Deceased/Not Found AZ - Jhessye Shockley, 5, Glendale, 11 Oct 2011 - #5 *J. Hunter guilty*

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I just want to fall on my knees and howl when I think of these tiny children and the evil they faced.
I guess sex, murder, and lies are more captivating for some people. I wince, every time I hear that hyped up intro.

The Shaniya Davis murder trial is also going on right now

I have been very involved in the trial but not because of the sex or religion or even the lies because Travis deserved to get justice for his brutal triple slaying and so did his family.As I watched Juan Martinez I can only hope he will be the prosecutor in this case,so maybe Jhessye gets justice. I have read from the beginning on both children.
I have been very involved in the trial but not because of the sex or religion or even the lies because Travis deserved to get justice for his brutal triple slaying and so did his family.As I watched Juan Martinez I can only hope he will be the prosecutor in this case,so maybe Jhessye gets justice. I have read from the beginning on both children.

I hope you don't think I am not interested in justice for Travis and his family. I was referring to the media hype and tag lines that surrounded his case, JVM, NG, etc.

Jhessye's trial as Marigold pointed out, sadly will not receive anywhere near the media attention. That was my point.

As always, my thoughts are with those who loved and treasured our sweet butterfly.
I hope you don't think I am not interested in justice for Travis and his family. I was referring to the media hype and tag lines that surrounded his case, JVM, NG, etc.

Jhessye's trial as Marigold pointed out, sadly will not receive anywhere near the media attention. That was my point.

As always, my thoughts are with those who loved and treasured our sweet butterfly.

It is so frustrating, isn't it?!

I feel the same way. The media makes certain cases so sensational, and turns their backs on others.

For example, no national attention for Shaniya's murder trial (luckily it is covered locally).

Another case I am archiving is the Gee/Constant family murders in IL. Sex and drug angle has come out in testimony although it was not reported (just rumored) before last week. Parents were sex swingers and webcammers who also smoked and sold pot. All but 1 murdered (although he tried) by the ex-son in law.
The guy is now using a defense of "the 14 year old boy who played violent video games was killing the fam and I just walked in and had to kill him".

I find it interesting. But there's only a handful of us on the thread for the last 3+ years.

I covered the Anthony case reluctantly but thoroughly and hated that I was doing it.... so much hype and disgusting how that turned out.
yep. I agree AmandaReckonwith. Some cases capture that intense media coverage and some seem to just fall out of the media and therefore the public eye.

No rhyme or reason to it sometimes that I can see. :( Sometimes I think a lot if the people who follow these cases and feel passionately about them tend to follow in lockstep behind whatever NG or JVM want to be "the case" of the moment leaving so many others to fall by the wayside, unnoticed.
July 15 is next court date I believe. Still here. Still awaiting justice for Jhessye.
jerice is in the news today:

"Jhessye's mom, Jerice Hunter, claims children abused in foster home

CBS 5 News has obtained a letter from Jerice Hunter, the Valley mom facing charges in her 5-year-old's disappearance, to a church member who claims he has evidence that will help her."

The complete article is at

The letter to the pastor is at: CHILD SHOCKLEY -jerice broken arm letter.pdf

I don't have time right now to say how I feel, so I will just post the article for now.
I don't get it. Even if the children have been abused in their foster homes, how does that help Jerice?

Edit: Oh, I read the letter and now I see that the pastor whoever says he has evidence and Jerice doesn't know what that is but tells him about the alleged abuse instead.
I think we have already discussed the creditability and past of "Pastor" Baker upstream. I note in the letter to him; Jerice quotes scripture in relation to protection and help for herself only. No where, does she quote scripture related to truth, or finding Jhessye.

I don't think the info supplied to her Attorney is related to the "alleged abuse" of her children in CPS custody. Baker recently tried to submit some sort of evidence to the court at one of jerice's last hearings, but the court dismissed it and refused to accept. So evidently he did an end run and gave it to her Attorney.

The letter was interesting, wonder who gave it to the media? jerice continues to deflect the blame for Jhessye's death away from herself and onto LE and the courts. Her remaining children are safe, thank goodness and she will never have access to them again unless they visit her in prison as adults. That she chooses to focus on them and not even mention Jhessye speaks volumes.

