Casey Anthony's Time-line Is Shrinking - UPDATE 8/10/08

Wow, I've never seen that video. Two thoughts:

- What the heck is a nurse of decomposition?

- GA got really antsy when CA started giving specifics...stating she had receipts to show where Casey was for the last two weeks but LE wasn't interested. GA's comments, "We need to go, we need to go, the information needs to stop." GA clearly wanted CA to shut up. Why would GA not want Cindy saying seems innocent enough to me, unless he is trying to hide something.

George has good reason to agitated; Cindy's denials and loosely statements have made her a target on websites like this one. She should shut up, except to LE.
Wow that video was a real eye-opener. I think Cindy has lost her mind. I think she really believes what she is saying. Hmmmm...maybe that's where her pathological lying daughter gets it from? I hate to condemn Cindy, because I do think she really loves Caylee, and would never want to see her hurt. But George was trying to shut her up in that clip for a reason.

Also, totally off topic but I read that Casey did not tell anyone she was pregnant until 2 months before she gave birth to Caylee. When she was 7 months along, people were saying that it was obvious she was pregnant. Casey just kept telling them no, and that her mother defended her, saying that she was not pregnant~just put on weight. I dont know if this is in fact true, but if it were, that just goes to show Cindy is one of those women who lies for her child a lot. I think this family has had issues that go way back. Did anyone else read about this story? If so, do you think there's any truth to it?
Patty ~

I remembered you were concerned with the concrete pavers in the back yard. I am watching Geraldo and LP is on there and states TM is thinking about looking there - hope he is right! I guess he'd need a search warrant though as the Anthony's wouldn't let him in willingly.
Wow that video was a real eye-opener. I think Cindy has lost her mind. I think she really believes what she is saying. Hmmmm...maybe that's where her pathological lying daughter gets it from? I hate to condemn Cindy, because I do think she really loves Caylee, and would never want to see her hurt. But George was trying to shut her up in that clip for a reason.

Also, totally off topic but I read that Casey did not tell anyone she was pregnant until 2 months before she gave birth to Caylee. When she was 7 months along, people were saying that it was obvious she was pregnant. Casey just kept telling them no, and that her mother defended her, saying that she was not pregnant~just put on weight. I dont know if this is in fact true, but if it were, that just goes to show Cindy is one of those women who lies for her child a lot. I think this family has had issues that go way back. Did anyone else read about this story? If so, do you think there's any truth to it?

I did hear that story about the pregnancy - I believe it came from Cindy's brother, Rick, who confronted Cindy about it at a wedding they were all attending. Cindy seems to be most concerned about keeping up appearances, at all costs.
i have a question does anyone know what day casey went to pick up her friend from the airport?
Patty ~

I remembered you were concerned with the concrete pavers in the back yard. I am watching Geraldo and LP is on there and states TM is thinking about looking there - hope he is right! I guess he'd need a search warrant though as the Anthony's wouldn't let him in willingly.
I would like to see them tear up the entire yard also, alng with the search warrant they should once more bring in the dogs.I feel something happened there.IMO.Nore
Thank you Patty for this thread, and all of your hard work in the time line :)
I would like to see them tear up the entire yard also, alng with the search warrant they should once more bring in the dogs.I feel something happened there.IMO.Nore

Agreed! Also, I saw an aerial view of their home, and is appears there is a heavily wooded area that runs alongside the backside of their fence. Not sure of the width/depth, but it looked like it could be another potential site to check.
This is very interesting construction of events that Patty has presented here.

I had no time to read the posts yet in this thread, so maybe these issues have been discussed or mentioned already, but here are my thoughts.

Casey told LE that she saw Caylee last time on June 9th. Why did she come up with obvious lie
knowing that the grandparents have met Caylee a week later, on Father's Day.
If someone wants to dispose the body, why go to neighbour's to ask for a shovel. Who needs extra witnesses?
Could the whole shovel thing be just a hoax? Maybe she never planned to bury a body.

The body was in the car for some days (a week or so), which means KC had problems to get rid of it , or she just didn't care. The bad smell, however, made her to do smt about it.
I think it's more likely, that she has thrown the body in the conteiner etc

It could have been indeed Caylee's voice on the backround, as we know Anthony's had some home videos of Caylee.

IMO George didn't report that Casey took the cans because either Cindy pressured him or he himself didn't want
to turn her own daughter in.
As a former police officer he was too embarrassed and didn't want to lie either.Later he could have explain,
sorry, I forgot, don't remember etc

When Cindy called 911 she first (more importantly?) reported that her car/money were apparently stolen by Casey, and later she says, oh, by the way, we may have a missing child case also.
When did she learned that the child was missing? She hadn't seen Caylee for 4 weeks prior to 911 call.

I assume, she put a pressure on Casey, who told her, that child has been taken by nanny.
I understand Cindy learned from Casey, shortly before those calls were made, that the child is missing.
Why did she say I HAVE GIVEN you a month already, if she just found out that the child has been taken..

Cindy is a nurse, obviously she knows exactly, how dead body smells. But why she still talks about rotten pizza?​
Cindy on The Today Show - July 21, 2008

In this interview Cindy says her mother heard Caylee July 5th on the phone.

Listen to Baez ....

