CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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Her page wasn't private when I saw them, MissieMt. Either she's his girlfriend or they are really, really, really good friends! She has changed her profile pics to one of the pictures I saw.

Also, I have been reading comments from him on other peoples profiles for a little while and if I didn't know his niece has died-----I wouldn't know his niece had died, if you know what I mean. I know that people grieve differently, but I couldn't have as much fun partying as he has been. But, that's just me.

Also, I am just frustrated, in general, with the lack of interest in this case, I guess my comments reflect that.

Looks from what pics I could see that they were at an Anaheim Angels game. Kicker is that very game was delayed do to the pitcher having been killed Wednesday night or Thursday morning by a drunk driver. They had a special memorial for the young outstanding pitcher. Surely it was sad for all those that attended. Then add in his own neices death.... well just seems sad all around.
bumping for Emma. hope we get some news soon.
Just stopping by to say I've just sent my emails.........again.
I just checked in on this site and am shocked that the mother of this baby has not been arrested. I seems to me that Casey Anthony is now a poster child for mothers who do not want to be bothered by having to raise a baby. This is what some call "abortion after the fact". Casey Anthony needs to be made an example of what consequences you face if you take your baby's life. This is becoming an epidemic and must be stopped.
I just checked in on this site and am shocked that the mother of this baby has not been arrested. I seems to me that Casey Anthony is now a poster child for mothers who do not want to be bothered by having to raise a baby. This is what some call "abortion after the fact". Casey Anthony needs to be made an example of what consequences you face if you take your baby's life. This is becoming an epidemic and must be stopped.

I'm also shocked that Stacey hasn't been arrested. She dumped the baby like trash. At least in the LaHeather Wilson case (supposedly baby Christian died in her car overnight), she was charged with "injury to a child". In my mind, throwing a dead baby alongside a road is injury to a child alive or not. JMO

ETA: Even an "accident" could still account for injury if she had anything to do with it.
I sent a long pm to Levi the crime radio guy on Sat giving him all the info and links, nothing back.
I sent a long pm to Levi the crime radio guy on Sat giving him all the info and links, nothing back.

MMB- Thank you for contacting Levi and sharing Emma's story- I have sent mine to a list of 53 media outlets (most posted previously in this thread) and I have YET to hear anything at all!! I would assume that tox reports should be trickling in at anytime, but the $64,000 question is- Why the frick hasnt Stacey Barker has not been charged with even a misdemeanor? Something isnt right and Emma Barker deserves justice. :mad:
Well, it appears that Emma's Uncle Nick is doing just fine! He has a new girlfriend and apparently had some fun this past Saturday.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here sad about a little girl I never had the honor of meeting. I want answers!!!

Many friends have gone to private, yep Uncle Nick seems to be doing just fine. I don't get it, I just don't. Is it because they are so young and still don't get it?

Or maybe because they're young and they do get it...

IDK, this baby deserved to be more than a blip on her mother's My Space page.

Nick made a comment the first week of April to one of the girls he posts with. "Yeah it was hard because it took so long" WTH?

Then on another, Nick's #1/10 friend asked a girl "What happened to you after the funeral?" then later the same day asked that girl "What're you doing this weekend?" Wow, just wow, so much time spent mourning lil Emma.

:blowkiss: Tammie :blowkiss: thank you so much for everything you're doing, that little musical bunny is too adorable.

Chicogirl :grouphug: I've been where you are. :hug: Let us handle this one while you care for your family. Try not to spread yourself too thin (impossible I know). Prayers for you and your mom

My LAPD S-I-L has been here visiting all week, of course the first thing I asked him was; "were you able to find out anything?" same ol` same ol` reply... But for crying out loud, somebody there knows something by now.
shouldn't this at least be charged with filing a false police report, dumping a body, child endangerment, something! No this woman is living the free life while her daughter didn't even see her 2nd bday.

We Want Justice for Emma!!
shouldn't this at least be charged with filing a false police report, dumping a body, child endangerment, something! No this woman is living the free life while her daughter didn't even see her 2nd bday.

We Want Justice for Emma!!

ALL that and then some additional ones jn- This is a travesty- I cant believe that she literally got "swept" under the carpet- We are going on a month since her murder- I only call it that because if she died of a legit accident, her egg donor wouldnt have left her in a field of 4ft weeds!!! Did she think some "Round-up" would mysteriously take care of her baby? She is a and Im tired of wasting my energy on Stacey-

I willl/would do anything in my power to help Emma. Tammie- When I came back over the vine by Lancaster, I just couldnt go to a cemetary after leaving my mom and hearing about Sandra Cantu, it was a VERY emotional time- My family is on edge over my mom as it is, so I apologize for not being able to see that precious bunny you bought in person :mad: The pics were great though, so Thank you!!

****Also, to Missmybaby, Lovejac, Tammie, and others who have sent my mom and myself well wishes and prayers- Thank you VERY much. Cancer takes a toll on EVERYONE involved, and I cant imagine the pain my mom is feeling. Y'all are very thoughtfull and I am thankful to be part of a respectful, intelligent group of people. Thanks for that BIG hug- I needed it, and this one is for Emma :grouphug:. Thanks gals/guys- You all have been supportive!!!
It's been a month. No information on what happened to Little Miss Emma. I'm disheartened and discouraged and increasingly angry at the fact that there will be no justice for Emma.

