bumping this thread to generate further discussion about the autopsies. I re read the reports and this whole thread and learned some new things. I am hoping that going back to the beginning, we might be able to come up with new theories/ideas.

What do ya'll think?

I did not know that Skyla had abrasions on the tops of her feet. Actually, both girls had abrasions, which indicates some type of possible struggle prior to the killings. MOO

I am wondering if any locals on here know how well the girls were liked in school? did they belong to any after school sports?
Kimmer, Both girls were cheerleaders. The school principal spoke highly of the girls from my recollection. I understand it is a very small school. There are locals on here who can give more insight than myself.

Please forgive me if this has been discussed before - I've only started going through this thread again and want to get this thought down before I forget.

It seems that the general consensus is that Taylor was the target here (if you don't subscribe to the wrong place-wrong time theory). So having said that, does anyone have any ideas on why Skyla was shot more times than Taylor? I'm thinking it's one of three things:

- pure chance that more bullets hit Skyla than hit Taylor
- the shooter was closer (emotionally) to Taylor and didn't want to hurt her as much (bit of a weak theory there I'll admit)
- Skyla was the real target

I'm really interested to hear what everyone else thinks. Once again, sorry if this has been discussed!
Ok it's late at night here, but I've just finished pouring over the autopsy reports and all the comments on this thread, and just wanted to throw this idea out there. Even though I am probably wrong, at least it might spur someone on to have new ideas or thoughts!!

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that they thought Skyla may have been shot first (due to her appearing to have not reacted to the shots ala Taylor's wound to her hand). If this did in fact happen, it would make sense that not all 8 shots were fired at this time - just enough to take her down and then turn to Taylor without her having time to run. Maybe it is at this point that Skyla obtained some of the abrasions mentioned in the report? Possibly after this she gets up to run away and that is when the shooter/s turn back to her and hit her a few more times.

Maybe this scenario points something out to someone? Maybe the killer wanted Skyla to suffer by thinking she could get away? Maybe it indicates an inexperienced shooter (not inflicting a fatal would with the first few shots).

Sorry for the long post but I've just had another thought! Maybe the girls were ambushed of sorts... the car approached from behind the girls while they were walking...Skyla shot first in the back, Taylor turns around to see what is happening (which is how she ends up facing the shooter/s).

Hopefully I haven't made too much of a fool of myself! Just trying to generate some fresh new ideas, scenarios and theories here :)
Please forgive me if this has been discussed before - I've only started going through this thread again and want to get this thought down before I forget.

It seems that the general consensus is that Taylor was the target here (if you don't subscribe to the wrong place-wrong time theory). So having said that, does anyone have any ideas on why Skyla was shot more times than Taylor? I'm thinking it's one of three things:

- pure chance that more bullets hit Skyla than hit Taylor
- the shooter was closer (emotionally) to Taylor and didn't want to hurt her as much (bit of a weak theory there I'll admit)
- Skyla was the real target

I'm really interested to hear what everyone else thinks. Once again, sorry if this has been discussed!

My personal thoughts are that Skyla received more shots because the first ones didn't stop her. She was known to be very quick and agile. She may have attempted to flee at the first indication that something was amiss. With the brush and weeds so tall - she probably wasn't an easy target.

I believe she may have been shot first and the final shot was to Taylor's groin area. Difficult to speculate about shots 3 through 12 without knowing if there were one or two shooters. As always....many more questions that answers - and, this is all IMOO.

Regards to all...
Ok it's late at night here, but I've just finished pouring over the autopsy reports and all the comments on this thread, and just wanted to throw this idea out there. Even though I am probably wrong, at least it might spur someone on to have new ideas or thoughts!!

Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that they thought Skyla may have been shot first (due to her appearing to have not reacted to the shots ala Taylor's wound to her hand). If this did in fact happen, it would make sense that not all 8 shots were fired at this time - just enough to take her down and then turn to Taylor without her having time to run. Maybe it is at this point that Skyla obtained some of the abrasions mentioned in the report? Possibly after this she gets up to run away and that is when the shooter/s turn back to her and hit her a few more times.

Maybe this scenario points something out to someone? Maybe the killer wanted Skyla to suffer by thinking she could get away? Maybe it indicates an inexperienced shooter (not inflicting a fatal would with the first few shots).

Sorry for the long post but I've just had another thought! Maybe the girls were ambushed of sorts... the car approached from behind the girls while
walking...Skyla shot first in the back, Taylor turns around to see whathappening (which is how she ends up facing the shooter/s).

Hopefully I haven't made too much of a fool of myself! Just trying to generate some fresh new ideas, scenarios and theories here :)

It is so nice to see some new thoughts and ideas being posted. I have not looked at the autopsy results in quite awhile. Were there entrance / gun shot wounds / Skylas back?
It is so nice to see some new thoughts and ideas being posted. I have not looked at the autopsy results in quite awhile. Were there entrance / gun shot wounds / Skylas back?

