CANADA Canada - Elizabeth Bain, 22, Scarborough Ont, 19 June 1990 #1

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Was EB's car tested for:

- fingerprints on the radio knob?

- on the cigarette package?

- on the door handles?

- fingerprints/smudges everywhere!!

- DNA (from the rapist testing?)

No polygraph for PB regarding EB disappearance he
Asked them to go do one on Karla first and the wouldnt
I don't believe anyone in jail or not can
Be forced to take a polygraph
Took 21yrs but a poi has been found that they never
Took a real effort in finding and have been
Gaining his confidence for the last 2yrs now
Just getting him to open up about the
Night EB was last seen. It's a long process
Will keep you all updated on the progress
I don't believe anyone in jail or not can
Be forced to take a polygraph

Apologies....I didn't mean "forced". I only meant "asked to". Like - "Would you be willing to take a polygraph regarding XYZ case".


*I've corrected my wording in the post above*
Lol no N_S_U. Sure they can ask and I believe
they asked PB to do one but basically said
Karla first
Took 21yrs but a poi has been found that they never
Took a real effort in finding and have been
Gaining his confidence for the last 2yrs now
Just getting him to open up about the
Night EB was last seen. It's a long process
Will keep you all updated on the progress

Sorry, I'm having a slow day! :blushing: I don't know what you mean here.

POI = who?

Keeping us updated = are you somehow involved in solving this case? (Other than being on WS)?

Is this POI a blond guy? I hope this leads to something and to her. I can't believe she hasn't been found after all this time and in such a big city.
Took 21yrs but a poi has been found that they never
Took a real effort in finding and have been
Gaining his confidence for the last 2yrs now
Just getting him to open up about the
Night EB was last seen. It's a long process
Will keep you all updated on the progress

Can you give us a hint or something to begin sleuthing ?
Could it be PB or someone else altogether?
If you had to imagine where EB could be found, where do you think she might be?
Any chance at all however remote, that Elizabeth is alive?
i've been researching and searching for EB since 1996, along with a gentleman who
has been doing the same since 1990. i'm not LE, or and PI in any way. Just an average
joe, armchair sleuther like everyone here. RB was a grade lower than me and his brother a grade higher than me at same public school and high school. I knew/know them. More of a good
aquaintance than good friends.
RB was not the reason i got involved, not a all. It was to find EB, whether alive or otherwise and bring her home. I was introduced to this other gentleman through RB's PI and we have been searching ever since. Our goal is only to find EB.
We have also been involved in searching for other missings and their families.
the poi (person of interest) was someone nicknamed spinner. someone called a radio station
in 1990 and said something to the effect that spinner is the man you are looking for,
i believe the caller called again another time and said to the effect every cabby knows who spinner is.
LE put queries in the papers looking for a cabby named spinner as they figured spinner was a cab driver. but that was all they did. as far as we know they never found him and they were so focused
on RB that they didnt put really any man power on foot to search him out.
this other gentleman i search with is the one who is in contact with spinner. 3 months or so ago, he found a right time to bring the subject up. this gentleman had a friend with him as a witness.
not sure how much i should talk about this because we don't want LE involved at this point because of how we've seen them act in this case. I would ask everyone reading to keep this info on this board if they wouldn't mind please.
spinner is a street person, and was in 1990. was in the military and has anger issues.
spinner was asked if he could help with any info regarding a missing girl from 1990 because he has been around the area for so long.
spinner immediately knew EB's first name, he wasn't told who it was. his physical reaction as described to a pychologists, clearly indicated that he knows or saw something with regards to that night.
we have to be very gentle and patient with this guy. and not to shut him down. he is very wary of ppl.
we are truely hoping this endeavour will produce the result we are all looking for but
always cautious it will turn into another .... end. sry don't feel appropriate saying that
word in this instance.
there has been some gpr, (ground penetrating radar) done in the last couple of months in
an area of interest that this spinner pointed out. again, we are proceeding with caution with what he says. the results are being analyzed, and there are some areas of interest
pointed out. so next step will be to get permission from city to escavate the area, but that prob won't happen till spring now.
hope i havent bored anyone with all the posting, sorry if i have.
New Order of course the band Luka M used in vid.


"Receipts found in Bernardo's house in St. Catharines show he frequented various stores in, or near, the Scarborough area around the time of Bain's disappearance.

· An ex-Bernardo girlfriend knew Bain and introduced her to Bernardo in the mid-'80s. The ex-girlfriend also had a crush on Bain's brother, which once caused Bernardo to fly into a jealous rage.

· Bain was seen at a restaurant with a blond man several weeks before her disappearance. The restaurant was one Bernardo was known to frequent. Around the same time she was seen arguing with a blond man in a red Jeep in a plaza with another Bernardo watering hole.

· At 5:30 p.m. on the day Bain went missing, a female U of T student saw a blond man on the Scarborough campus staring, frightening her as she made a phone booth call. She wrote a description of him and said he resembled a composite drawing of the Scarborough rapist.

· A package of du Maurier Light cigarettes – Bernardo's brand – was in the glove box of Bain's car.

