Belize - Faye Lin Cannon, 13, brutally slain, San Pedro, 3 July 2017 *American parents arrested*

Who took the endless pictures of mom? Did she have her own personal photographer. Geez.

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I doubt you would find a criminal lawyer anywhere but in Belize City; not even in the capital Belmopan--well perhaps you might just might find one in Belmopan. Keep in mind this is a developing country with only a population of 300,000. Ambergris is where the wealthy live. Believe me, it is not unheard of for a criminal lawyer to hop on the water taxi and represent someone charged on the island.

Was more than one doctor consulted? I don't for a second believe the resources for such are there routinely--until I read a report I'm of the mind it would be the coroner with perhaps an assistant. I believe the autopsy could be competent but couldn't be persuaded it'd be much beyond that. Health care in Belize is dismal. People with any money go to Mexico or the US for surgery or anything beyond a broken arm (recent scandal with PM's wife seeking treatment in the States).

I do buy that Faye Lin's heart was lacerated and ribs broken; I wonder if result of botched attempts at resuscitating her. I don't know; they may have been frantic. I'd most like to know how she got the swelling on her head with a laceration; I don't believe at all that she slammed herself into a wall.

No, absolutely no to a doctor being at the Grand Caribe! There would not be a doctor on site at any hotel in Belize but yes medical care is mostly available. There is however a polyclinic on the island and, yes, of course if the story is true (which I don't buy) that Faye Lin did not eat for three weeks why was she not taken to a doctor? Which is a pricey condo complex which does rent out short term to tourists but primarily is a residential setting so the hotel handle is a bit misleading in this context. The Doehmes were renting a condo and had what Anke termed a "sweet" deal. Who knows--could be an owner who was going to be away for a few years; I don't know. But they were not at a hotel as short term guests at all.
I was wondering if anyone could make out what Anke is saying in the video of the Doehmes being moved FROM San Pedro--she is talking; there is no newscaster; they are enroute to Belize City. I was not asking about the video of them arriving in Belize City with a voiceover which is quite audible and understandable. The video of them leaving San Pedro was posted six hours ago.
People keep referring to DD as a successful business executive. But let's look at the facts...he hadn't worked (other than in their tiny store) for 5 years. His resume states that he is Director of Rubimoon Boutique, which has its flagship store in San Pedro, and "other stores elsewhere in Belize and Mexico". (Really????) If you are running a tourist boutique in a slightly out of the way tourist destination and you are flying to Bali a couple of times a year to order your product, with special runs/designs, well, that's not a great business model. His resume also states that he is open to employment opportunities anywhere in the US or the Caribbean.
And, even though Belize is "somewhat primitive it is not all that cheap to live in". (paraphrasing DD in response to a question on Quora.)

We don't know the circumstances under which the Doehm's left Hawaii. It's possible that they were just chasing the island dream, it's also possible that they were unable to get employment in Hawaii for whatever reason.

Going further back, DD's resume also showed that he left a large insurer (Aetna) in western NY to go to a smaller insurer at which he stayed less than a year before high-tailing it to Hawaii. He joined a company there for a rather short stay yet again before settling in at HEMIC. Keep in mind that after his stint at Aetna, all of his roles were at smallish companies. And, when he left HEMIC, he left the country.

On a separate tangent, wouldn't you think that if you were an entrepreneur in a small market that relied on customers that you would be befriending everyone you could? It clearly doesn't sound like that was the case.

OK, end of my babbling for now. I am simply impatient to find out more actual facts in this case. Are there charges pending or not?
Mom's FB page:

Never ending photos of herself, with many, many in skimpy workout clothes showing off her body.

Of the few photos there are of her children, they are mainly of her oldest girl and her youngest girl, both of whom she mentions by name sometimes. They both have long hair and wear cute outfits. There are rarely photos of the two middle girls (including Faye) and they have their hair cropped shorter. They are rarely smiling. Not sure what to make of that.

