CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #3

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Good point re the “ we all matter” as this has been discussed and they should know what it means.

The underwear is bizarre. What is the fixation with underwear? Kids develop modesty at a certain age. I forget what it is. And the alcohol glasses. What is the point of that?

All of mine have stopped wanting to run around the house in underwear or go out in public in costumes by 4-5 years old at the far end. But that is just my personal experience.
I agree. I said Jeremiah, not Devonte. What a cutie he was. The chicken photo just reminded me of it because, well... putting weird things on kids heads.
Jeremiah was adorable. They all were growing into such good looking young people and they were adorable kids but Jeremiah was especially adorable. He reminds me of my own little boy. He seemed like he had a very cute quirky personality I'm just gathering that from photos and videos Ive seen. He's always pulling faces and trying to stand out. I was referring by the way to the person who replied saying how scared Devonte looked.

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I agree. I said Jeremiah, not Devonte. What a cutie he was. The chicken photo just reminded me of it because, well... putting weird things on kids heads.
Omg I just realized that person was talking about the chicken and waffles pic. Sorry ignore me lol that was Devonte in that pic. Im tired dont mind me lol.

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Look at his face, thats not happy. He looks scared to death either because of the worm or because god forbid he dropped a freaking worm while warden Jen was filming him. Poor baby. I'm glad that these babies are not suffering anymore. I wiah it ended better for them they didnt deserve to die especially in the manner they did. But now they're in heaven while the demonic moms are in the other place. In Heaven they have all the love and food and toys and playing and singing they could ever want. No more being beaten and god knows what else if anything the mothers did to them.

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His sweet little giggles mad me [emoji20]
Ah gotcha. I didn't think he looked all that scared like that post suggested. He giggled the whole time. Ugh, poor baby. I agree with you about his personality. I get that quirky vibe too. He was super cute even in the birthday video.
I agree. He looked at first like he was having fun. The kids were giggling but if you notice at some point they stop laughing. We couldnt see it with the camera on Jeremiah but one of the moms couldve had a pissed off or angry expression intimidating the kids. By the end of the video when hes looking at the camera after she put the worm on his head if you look at his eyes he looked like he was scared to death and about to burst into tears. I wish someone who wanted kids and would've given them the love they needed and wanted adopted these kids and the witches I wish were never allowed to adopt. Idk why this whole case breaks my heart badly. I never met these kids but coming from a childhood where I was abused I feel for those kids so much.

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Food for thought.
Jen made sure that someone in her online game guild took care of some chores there, but they left behind living beings at the house without asking anyone to take care of them. A "pet" and the chickens.
Strange priorities.

bbm: I know, the kitty, the cat and chickens.

I can only think CPS was a savior to the kitty, and chickens... They got rescued.

What is so unbelievably heartbreaking is the images of Devonte and his super adorbs little bull dog. His little baby. In fact, those were the only real images. Imo

Ok, Oh, breathe, in and out. This is where I break down. And I am sure all these kids loved these animals, but were just not the ones posted to Facebook, etc... Because it didn't make the photographic cut?

It makes me so sad. So unbelievably heartbroken... We know Devonte. He's famous. But these other Hart children, they were not as lucky.

At least we know the Turpin kids have a shot. Have an amazing chance. They are all here, in our hearts... But oh man, who would have thought they were the lucky ones???

I can't wrap brain around this. The more it sinks in, the more I feel Devonte especially was trying to help his siblings, maybe even trying to use his notoriety, for clout? He tried... And and it wasn't a free hug situation. It was a desperate situation.

I grew up in the lens of my father's eye... He came back from the Korean War with a camera... Not only are there gorgeous pictures of Japan, and Korea, --Back in the Kodachrome days. I guarantee you it was magical. My dad loved us, my sibs and I, and the intimate shots that reflected our growing up, me, in profile, wondering at one and a half years old about the lights of the Christmas tree, three little girls (little desperadoes) so not smiling lined up by the barn, two sisters looking on to each other on the stone under the apple tree... Sumptuous photographs. Some were published, too.

The artistic photograph, where does it draw the line? Between art and reality?

And, omg,what is the Image that is behind this tragedy...
No she sped up the driveway to the house she wasn’t home at the time CPS left. The link to the article was posted

I misunderstood. Thanks for explaining.

