Benjaman Kyle Statement from Owner of

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Did this "wanted" person stop while on the run to give his DNA, be fingerprinted, & have dental x-rays taken?

I seriously don't understand why Benjaman would submit to all this if he was indeed on the run from something. LE would have nothing to compare his fingerprints, DNA, etc. to if they did not have the samples available that he personally gave them.

Not to dispute your opinion, but we do NOT know if he was actually in "good health, no chronic illnesses, no meds, and didn't smoke or drink or take illegal drugs". I know this was reported in the media based on interviews with NB, but at this point, quite a few statements made by NB have been discredited through documentation, so at this point, I personally am not viewing anything she may have stated in the media as being fact.

The lack of fingerprints in the NCIC is also not definitive. A perfect example would be a recent possible match that is being sleuthed whereas the "wanted" person is on the run after two children made accusations of molestation. LE attempted to pick this person up for questioning (and possible arrest) when he took off BEFORE being arrested and fingerprinted.
Just wanted to clarify something...

To my knowledge, there was NOT a concerted group effort taking place outside the forum attempting to expose or discredit BK. I personally began to have some serious doubts of my own late last year, and did exchange a few emails with Believe09 concerning my upcoming visit to RHPD as I believed she was one who appeared to be well versed in all the details of this case. After meeting with RHPD, and making the personal decision to no longer participate in this case, I returned to the Caylee forum.

I just don't want anyone to be under the misguided assumption that there was a faction of members who teamed up with a goal of exposing BK, thereby "hiding" anything from those who were participating in active threads searching for BKs identity.

I am actually quite surprised now to read so many others had suspicions and doubts for a while.

(Sorry...I just re-read what you had underlined.) What I meant by that statement was did you all (meaning the individuals who were actively searching for BK's identity at that time) find a possible match around that time that may have been him or did someone ask him a specific question that perhaps he didn't want to answer, or start going down an avenue he might have wanted to shy away from, etc. ?
Benjaman Kyle was discovered by the Burger King manager on August 31, 2004.

After his hospitalization, BK was released to the care of Union Mission and remained as a resident of this United Way facility, eventually becoming one of the live in managers. While he could not earn a salary due to lack of SS#, he worked in exchange for his basic necessities and housing.

Union Mission states on their website: Benjamin continues to give accolades to Union Mission staff for helping restore his health so he could begin his new life.

NB befriended BK at Union Mission in November of 2007. She later stated in interviews that she was appalled that he was "slave labor" and made the decision to "help him".

Benjaman left Union Mission and moved in with NB.

In November 2007, NB joined WS and began initiating interviews with the media and creating Wiki page.

Shortly thereafter, allegations that BK had been beaten and that RHPD simply "wrote him off as a vagrant" and neglected to investigate this "crime" began appearing in the media and on the internet. (NOTE: I have found no reference to beating allegation prior to Nov 07)

NB has made many untrue statements in the media and online such as the assertation that RHPD actually found BK's clothing inside the dumpster but did not retrieve them. This has been disputed by RHPD as well as all present at the scene that morning. NB also stated in email posted on this forum that she contacted RHPD and the lead detective told her she could NOT speak with any of the officers or detectives present that morning because "none work for RHPD any longer". RHPD disputes this claim, and I can personally tell you that ALL officers and detectives are still employed by RHPD as of today.

BK and NB appeared on Dr Phil and segments included the beating allegation as well as allegations of shodding police work.


When I learned there was absolutely no possibility that BK was beaten, I began to ponder what could possibly be gained by perpetuating a lie? To my knowledge, there has been no attempt to solicit donations, funds, etc...

So what could possibly be the goal or eventual benefit in perpetuating this storyline, as well as the allegations that RHPD should have done more and had they, it may have helped determine the identity of BK.

I have not seen an onslaught of paid interviews, appearances, (similar to GA/CA in KC case), so how would this benefit BK financially (assuming that would be the overall goal?)