Oh no! I read the report wrong - there are no entrance wounds on Skyla's back :(

There is the entrance wound on the right side of her neck though. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? Was her head turned to look at something? Was she shot from the side? Maybe you have a different suggestion to add...
Oh no! I read the report wrong - there are no entrance wounds on Skyla's back :(

There is the entrance wound on the right side of her neck though. Does anyone have any thoughts on that? Was her head turned to look at something? Was she shot from the side? Maybe you have a different suggestion to add...

Lady D - If memory serves me - most felt that she was attempting to flee to the right as she was located further back in the brush and to the right of Taylor (who was close to the road). As a result - I've always believed the shooter(s) was/were in the road when they shot the girls. I think some of Skyla's wounds are consistant with this theory. Didn't she also have a shot to the right lung area?

I haven't reviewed the autopsies in a long while either - so, I'm going strictly from memory here. Believe it may be time for a bit of a refresher.
I in no way have the ability to do this but it would be really interesting if we were able to get a 3d image or something similar that shows each entrance and exit wound pair - ie, first bullet gets a blue line that shows where the entrance and exit was. Second bullet gets a green line, etc. This would show us how high the shooter was if we had an idea about how far back they were. It also would help show how the girls were both standing/moving at the time and who was standing closer or further back. The information is in the reports, just don't know how we would go about doing something like this.
I believe that shortly after the autopsy came out, a poster did do some sort of 3-D rendering of shots (maybe it was with a small doll or something) that was quite helpful. That was so long ago, it may have just been a good drawing, but if you look at the autopsy release thread, there is/was something that was helpful in seeing the wounds.

I believe this poster also speculated about the order of the shots.
I believe that shortly after the autopsy came out, a poster did do some sort of 3-D rendering of shots (maybe it was with a small doll or something) that was quite helpful. That was so long ago, it may have just been a good drawing, but if you look at the autopsy release thread, there is/was something that was helpful in seeing the wounds.

I believe this poster also speculated about the order of the shots.

I think the thread was called 'trajectory dolls'. I'll see if I can find it!

I'll have to search the other threads but there wasn't much speculation in the thread posted.

The pictures were really would think this kind of stuff is all cut and dry but seeing does not make any sense! Why are there entrances from so many different angles on different sides of the body? I mean Taylor's was really clear but Skyla's doesn't even make sense. I know many think Taylor was the target - I think it is possible, and the reason Skyla has so many more in so many nonsensical ways is she could have been in the way when they opened fire.

The only conclusion I can come up with Skyla is that she was shot from the front, fell onto her knees and hands (maybe after turning?) and that is why they are in the back and up the arm. Or she was pushed forward, and then rolled over or something? I think the other one makes more sense. Or maybe her arms were in the air. I'm sure this was already discussed but there are soooo many posts I can't even try to catch up.

As confusing as Skyla's is, it is interesting that there are two extremely different directions on both (the one coming from the right, the other coming from the left) and none are really head on.
I think that Taylor went down pretty quickly, considering where she was hit in the head. I also think she fell backwards when she finally fell and that's where the groin shot came from?

As for Skyla, she doesn't appear to have taken as many hits directly in spots where she would go down quickly. Although they may have been 'fatal', she could still have been moving and trying to get away, crawl away, whatever... :(... so they kept shooting her.

This awful crime is one that bothers me as well - with no leads, etc. I really want it solved and hold out hope that it will be someday.
Got a question I wanna ask before I forget. Skyla was said to have an "atypical" exit wound. Sorry if this has already bees addressed. I was wondering if this could mean her atypical exit was smaller than or equal to the size of the exit wound rather than the usual larger exit?

Answered my own question. I don't know jack about gsw, but that atypical exit sounds lik an entrance in my kinder level mind. Not the I distrust the me, just moo.
I think that Taylor went down pretty quickly, considering where she was hit in the head. I also think she fell backwards when she finally fell and that's where the groin shot came from?

As for Skyla, she doesn't appear to have taken as many hits directly in spots where she would go down quickly. Although they may have been 'fatal', she could still have been moving and trying to get away, crawl away, whatever... :(... so they kept shooting her.

This awful crime is one that bothers me as well - with no leads, etc. I really want it solved and hold out hope that it will be someday.

Belimom, I to am very troubled by the lack of resolve in this case :confused: unless something has been released in the last 3 months I'm unaware of. This is a sickening mess and the autopsy reports make it even worse. Soooo many questions unanswered by those autopsies. :/
An atypical gunshot wound is one where the exit wound is not larger than the entrance wound or the exit wound edges are not jagged. IMO, this means that Skyla was shot with a high velocity rifle or a gun with very large/heavy bullets and the bullet went straight through her without expanding/damaging the tissues surrounding the path of the bullet. (Lord have mercy.)

IMO, the OSBI needs to release the make of the second weapon and all other evidence they have collected since they cannot solve this horrific crime. Let the citizens solve this demonic crime.


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