I hate all of that fake "love you",. Energy of the universe. Etc etc etc bs. I know people like this and they are as phony as a three dollar bill.. They are in love with themselves.
Yes, Snoopster, I don't buy that David Doehme is/was a successful executive. Rubimoon had one store--in San Pedro. I wonder why they decided to leave Hawaii too; San Pedro is not cheap. And yes, wouldn't you think they'd be highly active in the expat community? And in tourist clubs and associations to promote their business? (The locals would not be buying Rubimoon wares) Instead they seem highly isolated though Anke does appear to have attended the odd yoga seminar or retreat.

I have learned from two San Pedranos who visited the store that DD was always there. Handling the cash, on the computer, ordering; why wouldn't he have his own thing happening? For sure there's an insurance market with the expat crowd. Sometimes one of the younger girls would sit quietly to the side with the others outside waiting all day until store hours were done.

If they were so successful why the ******** for Anke's surgery? No one unless desperate would want surgery beyond emergency or minor in Belize. So I am thinking the cost of her going for the surgery and travel expenses would have put a further strain financially on them. Plus he would have been the sole person with the children :(

On Belizean cost of living--it can be cheaper than in North America but that would be in small inland villages--not on the Caribbean beach. Ambergris Caye is if anything more expensive than many places in the US or Canada; for one thing it's an island, real estate is expensive and goods have to be brought over plus it's the number one and by a long shot tourist destination for Belize so prices for tourists reign. Belize has very very high tariffs on imported goods; it is not a deal Central American wise like Panama or Costa Rica etc. I think the biggest draw is that it is English speaking (the only non-Spanish Central American country).
I was wondering if anyone could make out what Anke is saying in the video of the Doehmes being moved FROM San Pedro--she is talking; there is no newscaster; they are enroute to Belize City. I was not asking about the video of them arriving in Belize City with a voiceover which is quite audible and understandable. The video of them leaving San Pedro was posted six hours ago.

Any hints as to where we can find that video?

ETA: I see you posted a link in the meantime. Thanks.
ETA2: I checked the link but could figure out where to see the clip of them leaving SP.
Wedding in Kona. Isn'tthat super expensive?
Perhaps this is a better link to the video I am referring to with the couple leaving San Pedro. I think ? Anke is saying "it's unfortunate I never had the opportunity to show (indecipherable) off" ???
I hear that phrase from the videographer at 1:11 on this unedited video when they pull up the blanket: she says "This is no time for them to be's unfortunate we don't get the opportunity to show them off".

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Wedding in Kona. Isn'tthat super expensive?
Maybe not so expensive when there are no guests, certaInly none in the photos.

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The boutique's facebook and everything else I've read comes across as delusions of grandeur: talk about founding a chain, selling exclusively her designs with no other lines of clothing, only her and her daughters modelling all the clothes, blog posts on the boutique website about her fitness program, her hair(!). Maybe they were expecting the expats and tourists to flock to them, anxious to emulate her style. Coco Chanel never joined the Rotary Club or the Chamber of Commerce.

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On the Phone: Cara Barber, Ex-Neighbor of the Doehms
“When they moved in next to us, we expected it to be normal; they seemed normal. In fact at that time, David Doehm worked for a popular insurance company in Hawaii and he was even featured in some their commercial. So he seemed very outgoing, very out there. Right off the bat, they started being rude and complaining, being combative and hostile with us

On the Phone: Cara Barber

“My family my children, we feared them, but we also were very fearful for the children because we didn’t understand how they could even be responsible for the care of children. They didn’t seem interested in it, they had no concern for their safety, no concern for their education; they didn’t care about them. My impression was that she had this clothing company and potentially adopted them for the sole purpose of making them work for her clothing company. I don’t know…I’m just saying what else did they do? When I learned the news, immediately it just makes sense. We saw, we witnessed David’s physical aggression, his immediate…like goes from nice to hostile in like just one second. His temperament is way off, very scary. So it seemed like this was going to happen; it’s just a matter of when. I was so glad to hear that other families had reported them. I just wish more could have been done—both in the states and there. My impression of the girls were that they were sweet girls in a terrible situation. And the mental abuse was probably the worst. I wasn’t surprise to hear about the sexual abuse too.”

