Being proactive on behalf of Susan

Lacy, was pregnant and her husband was having a an affair...very public affair just after she went missing. Drew Peterson is a member of LE...dicodomy of it all. Kyron is a child, who's case also got caught up the adult hanky pankies..which we will become even bigger, imo. Sensationalism.

JMO, but I think the dynamics in her case were a little skewed...the friends and family helped JP, and even the father said to lay off JP in the beginning....remember. Even stated that it was "just Josh" being spontaneous in taking the kids out. They coddled him...along with his own family. Maybe the friends only wanted him out of the area or just be around him for the "infamous" publicity, etc; but it backfired. Many people did not understand it. You can't coddle someone, help them, protect them, per se and then in a few weeks/mos say "Sick um...Go get em, Talk, dang it, etc". It caused confusion and people to say...hey, WTH is going on here. I know it caused me to place a big ? there. They did have knowledge of him being "quirky" and his frivilous spending, behaviors, etc.
And some of her friends knew the kind of control he was placing on Susan, yet did'd think they would contact her family at least if he was keeping her from buying nutritional food for the family.

And for some reason, LE dropped any questioning after he lawyered up. They still could have...albeit.. it would have been much more difficult.

The friends and family have done a great job in keeping her name out there, but what they did lack in doing was actually searching for Susan. Everyone was waiting for Spring thaw so Susan would be found, yet, no one, except a few set up any searches for her...and without her body, it appears the case is going nowhere. Some think "someone" abducted her,... which never panned out--- or we definitely would have heard more about it.


It has surprised me that there weren't more searches, even just in the neighborhood. When I was in grad school in Reno, NV we traveled to SLC 7 different times, 4 of the times were when we had gone home to South Dakota and then back to Reno. We would spend at least 3 days each time looking. From 6 E/W, Redwood Rd., Utah Lake area, Farmington area and near the Great Salt Lake, by Salt Air and Antelope Island. We covered as much as we could. Never saw anyone out looking.

One thing about Susan's neighborood; when you come off 3500 and travel about 10 blocks down Chatterleigh St. On the right side, which is the side Susan's cul de sac Sarah Circle is on, for many blocks before you get there it is enclosed with a high white fence. Coming out of her area there are houses across the street, left is the part of the road with the fence and then to the right is a perpendicular street. There you can go left further into the neighborhood or right a bit to a main N/S street, 6400. Her immediate neighborhood is not directly accessible from cross streets, a strange car would have been noticed.

Chatterleigh and Sarah Cir. Susan's house is in the back of the cul de sac on the right:
But would a strange car be noticed after 12 midnight? Wintertime, everyone's windows closed, furnace kicking on and off? How many in the neighborhood were looking out into the night at that time? I woke up last X-Mas morning to police cars parked on my street. Burglary across the street...but didn't hear a thing.

Thanks for looking for her Jacie. :angel:

I've forgotten...but what time did it start snowing that night? TIA
But would a strange car be noticed after 12 midnight? Wintertime, everyone's windows closed, furnace kicking on and off? How many in the neighborhood were looking out into the night at that time? I woke up last X-Mas morning to police cars parked on my street. Burglary across the street...but didn't hear a thing.

Thanks for looking for her Jacie. :angel:

I've forgotten...but what time did it start snowing that night? TIA

From what I remember reading on SLT, the snow started around 4a. That would explain no POI tracks when police showed up. The only reported noise was around 11:30p when the car alarm went off.

One thing I've always thought is that there was enough known about problems prior to her disappearance that caused her friends to call police that day.
From what I remember reading on SLT, the snow started around 4a. That would explain no POI tracks when police showed up. The only reported noise was around 11:30p when the car alarm went off.

One thing I've always thought is that there was enough known about problems prior to her disappearance that caused her friends to call police that day.

It was my understanding that they called LE because they thought the family had succumbed to carbon monoxide. It wasn't till later that friends put all their info together and realized what a horrendous case of DV this was. Even then several thought she was alive somewhere when the odds were she wasn't. Her Father gave her a cell phone so Susan could call anytime. That was a huge red flag and there were many others. I am not judging because in retrospect all the little pieces of the puzzle didn't come together until it was too late. The person that needs to be educated the most is usually the woman. She needs to know that abuse escalates until it can be deadly and there are so many that still do not realize this. Research DV statistics and you will realize it is a crisis.

Susan's house was decorated in her honor, then one night, the decorations were ripped down. SP complained about the flyers and ribbons in Country Hollow so they were all taken down. Last that I read they were going to try and hang purple ribbons on homeowners porches. Aside from this being Susan's favorite color, the color purple is also used for Overdose Prevention, Domestic violence, Eating Disorder Awareness, Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's Disease and the list goes on and on.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month as well as DV month and we know which one gets more attention.

