CA CA - Diane Dye, 13, San Jose, 30 July 1979

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I happened upon this today and this young girl has an uncanny resemblance to the young girl found in the NY cornfield in Nov 1979. I've notified both authorities so that they can confirm or rule out. Prayers for closure. Truly sad. Here is the young girl found shot to death that looks very similar.

I came here to post the same thing. I think she does look like the postmortem pics of Caledonia Jane Doe. I wonder how old Diane's dental records where that they were using to compare to Cali? There was recently a case that they found out they were using old dental records and at a young age the teeth could change quite a bit. They also think that Cali came from California or Arizona.

Here is her NamUs link (postmortem pic at link)
I came here to post the same thing. I think she does look like the postmortem pics of Caledonia Jane Doe. I wonder how old Diane's dental records where that they were using to compare to Cali? There was recently a case that they found out they were using old dental records and at a young age the teeth could change quite a bit. They also think that Cali came from California or Arizona.

Here is her NamUs link (postmortem pic at link)

I also think she looks eerily similar to Diane. Praying for Diane tonight, I know she left on her own, i hope she is alive and happy somewhere, but I also wonder if she fell into human trafficking or if she was picked up by someone bad. who and where did she run to? she had to have known her destination..
Diane Dye was one of my closest friends in the 70's. Her brother Dean was my best friend. I often slept in their house off and on from 1975 -1979. The night Diane ran away from home she told me what she was planning to do. I attempted to talk her out of it and thought I had convinced her. No one was home at the time. After she ran away I Shared an apartment with her brother Dean about a year later. Police did a shabby job interviewing people who might have information about her whereabouts. I know this because they questioned friends of Diane's that were not even as close to her as I was but they never talked to me, despite the fact that I told Dean and his mother Patricia that she spoke to me just hours before she left home. I spent many years trying to find out what happened to Diane. I suffered for more than 15 years believing Diane was the girl found in the Blairstown NJ cemetary, and learned over time to accept it, only to discover later that DNA evidence cleared Diane as that of Princess Doe.

Since 1985 I have attempted to locate Dean and to discover the truth of what happened to Diane. I have learned a great deal along the way including the fact that the San Jose Police Department lied to me by hinting that she might still be alive but might not want to be found. They refused to give my contact information to anyone in her family telling me simply "That is not our job". Then a few months later I contacted the SJPD And asked if the case was still open, and was put on hold for awhile. Finally someone told me the case was still active and that Diane was listed as missing. Over the years people have come forward and have given me clues.

Someone had mentioned the name of a man named Doug Y<modsnip>. Right away that name hit me and it took me literally about 10 seconds to remember that in 1979 a drifter about 17 years of age started hanging around our area. He started partying with us one day when he simply walked up to us and started offering to smoke some pot with us. Later I noticed a tattoo on his arm that said "Satan's DAY". I asked him what that meant and he told me that his name was Doug Arnold Y<modsnip> and that he was put on this earth by Satan to do the devil's work. Diane was interested in him and both Dean and I emmediately didn't like that. Dean thought the guy was evil and constantly told Diane to stay away from him. One day he was making advances on her and Dean got very angry and ordered her to go home. I also insisted and she left. We stopped hanging around with him after he took us to this house in the hills outside San Jose where he had been crashing with other people who seemed to be unsavory. They also had a collection of firearms including automatic rifles and were talking about doing things like bank robberies and even things that sounded terrorist in nature. We left and never went back. Later I learned the police and DEA raided the house, but didn't find out much more

There were stories going around that Diane was seen talking to Doug Y<modsnip> about 2 months before she ran away. The same person who told me about Doug Y<modsnip> said that he heard Doug Y<modsnip> was in prison for murdering someone. I spent weeks trying to locate this guy in the national inmate directories but came up with a lot of Douglas A. Y<modsnip>. No mugshots or other info that might help me identify this person. Later witnesses saw Diane with a person that may have fit Doug Y<modsnip>'s description but it's unclear. The suggestion is that she may have left town with Doug Y<modsnip>. He may have murdered her or simply gave her a ride somewhere. No way to know, But I did find it suspicious that his name came up and from a total stranger that knew none of our group of friends at all, or was even from California. Doug Y<modsnip> somehow must fit into this.

