Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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Have you guys looked over each name she put on the list of her bankruptcy? Do you think she could have named the father of Caylee on there so he cant come after her later? Or do you still think she doesnt know who the dad is? ... Just thinking out loud
Did a little internet sleuthing; Ocean Woods is indeed very close to the Atlantic Ocean. Townhomes, in a gated community. Not dumps, for sure. Pretty good gig for a professional parasite, wouldn't you say?

Whatever George's involvement in all this was, Cindy was the mastermind. George just does what the puppetmaster tells him.

How do they sleep at night??? I really would like to know. I think they're all sociopaths.

totally agree I still think that that the OS jb gave when he "quoted" what ga accused fca of was way to similar to that confrontation her mom had when they found her---when fca said she was a "spiteful B" was pick and choose which storyline to choose from:banghead:
Looks like you can. The state of Florida has nothing to do with it. It's Federal.

She may be able to get out of the IRS debt as it is more than 3 years old. Probably that's why they waited so long to file the petition.

She already did file a Chapter 7, BTW.

You cannot file Bankruptcy againt the IRS and hopefully that will apply to the State of Fl. too. I hope the penalties and fines for the money she owes the IRS are piling up. I hope she stays in debt the rest of her life.

Not that FCA will ever work a day in her miserable life but I can dream can't I?
Mr. Lippman's had "no comment" speaks volumes to you? Mr. Lippman has had no comment to every question put to him over the last two does that equate with a confirmation?

What I remember is that we at WS, played a strong role in the online social media during the workup and triial of Casey Anthony can take "pride" in spearheading the charge of the molestation insinuations, since posts mentioned it long before Baez got to his opening statement.
And he took time to thank the social media and his social media team for the suggestions which he obviously ran with.

What I question is why do we assume Longo and Helling have proof that George signed the lease? For all we know - the lease papers were faxed to the Anthony home and CA signed George's name because she is PO'd that he isn't following her lead. His testimony at trial and what we know about him proved him to be no angel, but he had to follow his previous depositions from early on the case when he testified.

The real question for me is why are we so quick to tie him to the stake without valid - and I do mean valid - which for me does not mean media types like the ones who are supplying the information? Sleuthing this isn't......all IMO.

Lippmann has made "no comments" so far about George leasing the condo, and that IMO speaks volumes ... JMO but that is because he [Lippmann] knows it is TRUE ...

I don't think Helling from People Magazine would have published that info if it were NOT true -- they could be sued ... :waitasec:and the A's seem to always be "threatening" everyone with lawsuits ...

Also, Helling has followed this case closely ... and whether he is "likeable" or not -- and I know most people do NOT like him -- I just don't think he would publish false information especially while a reporter for People ...

JMO ... but George deserves any and all criticism for NOT taking up for Caylee in that courtroom ...

That IMO is absolutely UNforgivable !

Re. the BBM: Me too, strawberry. Me too. :( :sigh:

I know lots of people felt George went along with the defense but I really believed in him and felt a lot of people were too hard on him. I was furious - beyond appalled & outraged at how the defense maligned him. I guess I just really needed to believe that JoJo would do the right thing by Caylee. I dunno. This whole thing about Casey & George reconciling and him leasing a condo in his name for her benefit is more than I can stomach. Honestly, that has upset me far more than the bankruptcy filing. I am so disappointed in him.

I will never understand these people.

BBM-I'm one of those people. :) The ruse played out in Court, was rehearsed over and over, and fine-tuned, behind the scenes. George had one goal in mind-to do anything he could to help Baez win an acquittal for Casey. I have to hand it to him-not everyone could have pulled it off. I'm not a bit surprised to hear that George may have recently helped Casey. George and Casey did not reconcile-they were never estranged. I'm sure he pats himself on the back every now and then for the magnificient performance he pulled off. If not for George's part in the ruse, Casey might be sitting in a prison cell right now. IMO
Lippmann has made "no comments" so far about George leasing the condo, and that IMO speaks volumes ... JMO but that is because he [Lippmann] knows it is TRUE ...

I don't think Helling from People Magazine would have published that info if it were NOT true -- they could be sued ... :waitasec:and the A's seem to always be "threatening" everyone with lawsuits ...

Also, Helling has followed this case closely ... and whether he is "likeable" or not -- and I know most people do NOT like him -- I just don't think he would publish false information especially while a reporter for People ...

