Bosma Murder Trial 01.18.16 - Jury selection process commences

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Absolutely Matou. If SB still wants to be in the courtroom through most of the proceedings, I'm sure the Crown will see to it that they get her up on the stand ASAP. Speaking of witnesses, should we speculate who the Crown will call as their witnesses? I'll start and please feel free to add to the list.

* SB
* Possible witness who saw TB's truck in Brantford around 10pm, May 6th, 2013
* Etobicoke business guy who went on a test drive with the accused May 5th, 2013
* Toronto guy who was selling his Dodge Ram and had been contacted by the accused. He missed the phone call and a test drive was never arranged
* A number of detectives, police officers
* Forensic experts: computer, cellphone, surveillance video, DNA, firearms
* SA
* The business owner BillP in Manitoba who sold the incinerator
* A representative/expert from SuperNova Manufacturers, manufacturer of the incinerator
* Associates who knew the accused and had some knowledge/evidence to assist in the investigation: DM's ex-employees including secretary, bookkeeper, ex-friends, ex-girlfriends/fiancees, any or all of the three Matthews, neighbours of DM and MB
* SS DM's mechanic
* WM's fiancee is she exists
* Undercover officers who may have been put in a cell with either of the accused
* CN
* People who work at the Waterloo airport associated with DM

Excellent list Swedie. I would add DM's Mother, MB since Tim Bosma's truck was found inside a trailer in her driveway, and also the neighbour, who noticed the trailer, and notified the police. The Crown might have many other questions for MB about DM and MS.
Hi Everyone. After peeking in on this site for the past few years, this trial told me it was time to sign up. This one hits home for a lot of people because Tim was doing what any number of us were/are doing....selling something online to strangers.

My question for you fine people that have much more experience with this type of trial is in regards to publication bans. It appears that the "publication ban" term is being thrown around a lot by the reporters tweeting etc. We are all looking forward to the start of this trial in February but what can we expect as far as information goes? I know we won't get details of what the witnesses say etc. but will we get a guideline ie: who testified etc. or will it be pretty much dark until the trial is over? I seem to recall with the Bernardo trial it was only day to day housekeeping that was reported. Thoughts?
Hi Everyone. After peeking in on this site for the past few years, this trial told me it was time to sign up. This one hits home for a lot of people because Tim was doing what any number of us were/are doing....selling something online to strangers.

My question for you fine people that have much more experience with this type of trial is in regards to publication bans. It appears that the "publication ban" term is being thrown around a lot by the reporters tweeting etc. We are all looking forward to the start of this trial in February but what can we expect as far as information goes? I know we won't get details of what the witnesses say etc. but will we get a guideline ie: who testified etc. or will it be pretty much dark until the trial is over? I seem to recall with the Bernardo trial it was only day to day housekeeping that was reported. Thoughts?

Welcome !!!

Yes ... I believe the trial info is public minute by minute ... at least it was in the Dennis Oland trial in a Canadian court last month.

It was an excellent short and fast paced thread (without any trolls) and had minute by minute updates (twitter) from the reporters ... plus a daily summary with pictures of court evidence etc

Dennis was found guilty of murdering his wealthy father ...
Hi Everyone. After peeking in on this site for the past few years, this trial told me it was time to sign up. This one hits home for a lot of people because Tim was doing what any number of us were/are doing....selling something online to strangers.

My question for you fine people that have much more experience with this type of trial is in regards to publication bans. It appears that the "publication ban" term is being thrown around a lot by the reporters tweeting etc. We are all looking forward to the start of this trial in February but what can we expect as far as information goes? I know we won't get details of what the witnesses say etc. but will we get a guideline ie: who testified etc. or will it be pretty much dark until the trial is over? I seem to recall with the Bernardo trial it was only day to day housekeeping that was reported. Thoughts?

:wagon: Welcome to Websleuths, DeepWoodsOff!
I have made a support ribbon for Tim Bosma for us to use during the trial to show our support for Sharlene, and family. Should you wish to use it just right click on the avatar and save.

Tim's Tribute
Hi Everyone. After peeking in on this site for the past few years, this trial told me it was time to sign up. This one hits home for a lot of people because Tim was doing what any number of us were/are doing....selling something online to strangers.

My question for you fine people that have much more experience with this type of trial is in regards to publication bans. It appears that the "publication ban" term is being thrown around a lot by the reporters tweeting etc. We are all looking forward to the start of this trial in February but what can we expect as far as information goes? I know we won't get details of what the witnesses say etc. but will we get a guideline ie: who testified etc. or will it be pretty much dark until the trial is over? I seem to recall with the Bernardo trial it was only day to day housekeeping that was reported. Thoughts?

