GUILTY CA - Keithan Panyavong, 19 mos, Escondido, 7 Dec 2006


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I didn't see this anywhere. I hope I'm not duplicating it.

Boy, 19 months, missing from crib; search is on

By Lisa Petrillo
December 11, 2006

Keithan Panyavong
ESCONDIDO – More than 50 law enforcement personnel spent yesterday hunting for a 19-month-old boy who disappeared from his crib.
Oh, I'm sure if I didn't hear a peep from my sleeping 19 month old for over fourteen hours I wouldn't be too concerned, either! :banghead:
They sure keep strange hours for a family with very young children. Not noticing he was gone until noon the next day really bothers me.
annemc2 said:
Oh, I'm sure if I didn't hear a peep from my sleeping 19 month old for over fourteen hours I wouldn't be too concerned, either! :banghead:

That's what blows my mind!
annemc2 said:
Oh, I'm sure if I didn't hear a peep from my sleeping 19 month old for over fourteen hours I wouldn't be too concerned, either! :banghead:

If my cat slept for 14 hours straight without a peep, I would check on him. And he sleeps 90% of the time.
I just realized we should discuss the case in a separate thread. I will start one for discussion.

Keithan Panyavong's parents have been questioned for a second time in his disappearance. Child Protective Services took his mother's two other children into protective custody on Monday.

Meantime, Keithan's father told News 8 that he is 90 percent sure of who has little Keithan and is sure the boy is still alive.

Investigators say no arrests have been made at this time.

The parents stayed up watching movies until 5 or 6 am, then slept in. They didn't notice their 19 month old was missing until their 7 year old asked where he was. It was noon by that time. They called police at 1:30 PM.

No sign of forced entry. Dogs did not pick up his scent.

Any thoughts on this one?
annemc2 said:
Oh, I'm sure if I didn't hear a peep from my sleeping 19 month old for over fourteen hours I wouldn't be too concerned, either! :banghead:

Actually, I think the articles state that their daughter noticed Keithan was missing around 7 or 8 that morning (after being put to bed at 12:00), but that authorities were not notified until 1 pm. Doesn't make it any better, though...
My daughter is 2 and if she is not awake by 9am (which she almost always is) I get worried and check on her. Something here doesn't sound right.
In one of the comments about the article it says the parents have admitted to being "methheads" and that the mom was just arrested...
Missing toddler's mother taken into custody

ESCONDIDO – The mother of a toddler reported missing over the weekend was taken from her home by sheriff's investigators for additional questioning Tuesday afternoon.
Earlier in the day, the missing child's father told a private investigator Tuesday morning that he dug in the family's yard Monday night looking for the boy's body.

The detective, Bill Garcia, also played a tape for reporters in which the boy's mother recounted the events of the night the boy disappeared.

~much, much more at link~
Oh my, this sounds like a horrible accident on the mothers part and then she panicked. I am so scared of accidental overdoses. i know it's a nono, but I get so paraniod that on prescriptions and over the counter drugs, I never give the full dose. My daughter has been prescribed steroids twice for respiratory stuff and those scare me the most.

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