Emma was tossed by the side of the road, left to the elements while her Mother feigned being a victim.

I still can't process what possesses a woman to take her deceased child, her own flesh and blood and to toss that baby into weeds.
One month and nobody has been held responsible for your short life having came to a sad end, Emma. I am holding out hope that in the next coming weeks there will be word from the Coroners office.
One month and nobody has been held responsible for your short life having came to a sad end, Emma. I am holding out hope that in the next coming weeks there will be word from the Coroners office.

While we wait for the autopsy results, I too am wondering why Emma's mom is not in custody:

She admitted to lying to police and investigators about an abduction of a child and staging her injuries.

She disposed of a deceased human body. (Isn't that a crime?)

She's charged with nothing, as we all wait for word on what type of accidental death little Emma suffered.

What gets me is that a person can be arrested and/or charged if they are carrying a small amount of drugs or for DUI or DWI in their car. You would think a dead baby dumped off a freeway would land you in jail too.
While we wait for the autopsy results, I too am wondering why Emma's mom is not in custody: I feel like our lil thread is the only group of people who truely do some days.

She admitted to lying to police and investigators about an abduction of a child and staging her injuries. Dont forget she ripped her own clothes off and staged an "attatck/poss rape". She couldnt keep her story straight and she admitted her lie within hours of them finding her.

She disposed of a deceased human body. (Isn't that a crime?) As well as causing a fake Amber Alert, and in CA, that is a FELONY~

She's charged with nothing, as we all wait for word on what type of accidental death little Emma suffered. This is one of the FIRST cases I have EVER heard of in CA!!!!

What gets me is that a person can be arrested and/or charged if they are carrying a small amount of drugs or for DUI or DWI in their car. You would think a dead baby dumped off a freeway would land you in jail too.

Red by me :crazy: SPOT ON bogeygal!! I have yet to hear of such an injustice, especially with the multitude of charges that STACEY is guilty of , regardless who killed Emma. Im going to continue to believe she murdered her because why would an innocent mom/accidental death cause you to lie and fake so much of the crime??? Lies=More Lies, IMO.
I hope if they get enough emails, they'll offer at least some sort of real answer just to get us to quit bugging them...?

UPDATE: I got a whole ton of automated "we got your email" emails, and one "we think we got on the list by accident" email, but not one email answering my question. Interesting...
the "we think we got on your list by accident" gave me a giggle flourish. I needed that one thank you.

It's a crying shame isn't it?
UPDATE: I got a whole ton of automated "we got your email" emails, and one "we think we got on the list by accident" email, but not one email answering my question. Interesting...

That's all I've gotten as well, flourish. Although, I haven't gotten any "we think we got on the list by accident"!!

I still keep sending them daily, though. Hopefully, it will bug the he!! out of someone.

Rest in peace, Emma :blowkiss:
found this comment.

Syn (not verified)
at 23:17 on April 13th, 2009

I am from that area, and as soon as I heard about this news, visions of Caylee Anthony came to mind. Both of these tots were born to young single women who liked to party, and live with their parents so they have a built in babysitter.

Stacey Barker's actions reeked of guilt. If it was "just an accident" why would she go to such extremes to lie and make up such a contrived story? Killer Anthony did the same thing. Someone who is innocent wouldn't think of themselves and worry about getting blamed for something that they didn't do that resulted in the death of their baby. They would be hysterical, and call 911, hoping that their baby could be saved. All this creature did was try and cover her self so that she wouldn't be blamed. That is not the actions of an innocent person. She went so far as to "stage" this act to look like an abduction. I'm surprised she didn't wait for 30 days to report this and claim amnesia for her 'alibi" On top of her vile cover up, she then threw her baby away off the freeway like a bag of trash! No way should she get by with this
I know that this was someone's post on another forum, but my thoughts exactly!!! Couldn't have said it better myself. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

She says she's from the area. I just found a post under the same user name, "Syn" on the LA times blog. I like the way she thinks.

Nuff said, people don't need to have a court of law to discern if one is guilty or innocent in a case like this, or killer casey anthony's case. Let's Emma is with her mom, baby is dead...Their actions say it all! No innocent mother would throw her baby 50 miles away from home, discarded like trash along the side of a freeway. Like another poster here wrote, if she were innocent and it was an accident, she would be rushing her baby to the hospital to get help. Instead she "staged" a convoluted accident and drove over 100 miles to throw the baby away like garbage, and then drove all the way back and had her brother call the Sheriffs. I think Law Enforcement is crossing the T's and dotting the i's before they arrest her. And yes, I'm quite sure that she will be arrested for murder. I've already come to the conclusion that she is guilty as sin. How? By putting the pieces together,, like 2 + 2 = 4.
Even if the baby ingested some drugs while they were partying, that is negligent homicide, and was totally preventable, which means it was the mother's fault. Period!

Posted by: Syn | April 13, 2009 at 11:47 PM
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