Found Deceased CA - Fang Jin, 47, flew to LA from China, train to Palm Springs, Morongo Basin, 21 Jul 2023, w/ John Root Fitzpatrick, 55, (fnd dec.), 30 Jul ‘23 #2

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The photo doesn't strike me as strange (and I think he's holding his cellphone in his hand) but I do wonder where his sunglasses are. From a different photo, it looked like he wore regular glasses, plus sunglasses in some photos. When out and about in a desert area, I would think you might be wearing them in the bright light/glare. But I don't see them propped on top of his head or around his neck or hanging on the front of his shirt or in a case on his belt. It's probably nothing but that's what sticks out to me about the photo. MOO.
in the other pictures we see, she always took both of them together so this is different
It’s not uncommon to take a photo of someone you’re out doing stuff with… I often take both selfies with and solo photos of friends and family at various outings and occasions. I’m assuming this photo was sent to her family in addition to the selfies (correct me if I’m wrong because I don’t know for sure) - if we’re thinking she took the photo out of some sort of distress or because she felt unsafe, what would be the point in sending the photo and not also communicating that she felt uncomfortable somehow? IMO this is just JF documenting her trip. And also IMO the thing in his hand is a cell phone with a thick case and possibly a belt clip as Teche mentioned.

This has been posted before, was it Slowpoke??? I am not sure these days....hope i have that right.


I sense she had been there but really not knowing...
Yes she did
A pitty that DH or other friends or family of John are not interested to be VI in this community to enforce eachother...
We hope that this community can just analyse the FACTS given by family and LE to conclude possible scenarios of what might have happened and focussing on finding the location where Fang or her remains can be found finally her friends, family and specially her 2 lovely daughters can continue their lives with an honest answer of what happened to their mom.

@mark1969, Fang Jin's family & friends, I am sorry for your loss and the difficult time you are going through not knowing where Fang is or when she will come home. I wish I had met her & had the privilege of knowing her. In the videos of Fang traveling she seemed to enjoy life, was curious, welcoming, and lovely.

My guess is that DH & JRF's family are trying to figure things out also. They too are grieving. Hopefully answers you seek will come from someone who can provide them soon.

My thoughts for now on what happened could be all wrong.
Fang & Fitzpatrick, both 50ish mature people, knew who they were; both had life experiences living other places, knowing people from other cultures. For anyone to travel half-way around the world to meet, stay together for 2+months, it seems they would, at very least, be friends. At best, have hope/expectations of amazing uncomplicated times with attraction & chemistry. Beginnings are great. After 4-5 days together full-time in real life (what's that like 10+ real dates?), Fang & Fitzpatrick prob figured out whether or not they were compatible, if their lifestyles & values were similar enough to have a healthy relationship--a relationship with a future. Not that one lifestyle is better or worse, lifestyles just sometimes don't fit/mix together (political, spiritual, interests, hobbies). I don't think Fang & JRF were a good fit and they figured it out within those 6 days but prob did not talk about it. It's hard to fake lukewarm feelings; for some it's harder to admit defeat. Emotions often take over. Tensions surface. Some just try to numb themselves w/comfort food, drugs, alcohol, video games, endless hiking or a combination of things. NONE of this should matter to anyone other than the couple involved; it should never come to missing or death. Mature people accept life, hurt for a while, make other plans, move on, even stay friends sometimes. But I don't think that's what happened here. IMO an accident happened during the numbing stage. Bad decisions after that. I truly hope you find answers soon.

Blessings, speculation, thoughts & prayers up.
Always JMO
It was the ping of JRF his phone on 24th of july nearby Julian .... hers was NOT answered since 22nd and died on 25th of july .... means she could not answer any calls since 22nd.... lets imagine that you were too bussy ... at least you would have had a few hours later the possibility to tax your caller or wechat about your current status...????
Was JF's phone ringing without being answered until its battery died on July 25th?

I ask because if it was ringing, it must have been turned on. And if it was turned on, it should have been pinging cell towers everywhere it went. If it wasn't pinging cell towers it wasn't moving. Wherever the last known ping came from is almost certainly where the phone is--unless it was moved after the battery died, which is possible but perhaps not likely.

Unfortunately, cell phone towers can cover a large area. So even if you know which cell tower the phone pinged, it's still a lot of desert to search.
Was JF's phone ringing without being answered until its battery died on July 25th?

I ask because if it was ringing, it must have been turned on. And if it was turned on, it should have been pinging cell towers everywhere it went. If it wasn't pinging cell towers it wasn't moving. Wherever the last known ping came from is almost certainly where the phone is--unless it was moved after the battery died, which is possible but perhaps not likely.

Unfortunately, cell phone towers can cover a large area. So even if you know which cell tower the phone pinged, it's still a lot of desert to search.
ofcourse most of the people would have tried her wechat to call her by voice or video ... so only the few people who really tried to use her phonenumber would have caused ping traces ...unless 4G/5G is also pinged ?
I cannot imagine that there is no one here who can reveal the exact founding location and timestamp of Johns Truck in Harper .... is this also classified as sealed info ? Strange to me ... but probably culture difference issues ?
ofcourse most of the people would have tried her wechat to call her by voice or video ... so only the few people who really tried to use her phonenumber would have caused ping traces ...unless 4G/5G is also pinged ?
As far as I know (someone else is definitely more informed than I am on the specifics of cell phone pings) as long as the phone is on and in reach of cell phone towers, it should ping. I don’t think she had to have been receiving texts or calls for that to happen.
As far as I know (someone else is definitely more informed than I am on the specifics of cell phone pings) as long as the phone is on and in reach of cell phone towers, it should ping. I don’t think she had to have been receiving texts or calls for that to happen.
That’s my understanding too.
Sometimes bad things happen to even those of us that make the best plans or take all the precautions. We don't know yet what has happened to either of them or weather it was an accident or something criminal, but she did not do anything wrong by meeting a man and deciding to come to the US to meet him.

I hope her family knows that there is no judgement here that she did anything wrong.

All about timedifference .... anxiety of losing face .... she planned the train but indeed because of weathercondition she had to take bus... and indeed she did not hire John ...but volunteerd to come to the USA because he lied to her about the real reason not to be able to visit her in China because it would take more than 8 months to get his Chinese Visa .... real reason was his probation and criminal background .... because China does not grant access to a visa in such case...
I don't know what happened between Fang and JRF but there's one thing I'm certain of.
Some people, in real life and also online, never show who they really are unless they decide it's time to, or an unexpected situation ends up in making their mask slip.
For some of them, it's because they're too aware that if they did, the vast majority of people would not want -justifiably- a close relationship with them.
I’ve been wondering and this might already been in the thread but there are a couple of videos with the name Find Fang Jin (Yama). @mark1969 what do you think? Is this about her? It sure is beautiful!
Yes those videos are about Fang. She‘s a beautiful person inside and out.
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This pic STILL bothers me, it feels hastily captured imho
He isn't even posing, he is clearly in motion...
Standing on uneven ground not even steady by the looks of things
Why this pic????
ETA: dunno. just thinking out loud.
I don’t see anything strange about that picture and my impression is that she took it and sent it to her family and friends to show off her new boyfriend. If you look at the whole picture it is pretty composed showing him with the truck, dirt road, Joshua tree and the sky. A good snapshot of the environment she was experiencing. It’s even kind of cute the way JRF looks like he’s leaning in the same direction as the tree.
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