The economic burden on women who do leave their spouses is shameful. And while we might think, better to live in poverty,than be dead that is not how the woman is looking at it. A woman in a DV situation will leave her partner at least seven times before she makes the final break or is killed. She is most at risk for injury or death after she leaves her abusive partner. The support system for a woman from DV is a joke and the lack of emotional, financial, and legal support from family, friends, and the community is often another reason victims have a difficult time leaving the relationship.

Yes, they can go to a DV shelter but they are over crowded, the mother shares a room with her children, usually has no money, wears donated clothes, children are yanked from their original school and put in a new one only temporary until she finds herself a place to live, then yanked from that school. Then she will find herself in the cycle of poverty struggling from day to day while the entire time the spouse she ran from still lives in the same home with the same job with the same income. Is it fair? No, however, that is the way it is. Some are lucky enough to break this cycle but far too many for so many reasons can't.

Ask several people what month this is and most will say Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Until we deem DV as important as Breast Cancer then it will play second fiddle and women will be shamed into staying with their abusive partner.
Ruby, in the US VAWA doesn't go far enough to help stabilize the lives of the women and children who escape. The onus is mostly on volunteers, churches and local/state agencies. Not surprising because we can't even get the ERA passed. The current economic state doesn't help for those who need to get away.

I keep wondering what the catalyst was that set Susan's disappearance in motion. I don't believe she left on her own.
Ruby, in the US VAWA doesn't go far enough to help stabilize the lives of the women and children who escape. The onus is mostly on volunteers, churches and local/state agencies. Not surprising because we can't even get the ERA passed. The current economic state doesn't help for those who need to get away.

I keep wondering what the catalyst was that set Susan's disappearance in motion. I don't believe she left on her own.

I lived in the state of Tennessee for nine years and DV is not taken seriously, at least in the area I lived. A woman down the road from me, that I got to know through my daughter hanging out with hers, was involved in a verbal DV situation. One night her husband smashed all kinds of things in the house and told her the only way she would move back to CA, where she was originally from, was in a box. The good ole boys network referred to it as a he said she said situation. There were no witnesses to the threat. Most of the time there isn't a witness because the guy is a coward, he will confront women and children but would never stand up to another man.

One of the differences here in Ontario is the police will lay the charges, therefore making it impossible for the woman to change her mind. Though it is by far not a perfect system here as poverty is the biggest economic factor.

I have met a woman through the food bank here. She comes in about every other month so I have gotten to know her. She left an abusive relationship about eight months ago. Lives in a basement apartment with her two daughters. She told me within the first week of her leaving, her husband had her cell phone shut off and her cancelled on the car insurance policy.

She had been a stay at home Mom but the utilities were all in her husbands name, the cell and even the car insurance. He had the credit card with a secondary card for her. If she can come up with twenty thousand dollars she can buy him out of the equity in their home and move back to it. That isn't going to happen. She doesn't have a credit or work history. She has a lawyer through legal aid, he pays for his lawyer. We gave her numbers for housing geared towards her income. There is a two year waiting list. It is ridiculous. Her 14 year old daughter wants to go live with the Dad in the nice house in a good neighborhood versus the apartment in a dumpy neighborhood.

There are just so many factors when a woman leaves. Susan had a job, yet something was holding her back. I don't think she even realized the danger she was in. Most women in an abusive situation, if you asked them if their spouse would kill them, they will say he isn't that bad.

You wonder what the catalyst was that night? From what we have heard when J.O. was there it appears J.P. was very attentive. Making supper and getting Susan a blanket when she felt cold. J.P. then takes the boys sledding so Susan can rest. I think he possibly wanted intimacy that night, so played the good husband during the day. In my opinion I think Susan refused to have intimacy with him that night. An argument escalated, abusers do not like to be told no. I think the car alarm going off around 11pm for I think about two minutes was actually Susan pushing the panic button on it. I believe at that point she was either killed or rendered unconscious. Somehow the wet spot in the livingroom is connected and whatever happened to her happened there.

In one of his interviews, I think the blue beanie cap one, he said something similar to " I just have to get my boy's ". That spoke volumes to me. I knew right then Susan was gone and wasn't coming back. All his subsequent actions since Susan was reported missing have pretty much sealed, how I have felt.

I hope Susan is found because she will be able to tell her story through forensics. I also do not believe he went that far to dispose of her. Too much risk involved. I do believe justice will eventually be served and the boys will be raised by Susan's family. moo
I also believe that Susan was too trusting of jp. Having heard that jp was germaphobic and Susan had to, at times, beg him for intimacy, I wonder about his initiating it. I always just wish that she had been able to get away with her sons.

