Casey's Lies

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Reminds me of what I reread today. Georges deposition is like reading some textbook on parent abuse.
How he stopped asking questions because it caused problems in the house between he and Cindy, was soooo sick. It was actually to the point that Cindy put George in the HOTSEAT for checking up on the Sports Authority job and when he caught her redhanded in her lie about working there, it was like it was HIS FAULT for finding out. Geesh.

Clearly these people were terrified of Casey and afraid she would take caylee "away". Whether they were subconsciously concerned for her safety we will never know.
I could tell by the questions being asked of George that I think this sort of stuff will be in evidence at trial.

I have to give GA credit for trying. CA undermined every effort he made to get the truth out of her. She is the enabler of the year. No wonder RG says GA was emasculated- he was the mechanic and maintenance man,nothing else, in that house.
For an excellent analysis of the JB park story have a look at today's Hinky Meter.

"So let’s try to figure out who thought up the “Jay Blanchard Park Scenario”. You know, the one where Zenaida puts the smack-down on Casey as they sit on a park bench, tells her she doesn’t deserve Caylee, hands her a “script” and tells her the whole world will get nuked if she doesn’t follow it, while Zenaida’s evil sister Samantha whisks Caylee into a Silver Ford Focus (brand new due to the fact Zenaida’s daddy had just bought it for her because of the imaginary wreck she had been…in…just…days…

Wait a minute? Zenaida hadn’t been in a wreck yet. She didn’t have a new Silver Ford Focus on June 16th that her daddy had bought her, because her wreck wouldn’t happen for another week or so. Hmmm…oh well, that’s just a technicality…back to the story…)"

BBM, Hope it's okay to quote from that site. I thought this was interesting and haven't heard it discussed before. I hope the prosecutors caught that little goof-up also!

Reading in there.
This has me lol. I can't even tell you why. Maybe unexpected, uncontrolable giggles. KWIM?
"That’s when Leonard called bullcrap and Princess Poopie-Pants kicks him out of the house."

Valhall is good.
That's a good question; I always assumed it was because they were asking KC a lot of open-ended questions hoping she would be honest (which is a typical interview technique) in supplying the rest of the information.

They did not intend to tell her everything they knew at that point, in order not to contaminate her responses about specific details. I am also wondering when exactly LE was able to coordinate CA's comment on her 911 call that the car smelled like a dead body with the actual car odor, in that I do not recall any of the family mentioning the car to LE that evening when they filled out their reports. It is unclear to me whether or not the Anthonys were forthcoming about the car odor once LE arrived, or if LE had to put it together from the 911 call.

Taking an educated guess here. I believe they had to wait to get the dogs out to check out the car. They picked up the bag at the tow yard and the smell from the trunk would have been obvious to them. Why else would they have rushed over to the dumpster to get the bag. Originally it was a missing child report so in order to check out the trunk they would need the dogs. So when KC went to Universal they had a strong belief the child was already dead. That is the reason for the line of questioning.
Reading in there.
This has me lol. I can't even tell you why. Maybe unexpected, uncontrolable giggles. KWIM?
"That’s when Leonard called bullcrap and Princess Poopie-Pants kicks him out of the house."

Valhall is good.

I had a good laugh over that one myself!!!!
That's a good question; I always assumed it was because they were asking KC a lot of open-ended questions hoping she would be honest (which is a typical interview technique) in supplying the rest of the information.

They did not intend to tell her everything they knew at that point, in order not to contaminate her responses about specific details. I am also wondering when exactly LE was able to coordinate CA's comment on her 911 call that the car smelled like a dead body with the actual car odor, in that I do not recall any of the family mentioning the car to LE that evening when they filled out their reports. It is unclear to me whether or not the Anthonys were forthcoming about the car odor once LE arrived, or if LE had to put it together from the 911 call.

If I'm not mistaken, George led them to the dumpster at the impound lot to pick up the white garbage bag. That would have been the night of the 15th. So yes, they knew about the smell when they interviewed her. I just couldn't find it where they asked her.
If I'm not mistaken, George led them to the dumpster at the impound lot to pick up the white garbage bag. That would have been the night of the 15th. So yes, they knew about the smell when they interviewed her. I just couldn't find it where they asked her.

George led them to the dumpster? I don't suppose you have a link to that, do you? I couldn't find anything indicating that.

I do recall reading where Yuri explains when and how they came to find out about the smell in the car. I'll dig up a link for that while you find your link on George leading them to the dumpster. :)
George led them to the dumpster? I don't suppose you have a link to that, do you? I couldn't find anything indicating that.

