Birthday Memorial - Java Jive

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I just had an idea. What if someone were to cut out the words "WE MISS YOU" or "WE MISS YOU, NANCY" to go right under the Happy Birthday? That would definitely indicate whose or what type of birthday it was!

The display looks great!!!

EXCELLENT IDEA. I hope someone knows where to buy letters and puts it up there, under the Happy Birthday garland. I used regular clear tape (what the Java Jive had on hand). It's home made looking, but it worked!

I don't plan on going back to Java Jive. I'm about to take my husband to the airport and my aunt died, whose funeral is today.
Hey all, I just spoke to Amanda Lamb she wanted to confirm a time for today so I told her I'd meet her at JJ around 3:45. That will be plenty of time for her camera man to take shots inside and out and speak to whoever is willing to talk. I hope lots and lots of our posters show up. Jmflu - I will still be there at 5 and my guess is Amanda Lamb will too and hopefully some of our other posters.
Yea! I will be there by 5:15 at the latest!
Oh, I get it! Shall I take the guest book and knock on Brad Cooper's door for his own personal signing? I know that he must miss his wife, his children and want the murderer caught. He would certainly want to write a heartfelt message, wouldn't he? I will need security guards. No wait, I'll just stay outside on the front porch of his home and there, I'll have my ever-present trusty metal black cane. Snirk.
NCN I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. May she rest in peace.
ncnative, You did a beautiful job on the birthday tribute to Nancy. Thank you for taking to time to do this. I'm sure this gesture will be appreciated by those who loved Nancy.

Topsail Girl, thank you to you for contacting Amanda Lamb. We don't want anyone to forget Nancy. She was a beautiful soul who was taken needlessly, way before her time.

I hope lots of people show up.

Way to go Websleuthers!
Today, 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by SleuthyGal
The thing is, this is not an official's a news report and the accuracy of it is not verified. News reporters often get little details wrong--for instance in today's newscast they said "friends of Nancy's created a memorial at JJ to celebrate her Bday." But that's not accurate because the people who did it never met Nancy and thus were not friends of hers--just community members. A small detail, but an important distincti.

Sleuthy is right. The news reporter did get that detail wrong. "Friends of Nancy Cooper" did NOT create "...a memorial at Java Jive to celebrate her Bday."

No, indeed. *I* alone created a memorial at Java Jive, spent two days and several hundred dollars of my own money, MY CHOICE, in honor of Nancy's memory and in honor of her birthday that she never was able to celebrate here on this earth.

The news reporter had no way of knowing this because I didn't want to be named. No one asked me anyway. I don't mind if people think the celebration at Java Jive was put together by friends. I never knew Nancy. I live near her, though. I wanted to do something for her and my community, as well as do something that brings forward the community. There are so many on the forum at who care and add their personal experiences and knowledge of this case, as well as people worldwide who post at Websleuths regarding this murder and Michelle Young's murder--another woman in our community here.

I did, and I am happy with that. No name of mine is needed. The celebration did what it was meant to do by me: bring the community together in awareness of Nancy's birthday to remember her and to remember that there is still a murderer out there. Most of all, it is meant to gather the book of birthday wishes from people who come in to write in it, as well as the children whom I hope will draw their little pictures in the children's drawing pages, so that I can send all of that to Nancy's family.

I won't even be there to watch the celebration when the news folks show up today around 4 PM. I will be at home. *I* am not the important one in this event. No one knows me or needs me. I have done what I meant to do and that's it. Now to watch people enjoy it, I hope. I know that it isn't professional looking, and the place was HECK to try and find a focal point or space to put anything. Did what I had to. Thanks to Sherry, the owner of Java Jive because she knew Nancy and allowed me to "mess up" her store for Nancy's birthday.

Java Jive in Lochmere will always be a warm connection for our community. Besides, I am now dependent upon frappes with full fat/full sugar, whipped cream, and lemon poppy seed cake.

Today, 07:38 AM ncnative

I will add to my post above, that other Websleuths may have come in the Java Jive shop to contribute photos to this celebration. Most of all, Topsail Girl is the one who contacted the TV media. She must have connections! Thanks to you Topsail Girl. MomOf3Kids, SleuthyGal and others are helping behind the scenes, from what I've read here. I do hope that someone will speak at the news gathering today. Sleuthy?? I do not do public speaking. Not since college when I had to do it to graduate and nearly croaked of fright.

