Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni Missing From Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #4

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Maybe just that the age of 17 may have had some significance to her—an age at which she hoped to leave home? Or, who knows?
The number 17 has a variety of meanings; you can google it. Some rappers have it, and others have it for various spiritual references. Think back when you were a teen and how certain song lyrics had DEEP meaning. Same thing.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I see your point, roses. Tuesday always had significance to me because of the Stones song.

13 did but only for the obvious Hippie reasons.
Mentioning sabotage, if she is in the water because someone helped her get there, how long would she have to be in there for evidence to no longer exist or be hard to recover? I have thought about that being one of the reasons someone won't come forward. Knowing they will find her but not much will be left to prove anything.
I'm not sure how cold Prosser is but in general our lakes are really cold. They've found bodies in Lake Tahoe well preserved after 17 years.

Does anyone know about Prosser specifically ? I saw one site online claim it's 72 degrees water temperature but I find that hard to believe. Lake Tahoe is said to be about 39 degrees. Donner Lake is super cold also.
These days it's hard to guess why something goes viral.

Maybe some of them were from Truckee and knew about the tradition and location and thought they'd drop by for old times' sake.

Or coincidence: they arranged their own party, maybe after a day of hiking or something, and didn't know about the teen party until they got there.

Or somebody had an older boyfriend/girlfriend who brought their friends along, and their friends brought friends.
Remember this time of year Truckee is a destination for anyone and everyone in the Bay Area and surrounding areas. Sami made a comment to that effect in one of the interviews. If they saw a party on social media, and they were going to be here anyway - with family or friends - it's not that outlandish for them to check out a party they heard about on social media.
In a few days we will likely know something. Either they find her car, her with her car or nothing at all related to Kiely. Regardless it will bring it to a conclusion or reduce the chance of the water being a possibility. As this gets further along, I'm less positive the water search will turn up anything. I'm starting to believe her car will be found, but not Kiely.
When I used to drink and party with my friends, we only stopped the party if 1) the party was over 2) the cops came or we were told to leave or 3) if for example I was too messed up to continue.. If I wasn't leaving with the person I came with, the person I came with knew who I was leaving with. To me, it's odd that SS knew her friend was very messed up and didn't keep track of her. Maybe I'm missing something or lacking sleep but also why wouldn't she want people talking to the police or someone that COULD potentially track her friend? .. Do people just do that nowadays?
Because there's such a call for witnesses, a call for info on her necklaces, the focus on what she was wearing, and the amount of press conferences makes me 98% believe it's foul play. They know more than they're sharing.
Can you elaborate on your statement a little bit more, please? I'm still fairly new to the case.
I'm not sure how cold Prosser is but in general our lakes are really cold. They've found bodies in Lake Tahoe well preserved after 17 years.

Does anyone know about Prosser specifically ? I saw one site online claim it's 72 degrees water temperature but I find that hard to believe. Lake Tahoe is said to be about 39 degrees. Donner Lake is super cold also.

Lake Tahoe is vastly larger and with much greater depth. I would imagine that accounts for the lower temps.
When I used to drink and party with my friends, we only stopped the party if 1) the party was over 2) the cops came or we were told to leave or 3) if for example I was too messed up to continue.. If I wasn't leaving with the person I came with, the person I came with knew who I was leaving with. To me, it's odd that SS knew her friend was very messed up and didn't keep track of her. Maybe I'm missing something or lacking sleep but also why wouldn't she want people talking to the police or someone that COULD potentially track her friend? .. Do people just do that nowadays?
I haven’t been a fan of SS in the forefront. But in fairness, I don’t recall her discouraging teens from talking to police. She has encouraged teens who are afraid to talk to LE to come to private teen-to-teen talk sessions, to uncover all the information they can, despite their potential fear of police.

I haven’t been a fan of SS in the forefront. But in fairness, I don’t recall her discouraging teens from talking to police. She has encouraged teens who are afraid to talk to LE to come to private teen-to-teen talk sessions, to uncover all the information they can, despite their potential fear of police.