As I read the online interviews and watched the DR Phil episode and saw so much emphasis on RHPD, the thought occurred to me...

Is there a concerted effort since 2007 to set the stage for a possible civil case filing by BK (or NB on behalf of BK) against the RHPD for their (alleged) neglect and responsibility and duty to BK to investigate a crime that left him with amnesia and inability to return to the life he once knew?

Is this all about hoping to hide behind HIPPA, filing a civil case in the hopes that RHPD would just settle as opposed getting mired in a very expensive, lengthy legal battle by a cash strapped small town police department?

As I have heard more and more rumblings about possible legal involvement at this point, I don't think this is far-fetched and would certainly explain the least to me.

This possibility was discussed when I met with RHPD but Capt. A stated that RHPD has documentation to prove any and all allegations made by NB are unfounded.
Did this "wanted" person stop while on the run to give his DNA, be fingerprinted, & have dental x-rays taken?

I seriously don't understand why Benjaman would submit to all this if he was indeed on the run from something. LE would have nothing to compare his fingerprints, DNA, etc. to if they did not have the samples available that he personally gave them.

I am just speculating here but would assume that if Benjaman had never been arrested for a crime, but was running from a crime he suspected he may eventually be arrested for, there would be no threat in having his DNA, fingerprints, etc (since not having ever actually been arrested, they would not be on file anywhere)
(Sorry...I just re-read what you had underlined.) What I meant by that statement was did you all (meaning the individuals who were actively searching for BK's identity at that time) find a possible match around that time that may have been him or did someone ask him a specific question that perhaps he didn't want to answer, or start going down an avenue he might have wanted to shy away from, etc. ?

From my perspective, the underlined above happened quite frequently here on the forum over the last year and a half.

But I don't think it had anything to do with a specific possible match that the members were sleuthing on this forum....
Or it might be BK wanting to create doubt about who is posting ;)

Or he talks about Benjaman in the third person because he knows he is not Benjaman and he needs to keep his two identities seperate; Himself and the Benjaman person he has created.

(Sorry...I just re-read what you had underlined.) What I meant by that statement was did you all (meaning the individuals who were actively searching for BK's identity at that time) find a possible match around that time that may have been him or did someone ask him a specific question that perhaps he didn't want to answer, or start going down an avenue he might have wanted to shy away from, etc. ?

From my own viewpoint and based on my questions to Benjaman, his answers seemed to have come from Wikipedia (and in one case he sited that as a source). IMO, his answers didn't seem untruthful. I would too have looked at Wiki or any other source if I were looking for my identity.

I experienced a couple of moments where I wondered if Benjaman's story was truthful but I can only chalk that up to the fact that I happen to be rather cynical.

The area of Colorado that I was focused on (and living in) were not exactly the area that BK had knowledge of. When we had excursions to Denver (mostly off the I-70 route), I realized how big Denver and it's surrounding areas are. I had no doubt that a person could be a "nobody" in the sea of people out there.

There was a Powell person from Utah that I felt BK resembled and posted it but to my knowledge BK didn't answer any "Possible ID's/Theories" and only answered on the "Questions for BK" thread. IIRC, he did not comment on any of the 'possibles'. I could be wrong about his active participation and on which threads he frequented or the questions he answered. I don't recall a "no way, that's not me" answer coming from him.

From my personal observations, BK didn't "shy away" from answering questions. In some cases he was quite witty with his 'answers' (IMO) butmay not have really answered the questions directly.

From what I understand, BK was pretty much blind when he was discovered....and since we can rule out that he became blind during a beating (since he had no injuries when he was found sleeping next to the dumpster) he would have been blind prior to his discovery. That would probably rule out a longshoreman, merchant ship worker, etc. (or coming to "see the ocean".) I looked up missing cruise ship passengers and none matched his description. Don't know about the fingerprints but others on here could answer that questions for you, I am sure.

Prior to BK being found, we don't know his medical history. We don't know if he had any kind of medical condition that could have caused his blindness.

