CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #5

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I think she means dying without loved ones present.

Well, one FBI guy did say that AG's killer was young and close. So, perhaps Audrey did have a 'loved one' there stabbing her, disgracing her and watching her life slip away. How horrible is that?

Audrey had problems with her legs going back to the time she took the computer course where she learned about websites and viruses - it was quite clear by her photog friend who took the course with her and posted such. Look it up if interested.

Jmo but reclusive is the opinion of others, not the person others are dissecting. Who cares how many times a week someone leaves their home. If it works for them, it works and does not need a conclusion from someone peeking from their windows.

So if neighbors say someone is reclusive, it is their opinion. Unless of course, they are qualified in some way with some sort of degree to rate and conclude these activities by monitoring and recording each and every time this dissected person leaves their driveway.

Last time I checked, this was a case of murder.

oh, so, sorta like an opinion by a stranger as to her mobility issues ...
another attempted sexual assault on an elderly woman (not in Hamilton area though)
Police say that a woman in her 70's was confronted by a middle aged man as she crossed a parking lot just after 11 p.m. Friday, in the Woodroffe Avenue and Byron Avenue area.

The woman was reportedly pushed back into her car, and the man hit her and attempted to sexually assault her.

The suspect is described as a white male between 50 and 60 years old with wavy silver hair, 5'9, with a medium build.

I'm reading another book about a brutal killing. This book has convinced me even more! that SL, SV and AG are the victims of the same perp.

Why, you ask?

1. The seasoned detectives used the words overkill and worse than anything seen before in their careers.

2. A younger cop asked "How do you know he'll strike again"? The sesaoned cop replied "Because we haven't caught him yet".

We've talked about this before - however in my book the victims were lured away by someone posing as a police officer in an unmarked police car. The victims were pulled over for simple traffic infractions. He then stalked them and brutally murdered them.

Whilst reading the book, I had to admit to myself that under the same circumstances - being stopped by a police officer and asked to step out of my vehicle for him.........I'd no doubt DO IT!!

In the book, the so-called police officer manipulated the women into his "unmarked cruiser" and carried out the overkill.

The book was written by a Canadian journalist who (for many years) followed the police beat in Ottawa. His name is Rick Mofino.


1. Was Audrey stopped for speeding in her hot Camaro? Did she simply have a taillight out? Did she turn without signalling?

2. Same with Sonia - a simple stop by a so-called cop?

3. Same with SL - was she stopped (perhaps on a busier street) and then stalked back to her farm house studio?

I'm insistent that I shall NOT give up on these women until justice is found for all three of them! I'm finding it strange that not one of these cases has been solved yet.

*Rant over* :blushing:

I'm reading another book about a brutal killing. This book has convinced me even more! that SL, SV and AG are the victims of the same perp.

Why, you ask?

1. The seasoned detectives used the words overkill and worse than anything seen before in their careers.

2. A younger cop asked "How do you know he'll strike again"? The sesaoned cop replied "Because we haven't caught him yet".

We've talked about this before - however in my book the victims were lured away by someone posing as a police officer in an unmarked police car. The victims were pulled over for simple traffic infractions. He then stalked them and brutally murdered them.

Whilst reading the book, I had to admit to myself that under the same circumstances - being stopped by a police officer and asked to step out of my vehicle for him.........I'd no doubt DO IT!!

In the book, the so-called police officer manipulated the women into his "unmarked cruiser" and carried out the overkill.

The book was written by a Canadian journalist who (for many years) followed the police beat in Ottawa. His name is Rick Mofino.


1. Was Audrey stopped for speeding in her hot Camaro? Did she simply have a taillight out? Did she turn without signalling?

2. Same with Sonia - a simple stop by a so-called cop?

3. Same with SL - was she stopped (perhaps on a busier street) and then stalked back to her farm house studio?

I'm insistent that I shall NOT give up on these women until justice is found for all three of them! I'm finding it strange that not one of these cases has been solved yet.

*Rant over* :blushing:


Yes NS, I agree, I don't want to give up either, as these cases are so close to home.

Another fact in all three murders: No forced entry. The killer came calling and by all accounts gained entry no problem. Now in the SL case, since she was working in her renovated garage/studio, do we know if she kept the door to the studio locked if she was not expecting clients or was it open for the general public to come into, i.e. a store, when she was working.

I agree with you, I believe it is the same perp. Even though LE says they don't think so, there are some common threads, i.e. photography, nursing.

In the case of AG and SL, rural property. I don't know the colour of SL's car, but AG's and SV's was white. All three ladies appeared to have been blindsided.