I watched the Nancy Grace special on the Estrella Jail. Not because I was interested in Jodi Arias, but I was hoping one of the inmates would mention jerice. No such luck though.
yep. I agree AmandaReckonwith. Some cases capture that intense media coverage and some seem to just fall out of the media and therefore the public eye.

No rhyme or reason to it sometimes that I can see. :( Sometimes I think a lot if the people who follow these cases and feel passionately about them tend to follow in lockstep behind whatever NG or JVM want to be "the case" of the moment leaving so many others to fall by the wayside, unnoticed.

I agree with what you are both saying. I feel if more people knew of what happened to Jhessye that there would be such an outrage (well there is, but not enough). It makes me so sad that she HAD a great loving life and her mother was probably jealous and took it away from her and made poor Jhessye pay for her own selfishness!:furious: I can't wait to see justice served.
Her writing style is rather manipulative I think.
I agree with what you are both saying. I feel if more people knew of what happened to Jhessye that there would be such an outrage (well there is, but not enough). It makes me so sad that she HAD a great loving life and her mother was probably jealous and took it away from her and made poor Jhessye pay for her own selfishness!:furious: I can't wait to see justice served.

I feel that Jhessye and Shaniya's stories are so alike, Ethan Stacey too. They all had good lives, and then their bio-mothers stole them away from their happy lives and destroyed them. It is utterly sickening.
jerice is in the news today:

"Jhessye's mom, Jerice Hunter, claims children abused in foster home

CBS 5 News has obtained a letter from Jerice Hunter, the Valley mom facing charges in her 5-year-old's disappearance, to a church member who claims he has evidence that will help her."

The complete article is at

The letter to the pastor is at: CHILD SHOCKLEY -jerice broken arm letter.pdf

I don't have time right now to say how I feel, so I will just post the article for now.

I almost find it amusing at her outrage towards the supposed abuse of her children, after she herself beat the one daughter within an inch of her life. Ah well, I guess she feels entitled. Huh, and let's not forget the atrocities she bestowed on poor Jhessye
I think the abuse allegations are interesting in light of what she's charged with. Reaching pretty far to try to deflect attention from her own abusive nature and her dead daughter and trying to appear to be a loving parent.

That's some serious balls considering what her crime is.

My own opinion is that she got the foster care abuse tale straight from Shirley's mouth. It was what Shirley was alleging when she fought CPS to try to regain custody of Jhessye's siblings. As if THAT was gonna fly. :rolleyes: She is not allowed to speak to her children so it didn't come from them, it came straight from Shirley who is sucking on sour grapes right now because she can't get her hands back on her other grandkids.

ETA very well put knox. So much concern for her living children but not a word about her missing presumed dead abused locked in the closet and beaten starved daughter Jhessye.

I I I My My My I I I Me Me Me

I think the abuse allegations are interesting in light of what she's charged with. Reaching pretty far to try to deflect attention from her own abusive nature and her dead daughter and trying to appear to be a loving parent.

That's some serious balls considering what her crime is.

My own opinion is that she got the foster care abuse tale straight from Shirley's mouth. It was what Shirley was alleging when she fought CPS to try to regain custody of Jhessye's siblings. As if THAT was gonna fly. :rolleyes: She is not allowed to speak to her children so it didn't come from them, it came straight from Shirley who is sucking on sour grapes right now because she can't get her hands back on her other grandkids.

ETA very well put knox. So much concern for her living children but not a word about her missing presumed dead abused locked in the closet and beaten starved daughter Jhessye.

I I I My My My I I I Me Me Me


I was so appalled by the letter "it" wrote I skipped reading the news story fully. I see now that Baker is the one who provided the media with the letter. Talk about self-serving ...

Also, way to go shirley ( I can barely allow myself to reference her in civil terms), just tell the world about an extremely personal crisis one of your Grandchildren had. I know the truth of that particular situation; your own daughter and what she forced Jhessye's siblings to witness is the cause. Not anything that happened in foster care.

I have said this before, but it wells up fresh for me every time I read something new. I have never felt such complete hatred and utter disgust for another human being than for jerice and shirley. I don't know how anyone can stomach looking at or listening to either of them. I truly feel for those who loved and raised Jhessye, having to endure a trial and seeing/hearing these monsters in court.
I just responded with something similar over in Jhessye's FB group, lol.

We are same paging it on this one, no doubt.
Yep TL we are on the same page, so to speak : )
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