Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion # 18

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Maybe when Jesse took the paternity test and it came back negative, Casey (the queen of lies) had a bunch of guys who were possibilities, so she said it was the dead guy.

Yeah, from his (Jesus Ortiz's) myspace page it says that he did go to the same high school as Casey -- so maybe she knew him that way. In the article about his death it said that he was dating a girl that was the Student Government Association senator and president of the Society of Women Engineers. I just can't see him even dating Casey. Everyone that left him a comment said how nice & kind he was, I doubt he'd give her the time of day. And Caylee looks nothing like this guy.

I think after Casey was confronted with the whole Jesse DNA drama, she just decided to show her mom this obituary saying he was the dad to shut her up. Plus, don't you think the Ortiz family would have been fighting to get some visitation with Caylee.

I think the Jesus Ortiz connection is just another of Casey's zillion lies.
Ok guys please humor me. Will someone good with the myspace stuff please go there and look at Merk City Mafia page - I found through google - looked at it briefly but didn't think too much of it, cept down in the friends part it had this one white guy Tom that just stood out. So later I google "Zanny Orlando" - no quotes - and got a myspace site that said Zanny from Orlando - male -101 years old, but I could swear the photo it had for this Zanny was the same photo of this Tom guy. Now when I go back to look it has changed for me and all I get is a red X for Zanny's photo - but this same Tom Guy is the only one listed as this Zanny's friend. Seem strange to you guys? Or could this Tom have just made himself a friend to both these sites cuz he's lookin for clues like we are?
Will someone more in the know about myspace please follow this up a bit. Pretty please. I wish I was more computer savvy.
Ok I am an old fogey. I am 41 and hank the Lord neither myself nor my 2 grown kids have ever been into the drug scene so I may not know what I am talkingabout. However in one of the posts someone stated that "Zanny the nanny " is code word for zanax. So if this is true, I wonder if perhaps that Toney guy who bills himself as an event coordinator at a nightclub, and who I am SURE would have access to xanax as would many of Casey's friend, who have given Casey some xanax to give to Caylee as a way to hush the baby into sleep so that she may be able to go partying? Perhpas she saw the report that day of a theft with a Zanaida Fernandez -Gonzales and decided, hey Zanny is shot for Zanaida , so I can just blame it on a fictional nanny? Perhaps Casey was so out of it partying, and one of her friends gave the child xanax, caused her death, and just told Casey when she became coherent, that Caylee had been taken to the nanny . Just thinking out loud. It just seems to be very strange if this is code word for xanax, and Zanny is a nanny. Too coinceidental


There were earlier postings around the 22nd/23rd where they tossed this idea around. The curve on a friend being in the play is a very interesting angle. That would be setting Casey up. Ya little Devils advocate:)
I am not sure if this has already been mentioned, I just started reading through the posts.

Couldn't the grandmother be arrested for lying to police or obstructing justice? I think a few hours in a jail cell would be enough to make that woman start talking. There is clearly something so wrong with her (I personally think she is a hard-core drinker from her appearance/behavior) -- and keeping her away from family and with some real criminals may make her start talking.

:furious: In Florida it is not a crime to lie to the police.

Remember Jessie Lunsford' murderer?
His scuzzy family lied through their tooth (not teeth) about him living there...hearing nothing...blah blah blah

They could not be charged with anything.
Same goes here I'm afraid..
Chuckle it could be legit :rolleyes:
Casey could have bought and sold things for the cash needed on hand. She could have also traded. Very common with thieves. If she ordered on line or had it delivered what address's were set up for the items to go to? Or was it all Ala swipe card to go?
I even wondered if she had spent money on a boob job. The recoup time from that isn't all that long. And she looks more firm in some of her booby shots than in others...but of course that could be the bra.
# Police Dept.'s MySpace Page For Caylee

# Caylee Missing On MySpace

from this article (right-hand sidebar):

i think it is interesting that the police have an identical, but completely separate, myspace page on this. it makes me think that they are very much on top of the same things that we are and that they may be monitoring not only new leads, but old clues as well. hmmm...
Ok guys please humor me. Will someone good with the myspace stuff please go there and look at Merk City Mafia page - I found through google - looked at it briefly but didn't think too much of it, cept down in the friends part it had this one white guy Tom that just stood out. So later I google "Zanny Orlando" - no quotes - and got a myspace site that said Zanny from Orlando - male -101 years old, but I could swear the photo it had for this Zanny was the same photo of this Tom guy. Now when I go back to look it has changed for me and all I get is a red X for Zanny's photo - but this same Tom Guy is the only one listed as this Zanny's friend. Seem strange to you guys? Or could this Tom have just made himself a friend to both these sites cuz he's lookin for clues like we are?
Will someone more in the know about myspace please follow this up a bit. Pretty please. I wish I was more computer savvy.

