Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #19

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ok, the times argus site reported a story with virtually all the details from the emails and its still up on their site, that is the only place i have found them.

they didnt make any commentary on them, just reported them in a sort of bullet list.
Everywhere you look on these threads you see that the internet played a big roll in this and other cases of it's type. It seems to me that it is past time that the problem is addressed. Here are some ideas and I'd like to see what all of you think.

We have special courts to take care of various subjects such as bankruptcy, divorce, and other crimes. Why not a special court for SO so that the judges, lawyers, and others will be up to speed on this crime, criminal, and law?

Hackers have brought down big sites on the internet such as Ebay and Amazon. Why can't these molester sites be taken down when found? Maybe form a national task force that will police the internet and take the offender sites down.

Credit cards enable these to make purchases for pictures, and "tools" of their trade. MJ purchased some "tools" for use on his victims in this case and I think he is selling too. Why not have credit card companies refuse cards to those who have been convicted of this crime? Using offenders lists this should be pretty easy. This way they will be slowed down and the US mail will have more opportunities to track these .

AT&T and AOL block child *advertiser censored* sites and this needs to spread to all providers.

When found, I don't care what state they are from, we need a National Jessica's law. Also when parents allow their children to be with SO on a published list they too should be held legally responsible.

These are just a couple of ideas. I'd like feedback please. I am planning to take the final ideas to my State Rep. I'm tired of reading about the hell our children have experienced due to complacency. Thanks for your time.
The MySpace entry looked like it was written by a schoolgirl too. JMO

When I read the Myspace entry, I felt the wording wasn't of a 12 year old girl. I mean, sure, there were shortcuts for words used, but the flow of it seemed a bit advanced. I have neices and nephews in their teens (very intelligent at that) and still, the flow of their emails are choppy including a lot of mispelled words, on top of shortcut words. Teenagers are so quick when they type and rarely re-read for acuracy, it's type and send. I think MJ thought too much about the wording, making sure to use the short cuts for every word possible, which is why they found he went into edit the blog after he wrote it. Just my opinion.
I agree with both you and medea on that point. :rolleyes:
Me...four! The only "code" I saw was a reference to the "phone company" which I would guess is some fictional faction of the "Breck" group.

I think the reason that Africa and Safaris were mentioned is to twist AR's perception of the fake E into believing he was a world traveler plus to explain why she had not met him yet. Nothing more. It was pure fiction to "entice" AR to keep believing he was this exotic man who was to be her husband soon. (Remember the baby dream.) Even Scott Peterson created that whole story about being in Europe for the same make him seem more "interesting and well traveled" to Amber.
The MySpace entry looked like it was written by a schoolgirl too. And we know it wasn't, it was a grown man.

Hmmm, I thought the MySpace entry sounded like it was written by a man trying to sound like a schoolgirl, frankly. It sounded very different from the AR mails.

IMO, it looks like not only was MJ setting up the boyfriend, he may have also been setting up AR to take the blame for Brooke's murder.


When I read the Myspace entry, I felt the wording wasn't of a 12 year old girl. I mean, sure, there were shortcuts for words used, but the flow of it seemed a bit advanced. I have neices and nephews in their teens (very intelligent at that) and still, the flow of their emails are choppy including a lot of mispelled words, on top of shortcut words. Teenagers are so quick when they type and rarely re-read for acuracy, it's type and send. I think MJ thought too much about the wording, making sure to use the short cuts for every word possible, which is why they found he went into edit the blog after he wrote it. Just my opinion.

I thought that too. Like it was deliberate. Also the part that said "if people only knew the real me" like he was making Brooke out to be a bad person when in fact he was the bad person.

He is from the rutland area


This man is missing, from probatioon and parole, in Burlington, VT. I do not see anything on the news yet but I when I see something I will post it. He has been missing since monday. He is very Dangerous.
This whole thing has just bothered me terribly and i never meant to offend anyone by my strong opinions when I first signed on. If I did I apologize. But I have dreamed about this poor child since she went missing. I try and eliminate the images in my head of Brooke's final hours but I just can't, I can't. I know that there are animals out there in our world that thrive on behaviors that in my wildest dreams I could not imagine, but though I know it exists, I will never in my life understand it, never. Brooke was 12 years old. AR who was also a victim of this man was 9 years old when her abuse started. How can you take away their innocence??!! How?? Brooke’s beautiful eyes will forever haunt me. We become immune in some sense to all the violence in our society...but there are some cases that capture your heart for one reason or another. Natalee captured my heart from day one. Another was Jennifer Moore, the teen who went clubbing in New York and was found in a dumpster days later. And now Brooke. Who knows why we are drawn to a certain case when there are so many. There are just cases we will never forget for the rest of our lives and this is one of them for me. I just don't understand why this happens.

