SuperDave said:
That is the simplest explanation.
If I understand PagingDrDetective correctly, changing the evidence opinions around in interviews years later could obviously be just an attempt to fend off some of the long-standing criticizm about bungling, an attempt to cover some of their embarrassment, and defend their only investigating the R's.
Example, I'm thinking of the movie "Stepford Wives" starring, I think, Genevieve Bujold, in the 1970's if I remember that correctly, about the "Mens' Association" forcing husbands to let their wives be killed and replaced by lookalike robots with no PMS or whatever.
Men had to submit or they wouldn't be allowed to make a living. This may have been similar to what the R's were up against for all we know. I don't believe in coincidences or new versions to cover expose's. (Of course I'm not saying they could really replace women or little beauty queens with robots.) But a new movie was made in about 2005 using the very same title, wasn't good at all in my opinion, probably just an attempt to negate the previous one. Speaking of mens' associations, I don't know if that's the famous/infamous worldwide underground "babylon" mentioned in prophecy as destructive and going to be destroyed by God, which maybe started in Iraq when they were building that tower to confront God, and He gave them different languages so they couldn't work together on it. Some may not believe that source as unimpeachable, but I'm contributing fwiw, just so we know as many possible facts as possible. Someone is predicted who's probably a spy because it says nobody can have any secrets from him. The RN brags about monitoring the R's. Just one of many explanations.
Frankly this isn't a simple case and being simple isn't the object! I guess even the FBI gave it up as too complicated.
Evidently this crime was planned for a long time to be confusing, nearly every clue can be countered by some other clue, so far, but eventually the truth may rise to the surface like oil on water. Giving ST credit, whoever planted that snapshot of the open dictionary which hadn't been there when LE first went over the crime scene, by itself proves the R's didn't do it, although they were obviously somehow involved.