GUILTY CA - Dr. William Ayres for child molestation, San Mateo, 2007 #2

WTH-We cant stop fighting, even if the noise we make is a small one.

People of San Mateo, take notice. He has been given no reason to stop this behavior. He has to be file sharing or reliving all of this somewhere.
This is very sad for everyone involved with this. What a horrible way to have it end, if this is it. I have seen civil cases go before the criminal ones. I think the judge is wrong to put them on hold. Way to avoid the obvious. This sickens me.
Although San Mateo District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe has told reporters that his office never hired Ayres to evaluate boys, that is indeed a false statement. Ayres testified in his own deposition that when a prosecutor named Marta Diaz worked in the DA's office, she hired Ayres to evaluate young boys. We have a feeling she wasn't the only one....

That said, there's a growing belief among victims and parents of victims that the Ayres case needs to be taken out of the hands of San Mateo County. Some are asking that the Attorney General's office take over the prosecution.

The Executive Editor of the San Mateo County Times, Glenn Rabinowitz has said that there is a decided "ambivalence" on the part of the San Mateo District Attorney's office about trying and winning the case.

Ayres evaluated hundreds of boys in the juvenile courts as well. Can you imagine the slew of lawsuits that would follow if Ayres was convicted? Why didn't San Mateo County do as they did in Alberta in the case of molester Dr. Aubrey Levin, who evaluated young men for the courts? They actually went back and contacted everyone who had been evaluated by Levin to see if they had been molested.

San Mateo doesn't seem at all curious about its own role in sending boys to Ayres.

I think the parents of Ayres victims are correct in asking the Attorney General's office to take a look at this case.

The conflict of interest is insurmountable.
The press is officially announcing it: The San Mateo District Attorney's office is under investigation by the FBI.

Excerpt from today's Atherton Almanac:

FBI focuses on Atherton, DA's office, sources say

by Renee Batti
Almanac Staff

This is an expanded version of a previously published article.

The FBI is interviewing Atherton residents and others about matters involving the town of Atherton and the San Mateo County District Attorney's Office, according to sources who told The Almanac they had been interviewed.

Former finance director John Johns said he was interviewed about his experiences with the town of Atherton in late January by an agent in the San Francisco office of the FBI.

A reliable source who contacted The Almanac after being interviewed by two FBI agents said the federal law enforcement agency is seeking people who have information about possible misconduct, or who have witnessed possible misconduct, by the District Attorney's Office. The source spoke on condition of anonymity.


As a result of the FBI investigation into the San Mateo DA's office, this might be an opportune time for those who are unhappy with the DA's handling of the Ayres case to request that the case be prosecuted by the California Attorney General's office.
Thanks for the update Mercyneal. It's too bad the Ayres case got this far before the investigation. I have serious doubts that anything will happen, even if they transfer it out of San Mateo. I will take a long time to get everyone up to speed, and he isn't going to last forever. jmo of course.
I agree that Ayres is not going to last forever (although he might surprise us). However, if the AG takes up the case and it can be proven that Ayres did abuse, even if he's not sent to prison, the victims would have recourse.

I'm watching this very very carefully as three of our adopted sons were in foster care in San Mateo County in the mid-80s through early 90s. When the eldest repeatedly complained about abuse in a particular foster home, each was marked unfounded. Now that he's an adult and can fully verbalize what went on, it is so clear that there was some major cover-up going on.

I do believe that the very reason we were offered an extremely generous adoption assistance stipend, without much advocacy on our part, for this child is directly related to facts well known to the county. And to be clear, to my knowledge, our sons were not seen by Ayres. Ayres name, however, does come up in a document as someone the county was recommending that one be sent to for evaluation. From what I've read, Ayres fancied cognitively bright Caucasian boys. Thank goodness our sons are black and have some special needs.
I wonder just how embarrassing the Tarquin Thomas case has proven to be to San Mateo County. Thomas was just sentenced to 108 years for rape and child *advertiser censored* involving a number of boys, including one placed across state lines for adoption. San Mateo County would have been the supervising agency for that child.

Note: While checking on the length of the sentence right now, I noticed that boychat has an article about the sentence. One would think this would be a deterrent.
Whoah--I don't remember ever seeing this before: for foster dad&id=85999&eddate=01/16/2008

More molestation charges for foster dad
January 16, 2008

"...Shortly after the boy arrived here [San Mateo County], prosecutors say Thomas began adoption procedures and molesting his future son. Tarquin also reportedly had the boy pose nude with other adults....."

And what other adults would that be? Have they been identified? Thomas' circle of friends and business associates is known. So who are these other adults? Did they drop these charges? Anyone know about this?
Thanks, Miss Izzy.

As stated, some Ayres victims and their parents have contacted the California Attorney General's office and the California Bar and requested that the case be tried by the Attorney General's office.

