GUILTY CA - Tori Vienneau, 22, & Dean Springstube, 10 mos, murdered, Bonita, 26 July 2006 #2

Reannan - How do you know he did it. Do you know some hard factual information that no one else knows, or are you just going on a hunch because it sounds like he did it. If you are going on a hunch I totally understand that too, but I would imagine if local LE knew for a 100% fact he did it and could prove it, Dennis would not be walking free. All the speculation in the world is no substitute for hard evidence.

I do understand LE exhausting all leads large and small, and they should be doing that. It just seems like nothing is coming about. I would never say for the police to move on, if they feel someone committed a serious crime, but I hope they looked around that neighborhood that she lived in.

Good luck fighting the good fight. I am rooting for this case to be solved.

Dennis Potts is the only viable suspect for these murders, and ALWAYS has been! Tori was meeting with him that night, to inform him that she was applying for child support. He hadn't even told his rich parents that he'd sired an out of wedlock child, and he'd said he didn't want it known because "it would ruin him". The poster in this topic, known as tigress is Tori's mother, btw dontblink. Go to this site, (The links section, particularily this news story titled KFMB News 8 (Potts story).. will show you where we are coming from in this.) for more information on the case, or contact Dayna/tigress yourself and ask.
This is the first time I read about this case as well, This is just horrible, I can't even imagine the pain their loved ones must feel. I am sure though it makes it hurt even more with the monster whom did this still running around living like nothing is wrong.

If there is anything I can do....please please let me know. I can do photo editing, Graphic Design, Photo Manipulation, Some Website/HTML design stuff. A new banner or anything you might need for the website. What about contacting the detective again, and just letting them know people still haven't forgot, I am sure that is what they are hoping for is for everyone to forget.

Contact them directly at the A Voice For Tori and Dean website. I've sent things I made for them to sell to help raise money a little while back, but maybe you could help out with making some graphics that could be used on MySpace, blogs, and message board signatures? As you can see, I made *something* but it could be better. Contact them and ask them. We do need more Voices.
I will look at those links. Thank you.

Also, you said *Yet* another child. Are you saying he has another child somewhere, I have been reading this thread a while and have yet to hear this one.

At the time Tori and Dean died, he was engaged to a different woman, not sure if they married or not. I think it might be touched on in Steve Huff's blog entries, which are linked to on the Voice For Tori and Dean site. If you cannot find the mention let me know and I'll dig for it, ok?
there was no DNA found on the rope? What physical evidence is there? I have searched the links but seen nothing referring to any physical evidence that might have been found or processed. Is there a chance Dean hired someone else to commit this crime? I think that he seems pretty guilty by behavior and circumstances, but I am just trying to get an idea of the scope of the investigation.

There has to be something they missed on either body...I mean that she didn't just let herself be strangled, especially knowing Dean would then be alone and in danger...she must have fought...bit kicked, scratched.
there was no DNA found on the rope? What physical evidence is there? I have searched the links but seen nothing referring to any physical evidence that might have been found or processed. Is there a chance Dean hired someone else to commit this crime? I think that he seems pretty guilty by behavior and circumstances, but I am just trying to get an idea of the scope of the investigation.

There has to be something they missed on either body...I mean that she didn't just let herself be strangled, especially knowing Dean would then be alone and in danger...she must have fought...bit kicked, scratched.

Dean is the baby who was hanged from his crib with a noose. DENNIS is the only viable suspect in the murders of Tori and Dean. As far as evidence, the police say Dennis is the only suspect in this, he is the named suspect. The investigation just...isn't proceeding to a prosecution. (YET!) I think part of this is that maybe the police do want to make sure all the "T"s are crossed and all the "I"s dotted. It's going to take time, and support, and stamina to see this through, whatever the real cause as to the delay may be.
Alert, foxes in the chicken coop! BEWARE TRUE VOICES! That's all I'll say, you know who to contact to find out more.
Alert, foxes in the chicken coop! BEWARE TRUE VOICES! That's all I'll say, you know who to contact to find out more.