Ok I see now.. For some reason I was thinking she was discouraging people to not talk in general, but that makes sense! I hope they find this girl soon
Note at 7:40 in the video, Doug says they were working on the other couple that was missing that was just located.

Paige Lobdell

Thanks to Adventures with Purpose for joining us to talk about the mission to find Kiely Rodni.

Interesting. Thank you.

I wonder what Doug means - "We're going to try our best to stay focused and not get sidetracked with any of the other mess going on around."

What mess? What does he mean? IMO
Where Kiely lives, at Lost Trail Lodge, there is barely any cell phone service and no WiFi.

It mentions this on a Tahoepedia article (linked below) and also on a Sierra Sun artlcle (also linked below)

At least one of those articles was written almost 20 years ago (2004) and the other was written prior to Kiely’s parents owning the lodge, so at least 10 years I believe? I am almost sure both wi-fi and cell service at the lodge was discussed at some point in one of the other threads for Kiely, with some sources listing internet access of some sort has improved significantly in the last 10 years. Of course without the direct source this is hard to say for sure so I’ll say it’s my opinion.

However, by all accounts Kiely was quite connected to her friends via social media, and her mom said she and Kiely texted constantly or were in constant contact throughout their days. Even given the example of the night of the party- Kiely texted her mom to tell her when she’d be leaving, her mom texted right back, Kiely replied, etc. I would wager that cell service or internet access has improved to the point that the Lodge is no longer a disconnected destination as it seems it was in years past.
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Every time a young woman goes missing after a party, posters always post hundreds of times theorizing they ODd and friends disposed of their friends body,,,yet I cant remember one time when that proved to be true. Maybe someone can help.

Yes, it does occur, but usually not in conjunction with a missing person vanishing mout of thin air. <modsnip>

Most of the time, when friends dump their dead OD friend, it is usually somewhere they can be easily found. There are many links describing this.
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At least one of those articles was written almost 20 years ago (2004) and the other was written prior to Kiely’s parents owning the lodge, so at least 10 years I believe? I am almost sure both wi-fi and cell service at the lodge was discussed at some point in one of the other threads for Kiely, with some sources listing internet access of some sort has improved significantly in the last 10 years. Of course without the direct source this is hard to say for sure so I’ll say it’s my opinion.

However, by all accounts Kiely was quite connected to her friends via social media, her mom said she and Kiely texted constantly or were in constant contact throughout their days. Even given the example of the night of the party- Kiely texted her mom to tell her when she’d be leaving, her mom texted right back, Kiely replied, etc. I would wager that cell service or internet access has improved to the point that the Lodge is no longer a disconnected destination as it seems it was in years past.
Context is everything.
The housing market in Truckee is off topic. It has nothing to do with how Kiely went missing.

Every time a young woman goes missing after a party, posters always post hundreds of times theorizing they ODd and friends disposed of their friends body,,,yet I cant remember one time when that proved to be true. Maybe someone can help.


Most of the time, when friends dump their dead OD friend, it is usually somewhere they can be easily found. There are many links describing this.
With all respect, housing here could be relevant and helps people understand the circumstances of her disappearance. For example, it's not in all communities that so many houses might be vacant or remotely situated. Money absolutely can play a role in whether crimes get covered up and not exposed.

It also, frankly, can make a difference on the resources someone might have to cover up a crime. e.g., if someone's parents were involved in criminal investigation or the legal system, even a young person might have knowledge and understanding that led them not to dump a body in an obvious place.

Basically, we are all speculating possibilities (most of us acknowledging it is pure speculation) because almost nothing has been ruled out. We have nothing to go on, at all. It's eerie how little is known about what happened after two weeks of substantial investigation and resources.

<modsnip - reference was removed> There are many possible explanations for so many contradictions and things that don't make sense. An OD could have involved other people who aren't even known to us yet.
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There's not much evidence of anything. We don't even know if SS's account of the evening is true. LE has confirmed almost nothing and her story has changed in various interviews.

