GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #3

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That's correct, I was just responding to Kamille that I doubted real property was included in the trust. I'm actually headed for Il. this week for a couple of weeks and am considering a day trip to Oak Park since I'll have some time on my hands. That's when you know you are overly invested!!!
Okay so my other question was that since we know the condo was sold in 2007, does this mean that there is at least that amount in trust for HM?
Okay so my other question was that since we know the condo was sold in 2007, does this mean that there is at least that amount in trust for HM?

Just my opinion Kamille, but since the judge named SWM as the sole beneficary and also authorized her to pay herself the $500k I think we can assume that JM's trust was dissolved back in June of 2011 and the estate was closed at that time. We know from SWM's will filed by the attorney and his statement that the brother is the executor, and her estate was left in trust for "an unknown beneficiary". My money is on HM for that slot. Does that mean everything was left in trust? Your guess is as good as mine but the only thing I did surmise is that since there was mention of the date of the original signing and no other date may indicate that there was no codicil filed.
We have wondered about the lack of handcuffs used on HM, well the other Bali murderess has just been moved around to attend a meeting with one of her sons, and she was not cuffed either (photo at links) - nor was Schapelle Corby most of the time - must be a 'girl' thing.

She obviously has been spending time with HM, as she has now changed her story ... didn't pay 5 men and 2 women 150 million rupiah ($A14,200) to kill her husband, just wanted them to have a little chat with him as he starved her of money ... despite the fact that she removed $250,000 from their joint bank account while he was away, was considered to be extremely well off, had a lucrative business of her own, and enjoyed a lavish lifestyle. :rolleyes:

I find it interesting to follow her story, and compare it to HM & TS.
That's correct, I was just responding to Kamille that I doubted real property was included in the trust. I'm actually headed for Il. this week for a couple of weeks and am considering a day trip to Oak Park since I'll have some time on my hands. That's when you know you are overly invested!!!

Ooh, a day trip to Oak Park. Have fun! You can check out the old neighborhood and maybe visit HM's old school. Can you get some of those Chicago hot dogs for me please?
Ooh, a day trip to Oak Park. Have fun! You can check out the old neighborhood and maybe visit HM's old school. Can you get some of those Chicago hot dogs for me please?

Stop by Garrett's too, for some caramel love. Lol

Ooh, a day trip to Oak Park. Can you get some of those Chicago hot dogs for me please?

Stop by Garrett's too, for some caramel love. Lol

No problem with the hot dogs, when I'm in town I always stop at Portillo's at least once for the Italian beef and the hot dogs are one of their best sellers! Garrett's is of course the go to popcorn place...they have a pumpkin spice caramel corn I see this year, yum! Chicago foods are one of biggest draws for other city compares.
The police report re visitation only makes me more sympathetic to Shelia. She probably was not thrilled when her husband became a baby daddy either shortly before or after her marriage. Her husband became wheelchair bound in 2001, he may not have felt able to visit with his son. Nothing prevented him from chatting with the child via telephone though. Maybe he did.

From the Chicago Sun Times:

"But after he cut his foot in the cruise ship pool, Mack developed a staph infection that later infected his bones, attorneys for von Wiese-Mack wrote in a court filing.

That left James Mack partially paralyzed and reliant on a wheel chair. At home he used a walker to get around.

“We never, like, went to the park together anymore,” Heather Mack said in testimony for her family’s wrongful death lawsuit. The family still went to the movies, but “it was really hard. We’d have to drop him off, then park, then come back and wheel him in,” she said.

In the years that followed, the highly regarded composer became sullen, lost interest in his music and turned down composition offers, both von Wiese-Mack and Heather Mack testified. Von Wiese-Mack said her husband was angered by his limited mobility."

