Casey Anthony Legal Defense Strategies #2

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In addition the defense would have to know when JG was available to commit the murder. Suppose they said [won't happen,but what if] Jessie killed Caylee on July 16th.Jessie might have been working at that time,then out to dinner with friends.He has an alibi.They don't know when Jessie has alibis.The defense would need to know JG's moves all month in order to pin a time on him.
Maybe that's why they wanted all of his phone records?
Won't work.
I wasn't sure where to post this or if this has been posted all ready. I was thinking of this and was wondering the possibility of this question.

It seems as if the defense, is going to make it look like JG was responsible for Caylee's death. What if, KC omits that she was responsible for Caylee's death but JG was the mastermind and he committed the murder. All the evidence is pointing at KC. I am thinking her only possibility of confusing a jury, is to make up another crazy story, but involving JG in it. Putting herself as a victim in the whole thing. I hope this doesn't happen, but what if???

I don't see this happening. LE has checked out JG thoroughly, with his cooperation, and he is clean. Honestly, IMO, I am not sure this case will ever see a courtroom. I am thinking that KC will "take it as far as she can" and when it comes real close to time for trial, she will try to deal. And, if she does, I hope the SA says "No way, Jose!"
IMO, the defense has two gigantic, damning obstacles they will never be able to overcome, no matter who they try to blame or what SODDI explanation they come up with:

#1) Those pictures of Casey laughing and dancing at Fusion, cuddling with Tony at Blockbusters, et al.

#2) The fact that she never, ever reported to anyone that Caylee was missing--while she was doing #1 above.

Because of those two things, I believe with all my heart that no parent on the jury will ever fall for an ugly grieving explanation, or any other defense theory that would exhonerate Casey. Now more than ever, I find myself clinging tightly to my faith in the common sense and right-thinking of our fellow human beings.
IMO, the defense has two gigantic, damning obstacles they will never be able to overcome, no matter who they try to blame or what SODDI explanation they come up with:

#1) Those pictures of Casey laughing and dancing at Fusion, cuddling with Tony at Blockbusters, et al.

#2) The fact that she never, ever reported to anyone that Caylee was missing--while she was doing #1 above.

Because of those two things, I believe with all my heart that no parent on the jury will ever fall for an ugly grieving explanation, or any other defense theory that would exhonerate Casey. Now more than ever, I find myself clinging tightly to my faith in the common sense and right-thinking of our fellow human beings.

All of what you said.

Plus who would believe KC would sit in jail if there was somebody else to blame?
No disrespect to anyone intended...but...
IF that happens, I'll eat my shoes!

I'll admit the defense very likely will pull a whopper from under Jose's hat, but if they try it stick this on JG...well I got some serious chewing to do!
I'm sooo frustrated to expect more circus antics before this is completed. :(
No way this could happen. There isn't ANY evidence that JG did anything AT ALL!

Then again, There's NO evidence of a nanny either though!
No way can the defense drum up enough reasonable doubt pointing to JG. There has not been a shread of information that points to JG being involved. He just had his whole life examined and made public, and guess what, his hands are clean. I think it makes most of us sick to think the Anthonys would choose to pick on this decent young man who wanted to marry Casey and be a father to Caylee. It wouldn't even make sense that JG would help her so she could enjoy her new bfs. Defense better make-up something else.
Thank you for the replies. :) After that big document dump, I was thinking geezz, can the defense find a way to accuse JG even though he was cleared by LE. I was just wondering if that was possible. I feel so bad for JG.
No way can the defense drum up enough reasonable doubt pointing to JG. There has not been a shread of information that points to JG being involved. He just had his whole life examined and made public, and guess what, his hands are clean. I think it makes most of us sick to think the Anthonys would choose to pick on this decent young man who wanted to marry Casey and be a father to Caylee. It wouldn't even make sense that JG would help her so she could enjoy her new bfs. Defense better make-up something else.

The more I think about it - the more I think the defense is going to point their fingers in Jesse's direction and also others as "possible" theories. I think the defenses whole gameplan will be to show that LE's rush to judgement-arresting on a "whim"-not investigating alternate perpetrator possibilities-ugly coping-attacking forensics-setting their client up in situations to be filmed that would make her look guilty.
The defense won't try to prove JG or anyone else did it-but like the title of this thread they will say "What If?" Won't work IMO-but, it's all they got!!
In addition the defense would have to know when JG was available to commit the murder. Suppose they said [won't happen,but what if] Jessie killed Caylee on July 16th.Jessie might have been working at that time,then out to dinner with friends.He has an alibi.They don't know when Jessie has alibis.The defense would need to know JG's moves all month in order to pin a time on him.
Maybe that's why they wanted all of his phone records?
Won't work.

Good point! I would imagine that LE has investigated each one of Casey's closest friends so thoroughly that they know where each one was for every minute of the day on June 16, 2008 and in the days that followed. If LE can account for their whereabouts, it would be very difficult for the defense to attempt to place blame for Caylee's murder on any of them.
The more I think about it - the more I think the defense is going to point their fingers in Jesse's direction and also others as "possible" theories. I think the defenses whole gameplan will be to show that LE's rush to judgement-arresting on a "whim"-not investigating alternate perpetrator possibilities-ugly coping-attacking forensics-setting their client up in situations to be filmed that would make her look guilty.
The defense won't try to prove JG or anyone else did it-but like the title of this thread they will say "What If?" Won't work IMO-but, it's all they got!!