I heard her Cindy say that her mother told her on July 5 that she thought she heard Caylee's voice on the phone a few days earlier. I didn't hear her say when it was her mother actually heard her?

Speculation searching for the truth behind the lies
Hi Patty, it may not matter, but on this video Cindy actually says, "I know that my mother had made a comment to me on June...July 5 that she thought she had heard Caylees voice a few days previously on the phone."

Thank you for taking the time to record and post all those videos! I've never seen this interview -- which is very telling -- so thanks again for keeping us informed.

so Sorry, I was catching up and posted the exact same message before I got to yours, I should have read through before posting my thought, I just wanted to get it out of my head before I forgot about it...
Thanks Bookworm474 . . . I am telling you they want to fill us with CONFUSION to avoid the obvious. The 31 days!!! I mean EVERYONE is getting so caught up on the details, as there are MANY, BUT the fact remains, 31 days IS the key, and in my opinion what the focus should be on. We, myself included haven gotten so caught up on dates, times, people, parties, etc. and making the focus Casey, SHE is NOT that SMART, mayeb cunning, smug, aloof but NOT SMART!!!! You can tell that just by her choices in life thus far!!! The parents, well they have been protecting Casey and running her life for the most part, she tries to break away aka move out, they FLIP OUT and take CONTROL once again. I am convinced they are laughing at us all and our DAILY dose of details. I really do not beleive there are ALOT of pertinent details to this case, a child is dead and the FAMILY has the only details needed. The angle being played must change its direction, in order to get results. Just look at the money, time and emotion being played out in "The Anthony Families DysFunction". I am by no means discounting ANYONES passion for this case, I am merely stating my opinion. I think we try so hard to understand something that the only way we think we will is by getting ALL the details. In this case, we must go back to the VERY beginning and acknowledge the FIRST plan of Action this Family took and that was to DELAY REPORTING!!!
In my timeline dated August 6, 2008, I wrote the following:

6/17/08 - It has now been verified that the person that went to look at apartment #210 has been located and verified they did not know anyone by the name of Casey or ever met Caylee. The theory that Casey may have filled out the guest card when out the window.
My question: Does Casey know someone within the office of the Sawgrass Apartments.

After listening to NG on 9/15 with BH Padilla mentioning Casey had a friend(s) at Apt 214, makes me go back to my question to myself and perhaps change it to "Does Casey's friend who lives or lived at #214, know anyone in the office of the Sawgrass Apartments?

After watching the interview with ZG today (9/16) with a local reporter, ZG feels someone got her info from the guest card and spotted her car at Sawgrass.

This keeps bringing me back to my original question to me about knowing someone in the office at Sawgrass, or perhaps a worker on the grounds, because the info regarding what is on the guest card to what Casey told LE has some truth in it regarding Sawgrass but I can't pull that piece together without looking at the staff at Sawgrass.

I am keeping in mind that a month had past since ZG went to Sawgrass to look at an apartment leaving a full month to gather this info from the office or someone within the complex etc. and add this to the story Casey told LE about leaving Caylee with ZG at Apt 210.

But then the new story is out via BH Padilla about Jay Blanchard Park, ZG, her sister, the children and now the silver car, of which ZG mentions in today's interview she has a silver car.

ZG, Apt 210, and silver car ... how did Casey get this information?
After watching the interview with ZG today (9/16) with a local reporter, ZG feels someone got her info from the guest card and spotted her car at Sawgrass.

This keeps bringing me back to my original question to me about knowing someone in the office at Sawgrass, or perhaps a worker on the grounds, because the info regarding what is on the guest card to what Casey told LE has some truth in it regarding Sawgrass but I can't pull that piece together without looking at the staff at Sawgrass.

ZG, Apt 210, and silver car ... how did Casey get this information?

I think there's a good possibility that Casey knew someone in the office. Look how many people she "knew" in police departments. If someone did give Casey this information then the question is, why? What would have been their incentive?

I'd imagine that people working at apartment complexes have access to information that could be used for identity theft. Of course, I have no facts to support that it happened in this case but I acknowledge that the possibility exists that someone gave her this info.

If she was given this info, was it to help create a cover story for Caylee's disappearance? Then we'd have someone with more information that's relevant to the case.

I took Sawgrass' statement that none of their employees know Casey with a grain of salt. We are only just beginning to find out who Casey "knew" (biblically).
I think there's a good possibility that Casey knew someone in the office. Look how many people she "knew" in police departments. If someone did give Casey this information then the question is, why? What would have been their incentive?

I'd imagine that people working at apartment complexes have access to information that could be used for identity theft. Of course, I have no facts to support that it happened in this case but I acknowledge that the possibility exists that someone gave her this info.

If she was given this info, was it to help create a cover story for Caylee's disappearance? Then we'd have someone with more information that's relevant to the case.

I took Sawgrass' statement that none of their employees know Casey with a grain of salt. We are only just beginning to find out who Casey "knew" (biblically).

I went back and looked through the Players sticky on WS. I couldn't find where Casey ever mentioned the names of the two children ZG listed on the Sawgrass card, which was shown on the interview ZG gave this eve. Did Casey just leave them out, forget them, or did the info about ZG come from someone else?

ETA: or is there another Casey statement somewhere mentioning them?

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