JMO ... but George deserves any and all criticism for NOT taking up for Caylee in that courtroom ...

That IMO is absolutely UNforgivable !


Mr. Lippman isn't one of the "gossip girls" on the View. He says no comment to 99.9% of the questions asked of him. No comment is not affirmation unless you need it to be.

People love Steve Helling - what are you saying??? I'm in no popularity contest and I've read his articles AND his completely mindless twitter and if you're saying he is an accurate jounalist or even qualifies as a journalist, then I'm saying - I disagree. Wasn't she going to Costa Rica - taking counseling, taking language courses on line blah blah blah according to Helling - none of which is true? Master of whatever rumour is flying a la National Inquirer is more like it.

The trial was the prosecution of Casey Anthony. It was not the defense of Caylee Anthony. George, wihether you like or not - had IMO to follow the rules of the court and testify as per his previous despositions or get turfed out. And that would have been a real help to the SA wouldn't it, and the insinuations of JB, who tried his darndest to get GA to lose his temper. JB knew exactly what GA could and could not say and milked it for all it was worth. Quite the sucker punch IMO

Just my distanced perspective and opinion. :moo:
BBM-I'm one of those people. :) The ruse played out in Court, was rehearsed over and over, and fine-tuned, behind the scenes. George had one goal in mind-to do anything he could to help Baez win an acquittal for Casey. I have to hand it to him-not everyone could have pulled it off. I'm not a bit surprised to hear that George may have recently helped Casey. George and Casey did not reconcile-they were never estranged. I'm sure he pats himself on the back every now and then for the magnificient performance he pulled off. If not for George's part in the ruse, Casey might be sitting in a prison cell right now. IMO

I wonder if some sick way that he was pleased to get attention, any attention, from not only his family but the public. I'm sure CA told him over and over everyday how important his role was to Casey's case. I wonder if Baez and even Casey told him that too. He got to be front and center in the case and did a lot of things to bring attention onto himself. I think he is someone who wants attention so bad that he doesn't care how he gets it. And I'm sure in that family, before Caylee was murdered, he got very little attention at all. Then he became the reason his daughter was acquitted, and has received sympathy for being called something he says he's not. He sure did get a lot of attention at the expense of Caylee. I guess that was more important than standing up for her.

And wasn't Helling one of the ones that was pro Anthony? I think he says things to make them look better, even says things to make Casey look better sometimes. I think the A's, the defense, and Casey play this game of saying things and telling people that those things are true, and then those people agree to look the other way and print what they say, never questioning if it's really true or not. Helling just wants the attention any Anthony story brings him. If he does look up a few things, he does it to put on a show that he is a real investigative reporter when I'm sure he's really not.
Mr. Lippman isn't one of the "gossip girls" on the View. He says no comment to 99.9% of the questions asked of him. No comment is not affirmation unless you need it to be.

People love Steve Helling - what are you saying??? I'm in no popularity contest and I've read his articles AND his completely mindless twitter and if you're saying he is an accurate jounalist or even qualifies as a journalist, then I'm saying - I disagree. Wasn't she going to Costa Rica - taking counseling, taking language courses on line blah blah blah according to Helling - none of which is true? Master of whatever rumour is flying a la National Inquirer is more like it.

The trial was the prosecution of Casey Anthony. It was not the defense of Caylee Anthony. George, wihether you like or not - had IMO to follow the rules of the court and testify as per his previous despositions or get turfed out. And that would have been a real help to the SA wouldn't it, and the insinuations of JB, who tried his darndest to get GA to lose his temper. JB knew exactly what GA could and could not say and milked it for all it was worth. Quite the sucker punch IMO

Just my distanced perspective and opinion. :moo:

The Costa Rica story was in Radaronline

Spanish classes story in TMZ

Helling did report back in Aug 2011 that she had seen a grief counselor and would soon be seeing a psychiatrist but iirc she then refused to keep up with therapy.,,20528944,00.html

I'm certainly not quick to judge GA. I'm no conspiracy theorist and poo pooed his involvement. I now believe, based on credible sightings from a variety of sources that GA was involved in the scam of the defense strategy. I think he did not want to lose the sympathy of the public and therefore publically congratulated JA. I was team George until now.
I can understand how some people could be played by this <unusual person> and her legal team, but their playing the courts and the courts falling for it is really disturbing.