Now, with the FBI investigation into San Mateo DA Steve Wagstaffe and his office, coupled with the fact that Wagstaffe's own office used Ayres as well as the juvenile courts, having the case tried by the AG's office seems like a very good idea.
Today's San Jose Mercury News: "Sources Say FBI is asking Questions about San Mateo District Attorney's Office"


The FBI has interviewed several Atherton residents in recent weeks, but the focus of its investigation may include the San Mateo County District Attorney's Office, The Daily News has learned.
According to one person who was interviewed by the FBI but requested anonymity, the federal agency is interested in speaking with other people who have information about misconduct or have witnessed misconduct related to the district attorney's office. That could include former or current employees of the office, as well as people whose cases have been represented by it.
These victims never ever had a chance. I wonder if Marc Klaas has been brought up to date?
If anyone - and this includes Ayres victims and their families- has any information about misconduct by the San Mateo District Attorney's office, they can contact editor Renee Batti at the Atherton Almanac, or Bonnie Eslinger at the Mercury News: If your complaint is valid, they will be able to help you get in touch with Peter Carpenter, the citizen who got the FBI involved.
New story today in the San Jose Mercury News about the lawsuit against Ayres prosecutor Melissa Mckowan. This involves another child molestation case.

"Mother Sues San Mateo County DA for Dropping Child Molestation Case."

This story doesn't go into all the details. But suffice to say, the family was eager to have the child testify and had taken the child on a tour of the courtroom.

In the lawsuit, prosecutor Mckowan is charged with actions that some of you who have been following the Ayres case might recognize.
Remember how Mckowan said she contacted the doctors who trained with Ayres in Boston and at Yale but they said they never talked to her and that she has made false statements about what they said, in conversations they say never even took place?

Well, the family who is suing Mckowan has charged that Mckowan did the same thing in their case. For example, the family says that prosecutor Mckowan falsely claimed to the court that she subpoenaed expert child molestation witness Megan Lemar to testify for the prosecution. In truth, the family has a signed statement from Lemar saying that she was NEVER contacted by the San Mateo District Attorney's office.

And for those who are following the Ayres case, you may recall that prosecutor Mckowan made a false statement to the mother of an Ayres victim during the trial that victim's advocate Victoria Balfour was in cahoots with Ayres lawyer and in fact before the trial had volunteered to testify for him in exchange for room and board?

Well, in the case for which Mckowan is being sued, in their lawsuit, the family charges that prosecutor Mckowan made a wildlly false allegation to the court that one of the other reasons she didn't want to try the case was because the family was concerned that the child's therapist would blackmail the family and according to Mckowan "switch sides" if the child was allowed to testify. The family is stunned by this bizarre blackmail allegation, as they continue to use the therapist. They have submitted to the court a signed declaration from the therapist herself, stating that this is false.

What many people - and now the press -don't understand is why the San Mateo District Attorney's office continues to defend the prosecutor. In other DA's offices, the prosecutor would have been fired for such unethical misconduct.

On a positive note, the Northern California Innocence Project is monitoring this situation, as are other federal and state agencies.
I dont understand-why would you knowingly torpoedo your own case? Dont they track their wins in San Mateo? I mean, isnt that an incentive? You know, one more bad guy put away. Does she have personal issues regarding sexual abuse?
Yes, the prosecutor does indeed have her own personal issues regarding sexual abuse. She has sent emails and personally told a number of prosecution witnesses that she has personal issues regarding sexual abuse.
OK-well that is pretty obvious. But on which side of the fence does she have issues? Personally, I find her behavior pretty sadistic. :(
Those who are following the Ayres case will be interested in comments on the Atherton Almanac story about the FBI investigation into Steve Wagstaffe and the San Mateo District Attorney's office. There's a lot that's being said by citizens who have dealt with Steve Wagstaffe, and it ain't pretty.
A lawsuit was filed today on behalf of 40 victims of Mel Levine, 40 former patients who assert Mel Levine gave them inappropriate genital examinations during his tenure at Children's Hospital in Boston. The lawsuit further alleges that Children's Hospital knew of the abuse because they received complaints, but they did nothing to restrict Mel Levine and his access to young patients.

Get this, Children's ADMITS to investigating and settling one allegation.

Mel Levine-you know the same guy who wrote the books regarding handling troubled children. The same guy who has a "ranch" where he sees and treats "patients" even though he gave up his medical license in 2009 because he conceeded the medical board had enough proof regarding the allegations to suspend him.

He practiced at Children's Hospital from 1966-1985. He is hot on the heels of Donald Rife and William Ayres, Boston doctors accused of the SAME type of abuse who also practiced at Children's Hospital in Boston.


I copied this post from the Mel Levine thread. Bomb.Shell.
Ayres worked at Boston Children's Hospital from 1959-1963.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Donald Lee Rife, who was caught molesting boys in three states, worked at Children's Hospital from 1964-1966.

Sounds as if Children's Hospital was quite the stomping ground for perv doctors.

Great Find, Believe09.


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