I do believe in the death penalty. I really do. Especially for child rapists! I know a lot of you probably disagree with me and can't justify the collective sanctioning of another's life with no consequences. However...I have to tell you...if anyone ever hurt my my son or daughter like they hurt Brooke, I would kill them. Send me to jail...I couldn't function without them anyway and I understand I would be convicted of murder...I could live with that death on my own shoulders and still face my Maker and His judgement. It would be a personal decision with consequences I was willing to accept both here and in the next world and not a collective judgement with no personal consequences...does that make sense? But if I wasn't given the opportunity to issue my own judgement that I would take responsibility for...I want my government to put him to death… not on death row...isolated...cushioned...spending millions of our tax dollars studying law books and making appeals or I would want him smack dab in the middle of the prison population amongst other predators like himself...and let him see how long he could hold his own. Never to step out a free man. I could live with locking away the culprits in jail....culprits like Brooke's perpetrators forever...and leaving the rest for God. Live or die by the hands of your peers who would also take responsibility for their actions as I would.....either would seem a more appropriate punishment than the living safe and sound on death row for decades.

If think every adult who knew ANTHING at all about MJ, AR and RG should be punished for failing Brooke (and AR) beginning with her mother, aunt grandmother and possibly even dad. Now I'm certainly not giving MJ and RG a pass...I stated above what I truly believe should happen to them. They are the be all end all of this horrid reality but they had people who enabled them to be what they are. We as a country need to start giving the victims the RIGHTS that they so justly deserve. Child rapists have no rights. Our country has gotten so confused with the help of the ACLU over who has rights. Child rapists and child murderers have no rights! Our children have no rights in their hands.

Sorry for the rant! I will step off my soap box now. Just know that my heart aches for OUR CHILDREN! We need to give their RIGHTS back to them. Give them a voice again. Give Brooke a VOICE!
Everywhere you look on these threads you see that the internet played a big roll in this and other cases of it's type. It seems to me that it is past time that the problem is addressed. Here are some ideas and I'd like to see what all of you think.

We have special courts to take care of various subjects such as bankruptcy, divorce, and other crimes. Why not a special court for SO so that the judges, lawyers, and others will be up to speed on this crime, criminal, and law?

Hackers have brought down big sites on the internet such as Ebay and Amazon. Why can't these molester sites be taken down when found? Maybe form a national task force that will police the internet and take the offender sites down.

Credit cards enable these to make purchases for pictures, and "tools" of their trade. MJ purchased some "tools" for use on his victims in this case and I think he is selling too. Why not have credit card companies refuse cards to those who have been convicted of this crime? Using offenders lists this should be pretty easy. This way they will be slowed down and the US mail will have more opportunities to track these .

AT&T and AOL block child *advertiser censored* sites and this needs to spread to all providers.

When found, I don't care what state they are from, we need a National Jessica's law. Also when parents allow their children to be with SO on a published list they too should be held legally responsible.

These are just a couple of ideas. I'd like feedback please. I am planning to take the final ideas to my State Rep. I'm tired of reading about the hell our children have experienced due to complacency. Thanks for your time.

I am 100% for a special court for sexual offenses, they are a unique crime with a generally unique set of evidentiary witnesses, physical evidence either lacking or explained as 'consensual', victim blaming is common, many misperceptions, etc.

I am not really supportive of a national jessica's law because almost all child sex offenders are someone the child knows, not a John Cuey who steals the child from her bed and then kills her. There usually isn't DNA, its the child's word against the adult...the victims are often troubled themselves, making them not always the most credible...I think this will have the opposite affect...fewer cases successfully prosecuted.

You will never be able to get support for refusing credit cards to sex offenders.

