reply toria (not verified)
at 16:59 on May 11th, 2009
Cat and Syn,
YES, It was BRENDON ! I knew it was him from his myspace page...Her mom and dad and what looked to be her grandparents and another older gentleman, her brother, brendon and 2 or 3 other males were there also. No girls, no burns or blisters on her lips or mouth..
She looks even thinner then she did on her myspace page. I did not hear the attorney state his name when he went before the judge. that is easy for me to find out though. I will get it and give it to you...
I was amazed that there was no media there at all, that bugged me. Maybe they knew she would plead and it would be over in 2 min's, they may go to the prelim on the 15th when they read the charges again and set a trial date or something that is not going to waste their time.
Yeah, that was weird ALLEGATIONS OF SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, This is the first time I heard of this in her case. I know that if you shoot someone in a robbery at a bank, store ect. and they die that is felony murder with special circumstances and it automatically gets you a death sentance or life w/o parole, I think you also get that charge if it is premeditated murder