So people here are speculating about a wide range of scenarios that could have/might have happened. Maybe some would say there is no value in speculation. I don't agree with that because speculating is like brainstorming. And then if a new piece of evidence does come in, it might be that "a ha" moment where previous speculation points in a more definitive direction.
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I think this is really insightful.

I am really leaning toward some sort of planned absence, or possibly a planned absence gone awry… MHOO.
it crossed my mind that the words on her sweatshirts hinted at something like that- odd future and disappearance... but maybe it was just bands... lots of people have, say, "Grateful Dead" shirts which sounds morbid but means nothing, per se, so I do not know. seems like a big surprise to the mother/friends that K. would want to disappear, so I do not know if she ever expressed anything like that to anyone. Did she have enough $ to try to run off somewhere?
Alright, here’s a theory that I haven’t heard much debate about. I’ll attempt to cite the evidence that might support this theory. Needless to say, it’s speculation

Does anyone find it strange that of the “300” people at this party, SS is the only person to conclusively come forward to say she was there with KR? SS talks about drinking and charging phones with KR and others at the party, have those people come forward?

We’ve heard the police aren’t getting leads, and they’re asking for kids to come forward with photos and videos of the party. They’ve assumed parents are telling kids not to come forward because of possible consequences. What if there’s a lack of leads because no one remembers seeing KR at the party? If I were at this party and I didn’t see KR, but I was told she was there, I wouldn’t have any information to provide LE.

I went to a lot of parties when I was her age. If there’s 300 people at a party, there’s no chance they all know each other. There must be kids from different schools, relatives of kids, friends of friends, etc. With such a diverse, large group, it seems unlikely there’s a organized effort to hold back information on purpose. Someone would come forward with info.

The cell phone data. We know a text was sent from KR’s phone to her mom about extending curfew. We know the same phone pinged off a tower at 12:33 near the party site. SS said she got a call from KR shorty after that. Can anyone other than SS confirm this call took place?

At this point I think we know KR didn’t crash her car IF she was driving the two most direct routes home from the party site. I’ve personally checked almost all of it, and LE has checked it too. As I mentioned earlier, the woods aren’t thick here, most of the route only requires looking from the road to conclusively see there isn’t a vehicle.

I’ve been to the party site, I don’t believe her car went in the lake. There would be signs, and the water was searched near the site. The water level is low in the lake, because of this, there’s s steep bank from the party site to the water. There’s tires tracks all over the dirt banks from ATVs, trucks, bicycles, etc. There would be tire tracks if a car went into the lake.

What am I getting at? What if KR was never at the party? There’s one group photo from the party, and it’s inconclusive if she’s actually in it. <modsnip>

We keep listing the “facts” of the case. The fact that she was at the party is always listed. It seems as though only 1 person can corroborate some of these facts. How credible is this one person? I’d like to know where SS’s cell phone pings are prior to attending the party. Maybe that’s where KR is.

Just a theory, debate time.
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Alright, here’s a theory that I haven’t heard much debate about. I’ll attempt to cite the evidence that might support this theory. Needless to say, it’s speculation

Does anyone find it strange that of the “300” people at this party, SS is the only person to conclusively come forward to say she was there with KR? SS talks about drinking and charging phones with KR and others at the party, have those people come forward?

We’ve heard the police aren’t getting leads, and they’re asking for kids to come forward with photos and videos of the party. They’ve assumed parents are telling kids not to come forward because of possible consequences. What if there’s a lack of leads because no one remembers seeing KR at the party? If I were at this party and I didn’t see KR, but I was told she was there, I wouldn’t have any information to provide LE.

I went to a lot of parties when I was her age. If there’s 300 people at a party, there’s no chance they all know each other. There must be kids from different schools, relatives of kids, friends of friends, etc. With such a diverse, large group, it seems unlikely there’s a organized effort to hold back information on purpose. Someone would come forward with info.

