Birthday Memorial - Java Jive

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mahmoo, I don't know how you did that. But would it be possible to copy the pictures posted on this thread to the sticky 'Photos: No Discussion' thread? That would be great if you could!


Done :blowkiss:
Dear ncnative and the others who helped with the birthday tribute -

Thank you. I visited Java Jive this morning and it is a wonderful tribute. I know many of Nancy's close friends have visited, or will be visiting. It gives me comfort to know how much Nancy touched others, even those she may have never met. I still mourn for her, but relish having known her.

I know many on WS have sifted through the muck and pieced together an image of Nancy's life and spirit. She was a fabulous person, an awesome mom, and a dear friend to many. I cling to her spirit daily and Nancy has made me a better person.

Please don't be discouraged if none of Nancy's friends want to be interviewed today. It is an emotional day and there are other reasons (as already mentioned on this thread) not to be interviewed. For those from WS who are participating in the interviews, it would be nice if you could mention the Memorial Fund at RBC Bank that is set up for Bella and Katie. Also, many of Nancy's friends are going to the John Mayer concert on Wednesday because that's what the plans were to celebrate her birthday this year...and that we hope he might dedicate "Say" to her.

P.S. - I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Nancy's sister, Krista. We are thinking of you. Give extra hugs to those kiddies from all of us down south.
Thank you for bringing Krista's B-day to our attention, NF. I can only imagine how painful this day must be for her!

Krista, if you're reading: please know my virtual arms are wrapped tightly around you, girl. We at WS have come to love Nancy, too; and you may add us to the many strangers who now are here to hold you up on days like this.
Dear ncnative and the others who helped with the birthday tribute -

Thank you. I visited Java Jive this morning and it is a wonderful tribute. I know many of Nancy's close friends have visited, or will be visiting. It gives me comfort to know how much Nancy touched others, even those she may have never met. I still mourn for her, but relish having known her.

I know many on WS have sifted through the muck and pieced together an image of Nancy's life and spirit. She was a fabulous person, an awesome mom, and a dear friend to many. I cling to her spirit daily and Nancy has made me a better person.

Please don't be discouraged if none of Nancy's friends want to be interviewed today. It is an emotional day and there are other reasons (as already mentioned on this thread) not to be interviewed. For those from WS who are participating in the interviews, it would be nice if you could mention the Memorial Fund at RBC Bank that is set up for Bella and Katie. Also, many of Nancy's friends are going to the John Mayer concert on Wednesday because that's what the plans were to celebrate her birthday this year...and that we hope he might dedicate "Say" to her.

P.S. - I also want to wish a Happy Birthday to Nancy's sister, Krista. We are thinking of you. Give extra hugs to those kiddies from all of us down south.

Thank You very much. You are in my prayers.
Also, many of Nancy's friends are going to the John Mayer concert on Wednesday because that's what the plans were to celebrate her birthday this year...and that we hope he might dedicate "Say" to her.

Good morning NancyFriend :wave:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us and reminding us about it being Krista's birthday as well.

Have ya'll contacted John Mayer about dedicating the song for Nancy? I know he likes to "blog" and that might be a good place to contact him if ya'll haven't already.

Our thoughts are with you and Nancy's many other friends as well as her family.
You guys have done an amazing job! NCN, Topsail, everyone! This has brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful loving tribute to Nancy. Don't you guys know she would have gotten such a kick out all the pretty balloons, etc.

Happy Birthday Dear Nancy.
Don't y'all think it would add a whole new dimension to the story on the news for someone to point out that it was a community of bloggers who didn't even know Nancy who put together this whole thing? I would mention NCNative but I know she wouldn't want direct attention; the point is that the community is alive and online and remembering Nancy!
:HappyBday:balloons::partyguy::birthday_party:Thank you, NancyFriend. And thanks for reminding me: it's Krista's birthday today too! I wish I had thought of that.