· Bain's car was found backed into its parking spot, consistent with how Bernardo parked.

· The radio was tuned to CFNY 102.1, Bernardo's favourite station. A New Order recording, another favourite, was in the cassette deck.

Together, the findings raise a "reasonable possibility" and include the "probability" Bernardo committed the crime," lawyer James Lockyer, who led the defence team, told Superior Court yesterday"
hope i havent bored anyone with all the posting, sorry if i have.

No way, this is pretty interesting!
Wonder how "Spinner' got his nickname, makes me think of someone who really gets around or likes to dance!
While spinner is walking he will just spin around
every so often
Is there any particular reason you chose to come to WS in pursuit of this quest? Why now? Why here?


Sunday, June 17, 1990
According to Robert Baltovich, the last time he saw Elizabeth Bain was at 2:15 a.m. on a Monday morning as she pulled her Toyota Tercel out of the Scarborough campus of the University of Toronto, turning north toward her nearby home. They had spent the evening watching a movie at the home for the disabled where Ms. Bain worked, then parked their cars at the campus and walked into the valley of Colonel Danforth Park, finding a remote copse of trees beyond the principal's residence where they laid out a blanket and had sex. A witness told police, however, that she may have seen them having a screaming fight on a side street.

Monday, June 18, 1990
Ms. Bain’s sister, Cathy, told police she heard the couple fighting in the Bains’ basement and, later that night, she saw Elizabeth in bed, asleep in her clothes, with her makeup streaked and a rose clutched to her chest. Four months later, Cathy Bain told police this actually happened a week before the disappearance. At appeal, Mr. Baltovich’s lawyer, James Lockyer, accused her of making up the entire episode.

Tuesday, June 19, 1990
At 3:45 p.m., Ms. Bain withdraws $80 at a bank, and is seen half an hour later driving alone near her house. Soon after, at home, she tells her mother she is going to check the tennis schedule in the valley. At 5:30, a student sees a blond man on campus who resembled Paul Bernardo, at which time Mr. Baltovich is seen at home by his sister-in-law. At 5:45, a tennis instructor sees Ms. Bain by the tennis courts with two other women and a man. At 6:20, a jogger sees Ms. Bain’s car in the parking lot in the valley.

At 6:45, Mr. Baltovich drives through the valley and sees her car, with its windows open. He looks around for her, does not find her, and goes to the campus gym, where he is seen at 7:15. At about 8, a pedestrian sees what appears to be Ms. Bain’s car parked near an autobody shop. A young woman is in the passenger seat, fighting with a man in the driver’s seat. She tries to leave, but he pulls her back in. The witness cannot identify either person.

Mr. Baltovich finishes in the weight room at 8:45, and goes to intercept Ms. Bain after her class, which ended at 9:00. Peeking from a stairway landing, he sees an olive-skinned man who matched Ms. Bain’s description of a previous boyfriend, and seemed to be waiting for the class to empty. He does not find her, goes back to the gym, and plays volleyball until 10:30, driving home soon after. The Crown’s theory in the first trial was that he killed her in the park between 5:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., hid her body that evening, and moved it two days later.

Wednesday, June 20, 1990
Elizabeth’s mother, Julita Bain, calls police. Early in the morning, Mr. Baltovich picks up Ms. Bain’s friend Arlene Coventry, and finds out they did not have specific plans the night before, as Ms. Bain had told him. They go to the tennis courts to speak with the pro. Mr. Baltovich states that Ms. Bain might have hurt herself.

Thursday, June 21, 1990
Now the prime suspect, Mr. Baltovich is interviewed by police until almost midnight. The Crown’s original theory was that he returned to the valley after this interview and took the body to the Lake Scugog area, northeast of the city. At the campus, searchers begin to organize and scour the valley.

Friday, June 22, 1990
At 2:00 p.m., Paul Bain and his brother’s girlfriend, Nancy Sicchia, discover Elizabeth’s car parked near the autobody shop. It is backed up against a snow fence, still in reverse gear, with the passenger seat fully reclined. There is a pool of her blood in the back seat. Her body has not been found.

Nov. 19, 1990
Mr. Baltovich is arrested and charged with first-degree murder. The Crown later compiles a list of 40 “lies and evasions” he made to police.

March 31, 1992
Mr. Baltovich is convicted by a jury of second-degree murder and later sentenced to life in prison.

Feb. 17, 1993
Serial killer Paul Bernardo is arrested and later determined to be responsible for a series of rapes in Scarborough, the last of which was on May 26, 1990. Receipts indicate he was in Scarborough on the three days following Ms. Bain’s disappearance.

April 1, 2000
Mr. Baltovich is released after eight years in jail to await his appeal.

Dec. 2, 2004
The Ontario Court of Appeal rules that the first trial was unfair, marred by legal errors and biased instructions from the judge to the jury. The conviction is overturned.

July 15, 2005
The Crown decides to retry Mr. Baltovich for second-degree murder.

April 22, 2008
After the Crown presents no evidence, a jury acquits Mr. Baltovich........
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