In thinking over what has occurred regarding Motions, etc., to the court since this <unusual person> was wrongly acquitted, I am drawn toward the nonsense of her having to appear in disguise via Skype because she was in danger, and in particular to her address being sealed and treated as Confidental Information Of the First Degree in order to protect the <unusual person> from those "out to get her"....I come to this conclusion:

Casey's address was an issue not because she was in danger from citizens who hate her. That was their argument, but I believe that to be just another of their lies to the courts. The safety concerns were a sham; they didn't want her address made availabe simply because they didn't want the IRS to be able to find her and attempt to collect what she owes. This was a stall tactic to allow the three years that they had to collect to run out. Appealing the measly lying convictions was a stall tactic until such time as the taxes became uncollectable and could be included in the bankruptcy. I believe that had there been no IRS issue to contend with, bankruptcy would have been filed the day her probation ended.

I think of all the citizens the IRS has gone after, hounded until they were so stressed they became physically ill, or garnished wages of people who for a variety of reasons were unable to pay, all because they were not "special" enough to have courts declare their mailing address a National Top Secret.

It's disgusting. It truly is.
She's filing chapter 7 bankruptcy.
According to Wiki,

Common exceptions to discharge include child support, income taxes less than 3 years old and property taxes, student loans (unless the debtor prevails in a difficult-to-win adversary proceeding brought to determine the dischargeability of the student loan), and fines and restitution imposed by a court for any crimes committed by the debtor.

Fines and restitution = The fine print says for any crimes committed by the debtor. Since she was found not guilty, does that mean she can get rid of these debts imposed by the court? If she had all of her appeals found in her favor, she would be innocent of the lying convictions of $1,000 each, but I guess she will be stuck with two of them.

Why would her lawyers keep defending her when they knew very well that she didnt have a pot to piss in and wouldnt even after trial was over. What I think is they knew very well there would be additional media money, when I say knew, I mean it was already agreed to prior and it would also give their firms recognization that would compensate for their fees down the line. There definitely was a plan because I am yet to meet a lawyer that says "Hey, I'll defend you when you have no money to pay me' I'm sure the timing of this bankruptcy and everything that was owed was all calculated prior.
That photo is so obviously staged. Nobody sits with their back to the water. Doesn't matter if it is the beach, a lake, bayview... Looks silly. And like holidayy pointed out, that is no fold up beach chair. Besides, she is pretending to be reading a book. Now if she had a laptop or smartphone, I might buy it, but a BOOK? GMAB.
I'm surprised they didn't pose her reading a Bible. lol
I have always believed that the defense was first going to use Lee in the manner they used George. Casey had told two of her boyfriends her story of what she says Lee had done. Then there was the jailhouse letters that she accused Lee of touching her. I believe Cindy, George and Baez together decided to use George to protect Lee's reputation. I am not saying that Lee did any of the things Casey said he did (I don't think he molested her), just that there were people she told that Lee had done them, and the jailhouse letters.
I have no sympathy for George as he allowed, maybe even came up with the plan himself to protect Lee from being accused.
IMO, Baez knew when he wrote the book that George would never sue him, because if it ever went to court the truth of why George was accused would come out. Also, by the blogs people felt sorry for George and did not (I still don't believe he molested her) believe he molested her anyways.
For awhile George had the best game going in town. People were even saying that if George ever wrote a book they would buy it. His true colors are finally coming out, I am so glad to see the tides turning.

Bold mine

Wow, this is going to be a first for me.....and it feels totally weird but Im actually going to defend Jose Baez here. :truce:

:twocents: Reason being I do not believe for a second that Baez would risk dis-barrment and his ascending star for anyone. I dont believe he is that wreckless. To sit down and collude with the Anthonys? And Baez was no longer a maverick lawyer. Long before trial, there were many other lawyers on board, mitigation people, paralegals, investigators. Were all these people in on it or duped by Baez.

As posted earlier, I reject this notion that George finally came through for Caylee. Truth is I think he's a gutless wonder..... but I dont believe that malevolent story told at trial came from anyone but Casey Anthony.