It is hard to say what the trigger is/was. In my case, at a birthday bbq his mother was having for me, my ex snapped when a neighbor of hers told him he was lucky to have a 'waste winyan', pretty woman. He said this in Lakota to my ex; I didn't even hear him say it. My ex beat him, then came after me with a gun. It was the first and last time he laid a hand on me. I got away and went to the hospital and then to a shelter. I stayed there for 5 months recovering from my injuries. I had a fractured skull and have lost part of the sight in my right eye as well as residual brain damage and pain in my body and head. Until it happened my ex was just a sweet guy. There were never any of the problems that Susan had like riding a bike to work or growing a garden or controlling PC passwords. The financial aspect wasn't that bad for me because I have always been independant financially; I won't rely on someone else.

I was amazed to see how many girls/women in the shelter went right back into their situation. I always worried for the children.
I also believe that Susan was too trusting of jp. Having heard that jp was germaphobic and Susan had to, at times, beg him for intimacy, I wonder about his initiating it. I always just wish that she had been able to get away with her sons.

It is hard to say what the trigger is/was. In my case, at a birthday bbq his mother was having for me, my ex snapped when a neighbor of hers told him he was lucky to have a 'waste winyan', pretty woman. He said this in Lakota to my ex; I didn't even hear him say it. My ex beat him, then came after me with a gun. It was the first and last time he laid a hand on me. I got away and went to the hospital and then to a shelter. I stayed there for 5 months recovering from my injuries. I had a fractured skull and have lost part of the sight in my right eye as well as residual brain damage and pain in my body and head. Until it happened my ex was just a sweet guy. There were never any of the problems that Susan had like riding a bike to work or growing a garden or controlling PC passwords. The financial aspect wasn't that bad for me because I have always been independant financially; I won't rely on someone else.

I was amazed to see how many girls/women in the shelter went right back into their situation. I always worried for the children.

I am so sorry you went through that and are still suffering the consequences of it. I am so glad you got out. ((((hugs))))

I was an over the road truck driver and the truck stop waitress would make $2.50 an hour. I could hardly believe it when she told me. So many women are in low paying jobs and many are SAHM so it isn't easy for them to leave. I think the economics are the biggest thing and that is why they return time and time again.

Educating them is the key. Letting them know that the cycle can continue with their children if they stay. That if they stay the abuse will escalate and possibly lead to murder. Helping them to understand they can re-train and be better off financially. Then hopefully they will leave and not return and leave at the first sign of abuse.
I am so sorry you went through that and are still suffering the consequences of it. I am so glad you got out. ((((hugs))))

I was an over the road truck driver and the truck stop waitress would make $2.50 an hour. I could hardly believe it when she told me. So many women are in low paying jobs and many are SAHM so it isn't easy for them to leave. I think the economics are the biggest thing and that is why they return time and time again.

Educating them is the key. Letting them know that the cycle can continue with their children if they stay. That if they stay the abuse will escalate and possibly lead to murder. Helping them to understand they can re-train and be better off financially. Then hopefully they will leave and not return and leave at the first sign of abuse.


Wait staff always make less than minimum wage - that's why tips are so important to them. Supposedly, tips make up the difference between what they make and minimum wage - its Federal law. If you work in a place where tips are really good - well, more power to you. If not, then it's really tough, as you said.

You're so right about the economics...and helping them rise above their current situation.

Just my 2 cent.

Wait staff always make less than minimum wage - that's why tips are so important to them. Supposedly, tips make up the difference between what they make and minimum wage - its Federal law. If you work in a place where tips are really good - well, more power to you. If not, then it's really tough, as you said.

You're so right about the economics...and helping them rise above their current situation.

Just my 2 cent.

Having to choose between being in an abusive relationship and being financially destroyed is an issue that needs to be addressed. Billions of dollars are being spent for wars and military. It would be lifesaving for women and children if the focus were to be on more monies spent to insure their safety.
WEST VALLEY CITY -- On a sunny Saturday, several dozen adults and children gathered in a city park to celebrate a birthday with balloons and, of course, a cake.

Missing, though, was the guest of honor.

The cake was decorated with her smiling face and a pair of candles marking her age, 29. Her image also appeared on cards carefully tied to each of the purple balloons.

"Help Find Susan Cox Powell," the cards read, citing the details of the young mother's disappearance from her West Valley City home last December. "Hope. Pray. Help."

So glad to see the balloon release...and they said it had taken places in other areas also. I had forgotten her B'Day was this month. The only thing it was lacking was, of course, Susan herself.....but also, I won't say what I think or how I feel about her sons not being there and sharing her memory. Unbelievable. How completely selfish and more...holding my tongue (fingers).

I noticed the website didn't have anything to say....or explain.
IMHO it has to start with the family getting in front of the media, and pounding the pavement each and every day. What's his face is holed up somewhere (his parents house I believe), and I haven't heard much from her family. Weren't they all talking about wanting some privacy? Who wants privacy when your wife/daughter/mother is missing.

Maybe the investigation is all behind the scenes, I don't know. There's no reason for this case not to be in the limelight. IMHO.


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