I do recall reading where Yuri explains when and how they came to find out about the smell in the car. I'll dig up a link for that while you find your link on George leading them to the dumpster. :)
at the bond hearing yuri said that after following up on KC's stories he remembered that someone said something about a smell in the car. so he went back and asked GA and CA for the car, which they handed over voluntarily.
The responding officer also testifies at the bond hearing that he smelled something that smelled like decomp. Why he didn't make a bigger deal out of it I will never know.
Please do not post any wild and crazy rumors on this forum. thanks.
Thanks JBean! :)

I found the link for it.

*After* questioning Casey, Yuri remembered that someone had mentioned the smell in the car:

CORPORAL YURI MELICH, ORANGE COUNTY SHERIFF`S OFFICE: There was a -- there was a very bad smell inside the car. After speaking to Casey extensively, after listening to all the stories, after trying to follow up all these leads, obviously, we started to having to look elsewhere and see if we could obtain information elsewhere.

And I remember that somebody had mentioned that there was a very bad odor in the car. So we asked Mr. And Mrs. Anthony if we can go ahead and seize the car, look for evidence inside of it. Mr. Anthony signed an affidavit allowing us to do so.

I got the link from NG, but it's from Yuri's bond hearing testimony.

I also just saw a quasi-news story where it has Yuri saying that in this timeframe Cindy told him the smell was just trash, but it's not a link I would really rely on, so I'm going to dig around a bit more on this. So this is just FWIW for now.

ETA: found good link for this info:

"I actually went into the car to smell what the smell smelled like," Melich said. "Before, just before I came into (my current position), I was a homicide detective for two years with the Orange County Sheriff's Office and in my experience, the smell that I smell inside that car was of decomposition."

Melich said officers were told that there was a bag of trash in the car.

"The two smells were not the same," Melich said.

This again is from the bond hearing. I'm going to have to listen to it to get specific on what Yuri said. I'll do that in the morning and update this post with anything significant.
George led them to the dumpster? I don't suppose you have a link to that, do you? I couldn't find anything indicating that.

I do recall reading where Yuri explains when and how they came to find out about the smell in the car. I'll dig up a link for that while you find your link on George leading them to the dumpster. :)

I think George has to be the one to tell them about the bag in the dumpster. Who else would know about it? I mean the impound lot guy was sleeping.
If I'm not mistaken, George led them to the dumpster at the impound lot to pick up the white garbage bag. That would have been the night of the 15th. So yes, they knew about the smell when they interviewed her. I just couldn't find it where they asked her.

Sorry, . you are mistaken, George told YM on the night of the 16th that the smell in he car was caused by rotten pizza, when YM asked for the bag, he attmitted that he had thrown it away at he impound lot, YM went with other LA to the impound lot that night, and the night manager at the lot led him to the dumpster.
Sorry, . you are mistaken, George told YM on the night of the 16th that the smell in he car was caused by rotten pizza, when YM asked for the bag, he attmitted that he had thrown it away at he impound lot, YM went with other LA to the impound lot that night, and the night manager at the lot led him to the dumpster.

I always get this confused (15th? 16th? 16th? 15th?) - when you say the night of the 16th - are you speaking of past midnight on the 15th (early a.m. on the 16th) or on the night of the 16th (before midnight)? TIA if my memory is faulty and I thought the trash bag incident was late night 15th/early morning 16th.
George led them to the dumpster? I don't suppose you have a link to that, do you? I couldn't find anything indicating that.

I do recall reading where Yuri explains when and how they came to find out about the smell in the car. I'll dig up a link for that while you find your link on George leading them to the dumpster. :)

More collaboration that George was how LE found out about the garbage from the Pontiac trunk.

From Simon B.'s interview:

SB: Uhm, so anyway I, so I told uhm, Detective Melich on the phone the whole thing. Uhm, maybe not as much detail as I just gave you. And I said, “But I can’t find the garbage bag.” And he said, “That’s okay,” and said, “I have it.” And, “What do you mean you have it?” And he said, “I have the garbage bag.” I said, “How do you know about the garbage bag and how did you get it back?” He said, “We came to your yard last night and your night driver’s let us in and we took the garbage bag out of your dumpster and took it away.” And I said, “Okay.” And he said, and then he told me that they’d interviewed Mr. George and he had told him, Mr. Anthony, sorry, George Anthony. And he had told Detective Melich the whole thing about the garbage bag and pretty much all I did was corroborate his story of what he was…. pdf page 19, line 14
Sorry, . you are mistaken, George told YM on the night of the 16th that the smell in he car was caused by rotten pizza, when YM asked for the bag, he attmitted that he had thrown it away at he impound lot, YM went with other LA to the impound lot that night, and the night manager at the lot led him to the dumpster.