The cell phone data. We know a text was sent from KR’s phone to her mom about extending curfew. We know the same phone pinged off a tower at 12:33 near the party site. SS said she got a call from KR shorty after that. Can anyone other than SS confirm this call took place?

At this point I think we know KR didn’t crash her car IF she was driving the two most direct routes home from the party site. I’ve personally checked almost all of it, and LE has checked it too. As I mentioned earlier, the woods aren’t thick here, most of the route only requires looking from the road to conclusively see there isn’t a vehicle.

I’ve been to the party site, I don’t believe her car went in the lake. There would be signs, and the water was searched near the site. The water level is low in the lake, because of this, there’s s steep bank from the party site to the water. There’s tires tracks all over the dirt banks from ATVs, trucks, bicycles, etc. There would be tire tracks if a car went into the lake.

What am I getting at? What if KR was never at the party? There’s one group photo from the party, and it’s inconclusive if she’s actually in it. <modsnip>

We keep listing the “facts” of the case. The fact that she was at the party is always listed. It seems as though only 1 person can corroborate some of these facts. How credible is this one person? I’d like to know where SS’s cell phone pings are prior to attending the party. Maybe that’s where KR is.

Just a theory, debate time.
I agree with your theory. I’ve never thought she or the car is in the water. I do think her phone is in the water though. I’m still holding out for a miracle when she walks through her front door…

eta: I think she was at the party though I think it’s possible she may be missing voluntarily.
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Alright, here’s a theory that I haven’t heard much debate about. I’ll attempt to cite the evidence that might support this theory. Needless to say, it’s speculation

Does anyone find it strange that of the “300” people at this party, SS is the only person to conclusively come forward to say she was there with KR? SS talks about drinking and charging phones with KR and others at the party, have those people come forward?

We’ve heard the police aren’t getting leads, and they’re asking for kids to come forward with photos and videos of the party. They’ve assumed parents are telling kids not to come forward because of possible consequences. What if there’s a lack of leads because no one remembers seeing KR at the party? If I were at this party and I didn’t see KR, but I was told she was there, I wouldn’t have any information to provide LE.

I went to a lot of parties when I was her age. If there’s 300 people at a party, there’s no chance they all know each other. There must be kids from different schools, relatives of kids, friends of friends, etc. With such a diverse, large group, it seems unlikely there’s a organized effort to hold back information on purpose. Someone would come forward with info.

The cell phone data. We know a text was sent from KR’s phone to her mom about extending curfew. We know the same phone pinged off a tower at 12:33 near the party site. SS said she got a call from KR shorty after that. Can anyone other than SS confirm this call took place?

At this point I think we know KR didn’t crash her car IF she was driving the two most direct routes home from the party site. I’ve personally checked almost all of it, and LE has checked it too. As I mentioned earlier, the woods aren’t thick here, most of the route only requires looking from the road to conclusively see there isn’t a vehicle.

I’ve been to the party site, I don’t believe her car went in the lake. There would be signs, and the water was searched near the site. The water level is low in the lake, because of this, there’s s steep bank from the party site to the water. There’s tires tracks all over the dirt banks from ATVs, trucks, bicycles, etc. There would be tire tracks if a car went into the lake.

What am I getting at? What if KR was never at the party? There’s one group photo from the party, and it’s inconclusive if she’s actually in it. <modsnip>

We keep listing the “facts” of the case. The fact that she was at the party is always listed. It seems as though only 1 person can corroborate some of these facts. How credible is this one person? I’d like to know where her cell phone pings are prior to attending the party.

Just a theory, debate time.
I guess LE knows if anyone else has said they were in K's car. Did
K's (former?) boyfriend go to the party or just comment to the news? And I thought that "Mags" was at the party for about ten minutes begore leaving with her boyfriend.

not sure anybody's statements corroborate anyone else's...IMO

as per her father, she graduated from charter school and was going to college...
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