CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #7

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Jun 1, 2009
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Please continue general case discussion of missing five year old Hasanni Campbell

(Fremont/Oakland, CA; reported missing August 10,2009).

Previous discussion thread here:
CA - Hasanni Campbell - General Case Discussion - Thread #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community



Take a moment to see what resources have been compiled in this forum, and contribute to the more detailed discussion of specific aspects of Hasanni's case here:

Hasanni Campbell - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

If so, then welcome - we're glad to have more people banding together for Hasanni.

If you're wondering what's up, here's a few threads that might help you catch up on the case:

News archive:
CA-Hasanni Campbell - MISSING - Links, photos and articles ONLY - No discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Image bank:
Image Bank - NO DISCUSSION - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Who's Who guide:
CA - Hasanni Campbell - Missing - Who's Who and What's Where NO DISCUSSION PLEASE - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

A Q&A thread to help the confused:
Questions and Answers Only ***No Discussion - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

And the rest of Hasanni's forum here:

Thanks to everyone who has started, maintained and supported the reference threads on this forum. Much appreciated!
Hasanni should have been starting a new school year right now.

And getting excited about his upcoming 6th birthday...
I think it would be a good idea for everyone to light a candle for Hasanni on his sixth birthday, September 24 (IIRC) - if he isn't found by then.
There hasn't been anything on the news about yesterday's (9-12-09) search...
I feel like we're at a standstill here. I wish LE could throw us a bone. I just don't know where to even search at this point and I feel bad about that. I know at least one of you came across LR at some dating/networking sites. Maybe we could look there again?
Nothing new?? "Someone" knows what happened and should give this child a chance to be laid to rest.
Clothing Similar To That Worn By Missing 5-Year-Old Found In Oakland
Posted: 2:23 pm PDT September 13, 2009
Updated: 2:58 pm PDT September 13, 2009
Volunteers searching for missing 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell have discovered clothes similar to those the boy disappeared in over a month ago at the dead-end of a road in Oakland.

The search volunteers found a grey sweatshirt, a red sock, and other children's clothes partially buried at the end of Chabot Road in Oakland, according to Oakland police sgt. Arturo Bautista.

The volunteers immediately contacted Oakland police, who have since roped off the area.

A crime scene technician is on site investigating the hillside above the cul-de-sac close to where the clothes were discovered.


Thank you AWC!

:praying: this leads to Hasanni
Thanks for the head's up on this break news, AWC!

I think you should put a little "alert" icon on the top of that post...

This could be huge.
WhyaDuck I just sent you a PM as well as some of the others that have been following Hasanni's thread...I am shocked I just felt like I had to check all of the media for him & couldn't believe my eyes!

I hope & pray thier is eveidence to finally put LR & JC away if these are Hsanni's clothes!!

Soulscape in the astrology thread psted that she stands by her chart that he is gone & that they are responsible....esp. LR!!! :furious:

ETA: ! added the alert button...I'll try to let others know that I haven't PM'd about this latest update!

Sorry for the typo's...still have 2 eyelid infections in all 4 of my eyelids! :winko:

I guess now we need to see (a) if they find a body there, (b) if the crime was committed there, and (c) what evidence they find...

Please, let it be *a lot* of evidence.
Here is a Chabot Road I found in Oakland that has a dead end part.

Don't know if this is the area they are talking about?


  • Chabot RD.jpg
    Chabot RD.jpg
    130.2 KB · Views: 23
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