Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #5 **ARREST**

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I think this has already been covered. The large guy, was contacted by the police, following TB's cellphone records being traced to the burner phone and then back to large guy's phone (through the burner phone). correct me if I'm wrong, that was my understanding. The large guy did not come forward himself.

Yes I agreed on that - he did not come forward himself. But that is not what my comments were regarding.
Also, I read in an article... From where, I do not recall... That police said, individual from first truck was 6'4" and 280lbs. Sorry, but I do not remember source...

But that definitely would indicate someone who would be hard to take down.

saw that in the avcanada forums, someone's comment, not an official source
We know he says he took them for a test drive. We dont know if the police have been able to confirm this.

The reason Im focusing on this guy, is that DM is pleading not guilty.

If DM is not guilty and knows nothing and is being framed, then this is the only person who could be framing him.

The burner phone records and confirmation that the test drive actually took place would clear it all up.

That's an assumption. we do not know that.
We know he says he took them for a test drive. We dont know if the police have been able to confirm this.

The reason Im focusing on this guy, is that DM is pleading not guilty.

If DM is not guilty and knows nothing and is being framed, then this is the only person who could be framing him.

The burner phone records and confirmation that the test drive actually took place would clear it all up.

Unless DM's fingerprints were retrieved from his truck... Which is possible if the truck sat at his shop since sunday test drive. We wouldn't hear that until it hits trial though
Unless DM's fingerprints were retrieved from his truck... Which is possible if the truck sat at his shop since sunday test drive. We wouldn't hear that until it hits trial though

Exactly, we do not know if DM's fingerprints are on the truck. If they are not, it could be because he used gloves, or becasue he removed the prints at his hangar.

Another theory could be, (if he has been framed) that he found the truck on his property, learned that someone has identified him with his tatoo, panicked, put the truck in his trailer and attempted to hide it at his mom's place.

Unlikely, but not impossible.

To go in the other direction, another unanswered question is whether DM is richer than he should be. It seems to me he has an awful lot of money to the tune of millions. Did he really inherit this much money? Does his legal income match his outgoings? If not, where does that money come from?
I hadn't seen this before.

“An ‘Eliminator incinerator’ designed to dispose of livestock remains was purchased by Dellen Millard in July 2012,” said a police officer involved in the case. “We would like to know for what purpose he decided to make this purchase.”

from the Sun article.

That looks very grim for DM's defence. 2012? wtf?
I seen that on a news vid,,,first thing I thought of was the movie ^^Fargo^^, and these 3Amigos, keep screwing up like the characters in the movie.

Early this week there was a mention of ''fargo'' (the movie) media comment on the case. If you really know the movie stop and think about it and who got killed....the good guy sensible father in law in the movie who was willing to pay the ransom to the bad guys for his daughter ....just as someone noted maybe the death of the father is what should really be revisited and see what was missed.....
Here's more text from the article (police-investigate-incinerators-role-in-tim-bosma-slaying) ExiledRed refers to:
“An ‘Eliminator incinerator’ designed to dispose of livestock remains was purchased by Dellen Millard in July 2012,” said a police officer involved in the case. “We would like to know for what purpose he decided to make this purchase.”

Millard is said to have exercised his rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to not talk with police but should he change his mind this incinerator will be the topic of one of the first questions coming his way.

“It certainly is of note that he does not have any animals on that farm,” said an officer.

The only thing I agree with in your statement is the need for privacy.

As for the trust fund, I am going to open my heart and my wallet to make a donation. If you don't want to....Don't!!!!

I have been to TD Bank twice this week to make a donation. It will take time for mortgage or life insurance to kick in if they have it. I also don't care how SB uses my money. On the house, a security system, the little girls education, a huge Doberman that's attack trained, funeral expenses, property taxes, to get away for a while, to move, to hire a private detective of her own, to a charity in TB's name, a scholarship, to go back to school and support herself, to her church, to missionaries, for counselling for herself or whatever else she wants. It costs money to change your phone number and i'm sure she'll want an unlisted number, i would. Perhaps the truck was the only family vehicle? Does she need transportation? Looks like she lives in the country. My step son's house looks similar on the outside, but the rooms aren't all done, they have plywood underlay in most rooms. They'll do things as they can afford it. Maybe because TB is handy, they were living the same in an unfinished house. I didn't give with a stipulation on how it was spent. I also have a few items for sale and if they sell, I'll also donate that money as well. Her bread winner is gone.....forever. I'll be sending more when I get paid again next week.
I'm not asking anyone else to contribute, but they were only married a couple years so I assume they weren't debt free. I thought of my monthly expenses and tried to think of hers....and I cried. Then I opened my wallet.
We know he says he took them for a test drive. We dont know if the police have been able to confirm this.

The reason Im focusing on this guy, is that DM is pleading not guilty.

If DM is not guilty and knows nothing and is being framed, then this is the only person who could be framing him.

The burner phone records and confirmation that the test drive actually took place would clear it all up.

how would you confirm a test drive?
Unless DM's fingerprints were retrieved from his truck... Which is possible if the truck sat at his shop since sunday test drive. We wouldn't hear that until it hits trial though

of course, they need to print the first truck!!!
MOD NOTE: To avoid confusion, please distinguish opinion from fact in your posts. MOO, IMO, JMO, IMHO, and :moo: work well for this purpose.

Thank you.
When I read that, I thought he MAY have had a fiancé, or he may have used that as an excuse because he wanted the property for some other reasons. I would have thought a fiancé would have been with him if he had one.

At DM's appearance it was Tweeted by @susanclairmont who was covering it Live for the Spec, "Millard's girlfriend may be an important witness in this case, says Crown." Then, "[DM] is ordered to not communicate with a long list of witnesses," to which DM agrees to. And then, "Crown is seeking order for non-publication of list of witnesses because 'this is an ongoing investigation'." Which is agreed to, "JP orders that those names are covered under a pub ban."

So there really is at least a woman in his life, for real. Just no pictures and due to the publication ban that was agreed to at his formal charges session with the JP you may not hear much about any of the witnesses to protect the integrity of the investigation.
It is not an assumption. This is the only person to have described the tattoo which lead to DM.

let me reword my thought: there are a lot of other scenario's in which DM could be framed/set up. That's why i think saying 'this is the only ....' is a bold statement. JMO

that's all i'll say on it as i'm not convinced by the totality of the evidence that he was set up. JMO. It's hard to see DM not playing a crucial role in his murder.

calling it a night - hope the 'new info' from toronto star is more than just the condo thing... bye y'all!
When LE announced a slew of search warrants around DM's arrest, they said that they had warrants to search three vehicles. One of those would be TB's truck I assume. Beyond that - DM's Ram could be one of the remaining two, he also has a Yukon he was arrested in, and I am not sure if the trailer itself counts as a vehicle...

I don't think they'll need a warrant for Bosma's truck. You need a warrant if you suspect the owner will object to a search. And no, the trailer doesn't have an engine and is not considered a vehicle.
So if DM wasn't from a wealthy well-known family do you all think he was "framed" or capable of murder? Seems to me that money is equating not guilty because DM could afford 100 Ram pick-ups. Murder isn't always about money, either.

DM has been charged with 1st degree murder by authorities who know a lot more than has been released and have backgrounds dealing with thugs, etc. There is no way, IMO, that DM is covering for someone else or other perps by remaining silent sitting in jail. Time will tell as more information becomes known. The theories are interesting to read but there are so few known facts behind them, IMO.
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