I deeply, deeply apologize for confusing the names-there is no excuse and I am so sorry!!! I have been trying so hard not to read the story because it kills me; but I do not doubt that Dennis is guilty...I am just trying to get the lay of the evidence.
I deeply, deeply apologize for confusing the names-there is no excuse and I am so sorry!!! I have been trying so hard not to read the story because it kills me; but I do not doubt that Dennis is guilty...I am just trying to get the lay of the evidence.

Not you. I cannot explain, but it isn't you.
BOY KATK ~~ I TOOO CAN SMELL FOX> BUT LAST TIME I MENTIONED IT I GOT SCOLDED ... :) Keep up the GREAT WORK TO BE A TRUE VOICE>>> LOVE YA!!! Nadine (mom of toris best friend Daniel)
PS The neighborhood had NOTHING to do with her murder... And TRUE VOICES know that ^i^
bumping for Tori and Dean

Praying for an arrest soon!
Thank you, Cubby-I am thinking about them as well. Can't imagine what the holiday season is like for their family...Bless you all and I wish you peace and a resolution.
Thank you, Cubby-I am thinking about them as well. Can't imagine what the holiday season is like for their family...Bless you all and I wish you peace and a resolution.

YW believe09

Wouldn't it be a wonderful Christmas present if an arrest came within the next few days?

Bumping this up for Tori and Dean.
Please join us tonight for a live charity event to celebrate the lives of our Angels.
Saturday December 22, 2007
RADIO SHOW w/Allie Cheslick
our personal friend and psychic or
check out link to see details

Please join us for a night of celebration with friends and family as we
honor the precious lives of our angels
Tori and Dean.
They need to prosecute this Dennis Potts rich SOB i am sick and tired of money buying people a get out of jail free card. We have sick *&#%'s walking around since they've paid off the systems.
I know the answers I am seeking are in the first part of this thread, but like others have said, it's too gruesome to read it all.

I was wondering when DNA testing revealed that Dennis was Dean's father.
I noticed that Dean has NEITHER Tori's nor Dennis's last name, and I find that puzzling and confusing.
Had Tori done what Anna Nicole Smith did and named another man as the father to keep Dennis Potts away for a time?

I am asking these things with all love and respect towards Tori, baby Dean and Dayna, and ask because the answers may be relevant to the case.
I know the answers I am seeking are in the first part of this thread, but like others have said, it's too gruesome to read it all.

I was wondering when DNA testing revealed that Dennis was Dean's father.
I noticed that Dean has NEITHER Tori's nor Dennis's last name, and I find that puzzling and confusing.
Had Tori done what Anna Nicole Smith did and named another man as the father to keep Dennis Potts away for a time?

I am asking these things with all love and respect towards Tori, baby Dean and Dayna, and ask because the answers may be relevant to the case.

I would like to spare you the having to read this if it is too gruesome for you. I know I wouldn't if I had a choice, that is what makes these people here so incredible. they have been a voice for my daughter and grandson since this nightmare began. Sometimes it was only the people on these type forums that continued to keep the story from fading away when there has been no form of justice whatsoever.

My daughter and Neal both were fully aware of the possibility of Dean not having the same dna as Neal, and little crooked d**k was the other possibility, and idiot boy knew as well.
Neal was going to adopt Dean if need be, but they prayed he would not need to. Life would be so different if it worked the way they had hoped.
You see Neal was a stand up guy, planning on marrying Tori and raising Dean because he loved them both; bloodline in the end didn't matter to him, he loved him while she carried him up till the day they were murdered.

The other jerk is a pompous, arrogant, momma's boy that wanted to erase what didn't fit in his world, only Tori was going to court to sue for child support.............that is the reason they are dead, for the love of money and their social standing...Yes that is going to be something to envy when they are held accountable for this senseless act of cowardness.
No she would never have had to keep Dean from this *advertiser censored*, he didn't even want to acknowledge his existence. :behindbar

Lastly, the very fact that they have never so much as acknowledged his existence or mourn for a baby that (sadly for Dean) carry their bloodline says more about them than I can stomach on any given day.
Hell for all eternity i:furious: s not enough but it will have to do.

Ironically Tori and Dean are Angels in Heaven, :innocent: :innocent: I'd say they did very well, and for all eternity to boot.
Merry Christmas to everyone,
Dayna Herroz ***the mother and grandmother of the most beautiful angels in Heaven.

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