Now when he was found, I believe he was found laying near a dumpster with his eyes open. If he looked into the sun for too long, it may have caused temporary blindness or done some damage to his eyes. I'm not a physician, so I honestly don't know.

I do know that he had eye surgery and is able to see again.

But if he was legally blind prior to his discovery, then how in the world did he get to Savannah and the area behind the dumpster in the first place?
Just wanted to clarify something...

To my knowledge, there was NOT a concerted group effort taking place outside the forum attempting to expose or discredit BK. I personally began to have some serious doubts of my own late last year, and did exchange a few emails with Believe09 concerning my upcoming visit to RHPD as I believed she was one who appeared to be well versed in all the details of this case. After meeting with RHPD, and making the personal decision to no longer participate in this case, I returned to the Caylee forum.

I just don't want anyone to be under the misguided assumption that there was a faction of members who teamed up with a goal of exposing BK, thereby "hiding" anything from those who were participating in active threads searching for BKs identity.

I am actually quite surprised now to read so many others had suspicions and doubts for a while.
Personally, and I can't speak for everyone, I don't think anyonethought there was a mission to expose him as a fraud or you all were nessisarily hiding stuff. I feel like some of the main members involved in his case had doubts and were discussing suspicions amongst each other until the truth came out. Perhaps thats what people mean when they are insinuating secrets and so on. I am sure if the main people working on this had doubts they didn't want to bring it up with out fact. But that said, I do not feel, if that was the case, you all purposley left people in the dark. It was actually nessisary to keep it to yourselves until there was proof it was a fraud. How bad would it have looked if you came out with this without anything to back it up? If any of that makes sense. Please do not feel like that was an attack or I am accusing anyone of anything, I know emotions are running high here and all. I am not saying that in anger or anything.
ETA: The idea of that might bother some, but it makes total sense to me. There were key posters taking part in this and the owner of WS, it only makes sense that some would be privy to some info. But, do not take offense, it was merely just my thought. I don't want to make any one upset.
I honestly found it odd after Dr. Phil that NOTHING happened. tons of people watch him. I mean, you go on a talk show that millions watch, news will travel. An example is, we had a local couple in our moderate sized town go on Jerry Springer. It took one airing for the it to be the talk of the town within a week. Someone who knew him had to have seen that show, had to. Maybe something did come of it and that's what led to Dr. Phil not taking his calls anymore. This whole time I really pitied BK, felt so terrible for him and prayed for him. I suppose I still should.
Personally, and I can't speak for everyone, I don't think anyonethought there was a mission to expose him as a fraud or you all were nessisarily hiding stuff. I feel like some of the main members involved in his case had doubts and were discussing suspicions amongst each other until the truth came out. Perhaps thats what people mean when they are insinuating secrets and so on. I am sure if the main people working on this had doubts they didn't want to bring it up with out fact. But that said, I do not feel, if that was the case, you all purposley left people in the dark. It was actually nessisary to keep it to yourselves until there was proof it was a fraud. How bad would it have looked if you came out with this without anything to back it up? If any of that makes sense. Please do not feel like that was an attack or I am accusing anyone of anything, I know emotions are running high here and all. I am not saying that in anger or anything.

Since I am not a "main player", I can't speak for everyone or the others who looked for BK's identity more thoroughly than I did. For about a year, I was active in searching for BK's identity and exchanged PM's with several people on board and not one of the people I 'spoke' to indicated there was anything amiss. Each and every person who contributed, IMO, was doing so because they truly believed in the cause and if they didn't, I didn't hear a word about it. The first time I heard of anything was with this latest thread.

I could be wrong but I really don't believe that there were discussions between people on the board regarding the story's validity because many of the key researchers (not me) appear to have been in the dark until this recent development. JMO, take it for what it's worth.
I am just speculating here but would assume that if Benjaman had never been arrested for a crime, but was running from a crime he suspected he may eventually be arrested for, there would be no threat in having his DNA, fingerprints, etc (since not having ever actually been arrested, they would not be on file anywhere)

I agree and I would like to add a thought. The above would be applicable with a criminal offense. It is possible BK is on the run from a civil offense in which case there may be no dna or fingerprints. OF course that is just a possibility and I am in no way stating as fact BK is on the run from a civil offense.