Thanks for the article link dotr.

What that eventually led to is a temporary restraining order that the police recommended that I get the court to issue to protect my family and I from David and Anke Doehm.”

Barber says that the Doehms did not allow their children to social and as was the case here in Belize, they weren’t enrolled in school. She says that she was devastated when she learned of Faye Lin’s murder, but wasn’t surprised because she and her family witnessed the aggression of David and how the girls were treated.

The Hawaiian neighbor (who says they shared a duplex with the D's between 2011 and 2012) apparently reported them to both police and child protective services in Hawaii. :(

One error in the article, I believe, is that the family moved to Belize in 2012, not 2014. AD made a comment on her FB back in 2015 referencing that they had been there for 3 years. And DD's resume states that in March 2012 he stopped working at HEMIC and began working at Rubimoon. I don't know how long it would have taken them to move to Belize and get set up in San Pedro.

It's difficult to imagine that some of the behavior exhibited by DD at home didn't at least eventually find it's way to his work environment.
3 main things I came away from after reading her FB.

1. She was absolutely narcissistic and obsessed with herself. So so so many pictures of her body and had nothing to do with clothes or items from the boutique (and the FB page was the boutique business page, not hers.

2. Quite a few pics of the youngest and oldest daughters either modeling clothes or out and about town. I could only find 2 pics with Faye in them, and she almost wasn't in them...more in the edge or background. I hate to say this about a young victim, but I did note that poor Faye was not as pretty as the other 2 girls. The other 2 girls had beautiful long hair and Fayes was chopped way short. Pictures of Mom and the 2 other daughters getting their hair done at beauty shop none of Faye.

3. Pics of the youngest daughter modeling clothes in a few IMO inappropriate poses. One she has her leg hiked up on a post outside and another of her (I think) twirling, and her panties showing. Never ever would I post a pic of my daughter with panties showing online.
3 main things I came away from after reading her FB.

1. She was absolutely narcissistic and obsessed with herself. So so so many pictures of her body and had nothing to do with clothes or items from the boutique (and the FB page was the boutique business page, not hers.

2. Quite a few pics of the youngest and oldest daughters either modeling clothes or out and about town. I could only find 2 pics with Faye in them, and she almost wasn't in them...more in the edge or background. I hate to say this about a young victim, but I did note that poor Faye was not as pretty as the other 2 girls. The other 2 girls had beautiful long hair and Fayes was chopped way short. Pictures of Mom and the 2 other daughters getting their hair done at beauty shop none of Faye.

3. Pics of the youngest daughter modeling clothes in a few IMO inappropriate poses. One she has her leg hiked up on a post outside and another of her (I think) twirling, and her panties showing. Never ever would I post a pic of my daughter with panties showing online.

Your impression of Anke is the same as mine. Narcissist. What floored me is the doting following she has...women telling her how beautiful and wonderful she is! I was appalled at the poses she posted of her young daughter. One wonders if they were all sexually abused.

I may be on the wrong FB page because I couldn't find the photos you describe in your second point. I thought I looked pretty thoroughly. Would you mind linking? Thanks!
This whole thing is disgusting and feels like high-class human trafficking.
I'm shocked her friend count on FB since last night only lost one friend!!! Moo

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I'm shocked her friend count on FB since last night only lost one friend!!! Moo

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I'm guessing that they aren't true active "friends". AD didn't seem to have a lot of back and forth conversations on her FB with many friends. Primarily just a few customers. There probably aren't that many FB friends that are in Belize and those outside of Belize may be unaware as media coverage has been local.

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