As a not very computer savvy person myself, I also don't understand why these sites can't be hacked, blocked and taken down, whether its a matter of resources or technology.

I also have a big problem with plea bargains, because they allow the rapist/sex offender to get his or her actual crimes out of the record...he's guilty of 1st degree sexual assault but pleads to 3rd the truth of his crime is not really on his record. I'm not sure how to fix this, though.

I also think we need more public education, people don't understand sex crimes. Everyone is so surprised that Jacques has a nice house because we all still assume that these guys are the dregs of society, even though intellectually we know that is false. All of the myths about sex crimes still persist and until we fix that the DA's in all states are not going to have confidence they can convict these dirtbags on the top charges.
Everywhere you look on these threads you see that the internet played a big roll in this and other cases of it's type. It seems to me that it is past time that the problem is addressed. Here are some ideas and I'd like to see what all of you think.

We have special courts to take care of various subjects such as bankruptcy, divorce, and other crimes. Why not a special court for SO so that the judges, lawyers, and others will be up to speed on this crime, criminal, and law? The laws need to change before we can consider "special courts". There are too many loopholes, the lack of consistent laws, and the means to enforce them.

Hackers have brought down big sites on the internet such as Ebay and Amazon. Why can't these molester sites be taken down when found? Maybe form a national task force that will police the internet and take the offender sites down. They are doing this on a daily basis now. As you can see, it is only scratching the surface. As soon as one site is down another opens. Child *advertiser censored* is a billion dollar business and as long as there are people willing to pay...they will find ways to avoid the law. They can afford to hire the most computer savy individuals to insure they can continue.

Credit cards enable these to make purchases for pictures, and "tools" of their trade. MJ purchased some "tools" for use on his victims in this case and I think he is selling too. Why not have credit card companies refuse cards to those who have been convicted of this crime? Using offenders lists this should be pretty easy. This way they will be slowed down and the US mail will have more opportunities to track these . They will simply steal CCs (credit cards) and use those. They already create fake identities to continue their practices. There is no way to prevent them from getting CCs after a conviction. (I am sure there is also a law protecting their rights to have credit, too!)

AT&T and AOL block child *advertiser censored* sites and this needs to spread to all providers. This will never work. Looks good on paper and sounds good in the media...but it will do no good in stopping them. You put up one block and they find a way around it. Remember, they hire the best to keep them up and running. Time is money for them. It is a business.

When found, I don't care what state they are from, we need a National Jessica's law. Also when parents allow their children to be with SO on a published list they too should be held legally responsible. I agree that the laws need to be changed to include people who knowingly subject children to people who have already been deemed to be a danger to their children. The law should also include people like the man who did the home inspect on MJ and knew he was breaking his parole/probation by living with children under the age of 16 yo. The laws are in place...but not being enforced.

These are just a couple of ideas. I'd like feedback please. I am planning to take the final ideas to my State Rep. I'm tired of reading about the hell our children have experienced due to complacency. Thanks for your time.
Sorry to burst your bubble here. We need new laws, old laws revamped, and ways to fund them being enforced. It comes down to manpower and money. I wouldn't be running to the State Reps just yet...unless it is to demand THEY come up with some money to tackle these issues.
yeah i will never understand it either.

i used to post on a messageboard dedicated to mixed martial arts and boxing. fairly regularly people would embed videos of street fights, or clips from the news where innocent people are attacked and beaten up.

while i can tolerate the fairly high level of violence inherent in mixed martial arts and boxing (because it is fair and agreed upon between the two parties), i cannot stomach the violence in those public street fight/assault videos at all. it makes me feel very unsettled and frustrated.

thankfully this is because i am sympathetic to the victims and cannot stomach seeing people victimized. to think that so many people can watch those videos and laugh at them, or even get a thrill out of them, is foreign to me and very sad.

just like trying to imagine sexually assaulting someone seems impossible to me, to be able to enjoy that kind of thing while the other person is right there terrified, its so terrible that i really do feel bad for anyone that is wired that way. that doesnt make them any less vile, and certainly doesnt mitigate my feelings that they need to be locked away for life.
I agree. I have a 14yo son who uses spelling on his text messages and myspace that make me cringe. Like, uh, every word is misspelled- but purposefully. The skittle me up message that he wrote I could tell that he wrote it. He only abreviated words like I do, like 2 instead of to, and 4 instead of for. Like I said if you have a teen that uses that tm spelling (that makes me cringe) you'll know what I mean. Skool instead of school..I mean come on, my kids know how to spell!! Gets on my nerves to no end. Everything is like - "muh fone is actin strng"