Also someone I knew who worked as a security officer in San Jose who also knew Diane and Dean was a guy all of us thought was rather Creepy. His name was David Allen Raley. Two years after Diane left home Raley was sentenced to death for the brutal rape and murder of two young females in their late teens, and a third he had stabbed repeatedly and left in a ditch to die. Later I wrote David a letter and had planned to gain his confidence then maybe when the time was right, try to discover if he had anything to do with Diane or if he had murdered her. He never wrote me back. I heard somewhere else that Diane was identified as being a hotel worker in, I believe it was, Atlantic City. At the time some articles I read suggested that the woman in Atlantic city was positively identified as being Diane. Another I read said she may have been Diane. Later I read another report that an african american pimp in NY city who had been convicted of murdering one of his hookers indentified Diane as one of his hookers. Over the years I have wondered why their have been no web sites put together by Diane's family members trying to find her. And recently someone contacted me claiming to have some new information. This person is I think a web sleuth who wants to solve the case.

I learned tonight that Diane's mother Patricia passed away in 2010. Also that someone who might have been Diane lived with Dean in the past 15 years. This person claims that Dean changed his name,but I think I should keep that information confidential because putting his name out there like that when he might not want to be involved would be pretty messed up to do. If he did change his name then it's possible that is why I have never been able to find him. Dean and I as far as I know have always been the best of friends, never having even a single argument or dissagreement. I miss him dearly. And I miss Diane just as much. So I thank you for reading this and I hope you will post this information on your web site. If anyone wants to contact me you can find me on facebook. My name is Ted Ringgold, and there are only 2 of us on facebook. I am the one who lives in Stockton, California. Thank you very much!
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Ted! I am so sorry that you have to suffer these years of not knowing, my heart goes out to you.
I was wondering if you have knowledge of the Speed Freak Killers (Wesley Shermantine/Loren Herzog) and have they ever been looked at as possible suspects? They are responsible for a baffling amount of disappearances in the Stockton, CA area, other cities as well. It's very well that I can be totally off about that theory, but I just don't know exactly when they started their killing spree (I doubt anyone does).
On I also read that one of her friends saw her in December 1981, two and a half years after she vanished, at a shopping mall 50 miles from San Jose. Diane reportedly told her friend she did not want to go home, and did not want to ever be found. I wish there were more details than that, and I don 't even know how accurate that is, I just figured I would share what I read.
I admire you for carrying on the search for her!
I have mentioned in other threads, the tendency of Law Enforcement in the 70's and 80's to dismiss missing teenagers as "runaways". This definitely allowed predators to kill and to continue to kill with impunity.

It is true however that many kids did runaway in that era. There were scenes in many large cities where lots of kids 13 to 18 gravitated to where they were able to survive with little interference from Law Enforcement. My impression is that these "destinations" are far fewer now days so there is less "successful" running away.

I know someone who ran away from So Cal to Berkeley in the late 1960's and survived by moving in with a series of guys. She eventually married one of them and is now a middle aged, middle class housewife/grandmother. She did re-contact her parents after two years. Her story is not at all atypical. Still, from what she told me of those years, there were a lot of dangers. She hitch-hiked a lot and she often "went off" with guys she knew to be petty criminals, drug dealers or otherwise sketchy characters. It sounded pretty dangerous. I'm sure many runaways later became victims of predators and them probably account for most of the "Jane and John Does" from that era.

Like my friend, I would assume most runaways did re-contact their families. Once you are 18, you aren't a runaway any more. Of those who didn't, most would not attempt to change their identities. While it was possible to get a "new" Social Security Number before about 1978, it wasn't easy and, and realistically, it wasn't necessary, At the time, it would have been extremely difficult for parents or law enforcement to "trace" someone through Social Security number activity. I'm sure most runaways would have learned "from the street" that they could safely work using their real names and SS numbers. Generally, the only reason to do this would be to avoid serious legal or financial problems.

(If anyone is interested in finding a missing close relative, write a letter to that person asking them to contact you or whatever, and take it to a Social Security office. Assuming they are able to identify that person in their records, they will tell you nothing {there are legal privacy considerations} but they will forward that letter c/o the last employer.)