I agree.
They will go with the spaghetti defense of throwing it against the wall and see what sticks. They won't say Jesse did it, or that anyone else specifically did, but they will say that the only thing the state can prove is that Caylee is dead and that Casey is not that likable. They will say Jesse could have killed her, Cindy or George could have, Lee had access to the house, and all of her other friends. Doing that and challenging the forensics at every step will be there attempt to establish reasonable doubt. So far we have not seen the piece of evidence that absolutely cannot be explained except by Casey being the killer. It is the totality of the evidence that shows it was Casey. You can explain each individual piece as having possible other sources, but at the end of that thread the only common demoniator to all the evidence is Casey.
All of what you said.

Plus who would believe KC would sit in jail if there was somebody else to blame?

In my mind, this is such an excellent point. KC is so self centered, there is no way she would take the fall for someone else, and I doubt, based on her behavior (stealing from Amy, implicating JG by telling her parents she doesn't trust him, etc) that she is really all that afraid of anyone enough to sit in jail on his or her behalf.
Well, I can imagine Casey saying something like this to JB.....

Caylee died accidentally in my mom's care, and she was afraid to lose her nurses's license, so, we made it look like a kidnapping. It was only because they (towyard&GA) noticed that my car smelled like decomp that we were forced to call in the cops. My dad didn't know, only me and my mom, and this is the plan we hatched, so see, it really was an accident, but it was my mom's neglect, not mine, and without her salary as a nurse, none of us could survive. KWIM?
Casey did lie to the police looking for her daughter. She lied and lied, and then admitted it. Casey was the one who made up a Zenaida that was never to be found because she was pretend. The people Casey did tell that Caylee was missing, those friends, turned out to be pretend. The LE went to her job that wasn't real. The mother was found a month later perfectly fine at her bfs house never having reported her daughter missing. LE did look closely at other possible suspects, but really, who can blame them for figuring out who really did it.

Now, the choice the defense team must make:

Door #1 Blame a Zanny and stick to it.

Door #2 Accident - no, she said it wasn't an accident because she didn't do it.

Door #3 Mental Insanity or Break-down - but no prior history and defense turned that down as their defense before.

Door #4 A Stranger or dangerous stalker or client

Door #5 Throw everyone under the bus and confuse jurors to have reasonable doubt. Blame it on the ugly coping, and some future made-up stupid defense.

Well, I hope Casey's defense dream team realizes they can't perform this miracle of making her look innocent of this horrible crime. This is a DP case so smoke and mirrors aren't going to work.
Casey's legal team can try anything, and likely will, but they can not blame anyone but the mother for there being 31 days from the time she was last seen, until she admitted it. This, and the forensic evidence connecting her to the body / crime scene will be impossible to overcome. They can confuse, divert, blame, ignore evidence and claim junk science, continue to drag in anyone in her social circle, nothing ELIMINATES THE 31 DAYS & SCIENCE. MOO
I feel so badly for all the young, unsuspecting people whose lives have been disrupted and changed forever because of this sociopathic killer.
tweety933, i can see this coming out of her mouth too.....
I can think of no defense that will fly unless she now tries to show that it was an accident and she will have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

SODDI can't contain ZFG because KC already admitted that her statement was a lie. it will be hard to maintain that SODDI when all the evidence is in her trunk.

"JG did it" can be detroyed with JG's alibi's, phone pings, etc.

"CA or GA or LA did it" can be destroyed the same way.

The only thing they can do is to try to destroy the evidence against KC at trial by claiming improper procedures, etc. People do not like this kind of strategy when the evidence is overwhelmingly against the defendant.

Good luck JB.
I can think of no defense that will fly unless she now tries to show that it was an accident and she will have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

SODDI can't contain ZFG because KC already admitted that her statement was a lie. it will be hard to maintain that SODDI when all the evidence is in her trunk.

"JG did it" can be detroyed with JG's alibi's, phone pings, etc.

"CA or GA or LA did it" can be destroyed the same way.

The only thing they can do is to try to destroy the evidence against KC at trial by claiming improper procedures, etc. People do not like this kind of strategy when the evidence is overwhelmingly against the defendant.

Good luck JB.

Without the time of death, I don't see how anyone can provide an alibi for "that" time. I'd really like to see that LE thoroughly eliminated GA and CA as possible suspects in Caylee's death. I realize that the decomp in Casey's trunk (the title being in CA&GA's name), at the very minimum provides proof of tampering with a corpse charge. Casey's comment to her mother in one of the jailhouse visits which stated something similar to "Don't worry I haven't said anything", is bothersome to me, and WHAT IF.....CA is actually Zanny at the moment of Caylee's death? Playing the devils advocate here, If I can imagine this, the defense can dream it up, too, so SA needs to be prepared!
Well, I can imagine Casey saying something like this to JB.....

Caylee died accidentally in my mom's care, and she was afraid to lose her nurses's license, so, we made it look like a kidnapping. It was only because they (towyard&GA) noticed that my car smelled like decomp that we were forced to call in the cops. My dad didn't know, only me and my mom, and this is the plan we hatched, so see, it really was an accident, but it was my mom's neglect, not mine, and without her salary as a nurse, none of us could survive. KWIM?

Very good story. Really, you somehow managed to sound like her. At first, I expected some really surprising BS to come out to explain why JB says we just don't understand what he won't tell us. Now, it seems too late to introduce a new story.

I might have been able to believe it before Cindy made us all look for an alive Caylee for months. She even started a money donating foundation. Casey swore it wasn't anything accidental that made Caylee disappear. No, they both would have been able to cover this up better if this was their plan, JMO.
Since KC's statement to LE was the 'nanny took her' I didn't think the defence could come to trial with an accident story. Wouldn't they need to provide that to the SA prior? I was under the impression that either side can not bring anything that wasn't made available thru discovery. I could be incorrect but seems to me they are stuck with the imaginary nanny defence. (?)
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