It does sound like the cps visit triggered the trip.
But to kill yourself and your entire family over it seems a stretch.
It is hard for me to accept and I want there to be more. There probably isn´t.
Those two women were batshi! crazy.
I wish we knew more about the kids. How they really were as individual. Not with chickens on their heads or faking to meditate in a long row, dance in underwear and fish hat, pretend to read sprawled on the floor. And on and on.

Jen should have gone for a career in something creative. I think she was bored out of her mind and used her kids as an outlet, but not in a good way.
She had a talent for photography - even though her style of photographing is not my taste. She would have made a great commercial photographer.
She could have gotten to make models pose for her, and let her kids be kids and not her props.
(Hitler had a botched artistic career in his luggage, see where that led!)
Same thing I've wondered. CPS could have been the trigger, especially if it was the final straw in a long list of things, even though they had handled CPS before.

In addition to CPS, I keep wondering if there was another big trigger that caused them to immediately leave town and that caused Jen to tell the guild she had a family emergency.

It is serious to be looked into by CPS, but they had persuaded them that everything was ok earlier.

I can´t help thinking, there must be more. What it is, I don´t know. For sure things had been building up for some months, but what was the trigger?
Yea it's creative for the photographer but when you have a family there tends to be video footage that comes with it too... and in that footage you would see the children interacting, talking and supporting the "fun" they're having in the still photos. This seems like it's being framed for the audience and not participatory for the children. They look like objects within a frame rather than subjects with agency.

We can pick everything apart in these kids lives but what's the point? Its a horrible horrible tragedy and I cant imagine Jens mindset other than her and Sarah's life as they knew it was over. They were narcissists that craved attention to impress their FB friends. It was a charade and now they would be shamed and vilified. Kids would be taken away. IMO they rather die than face the consequences and be revealed for the monsters they were.

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Poppyflower's scenario makes sense to me. Everybody except Jen was sleeping at the overlook when Jen turned the ignition on and accelerated like crazy into the ocean.

I misunderstood. Thanks for explaining.

It does sound like the cps visit triggered the trip.
But to kill yourself and your entire family over it seems a stretch.
It is hard for me to accept and I want there to be more. There probably isn´t.
Those two women were batshi! crazy.
I wish we knew more about the kids. How they really were as individual. Not with chickens on their heads or faking to meditate in a long row, dance in underwear and fish hat, pretend to read sprawled on the floor. And on and on.

Jen should have gone for a career in something creative. I think she was bored out of her mind and used her kids as an outlet, but not in a good way.
She had a talent for photography - even though her style of photographing is not my taste. She would have made a great commercial photographer.
She could have gotten to make models pose for her, and let her kids be kids and not her props.
(Hitler had a botched artistic career in his luggage, see where that led!)
Ok, but what is your point about that?

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My point is you never see the behind the scenes video or footage a parent gets of their children in their natural state. Everything here is presented like a narrative movie directed by the women.

I misunderstood. Thanks for explaining.

It does sound like the cps visit triggered the trip.
But to kill yourself and your entire family over it seems stretch.
It is hard for me to accept and I want there to be more. There probably isn´t.
Those two women were batshi! crazy.
I wish we knew more about the kids. How they really were as individual. Not with chickens on their heads or faking to meditate in a long row, dance in underwear and fish hat, pretend to read sprawled on the floor. And on and on.

Jen should have gone for a career in something creative. I think she was bored out of her mind and used her kids as an outlet, but not in a good way.
She had a talent for photography - even though her style of photographing is not my taste. She would have made a great commercial photographer.
She could have gotten to make models pose for her, and let her kids be kids and not her props.
(Hitler had a botched artistic career in his luggage, see where that led!)

I feel like something else had to have happened, a CPS visit is not the end of the world. <modsnip: snipped due to anecdotal and unsubstantiated>

My only thought as to why they would have ran and done this rather than work through it with CPS is that one of the children was horribly beaten at the time. Police said there was food in the house, home was clean, doesn't seem like they were drug users. I can't speak to how Jen was raised, I only received love via achievement. Must be the best and perfect all the time. When you aren't that leads you down extremely harmful paths. I fell into alcohol, drugs and attempted suicide (about 13 years ago now). I've gone through massive therapy for this issue. I think Jen's inability to have what she considered the perfect family triggered something...this last CPS call may have been the icing since she had already lost face with the neighbors. Probably didn't want to move yet again. I dunno, just some thoughts.