And what was told at trial was the air brushed version. Cos she told Dr Weitz and Dr Danziger that she thought George murdered Caylee.
i have always believed that the defense was first going to use lee in the manner they used george. Casey had told two of her boyfriends her story of what she says lee had done. Then there was the jailhouse letters that she accused lee of touching her. I believe cindy, george and baez together decided to use george to protect lee's reputation. I am not saying that lee did any of the things casey said he did (i don't think he molested her), just that there were people she told that lee had done them, and the jailhouse letters.
I have no sympathy for george as he allowed, maybe even came up with the plan himself to protect lee from being accused.
Imo, baez knew when he wrote the book that george would never sue him, because if it ever went to court the truth of why george was accused would come out. Also, by the blogs people felt sorry for george and did not (i still don't believe he molested her) believe he molested her anyways.
For awhile george had the best game going in town. People were even saying that if george ever wrote a book they would buy it. His true colors are finally coming out, i am so glad to see the tides turning.

yes yes and yes again
There is just SO much wrong in this article, I don't know where to begin!

For starters, why does someone have to wait for a BK discharge to move on with their life and get a job? Most people have jobs while they deal with things in life. Next, if Mr Greene thinks she is a better paralegal now, then some he knows WHY DOESN't HE GIVE HER A JOB in an office where everyone knows, loves and supports the felon? What better environment for her to start working in... they are team Casey= remember?

This one takes the cake however:

"There will be no tell-all book, there is no tell-all movie," he said. "Her ability to progress and to grow up and to even be at her normal age was thwarted by what's happened to her in the last few years and what we believe happened to her in her earlier life, but that's her story to tell one day."

"The events are very private and Miss Anthony is still yet to come to terms with them and they're still so emotional, so emotionally traumatic for her," he said. "There's just moments she breaks down and starts crying when she starts thinking about it. It's nothing she's going to talk about. She's a very private person and she won't let people see that side of her either. She'll put up a tough face."

BBM Um... excuse me private? Her attorney told the world in open court, on national television what 'happened to her". WTH?

How daft does Greene think the public at large is.

Afraid for her life my azz- unable to move forward due to the trauma my azz- has he seen the photos of her smiling, I mean actually beaming from ear to ear? The photo of her sitting on a beach reading a book? Oh yeah... frightened for her life she is- NOT!

I hope Morgan and Morgan get what they are after and force her to tell her story before she can actually make money off of it. Bless them for never letting up. They are my heroes right now.
I don't understand. AZ lawyer said that Casey already filed chapter 7, but according to the bankruptcy doc, it says "All Prior Bankruptcy Cases Filed Within Last 8 Years--none."
So she'll try to blow off all current debts, somehow she'll probably be able to weasel out of them, all the while she's obviously planning some sort of a major payday and get to keep all the money. Imo
Someone pointed out on AL's FB page that the chair OCA is posed in is the same type of chair G and C were shown in at the end of the show that followed Rob Lowe's show. I know what pic they were talking about because someone tweeted it a while ago but I can't find it anywhere. I turned that show off when it became apparent how pro-defense it was.
There is just SO much wrong in this article, I don't know where to begin!

For starters, why does someone have to wait for a BK discharge to move on with their life and get a job? Most people have jobs while they deal with things in life. Next, if Mr Greene thinks she is a better paralegal now, then some he knows WHY DOESN't HE GIVE HER A JOB in an office where everyone knows, loves and supports the felon? What better environment for her to start working in... they are team Casey= remember?

This one takes the cake however:

"There will be no tell-all book, there is no tell-all movie," he said. "Her ability to progress and to grow up and to even be at her normal age was thwarted by what's happened to her in the last few years and what we believe happened to her in her earlier life, but that's her story to tell one day."

"The events are very private and Miss Anthony is still yet to come to terms with them and they're still so emotional, so emotionally traumatic for her," he said. "There's just moments she breaks down and starts crying when she starts thinking about it. It's nothing she's going to talk about. She's a very private person and she won't let people see that side of her either. She'll put up a tough face."

BBM Um... excuse me private? Her attorney told the world in open court, on national television what 'happened to her". WTH?

How daft does Greene think the public at large is.

Afraid for her life my azz- unable to move forward due to the trauma my azz- has he seen the photos of her smiling, I mean actually beaming from ear to ear? The photo of her sitting on a beach reading a book? Oh yeah... frightened for her life she is- NOT!

I hope Morgan and Morgan get what they are after and force her to tell her story before she can actually make money off of it. Bless them for never letting up. They are my heroes right now.

BBM - Sounds like someone is sticking with the molestation story. And if the felon and George have really reconciled, than that makes him even more pathetic. anyone going to watch JB on Dr. Drew tonight give his riveting legal opinion on the Jodi Arias case?

I'm not.

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