AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 5

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The three dogs were outside. I posted what the neighbor stated throughout the show.

They were outside at 6:30 a.m. or so ... per neighbor. Do you KNOW they were outside all night?

Isa's mom "could have" let them out in the a.m. when she got up/went to work. :moo:

Still looking for a particular video.
Why have a windshield blind (whatever it's called ??) down on a broken down car parked on the side of the house? Add the pillows into the mix & it's kinda obvious someone was or had been sleeping in that car=why LE took some evidence from it.

Alot of broken down cars here will have the shades in the windows since the sun will beam down on the interior and dash, it ruins it pretty quickly.
The ONLY thing Bethany Marshall said that made ANY sense is about the FBI maybe wanting to observe the parents to see if maybe they seem like they might have someone in mind, someone they know, etc...paraphrasing. But if you had an idea someone a little bit "off" and knew they had been around your kids and then this happened...major guilt and scary feelings, I would imagine...
Why have a windshield blind (whatever it's called ??) down on a broken down car parked on the side of the house? Add the pillows into the mix & it's kinda obvious someone was or had been sleeping in that car=why LE took some evidence from it.
This disabled car had a windshield blind up, too. Oh, no. Who was sleeping in it?
I cant keep up with these threads LOL I need to quit my job if I want to. I want to clarify something if someone can, did Isabel play little league baseball with the boys team and her dad was the coach of the team is this correct?

Isabel plays on a coed team. I don't know if her dad coaches her team. Coed teams are common for the younger kids playing T ball. Often the coach pitches or they have a pitching machine so it doesn't take all day to play a game.
Having better look at the window I can see how it would be easy for someone to hop that wall, go in the window, and hand a child back over the wall. Still not convinced that's what happened, though. Since the neighbor's window is so thin, I wonder if it was members of the Celis family she heard talking.

The Uncle. Is he from Mom's or Dad's side of the family?
wouldn't you have to know him to know if he is performing?

Not necesarily. We size up people we dont know personally everyday, imo.

Dont we do that with politicians for example or people we dont know but maybe our children do?

They were outside at 6:30 a.m. or so ... per neighbor. Do you KNOW they were outside all night?

Isa's mom "could have" let them out in the a.m. when she got up/went to work. :moo:

Still looking for a particular video.

I don't know anything ... just posting what was stated.
Not to harp on the dogs, but it just bothers me...have we ever seen a case where an intruder got in the house and out again, with a child, without alerting the dogS? I know there have been a few cases with one dog, but how does a guy get past three?

I have two theories. Firstly, the abductor was already in the house, known to the Celis family- they met up after the game. The dogs saw that their family let the people in, and therefore any move the person made after that, the dogs didn't bark at. This would also fit in with LE declining to reveal who was in the home that night- maybe someone else WAS there. Maybe that someone else was still there that next morning to ring door bells.

My other theory is that it was someone close enough to the family to know where the dogs go at night. Three dogs with a history of barking, it would be pretty brazen to think you can go in and kidnap a child. Maybe whomever it was knew that the dogs slept in crates, or in a different room than Isabel.

Theory two could also go along with theory one- a person already in the house who knew the dogs wouldn't be barking at him because the dogs don't have access to Isabel at night.
Why have a windshield blind (whatever it's called ??) down on a broken down car parked on the side of the house? Add the pillows into the mix & it's kinda obvious someone was or had been sleeping in that car=why LE took some evidence from it.

The windshield shade will help stop the sun from fading the interior as well. Could be that they had planned on fixing it, or maybe they just didn't need the extra car for the time being (or the costs that go along with it). The pillows are something else.
John Walsh is discussing the case on Dr Drew. HLN>
They were outside at 6:30 a.m. or so ... per neighbor. Do you KNOW they were outside all night?

Isa's mom "could have" let them out in the a.m. when she got up/went to work. :moo:

Still looking for a particular video.

That is exactly what I do. When I get up I let our two dogs out in the backyard that is fenced to and do their business.

Not necesarily. We size up people we dont know personally everyday, imo.

Dont we do that with politicians for example or people we dont know but maybe our children do?


I wasn't talking about sizing up said you knew when a family member was performing..

I was simply pointing out that he is an actor/operatic singer so when he performs, unless you know him personally, you might not know he is acting.

(sorry if that was confusing)
First, I wonder if maybe a reason that some people get a strong sense that the parents feel guilty or have an idea of what happened to Isa, while others feel just as strongly that they're innocent, is because both are true. Eg., and this is completely imaginary, maybe they suspect that a sports coach took her, because in hindsight they remember instances where he was paying her too much or the wrong kind of attention. They're the ones who signed her up for the team, so they feel guilty about placing her in danger by allowing this person into her life. ...but on the other hand, they've known Coach a really long time, and he's a good guy, etc., so they have doubts and maybe feel guilty for suspecting anything about him. And in this situation, they would kinda know, but not really know, what happened.

Second, about the 6:30 dogs barking/voices heard...usually when I hear these things at 6:30, I think, "Oh dear god, is it morning already?!" and try to fall back asleep. I wouldn't assume anything was amiss. I also have had the experience of being half asleep/half awake and not being 100% sure what is real and what is a dream re: noises. I often experience lucid dreams (ie I know when I'm dreaming and can somewhat control it) but Ive noticed that when I'm semi-conscious because a noise woke me, in hindsight it is hard for me to say what was in the dream and what actually happened, and I'm very suggestible about it. Not saying this is what happened with the neighbor. I just can see myself being convinced that something my semi-conscious brain processed is much more significant than it really was if I later learned that something might've happened around that time.
Not to harp on the dogs, but it just bothers me...have we ever seen a case where an intruder got in the house and out again, with a child, without alerting the dogS? I know there have been a few cases with one dog, but how does a guy get past three?

I have two theories. Firstly, the abductor was already in the house, known to the Celis family- they met up after the game. The dogs saw that their family let the people in, and therefore any move the person made after that, the dogs didn't bark at. This would also fit in with LE declining to reveal who was in the home that night- maybe someone else WAS there. Maybe that someone else was still there that next morning to ring door bells.

My other theory is that it was someone close enough to the family to know where the dogs go at night. Three dogs with a history of barking, it would be pretty brazen to think you can go in and kidnap a child. Maybe whomever it was knew that the dogs slept in crates, or in a different room than Isabel.

Theory two could also go along with theory one- a person already in the house who knew the dogs wouldn't be barking at him because the dogs don't have access to Isabel at night.

Yes, there have been several cases where the families had dogs.......even large vicious dogs and the pedophile predator was able to go in the home and kidnap the child out of their bed and no one saw or heard a thing.

I just want to point out here that the only time, that I am aware of, that it was mentioned the mother went to work at 7:30 AM came out during the Nancy Grace show, when she interviewed "Sergeant Maria Hawke, the PIO of the Tucson PD."

GRACE: Sergeant Hawke, what time -- what time did the mom go to work that morning?

HAWKE: It`s my understanding that she left for work at approximately 7:30 in the morning.

I recall being really surprised to hear this especially since LE over the many press conference they had from this onset of this case would NOT state the time.

Then the other day, when the Vice President of the Medical Center spoke to ABC indicating that the mother was at work VERY early that morning.

VIDEO mark ~1:50

and now with the neighbor's dog as well as the Celis' dogs barking is making my head hurt wanting to know the accurate time the mother went to work that day.

Bumping this again regarding time mother went to work. WE actually don't have a clue, just an UNDERSTANDING
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