Do we know why the 19 year old was still living at home?
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I misunderstood. Thanks for explaining.

It does sound like the cps visit triggered the trip.
But to kill yourself and your entire family over it seems a stretch.
It is hard for me to accept and I want there to be more. There probably isn´t.
Those two women were batshi! crazy.
I wish we knew more about the kids. How they really were as individual. Not with chickens on their heads or faking to meditate in a long row, dance in underwear and fish hat, pretend to read sprawled on the floor. And on and on.

Jen should have gone for a career in something creative. I think she was bored out of her mind and used her kids as an outlet, but not in a good way.
She had a talent for photography - even though her style of photographing is not my taste. She would have made a great commercial photographer.
She could have gotten to make models pose for her, and let her kids be kids and not her props.
(Hitler had a botched artistic career in his luggage, see where that led!)

I am more interested in what got Devonte to finally seek help. After all these years, after him either staying silent or being coached by the women? What brought this? What was making them apparently withhold a lot of meals as punishment for what perceived crime? What could he possibly have done? And what may have warranted such a breach of rules?
Yes, the CPS visit triggered the women. I think Jen signed off on game when she found out or got the call from CPS, knew they were coming. They call first. A courtesy call. I read it somewhere, I know they do it here and I find it outrageous. For them to show up without an appointment I think means they were taking it seriously, but this? I doubt any calls were made over the weekend by CPS, again articles state that they went back out on Monday and Tuesday I think. I wish they had brought the police with them that Friday and waited and monitored the house, due to neighbors prior knowledge they should have. Or, if the neighbors were calling authorities, then keep Devonte right there, and call the police right there and then. Due to known past history and Devonte's expressed fear. They would all be alive. Especially with the neighbors backing him up with other report.
FYI...I am a licensed independent clinical social worker. Not trying to even go there...just by way of explanation. I am a mandated reporter, I file on people. I do not work for child services. I am a psychotherapist 20 years
I feel like something else had to have happened, a CPS visit is not the end of the world. They took 4 years to terminate my sisters rights to her children and that is after smoking meth with the two youngest in the room, kidnapping them and running through different states with her pimp on meth etc etc. 4 LONG years. CPS tried hard to keep children either with or under supervised visits families. Maybe other states have lower tolerances.

My only thought as to why they would have ran and done this rather than work through it with CPS is that one of the children was horribly beaten at the time. Police said there was food in the house, home was clean, doesn't seem like they were drug users. I can't speak to how Jen was raised, I only received love via achievement. Must be the best and perfect all the time. When you aren't that leads you down extremely harmful paths. I fell into alcohol, drugs and attempted suicide (about 13 years ago now). I've gone through massive therapy for this issue. I think Jen's inability to have what she considered the perfect family triggered something...this last CPS call may have been the icing since she had already lost face with the neighbors. Probably didn't want to move yet again. I dunno, just some thoughts.

Do we know why the 19 year old was still living at home?
I presume because he didnt have the education, skills or money to live elsewhere. He may have also been a special needs child who never got special needs therapy.

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Thinking that Jen called her about CPS having been there and Jen asked her to come home immediately.

What could have been the reason Sarah sped off in her car right after CPS had been to their house?
Any suggestions?
I have no idea!
We can pick everything apart in these kids lives but what's the point? Its a horrible horrible tragedy and I cant imagine Jens mindset other than her and Sarah's life as they knew it was over. They were narcissists that craved attention to impress their FB friends. It was a charade and now they would be shamed and vilified. Kids would be taken away. IMO they rather die than face the consequences and be revealed for the monsters they were.

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Agreed. Good post!
Poppyflower's scenario makes sense to me. Everybody except Jen was sleeping at the overlook when Jen turned the ignition on and accelerated like crazy into the ocean.

I agree there would have been too much commotion, screaming, yelling, frightened kids causing commotion trying to open doors to jump out of the car. It would have drawn to much attention to folks driving by.

While everyone was asleep and dreaming laying against one another nice and peaceful she hit the gas and it was all over. What are the chances the kids ejected into the ocean have still been alive? Was it too shallow?
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