So, in the end, *I* alone did not do all of this myself.

Websleuths are hopefully adding to this celebration, now that I am out of the picture.

Copied these posts from ncnative from Thread #23 as requested.
Here's an interesting tidbit: Amanda Lamb (WRAL TV) lives right behind me. I have never spoken to her, and she doesn't know me. She has no idea that NCNative can see her house through the woods! I like being anonymous. I hope to keep it that way.

Years ago, her doggie escaped. I found the dog, got the info off the doggie tag and a man (I suppose her spouse) came over and got the dog. They still don't know me.

It's been so many years, they won't remember.
Oh, MAHMOO....THANKS! I am so computer dumb. And I have two college degrees & haven't figured out how to do this yet. Probably never will. Cut and paste? Is that what you do? Too bad they hadn't invented personal computers back then. Heh heh.
Oh, MAHMOO....THANKS! I am so computer dumb. And I have two college degrees & haven't figured out how to do this yet. Probably never will. Cut and paste? Is that what you do? Too bad they hadn't invented personal computers back then. Heh heh.

LOL.........yep cut & paste.......may be another way to do it but that's the only way I knew of :waitasec:
mahmoo, I don't know how you did that. But would it be possible to copy the pictures posted on this thread to the sticky 'Photos: No Discussion' thread? That would be great if you could!

NCN very interesting about Amanda being your neighbor. I believe Bill Leslie lives out there as well.

I also contacted Chief Bazemore and told her about the Memorial for Nancy.
:clap::clap:ncnative and everyone for doing this today! You guys are the BEST!!:woohoo:
Dear ncnative and the others who helped with the birthday tribute -

Thank you. I visited Java Jive this morning and it is a wonderful tribute. I know many of Nancy's close friends have visited, or will be visiting. It gives me comfort to know how much Nancy touched others, even those she may have never met. I still mourn for her, but relish having known her.

I know many on WS have sifted through the muck and pieced together an image of Nancy's life and spirit. She was a fabulous person, an awesome mom, and a dear friend to many. I cling to her spirit daily and Nancy has made me a better person.

Please don't be discouraged if none of Nancy's friends want to be interviewed today. It is an emotional day and there are other reasons (as already mentioned on this thread) not to be interviewed. For those from WS who are participating in the interviews, it would be nice if you could mention the Memorial Fund at RBC Bank that is set up for Bella and Katie. Also, many of Nancy's friends are going to the John Mayer concert on Wednesday because that's what the plans were to celebrate her birthday this year...and that we hope he might dedicate "Say" to her.

P.S. - I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Nancy's sister, Krista. We are thinking of you. Give extra hugs to those kiddies from all of us down south.
NancyFriend, If I do an interview I'll make sure to mention the Fund and Krista as well. That would be a great point to bring up actually- how much Nancy is loved and missed by her family and especially the twin who has to celebrate with out her other half today.

ETA - I understand perfectly why Nancy's friends might choose not to speak but do hope they will be joining us.
Oh, MAHMOO....THANKS! I am so computer dumb. And I have two college degrees & haven't figured out how to do this yet. Probably never will. Cut and paste? Is that what you do? Too bad they hadn't invented personal computers back then. Heh heh.
OFF SUBJECT: I'm about 8 years your junior, and just about the time I was in college, we had to take a programming class to in DOS punch cards. I was so entirely clueless, even after showing up for class every single day. (Luckily I took it pass/fail so didn't have it pull the ole GPA down) My roommate and I passed the class by going to the lab part after midnight when all the brilliant Asian (not being deragatory or biased. Just most computer geniuses at my school where Asian guys) geeks hung out for fun. We batted our eyelashes and these wonderful boys did our punch programs for us. We both passed....with nary a clue of how to do DOS programming. If it weren't for Microsoft Windows, I'd be in a sad situation right now. Wouldn't get to chat with you folks. My hero....Bill Gates. LOL
NCN very interesting about Amanda being your neighbor. I believe Bill Leslie lives out there as well.

I also contacted Chief Bazemore and told her about the Memorial for Nancy.
Yep, Bill lives a hop, skip and jump over from the main Lochmere. He runs on Lochmere Drive quite often. A wonderful guy! I'm sure he's following this story with a personal investment like Amanda is.
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