Well, if it's anything like the Michael Rafferty (Tori Stafford) trial (which was live tweeted with more horrifying details any normal, decent person ever wanted to know) then we'll all probably learn a lot more than what we already know. And none of it will be good, I'm afraid.
Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 3h3 hours ago
Very few media here today for Tim #Bosma murder trial. I expect a big pack again once the Crown case opens on Feb. 1. #HamOnt

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 4h4 hours ago
Much quieter outside #TimBosma courtroom this morning. Day 2 of jury selection starts 10am @CHCHNews

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2h2 hours ago
Third jury panel is now in the court awaiting Justice Goodman's instructions at the Tim #Bosma murder trial. #Hamont

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2h2 hours ago
Accused #Bosma killers Dellen Millard & Mark Smich wear same clothes as yesterday, sitting in prisoners box.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2h2 hours ago
Key #Bosma trial players absent from the courtroom today: Bosma family; Crown Tony Leitch; Det. Sgt. Matt Kavanagh.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2h2 hours ago
Jury candidate dismissed because his son was murdered. Another dismissed because he is a journalist. Another because she is pregnant. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 2h2 hours ago
One potential juror was excused after telling the judge his own son had been "brutally murdered." #TimBosma @CHCHNews

Adam CarterVerified account ‏@AdamCarterCBC 2h2 hours ago
“If I may be so bold, you look much younger than 81 years, so kudos to you.” -Justice Goodman says to woman he's excusing. #HamOnt #TimBosma

Adam CarterVerified account ‏@AdamCarterCBC 1h1 hour ago Hamilton, Ontario
Morning jury selection session is done. They'll continue with a similar one this afternoon. #HamOnt #TimBosma
Court has resumed.
Phase one of jury selection process for Bosma case now beginning with fourth panel (1 earlier today, 2 yesterday).
Jury duty is both a privilege and a responsibility. It is hard, intense work and I have faith that the vast majority of jurors take their role very seriously.

I have seen the emotional reactions of jurors who have had to look at autopsy photos of murdered babies. Or who have listened to dramatic and painful testimony.

I have watched their angst as they have filed back into a packed courtroom after days of being sequestered to deliver a verdict that will change lives.

Jury duty is not for the faint of heart.
Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 3h3 hours ago
I will be tweeting again today as we go through Day 3 of jury selection for the Tim #Bosma murder trial. #HamOnt

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 1h1 hour ago
Fifth panel of potential jurors -- about 100 people -- now being brought into the courtroom at the Tim #Bosma murder trial. #HamOnt

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 1h1 hour ago
Accused killers Dellen Millard and Mark Smich in same spots in prisoners box, wearing same clothes as previous days. #Bosma

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 46m46 minutes ago
A 3rd day's parade of potential jurors are filing past #Smich & #Millard to say they can or not serve. #TimBosma #HamOnt

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 1h1 hour ago
Justice Andrew Goodman is introducing all the lawyers involved in the case. They stand and nod to the jury pool. #Bosma #hamont

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 28m28 minutes ago
One jury pool member excused after saying he is a friend of the #Bosma family. On way past prisoners box he mutters "F*ckers," to accused.

Lisa Hepfner ‏@HefCHCHNews 6m6 minutes ago
Another juror ineligible because she knows the #TimBosma family. Morning panel has now finished indicating willingness. @CHCHNews
Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 28m28 minutes ago
One jury pool member excused after saying he is a friend of the #Bosma family. On way past prisoners box he mutters "F*ckers," to accused.

Too bad he couldn't say how he really felt.
Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 2h2 hours ago
About to start vetting the final jury panel through Phase 1 of the jury selection process at the Tim #Bosma murder trial.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 1h1 hour ago
"I don't think I'd be emotionally able to do this," says a potential #Bosma juror. She is then excused.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 50m50 minutes ago
A man dismissed from #Bosma jury pool because wife's aunt was murdered. Truly shocking how many candidates have been affected by homicides.

Susan ClairmontVerified account ‏@susanclairmont 12m12 minutes ago
Back for Phase 2 of jury selection tomorrow at the Tim #Bosma murder trial. I'll be limited in what I can tell you due to a publication ban.
I believe on February 1, 2016, once the trial starts, the judge will lift the PB and MSM will be able to report all details except what is discussed while jurors are not present in the courtroom. The jurors' personal information will not be made public (names), but reporters will likely give a general description for each of them, such as gender, age, occupation possibly, appearance, reactions throughout the trial, etc. MOO.

@susanclairmont will we know the makeup of the jury re: gender?

Susan Clairmont Retweeted Tina
Oh yes. Once jury is chosen we can tell you more.
In a society where we increasingly shirk real people in favour of digital ones and shrink our lives down to the size of a screen, it is astounding to see — in a very real life way — how many lives Tim touched.

How many lives a family man with a goofy sense of humour, and who ran his own heating and air-conditioning company, touched.

One jury candidate, a teacher, taught Tim's cousin at the time of the murder.

Another has children in the same class as Tim's daughter.

Others know Tim's uncle, live near his cousin, are pals with his parents, are friends of the family, go to the same close-knit Ancaster Christian Reformed Church with its 700 members, have a co-worker who is a Bosma ...

At least half a dozen others spoke more vaguely of "a connection" to Tim and his family.

One man was dismissed after saying he knows the Bosmas. On his way past the prisoners box, where Tim's accused killers Dellen Millard and Mark Smich are kept, he muttered: "F---ers."
For all of these reasons, I wonder why a change of venue was never formally requested? Or was it and I missed it? DP certainly threatened it when he was the acting attorney albeit for different reasons. I'm sure the Hamilton/Ancaster area is rather "small town" and many people would have connections to the key players. Certainly more so than the GTA.

The one thing we can rely on IMO is the honesty of the jury pool. It's obvious that no one is willing to take any chances with a conflict of interest in this trial.
...need a bit of an update ;-)
I remember DM's initial lawyer had quit I believe (or DM cut him free?) Can anyone comment on the reputation and scouting report of each co-accused respective lawyers and predicted strategies they may use??....just trying to gauge a feel for the defense lawyers approach, do they join forces for the co-accused or go hard at the blame game against each other??...I'm thinking the latter in this twisted in peace Mr Bosma, rest in peace
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