Casey and Ricardo

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I have not found out what is across from Sawgrass, but just the fact that Casey showed LE the seniors facility across from Glenwood (JP,Ricardo and Amy's place) makes me real curious as to what is across from the Sawgrass place! Worth knowing, because she sure talked in circles!

There is a Lake there. It's Lake Tennessee. No access to it from Conway Rd that I noticed. Fenced all the way down the sidewalk. Then there are houses and I believe a small set of apts on the other side of the lake.
There is a Lake there. It's Lake Tennessee. No access to it from Conway Rd that I noticed. Fenced all the way down the sidewalk. Then there are houses and I believe a small set of apts on the other side of the lake.

I asked in the Questions for the searchers thread about this-
It would be easy to "still pin it on fictitious ZG whom she dropped her off with", right? if she was found there- the "nanny's" fault - who got scared and ran away
I asked in the Questions for the searchers thread about this-
It would be easy to "still pin it on fictitious ZG whom she dropped her off with", right? if she was found there- the "nanny's" fault - who got scared and ran away

I think that is a good theory that should be vetted. Maybe Casey dumped the body near Sawgrass and is now telling Baez to pin it on the Fusian connectioned people because of this new found coincidence.

This tactic would be similar to the one used by Scott Petersen's defense team: that there was a cult group near where Stacey went missing.
(I wish someone could save Caseys photobucket pics to an online place where we can refer to them in case she deletes those albums, I do not have a photobucket account.)

I will do this if you can provide me with the links. There are so many links circulating websleuths I don't have the time to search for them.

(I got the apt layout from JP Chatts website)
What is the url to his website?
Its very generous of you to take time to do this Olive. You may be our lifesaver when those albums go down like the birth photo albums did!
Mornin all. Seems like even with this thread, we still have NO info on Ricardo. So odd. I've been jumping around from the start of this, wondering why the name and JPs have never came out much at all. When BH said it on the Geraldo show the other night, Geraldo looked like he was slapped or something! It hasnt been proven he was ex-cop, I still think that may have been confusion with the JG ex-cop but not sure. It hasnt been on the affidavit or the search warrant that he has even made a statement, not one of his myspace or facebook posts have been discovered. and it goes on and on.

I did notice at one time there was a Caylee is Missing Facebook group started by someone that listed JP and Ricardo as admins and Amy was inviting everyone to join. It only had the basics as the flier, no info or posting otherwise.

There are a lot of paint cans in the garage of Glenwood apt where Ricardo and JP lived and they are shown in pictures of the parties, but the pics are from around 07. Maybe Ricardo is/was into maintanance or painting. I think it was too many cans to be leftovers from using at JPs apt. Then again, JP could have been doing that line of work but he has a prior tv job, and seems to be into film, news, things like that so it makes me wonder if the cans didnt belong to Ricardo.

I'm pondering here, hoping someone will read and add in any additional items that they also have noticed.
Paint cans in background of pic from Glenwood garage.
I hadn't heard this brought up, the possibility of him being dad...or I missed it.

I'd like to get some pics of him.

I've seen a few pics of him and imo, Caylee doesn't look like him at all, but she looks just like JP Chatts. :)
going back and looking at it again,.. I think she has JPs mouth, lips, cheeks, shape of the ears and a little bit of his eyes. I could be way off. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. Does anyone else see it??????

I opened two tabs and made one really smaller with Caylee's pic in it to compare to the ones of JP.

The shape of Caylee's ears, and JP Chatt's ears...
I kinda think she looks like jesus in this one(upper right) b/c of the facial expression
but on the other hand I also see jp's eyes (bottom right)

This is the only pic of Caylee with a crooked smile. imo, she is drugged in this pic. again. jmo
Info gleaned for me today is Ricardo's birthdate. (from JPs site and an old traffic ticket) January 23 1984. I did see that he enjoyed spending time with JP, going on road trips with him, photography, filming. JP states on his site that Ricardo majored in biology at Univ of Tampa, JP also spent time taking photographs in NY with Ricardo and Ricardo's father in 07. Looks like Ricardo and JP's friendship goes back a little way. On JP's site, I see Lauren, Caseys first yr babysitter and friend from 2005, is a friend also. I am finding that JP, Ricardo,Lauren all go back a few yrs with their friendship and Amy was possibly a friend of Laurens at the beginning. according to myspace posts on Amy's, JP and Lauren knew her in March of 07. I believe Amy stated she only knew Casey 6 mths but I think it may have been much longer according to all of these posts. Not sure. Photos in Caseys photobucket show JP,Ricardo,Lauren,Amy,Casey, and some guy with JONES on the back of his shirt, all standing together in JP's garage. Who is Jones?

JP site:

Ricardo knew Amy in 06.
(Could this be Christmas vacation with family in PR?)
Ricardo M comments to Amy:
Dec 17 2006 9:41 PM
I'm kinda in the airport right now, on my way to PR. but I will be back in FL Jan 13! so we will hang out
Its very generous of you to take time to do this Olive. You may be our lifesaver when those albums go down like the birth photo albums did!

Still working on this! Didn't have time to work on it yesterday, though. It is taking forever because I have to import pics one by one! :eek:
Well, I'm not so sure about Ricardo being the father anymore for a couple, Caylee really does look a lot like JP (though I realize that doesn't prove anything) and two, it appears he and Casey met well after Caylee's birth. IF some evidence (photos, etc) popped up that he and Casey knew each other around the time Casey came up pregnant, I'd go back with my original thought that Ricardo is the Dad. Ricardo being Caylee's father would also explain why Casey didn't think twice about all of them sleeping in the same bed...
here's the problem...Caylee was born in August 2005, which means the father is someone she met/knew in 2004. None of these characters were in her life at the time.
page 42 of discovery 151-263

"I don't know specifics. I, I would assume with the mother or with Zani, who is the nanny of Caylee. Which is what Casey told me the whole time I knew her. If she's not here she's with one of those two"

He is the only person who has know Casey awhile who knows the name Zani. Everyone else heard it last minute, if at all.
My money is on Caylee's father being Hawkins. Anyone have that link to the photo? I couldn't find it.

This may have been addressed but just don't have time to go through all the posts.

Ricardo tells police in his interview that Casey and Caylee stayed at his house some five nights a week starting around February 2008.

Cindy and George both say she stayed out at the most 1 to 2 nights a month.

Cindy around April is looking for a counselor to help her deal with Casey and her being an unfit mother, etc.

I have not seen anyone speak about this HUGE discrepancy with Cindy and George's account and Ricardo telling Yuri and Corporal Edwards that Casey and Caylee stayed at his house easily five nights a week in the beginniing of 2008 when he first started dating her.

Any comments on this and just how this would look in Court when Ricardo testifies to this - I am sure he will and it will also show how Cindy and George lied.
Ricardo, to me, is the weakest link of all of KC's friends. I say this because he lied about his relationship, such as it was, with KC to the police. Why? Was he embarressed? Surely he had to know better. Do I think, at all, he is involved in this case? No, I don't. Other than his prior association with KC. But he would be the weakest link to exploit by the defense.
LB35, are you mixing Ricardo up with someone else here? I can't remember his name ATM, but it wasn't he a police officer who then resigned? Anthony something??
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