I just had a phone call that I could not identify on caller ID. I am not answering the phone, 'cause I'm a'skeered that TV people might find my name and call me:D And I can tell you, I really do have anxiety problems about speaking in public, crowds or being singled out for people to "notice". I know, send in the shrinks. I get by. I also exhibit and sell my fine art photography in galleries from time to time. You can bet my work has to speak for me, cause I stay away!! If I had to do a "gallery talk", they'd have to carry me out in a body bag. Sad but true. And, I only do the old fashioned film, darkroom, make my own mats type of photography. It's hard work. But just like me with computers not knowing how to cut and paste, I'm sticking to my old fashioned ways. Some day they will be priceless. When the computers die, the digital cameras die, I'll still have my pens and markers, my film or at least some photographic print paper and a pinhole camera. :)
Don't y'all think it would add a whole new dimension to the story on the news for someone to point out that it was a community of bloggers who didn't even know Nancy who put together this whole thing? I would mention NCNative but I know she wouldn't want direct attention; the point is that the community is alive and online and remembering Nancy!

I agree jmflu. The community is alive, locally, and on the www. I think that's a very important point. Nancy's family is not alone, Nancy's friends are not alone and we will never forget.
mahmoo - Thanks for the suggestion on contacting John Mayer through his blog. We did that and even if John does not mention Nancy, there will be group at the show with tears in their eyes during the song "Say".
I got a response from Chief Bazemore. She can not attend but is passing the message on to her entire staff. She asked if we needed traffic direction or if there was anything the Cary Police Department could do for us. She also mentioned how thoughtful it was for us to be doing this to remember Nancy. I wanted to write her back and tell here yes she can help us - ARREST BRAD ALREADY LOL but I didn't do that. LOL
I'm so glad Nancy's friends approve of the Bday memorial at JJ and are planning to stop in. It's a lovely tribute and NCnative did such a nice job. And to think it started with just a basic thought of 1 white wreath perched somewhere out near Lochmere Drive! Shows the creativity and spirit of a community member who just made it happen! :clap:

NancyFriend, I hope John Mayer dedicates the song to NC. That would be very special indeed!
I got a response from Chief Bazemore. She can not attend but is passing the message on to her entire staff. She asked if we needed traffic direction or if there was anything the Cary Police Department could do for us. She also mentioned how thoughtful it was for us to be doing this to remember Nancy. I wanted to write her back and tell here yes she can help us - ARREST BRAD ALREADY LOL but I didn't do that. LOL

LOL that would have been very, very droll! How nice of her to offer assistance.
As a 'thank you' to Java Jive it would be nice if each WS member ordered a drink of some kind. Even just a cup of coffee or some tea. They've been very generous to allow the group to 'take over' that corner of their store.
As a 'thank you' to Java Jive it would be nice if each WS member ordered a drink of some kind. Even just a cup of coffee or some tea. They've been very generous to allow the group to 'take over' that corner of their store.

I think that would be an excellant idea!! Get a Bella!
HERE'S AN IDEA for JJ this afternoon:

Maybe have a gathering spot for all the Websleuth folks who show up? Out on the "porch" of JJ? Maybe a little hand made poster and a few balloons, so you can find each other? You don't have to reveal yourselves there. Use your WS name, or none at all. Just say hi to each other and let people know WS is "where it's AT" (to upset all English grammar teachers..."at"). Wish I'd thought of this earlier.
How nice. Bill Leslie on WRAL TV just showed the Java Jive and all the decor, while mentioning the celebration. I just happened to see that.
I got a response from Chief Bazemore. She can not attend but is passing the message on to her entire staff. She asked if we needed traffic direction or if there was anything the Cary Police Department could do for us. She also mentioned how thoughtful it was for us to be doing this to remember Nancy. I wanted to write her back and tell here yes she can help us - ARREST BRAD ALREADY LOL but I didn't do that. LOL

You rock, Topsail Girl...
oh that's great!! Maybe Amanda put in a quick call to him before she had to run to court this morning! I'm so happy it's getting this press coverage. I hope Brad saw it.
HERE'S AN IDEA for JJ this afternoon:

Maybe have a gathering spot for all the Websleuth folks who show up? Out on the "porch" of JJ? Maybe a little hand made poster and a few balloons, so you can find each other? You don't have to reveal yourselves there. Use your WS name, or none at all. Just say hi to each other and let people know WS is "where it's AT" (to upset all English grammar teachers..."at"). Wish I'd thought of this earlier.

That would be great... it would be a shame if we were there independently and had no idea who each other was... and how can we go around and ask people... are you with Websleuths?
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