When I read the Myspace entry, I felt the wording wasn't of a 12 year old girl. I mean, sure, there were shortcuts for words used, but the flow of it seemed a bit advanced. I have neices and nephews in their teens (very intelligent at that) and still, the flow of their emails are choppy including a lot of mispelled words, on top of shortcut words. Teenagers are so quick when they type and rarely re-read for acuracy, it's type and send. I think MJ thought too much about the wording, making sure to use the short cuts for every word possible, which is why they found he went into edit the blog after he wrote it. Just my opinion.
One thing I would like to see happen is all state use a uniform sex-offender registry. Have an index to what the various charges mean etc. That way anyone can pull up the registry from any state and know exactly what the offense is and what the threat level is. My state registry is horrible, it mixes in the 17 yr old who had consensual sex with his 14 yr old girlfriend right along with the man who molested a 5 yr old child. While both are not a good thing they are very very different in my opinion.

Some states show place of employment, type of car they have registried etc. I think that is wonderful for certain level of offenders. The heck with the offenders rights to privacy etc, they committed a horrible horrible crime and are no longer entitled to privacy in my opinion.

He is from the rutland area


This man is missing, from probatioon and parole, in Burlington, VT. I do not see anything on the news yet but I when I see something I will post it. He has been missing since monday. He is very Dangerous.
I find it curious where it states "Wanted: NO". Why do they not consider him wanted if he has absconded?!
One thing I would like to see happen is all state use a uniform sex-offender registry. Have an index to what the various charges mean etc. That way anyone can pull up the registry from any state and know exactly what the offense is and what the threat level is. My state registry is horrible, it mixes in the 17 yr old who had consensual sex with his 14 yr old girlfriend right along with the man who molested a 5 yr old child. While both are not a good thing they are very very different in my opinion.

Some states show place of employment, type of car they have registried etc. I think that is wonderful for certain level of offenders. The heck with the offenders rights to privacy etc, they committed a horrible horrible crime and are no longer entitled to privacy in my opinion.

I agree with that wholeheartedly. Quite frankly, I don't think people convicted of statutory rape involving teens 14+ who agree they consented to sex even belong on the sex offender registry, nor do I think in most cases the older party should even be prosecuted. I don't care if a 22 year old guy has a 15 year old girlfriend.

There are a lot of sex offenders who should never see the light of day again...I saw a case in Oregan or Wash state where the guy is a serial stranger rapist and every MD who has been consulted gives him a 75% chance of re-offending...yet, believe it or not, the parole board wants to release him?!!?!?!?! A serial stranger rapist who everyone agrees is going to reoffend.
I must have missed the "machine". Where was this and what was it used for? Also, I missed the part about MJ's sister being molested by him. Can someone provide me with the link to this? I am sorry but there is just so much to read and it is coming so fast. Thank you.
One thing I would like to see happen is all state use a uniform sex-offender registry. Have an index to what the various charges mean etc. That way anyone can pull up the registry from any state and know exactly what the offense is and what the threat level is. My state registry is horrible, it mixes in the 17 yr old who had consensual sex with his 14 yr old girlfriend right along with the man who molested a 5 yr old child. While both are not a good thing they are very very different in my opinion.

Some states show place of employment, type of car they have registried etc. I think that is wonderful for certain level of offenders. The heck with the offenders rights to privacy etc, they committed a horrible horrible crime and are no longer entitled to privacy in my opinion.
I agree. Let's put out ALL information on the convicted perps who are deemed to have been a danger to another person regardless of the age. The guy who got caught peeing on the side of the road isn't what we need to is the guy who is caught molesting, raping, torturing, and otherwise endangering another person who should lose their right to privacy or a normal life thereafter. They have been proven to be a danger for life. If they refuse to keep them locked up in prison, we need to find a way to keep them locked out of our lives some way. The information forthcoming on them is horrible and the very reason they can abscond so easily. They just don't leave a forwarding address!
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