Blood was found at SV's and AG's ... not sure about SL.

I like the theory of a cop impersonator, especially for SV (close to neighbors, late at night with no signs of forced entry?) and AG (willingly going into her garage without her dogs), but finding the link difficult. Jmo.
Togi/Kobe passed away on Friday, I personally believe he is with Audrey now. Rest in peace beautiful boy.

Such a lovely dog, I am happy he was loved and cared for until the end. Thankyou for sharing this Flossie JMO, and all the best to the kind people who cared for this noble dog.
In my heart and soul, I know that Audrey and her beloved dog are united *somewhere*. I've always believed that animals/birds have souls which live on.

Back to Audrey's killer and the book I'm still reading. More things are popping up in the book which could apply to all three of our victims here (SV, SL , AG).

In the book, the killer lurks the internet to locate his victims. All of his victims just happened to be on the same websites. He befriends them there.

He's young.

He's had a troubled life which he has hidden from others.

His killings are completely planned. He looks out for real police and if he sees a cop/cop car, he carries out the killing at a later date.

His place of choice is in wooded areas.

All of the victims are professional woman.

This book is always reminding me of AG, SV and SL.
The internet is a good theory as far as a link for the 3 cases in question, imo.
I'm almost finished reading the book about serial killers and I've learned some things. I wonder if these things apply to our Southern Ontario victims (AG, SV and SL)?

1. There is a type of serial killer known as a travelling killer. He'll kill 2-3 women in (let's say) Ontario, rent a car and travel to a quiet, rather secretive place like the mountains/lakes of Banff. He'll check into a hotel at that next place under an assumed identity and lay low. Then, he'll travel to his next destination.

2. Computers are able to be scrambled, messed up, unable for LE to read. This gives the traveller time before the local LE contacts RCMP or the FBI for their computer expertise. By that time, the travelling serial killer has already struck again.

Just some things for us to consider in our quest for justice in Ontario......
Still thinking about our Southern Ontario victims - could it be remotely possible that the Hamilton Police, the Orangeville Police and the Mono Police failed to try to connect the dots with our RCMP serial killer place in Orillia?

I don't mean to speak ill of LE.....but someone is missing something!

In my book, it was a journalist who gave tips to LE in order for them to contact the RCMP and the FBI regarding the crimes.

Perhaps I'm too impatient for justice, but this has lasted too long unsolved!

We're still seeking justice for Audrey, Sonia and Shelley........:rose:

And as the buds are starting to really blossom, I'm thinking of Audrey and her garden. The dogs enjoying the fresh, spring air.......:spring:
At the risk of a backlash, I see the second anniversary of AG's murder coming and going without an arrest. Have thought so for a few months now.

I say that because the first arrest (an apparent mistake) stands in the way of convicting someone else, according to LE. Poppycock imo. The unionized justice system is not 'on the case' with this one and others. We use to have people with huevos taking care of this on behalf of the paying public. Those days seem to be long gone.
At the risk of a backlash, I see the second anniversary of AG's murder coming and going without an arrest. Have thought so for a few months now.

I say that because the first arrest (an apparent mistake) stands in the way of convicting someone else, according to LE. Poppycock imo. The unionized justice system is not 'on the case' with this one and others. We use to have people with huevos taking care of this on behalf of the paying public. Those days seem to be long gone.

I hate to say this.......but I'm tending to think that way as well. :what: Honestly, is LE able to let AG (and SV and SL) cases just hang there with nothing being done?

I, for one, am going to continue to post here for them in case someone from LE takes notice.:maddening:
Yes LE can let cases hang - they will go home with the same pay-cheque regardless.

Imo, one needs to follow the political aspect of LE (union negotiations) in order to know how to feel about the job they are performing. Jmo.

The Crown Attorney's office isn't any better - if one is looking for results. I could add jmo - but feel it is a fact.
I say that because the first arrest (an apparent mistake) stands in the way of convicting someone else, according to LE.

I must have missed this. Do you have a link?
If LE does not have the manpower to intensely continue investigating these murders, due to budgetary constraints, why not screen a group of volunteers, who are willing and eager to look at these cases from the beginning. It will never happen, but if it could, with the release of more information, maybe one of these murders could be solved. Without releasing any information, I would like to know why LE asks for the public's help. With more details, who knows whose memory may be tweeked
to remember a relevant detail that could fill in some blanks.

I, for one, would volunteer. MOO

Quite some time ago, I remember seeing such a group on t.v. either working in the USA or England, but they solved a murder! or maybe even more.
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