The upshot of all this is that a runaway will most likely be locatable eventually. A runaway from that era who never turns up and whose SS Number is never used is cause for serious concern.
Yes, and how many more teens ran away who weren't reported missing? I'm not saying the parents declined to, but in those decades, cops would often hassle parents who tried to report a teen missing, saying they ran away. I have seen and heard of some LE in those decades who denied parents filing a missing teen report because they were "runaways" or it wasn't "their jusridiction". Sad, no wonder we have Jane/John Does.
web Sleuth Odyssey teamed up with me several weeks ago to try and help me solve this case and find out what happened to Diane and to help me locate her brother Dean who was my best friend. Today after a long search Odyssey located Dean. He and I talked on the phone for 7 hours. There were many tears of joy and sadness. Sadly I had hoped that Diane had returned but Dean confirmed she never turned up. Their mother Patricia died two years ago. This broke my heart. She died never knowing what happened to their daughter. It's time to try and get the media involved in this case. We want to try and put closure on this case. We are suffering and need to know what happened to Diane. Diane's father is still alive. We hope we can give him closure. Maybe Di is still alive. it's possible. Even if she is no longer living we can at least give Dean and his father some kind of closure. If anyone can help me connect with the media in anyway for help please let me know. HBO did an episode about Diane and Princess Doe. Perhaps they can be convinced to run some kind of update on her case.

Welcome to websleuths and Thanks for your very interesting and informative posts.

Hope you post more.

Perhaps answers will come even after so many years, now that questions are being asked.
Ted Ringgold,
Have you heard of Disappeared on ID? They feature missing persons cases, maybe you could contact them along with Diane's family? Maybe a Facebook page for her too?
web Sleuth Odyssey teamed up with me several weeks ago to try and help me solve this case and find out what happened to Diane and to help me locate her brother Dean who was my best friend. Today after a long search Odyssey located Dean. He and I talked on the phone for 7 hours. There were many tears of joy and sadness. Sadly I had hoped that Diane had returned but Dean confirmed she never turned up. Their mother Patricia died two years ago. This broke my heart. She died never knowing what happened to their daughter. It's time to try and get the media involved in this case. We want to try and put closure on this case. We are suffering and need to know what happened to Diane. Diane's father is still alive. We hope we can give him closure. Maybe Di is still alive. it's possible. Even if she is no longer living we can at least give Dean and his father some kind of closure. If anyone can help me connect with the media in anyway for help please let me know. HBO did an episode about Diane and Princess Doe. Perhaps they can be convinced to run some kind of update on her case.

I think it would be great to get the media involved - but we would need to be able to substantiate some of the theories. We can absolutely substantiate the possible link to D.A.Y, since both you and Dean had seen them together around the time of her disappearance, but we would need to identify the other people who reported sightings of her - it would be hard to get an episode on one of the Missing Persons shows without having these people available for them to interview. Do you think there is anyone who would recall who reported these sightings? (The shopping mall, the hotel in Atlantic City, the pimp, etc)

Was Diane in school at the time? Her classmates would have gone to Santa Teresa high, right? I believe the one who reported seeing her at a mall was a classmate.

So glad you were able to talk to Dean! :)
Thanks for the reply. I am working with someone on this right now. we have located the person who saw Diane at the mall. We have this person's phone number and i will be calling in the next couple of days. I wil report how this goes when I have spoken to this person. Also I posted full info on this case to the Santa Teresa high School reunion facebook profile. numerous people commented and said they knew Diane, including 2 individuals who said they played with her on her soccer team. I am still trying to find out what I can from these people.
Dean and I have spoken about 15 times since our last conversation. It has been amazing, and we plan to visit each other in the next week. 32 years is a long long time. I have also spoken a couple of times to their father as well. I will be posting additonal pictures of Diane when I recieve them. Both Dean and their father Bill will be digging up what images they have.
Sent on various social network sites. Prayers for needed answers.
Banner created to make it easy to distribute all needed info, including the new age progression, in one place.
I just saw this and I am breaking out into tears. Thank you for the love and compassion for Diane's case. My heart is deeply touched by this effort
Lavanda, thank you so much for sharing that!
I have a blog for missing persons (cold cases), and I would love to do a blog on Diane Dye. My last one was for Deanie Peters. I will definitely place this banner on the blog site! God bless!
Thank you so much, that is so very sweet of you. I copied and sent the image of it to Diane's father. I'm sure it will touch him very much too.
Planning on adding a post about Diane Dye to Deanie Peters Cold Case blog. Just another way to get her story out there, along with that new Age progression photo!

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