I'm walking on eggshells here folks, so please be gentle with me. It's hard to know right now where to draw the line with this situation and the developments as of late. If I overstep, just slap me in the back of the head and I'm good. I've followed Ben's case for a long time but I've not posted much because when I came in on his forum I was new to sleuthing and couldn't offer much. Here's something I find interesting...and I'm just going to throw it out there and not mince words....

joined 10-11-07
1st post 10-13-07
last post 10-26-07
last login 11-16-07
1st post *I am a nurse who is trying to help Mr. Benjaman Kyle to get his identity back

3rd post *This is Benjaman's nurse

Odd switch-up if you ask me. A nurse who is trying to help him switches to being HIS nurse overnight? What exactly did he have a nurse for, in the event I missed it?

Then nothing from either of them from Nov 07 until July 09

joined 7-25-09
1st post 7-25-09
last post 2-3-10
last login Today 7:43pm

1st post *A Real live Nobody was used by the Savannah News-Press when they ran the first newspaper article about Benjaman (3rd person)

3rd post *Social Security says that Benjaman cannot be given a New Social Security Number because he claims to be a US citizen. Since he is a citizen they say the presumption is that he already has one so they... (3rd person)

4th post *He answers Questions over and over and over ad nauseum (3rd person and WOW!) That means; to a sickening or disgusting degree btw. What a sh*tty thing to say to the people busting their butts to help you.

5th post *Dick Biondi was kicked off of WLS in Chicago for telling a dirty Knock Knock Joke in the 1960's. Benjaman never heard it when it was told on the air but he heard people repeat it. (3rd person)

6th post *I never heard of Metamora.....(1st person!)

Perhaps Benjaman isn't the mastermind here?

I'm going back to my corner now before I get hit with something....
Shutterfly, I'm not gonna throw anything at you. Thanks for breaking down the postings as you see/saw them.

One thing (since Shutterfly mentioned the Savannah article) I have to ask is if anyone felt it was a little odd when something was said about the photos (owned by the AP or someone) and the fact or thought was that these particular photos shouldn't be used?

That paired with Dr Phil 'dropping out' of the case, may have made me suspicious something was amiss and now that I've been thinking about this case (non-stop), I am wondering if the owner of the photos and Dr Phil were trying to tell us something? :waitasec:

BK does have what looks like his own facebook page, if it hasn't already been discussed. (

Mod: Please remove link if necessary.
I agree and I would like to add a thought. The above would be applicable with a criminal offense. It is possible BK is on the run from a civil offense in which case there may be no dna or fingerprints. OF course that is just a possibility and I am in no way stating as fact BK is on the run from a civil offense.

New mystery on top of a mystery. How frustrating! Maybe he just wanted to leave his family and start over. Child support maybe? Alimony? But still why? Why do this with no money stashed? Unless he had money we never knew about. I always kinda wondered how he got buy all this time with no means of support. Pictures showed him dressed nicely and all. I felt like "wow he looks so nice and "suburban" for someone who, in all honesty, should be destitiue" Why if you are hiding bring this attention to yourself? I am just very confused. I guess clues were there, we just didn't see it in hindsight.
I have been going over some posts in the Resources Forum and found a post made by Roselvr that I find interesting. It shows a couple of RHPD Incident Reports and shows the 1)nature of the complaint: 10-37 Naked Vagrant 2) Nature of complaint naked man sleeping near dumpster and shows the subject was semi-conscious but would not respond to us.

I don't see any mention of scabies in this incident report. Is there another report on file somewhere?