Y'all need to go back and read Simon Burch's police interview again.
He woke up the next morning and saw the Caylee story on the news and he ran back to the impound lot and jumped right into the dumpster in his pj's and flip flops....the bag was already gone since LE had taken it on their own.
I think George has to be the one to tell them about the bag in the dumpster. Who else would know about it? I mean the impound lot guy was sleeping.

You posted that George led the detectives to the dumpster for the trash bag to support your contention that the detectives knew about the smell of decomposition in the trunk when they questioned KC.

George did not lead the detectives to the dumpster.

Who told the detectives about the smell in the trunk is not germaine to your contention.

The detectives did not know about the smell of decomposition in the trunk when they questioned KC. They found the smell of decomposition in the trunk *after* they questioned KC, and *after* they investigated KC's contentions.
The thing is, though, she was NOT giving answers they wanted to hear. They were pressuring her to confess to an accident and she absolutely refused to do so. Instead, she kept saying things (untrue things) that the officers did NOT want to hear (because they were untrue).

Their pressure might explain why she CONFESSED to some of the lies (i.e., the lie that she still worked at Universal), but it doesn't explain why she told the lies in the first place.

There are 4 possible explanations for Casey's lies to the police, as I see it: (1) Casey is lying about what happened to Caylee because she had a hand (intentionally or negligently) in Caylee's ultimate death, (2) Casey is lying about what happened to Caylee because she is trying to protect her family from some third person (the Bad Guy), (3) Casey is just a compulsive liar, (4) Casey wanted her story about Caylee to be consistent with other lies she had told before for other reasons.

Which one do you think is correct? Or is it more than one? For example:

I believe that Casey lied to the police about working at Universal because of #4--she didn't want her parents to find out she had been hanging out partying instead of working at Universal. She still thought there was a chance of continuing with that story and didn't want to mess it up by telling the police the truth.

I believe that Casey lied to the police about having attended Valencia for 1 1/2 years and having obtained her planning certificate because of #3--she was nervous and making what she thought was small talk with Det. Wells (the "good cop") while waiting for the other two (the "bad cops") to return. Her way of making small talk is to lie.

I believe that Casey lied to the police about Caylee having a nanny named Zenaida because of a combination of #4 and #1--she had been making up lies about Zenaida for quite a while as part of her "I Have a Job" lie, and didn't want that lie to be exposed to her family (#4), and also she wanted to be able to say that Caylee was alive last time she saw her (to cover up her knowledge of Caylee's death), and the only way to explain that would be if she said she left Caylee with someone she trusted (#1).

Number 2 just makes no sense to me. First, Casey was supposedly lying to protect Caylee. Now, Caylee is known to be dead. So is she still lying to protect her family? Wouldn't the Bad Guy be just as ticked off by her leaving "clues" to the truth as he/she would be by her telling the truth?? Or are the "clues" also false? Or do you think she is now telling the truth (the Zenaida and Samantha at JB Park story)?

Well I will just say that when she was admitted lieing, she was under pressure to say she lied. I think that is her admitting her lies. I don't think she admiits to lieing about the Zanny story, and it appears the defense is going with that story.

I like how you broke this down. I want to talk about Number 1.
Casey is lying about what happened to Caylee because she had a hand (intentionally or negligently) in Caylee's ultimate death,

Since I believe she is NG of murdering Caylee, I have to look at it from that perspective. So I would like to talk about a theory (not rumor) or a way she could cause negligent homicide or ultimately be responsible for her death.

In order to do that, I need the fact that she lied to fit into any theory I could come up with. So I'm not sure about the topic or thread, but this is the lies thread. So I am sorry if I go off topic.

In the light of very few things in this story making any sense, Isn't it reasonable to at least consider the possibility of a 3rd party in this story?

My theory is that she was doing or using Caylee for something sinister that could bring money. It being so sinister that she could never admit to it.

A lot of things in this case make me scratch my head, but there are a couple of things in the early days that really bother me.

1. When she went to jail, then she called home to get Tony's number. She was so furious about it. Why would you need to talk to your 3 week boyfriend at that point in your life? This would be the time to talk to family. I believe there is a sinister reason for this.

2. What was Casey doing at a Walmart several miles from any normal location that you would be on June 16th the day Caylee came up missing. Also the week before. What is she really doing in that area? I believe there is a sinister reason for this.

3. What do two kids in their early twenties have any business talking about 14000.00 dollars. I just don't understand this. And that conversation takes place the night before Caylee comes up missing. I believe there is a sinister reason for this.

I believe these sinister things have something to do with why she is lieing.

The real babysitter being someone who was paying her.
Y'all need to go back and read Simon Burch's police interview again.
He woke up the next morning and saw the Caylee story on the news and he ran back to the impound lot and jumped right into the dumpster in his pj's and flip flops....the bag was already gone since LE had taken it on their own.

So who ultimately led LE to the trash bag in the dumpster?
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