CA CA – Joyce Elizabeth Harper, W/F, 31, Potrero, San Diego County, 1 Jan 1975


70's-80's Jane Doe's
Mar 26, 2013
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Joyce Elizabeth Harper


*Alias: Joyce Elizabeth Gunn, Vivian Ann Maddux

Last Seen: @ January 1st, 1975

Missing From: Potrero, San Diego County, California

Sex: Female
Age: 30 Years Old
DOB: 12/6/1945
Height: 5’3” (63”)
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Brown, Short
Eye Color: Brown
Fingerprint Status
: Not Available
Dental Status: Not Available
DNA Status: Available

Elizabeth was last seen @ January 1975, she was reported missing by her daughter in Dec 1995. Elizabeth has a daughter Kimberly Harper Cozart that went missing in Feb 1977 from Julian, CA she was reported missing at the same time Dec 1995.

Investigating Agencies:
San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, Cold Case
9621 Ridgehaven Court
San Diego, CA. 92123
Tele: 858.974.2143
MP Case # 95-087100
Web: San Diego County Sheriff’s Department | Cold Case Homicide Investigations

NCIC # M-844832083

Information Sources:
MP Case # 18020: Missing Person Case
Case Manager: Allison O’Neal
Tele: 817.372.4169

The Charley Project
Joyce Elizabeth Harper – The Charley Project

The Doe Network
MP Case # 1418DFCA - h 1418DFCA - Joyce Elizabeth Harper

California Department of Justice
Joyce Elizabeth Harper
Last edited:
edit: I read it wrong.

We used to go to Julian when I was a kid - about the same time she went missing - it was a lot of empty desert back then.
She lived in Julian but went missing in Potrero, am I reading that right? If so she was 50 miles from home and five miles from the border. We used to go to Julian when I was a kid - about the same time she went missing - it was a lot of empty desert back then.

Kimberly is Joyce's daughter that went missing from Julian, CA in 1977 two years after Elizabeth.
Elizabeth went missing from Potrero, CA. in 1975

From what I gather these locations were the last known addresses known by another daughter of Joyce's that reported both of them missi

Kimberly Harper Cozart has a WS thread and I thought Joyce had one as well until I looked today and could not find it.

Did not realize how close to the border the area was ... interesting these cases are strange ...
I'm curious about the alias so different from her name? What might they have been involved with, or had knowledge of? Unusual, unless she was a performer of some type?

I wonder about the other daughter who reported both of them missing in 1995? Older sister?

I just did a basic search for Kimberly Cozart, and found a medical professional in private practice with very similar name and similar appearance. I do not want to run afoul of TOS, however. Possibly the missing daughter?

I wonder about the other daughter who reported both of them missing in 1995? Older sister?

I just did a basic search for Kimberly Cozart, and found a medical professional in private practice with very similar name and similar appearance. I do not want to run afoul of TOS, however. Possibly the missing daughter?
Weird case. I am suspecting this was voluntary. Why did she have an alias?
I looked up Kimberly Cozart's, and none of them are the exact right age; she would be 57 now.

Why were they only reported missing 20 years later? Such an odd case. If she did come back for her daughter, why only take one and not both?

Amateur opinion and speculation
It is strange. And now that I'm settling in with coffee and thinking a bit, Joyce was a young mom to Kimberly. She would have only been 17 when Kimberly was born, so it's probably fairly unlikely the sister who reported them both missing in 1995 was older than Kimberly, at least not significantly.

This could explain why they were not reported missing until 1995. It might be when the sister who reported them missing was old enough to comfortably and safely do so. I wonder where the father( fathers?) are?
Other family?
I’ve got this on the back burner and plan to read more about it... I’ve heard Kimberly’s name a thousand times but I had no idea there was more to the story. Very interesting...having not read much, I’d say some part of the disappearances was voluntary. Hmmm I don’t know, I’ll dig some more this evening
There must be someone who remembers something about the circumstances surrounding their disappearances, a friend, a family member, a neighbour...
Was she married? How was their relationship?
Did the family have difficulties?
Any enemy? Any history of depression or mental illness?
If Joyce was a victim of a crime, may her daughter have been a victim too? Was Kimberly trying to locate her mother? Kimberly was a teen and it's common to confide to friends at that age, so I assume a high school friend may tell us something about her.


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