Originally Posted by Roselvr
RHPD Incident reports:
1.) Incident report: Location: Burger King Case Number: 04080687 Nature of Comp: 10-37 Naked Vagrant day of the week: Tues Date: 8/31 Time: 0636 Complainant: Tom Auer Disp: 0637 how received: phone ARR: 0640 complainant phone number: 756-3181 ems: 3 &4 resp Status: misc incident operator: 217 officer:813 back up units: 814/09 comp 0658

2.) Misc Incident Rept: Nature of complaint: naked man sleeping near dumpster case number: 04080687 patrol area: south incident location: Burger King location code: 533 zone: 5 date of incident: 8-31-04 time:0640 Complainant: Tom Auer Address: same phone number :756-3181 Narrative: R/D and Cpl.Potts responded to this call and the male subject was sleeping near the dumpster. The subject was semi conscious but would not respond to us. Cpl. Potts had dispatch notify EMS and they arrived within several minutes. EMS transported the subject to St Josephs Hospital. w/f Investigating Officers signature: (illegible) Number 813
Also, from the Resource Forum and originally posted by Roselvr it shows that an EMT was interviewed on the Dr. Phil Show and she describes BK as being unresponsive and remembers he had a lot of sores on him. Again, nothing was said about scabies.

A statement from the EMT interviewed for the Dr Phil Show
Snip-"An ambulance was called to the scene. "He was totally naked. He was unresponsive. When I looked at him, he had a lot of sores on him," recalls paramedic Sue Usry."-snip
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I'm walking on eggshells here folks, so please be gentle with me. It's hard to know right now where to draw the line with this situation and the developments as of late. If I overstep, just slap me in the back of the head and I'm good. I've followed Ben's case for a long time but I've not posted much because when I came in on his forum I was new to sleuthing and couldn't offer much. Here's something I find interesting...and I'm just going to throw it out there and not mince words....

joined 10-11-07
1st post 10-13-07
last post 10-26-07
last login 11-16-07
1st post *I am a nurse who is trying to help Mr. Benjaman Kyle to get his identity back

3rd post *This is Benjaman's nurse

Odd switch-up if you ask me. A nurse who is trying to help him switches to being HIS nurse overnight? What exactly did he have a nurse for, in the event I missed it?

Then nothing from either of them from Nov 07 until July 09

joined 7-25-09
1st post 7-25-09
last post 2-3-10
last login Today 7:43pm

1st post *A Real live Nobody was used by the Savannah News-Press when they ran the first newspaper article about Benjaman (3rd person)

3rd post *Social Security says that Benjaman cannot be given a New Social Security Number because he claims to be a US citizen. Since he is a citizen they say the presumption is that he already has one so they... (3rd person)

4th post *He answers Questions over and over and over ad nauseum (3rd person and WOW!) That means; to a sickening or disgusting degree btw. What a sh*tty thing to say to the people busting their butts to help you.

5th post *Dick Biondi was kicked off of WLS in Chicago for telling a dirty Knock Knock Joke in the 1960's. Benjaman never heard it when it was told on the air but he heard people repeat it. (3rd person)

6th post *I never heard of Metamora.....(1st person!)

Perhaps Benjaman isn't the mastermind here?

I'm going back to my corner now before I get hit with something....

thanks for compiling that Shutterfly

what this reminds me of is that guy on WS who was claiming to have witnessed murders and needed help idnetifying the victims (?) but got found out

I forget his name but he seemed to have a particular purpose and that was to make money from a book - WS was probably just a practice forum for him to test out his theories, gauge reactions, and garner free publicity

what I'm saying is this smells the same - there's gotta be a money angle here from one or both of them (looking to sue WS too perchance?)

Snipped from Real live nobody" story. Guess it was there all along, I read that article when it first came out and never noticed that line until now.
Police told Kyle they found no signs of a crime, but Kyle believes he was mugged.
Prior to BK being found, we don't know his medical history. We don't know if he had any kind of medical condition that could have caused his blindness.

Now when he was found, I believe he was found laying near a dumpster with his eyes open. If he looked into the sun for too long, it may have caused temporary blindness or done some damage to his eyes. I'm not a physician, so I honestly don't know.

