the trip will involve the usual locations, BUT if anyone has further spots they want me to bike thru, i will do it.
im not driving tonight, biking only... so if anyone wants me to explore a street, i will.
mind u, im not gonna do anything stupid, nor venture into backyards, dirt lots, etc.
just gonna do a street bike ride, as i would do anyways tonight...tonight my focus is biking from roosevelt/brown to the park, and then ampm.
i wanna see how dark it is, what sorta environment or people are out and about that are just 'kicking it'. i also wanna see if the police are still setup in the neighborhood, or if flyers are everywhere.
i do remember biking my ex fiance home around 3am down hardy right next to the park, and a guy almost hit me and then hit my other friend on his bike, he almost died, it was awful. OH SUCH MEMORIES...
its actually a popular street for drunkies who are leaving mill ave, who wanna avoid the main roads university, or rio salado... its 1 way each direction, and people drive it insanely at speeds twice whats posted.
her dissapearing, AT THE LEAST, is reassuring that the area isn't supremely populated by the drunkies leaving the busy mill ave at bar closing (230am, bars closed in tempe,) so the chance of random drunk cruisers harassing her, at that late is not as plausible. BUT PEOPLE leaving her own apts' party? well... now thats a concept. AND THEY KNOW she was out there. people saw her leave you would think. and why did she wanna leave her own house, so early/late? i keep thinking, someone or some situation was going down at the houseparty that wasn't kosher to her, wasn't palatable, so to speak. and she had to get back to her guyfriend.