The baby momma doesn't understand that visitation is an option, not a legal requirement for the non custodial parent. She's trying to make Shelia talk to her on the phone. Maybe Shelia's already told her twenty times that James is too sick. Shelia had no obligation to talk to LH. Shelia's got a difficult child and an elderly ill husband to care for - she may have just told LH "Not my problem. LH then shows up at the Mack house, child in tow, trying to force visitation. When Shelia refuses to answer the door to her husband's ex mistress, LH then files a police report? What did she think the police would do? Show up at the house and tell Shelia unless she entertained LH and her child she would be arrested?
See, there's always a different slant to looking at things here on the forum. It's like a movie when they have segments where each person gives their view of what was going on, and here on the forum, we try to provide their voices. We can only imagine, but it makes what facts we have more interesting.

Thanks for your input, ItsJustaName.
I know in divorces sometimes the Child Support being awarded depends on a formula percentage basis of how much time the child is spending at each parent's home. If someone says they want visitation every weekend and then doesn't take the child for visitation, then I would think they could be taken back to court to pay more child support. This would be strictly about the money it takes to raise a child, not the emotional issues. However, I have no idea what legal monetary arrangement JM had with the baby mama and I realize they weren't married. However, it sounds like he did have a parental responsibility to this child and I hope JM tried to fulfill his responsibilities.
I know in divorces sometimes the Child Support being awarded depends on a formula percentage basis of how much time the child is spending at each parent's home. If someone says they want visitation every weekend and then doesn't take the child for visitation, then I would think they could be taken back to court to pay more child support. This would be strictly about the money it takes to raise a child, not the emotional issues. However, I have no idea what legal monetary arrangement JM had with the baby mama and I realize they weren't married. However, it sounds like he did have a parental responsibility to this child and I hope JM tried to fulfill his responsibilities.

I'm guessing by the lengthy court entries spanning over a decade in regards to JM and LH, the police report regarding visitation and JM's will specifying that only HM is to benefit and none of his other children, that JM was not fulfilling his responsibilities. But I'm only guessing.

The countdown continues! Approximately 2 weeks until the assumed transfer of the dynamic duo to Hotel K:

11/13/14 If LE maxes out TS & HM's detention time; three full months + one day post crime; transfer to prison authorities
Thanks, these are great Hot Dogs

Any news on the case?
I haven't seen a thing. :( I'm starting to wonder if this will be the way of it once the trial starts, no news or scanty at best. We in the States are spoiled I suppose by the daily updates, if nothing else but fluff at times on most current crimes that take place here.

OT: nightwatch, I want to thank you for reminding me of Garrett popcorn because I bought a bag at the train station on my way to my Dd and SIL's home where I am house/dog sitting while they are in Italy for 2 weeks. The folks they are traveling with are from CA, GA, OR and TX and they agreed it would be a nice gesture for each of the couples to bring something that represents their state as a gifts to their host. Since they are in the foods industry the group ended up with wines, pecans, dried BBQ jerkys, hazelnuts and dried fruits. My daughter completely forgot about this and was struggling at the last minute to come up with something that represented Chicago, was portable, easily bought in quantity and easy to pack and was light weight. As we brained stormed all of a sudden my daughter looks at me as I sat on the couch munching on my treat yells "What on earth are we thinking?? Garrett's of course is perfect"! So that's what they took and I wanted to share the story of how you saved the day, lol, thanks!
Time seems to tick so slowly in this case, even though it has only actually been 11½ weeks since Sheila’s murder.

I think half the problem is that the offenders have not been formally charged yet. I think I’ll be able to relax a little more once I hear that they have been formally charged.

A newish comment here, by someone who apparently knows her well, about HM's erratic behaviour ...
Just hanging around. Happy Halloween! Here's another friendly reminder.
I keep checking MSM every day ... nothing more yet. :sigh:

According to Quester's calcs, we should only be about a week or so away from the 3 month max though, before they go to Kerobokan.

There is a little more on the other Bali murderess. Last night they caught two more of the people implicit in her husband's murder. And this article says that they think they know where the last two are, as well.
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