I do know that he had eye surgery and is able to see again.

But if he was legally blind prior to his discovery, then how in the world did he get to Savannah and the area behind the dumpster in the first place?

I thought he was found sleeping next to a dumpster naked with scabies? Not lying next to a dumpster with his eyes open?

Also, I believe he was found in the morning and I believe on the Dr. Phil show it was said that BK could not have been there long because the night crew, when taking out the night trash, would have seen him there.

From what I understand (and please someone correct me if I am wrong) BK had surgery because he had cataracts. Cataracts can be caused by a myriad of things, exposure to ultraviolet light, excessive alcohol intake, exposure to radiation, certain medications but all of the before mentioned things take repeated exposure to create cataracts so severe they would cause very limited eyesight.

In my opinion, if he was legally blind I don't think it would have been too difficult for him to wander the 50 yards or so from the homeless camp to the dumpster.

I honestly do not know where he came from, what his circumstances are or what his story is. I am sure time will bring the answers.
Benjaman Kyle was discovered by the Burger King manager on August 31, 2004.

After his hospitalization, BK was released to the care of Union Mission and remained as a resident of this United Way facility, eventually becoming one of the live in managers. While he could not earn a salary due to lack of SS#, he worked in exchange for his basic necessities and housing.

Union Mission states on their website: Benjamin continues to give accolades to Union Mission staff for helping restore his health so he could begin his new life.

NB befriended BK at Union Mission in November of 2007. She later stated in interviews that she was appalled that he was "slave labor" and made the decision to "help him".

Benjaman left Union Mission and moved in with NB.

In November 2007, NB joined WS and began initiating interviews with the media and creating Wiki page.

Shortly thereafter, allegations that BK had been beaten and that RHPD simply "wrote him off as a vagrant" and neglected to investigate this "crime" began appearing in the media and on the internet. (NOTE: I have found no reference to beating allegation prior to Nov 07)

NB has made many untrue statements in the media and online such as the assertation that RHPD actually found BK's clothing inside the dumpster but did not retrieve them. This has been disputed by RHPD as well as all present at the scene that morning. NB also stated in email posted on this forum that she contacted RHPD and the lead detective told her she could NOT speak with any of the officers or detectives present that morning because "none work for RHPD any longer". RHPD disputes this claim, and I can personally tell you that ALL officers and detectives are still employed by RHPD as of today.

BK and NB appeared on Dr Phil and segments included the beating allegation as well as allegations of shodding police work.


When I learned there was absolutely no possibility that BK was beaten, I began to ponder what could possibly be gained by perpetuating a lie? To my knowledge, there has been no attempt to solicit donations, funds, etc...

So what could possibly be the goal or eventual benefit in perpetuating this storyline, as well as the allegations that RHPD should have done more and had they, it may have helped determine the identity of BK.

I have not seen an onslaught of paid interviews, appearances, (similar to GA/CA in KC case), so how would this benefit BK financially (assuming that would be the overall goal?)

As I read the online interviews and watched the DR Phil episode and saw so much emphasis on RHPD, the thought occurred to me...

Is there a concerted effort since 2007 to set the stage for a possible civil case filing by BK (or NB on behalf of BK) against the RHPD for their (alleged) neglect and responsibility and duty to BK to investigate a crime that left him with amnesia and inability to return to the life he once knew?

Is this all about hoping to hide behind HIPPA, filing a civil case in the hopes that RHPD would just settle as opposed getting mired in a very expensive, lengthy legal battle by a cash strapped small town police department?

As I have heard more and more rumblings about possible legal involvement at this point, I don't think this is far-fetched and would certainly explain the least to me.

This possibility was discussed when I met with RHPD but Capt. A stated that RHPD has documentation to prove any and all allegations made by NB are unfounded.

Thank you for that! It appears BK may not have been as healthy when he was discovered as NB has led us to believe!
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