mommya, please post or pm me the links and I'll check it out for you
Ya know what guys/gals what strikes me really, really strange is how Baez seems/appears at times to be also counseling the Anthony family on the side. I would call that a form of representation. How do you council or assist your clients witness's who sent you to jail?

Ya know this is the fastest, today's victim is tomorrow's offender curve ball I have ever seen, speakin of GMA/GPA. Cindy said she thought she was at the bond hearing as a just a witness for Casey on her behalf? Its still an evidence discovery process in and of itself.

I'm sure he has to walk a legal line with GMA & GPA, as Casey is his client. IMO, he's so green that he's probably not doing a great job of this.

However, it wasn't Cindy that put Casey in jail for Caylee being missing. Cindy made the 911 call, but LE arrested her after she told them a bunch of lies. LE does not arrest every parent that files a missing child report; they arrested her because of her behavior and the fact that the dogs alerted on decomp makes them think they are dealing with a homicide.
This was just over a year ago. Pretty recent. In the topix comments, someone mentioned that he did go to Colonial High School. Isn't that where Casey went?

However, I would think, if this was Caylee's biodad, there would have been some mention in all the facebook/myspace info so many of our wonderful sleuthers have found and collected?


If you look at his freinds, Caylee's pic is on the 2nd page. The myspace made when she went missing.
In jail, you have to buy your under-ware and anything else you need. No clothing is brought in from the outside. They do provide bedding, but then it is based on the stability of the prisoner. If they feel they are suicidal, then they are limited to what they can have.

Once money goes into Casey's account she will be able to by soap, shampoo, paper and pencil. Family can provide envelopes with a stamp.

I am surprised that Casey had this Patrick come and visit because normally a prisoner has to give the jail a list of the people who will be visiting her. Visitors have to leave their driver's license with the desk before they can go and visit the prisoner.

They also have a schedule of when the visitor is allowed to visit.

they will usually issue you basic hygeine items. They can't withold soap, toothpaste, etc. This isn't Crest, mind you...very generic cheap stuff. Usually, they get 2-3 sets of clothes...underwear would be included unless in isolation. They also get 2-3 issues of whatever the standard prison wardrobe is, including shoes. You usually can't bring any personal items in, though some min security places will let you.

Now once you have money in your commisary account, you can purchase certain brand name items. Usually only one brand of soap, ivory for example, is available. Same with toothpaste. The brand names will change depending on what the prison got a discount on. And you have one day a week to put in your shopping order.
Ok guys please humor me. Will someone good with the myspace stuff please go there and look at Merk City Mafia page - I found through google - looked at it briefly but didn't think too much of it, cept down in the friends part it had this one white guy Tom that just stood out. So later I google "Zanny Orlando" - no quotes - and got a myspace site that said Zanny from Orlando - male -101 years old, but I could swear the photo it had for this Zanny was the same photo of this Tom guy. Now when I go back to look it has changed for me and all I get is a red X for Zanny's photo - but this same Tom Guy is the only one listed as this Zanny's friend. Seem strange to you guys? Or could this Tom have just made himself a friend to both these sites cuz he's lookin for clues like we are?
Will someone more in the know about myspace please follow this up a bit. Pretty please. I wish I was more computer savvy.

Good find one of the wiz kids will pk your request up i'm sure. That is the problem with on line sites their out there to. Now next time make a screen shot. Surprised ya huh. I have had to remove certain links because of creative gremlins.
# Police Dept.'s MySpace Page For Caylee

# Caylee Missing On MySpace

from this article (right-hand sidebar):

i think it is interesting that the police have an identical, but completely separate, myspace page on this. it makes me think that they are very much on top of the same things that we are and that they may be monitoring not only new leads, but old clues as well. hmmm...

Bluedevil, both of those myspace sites are the same.
Ok guys please humor me. Will someone good with the myspace stuff please go there and look at Merk City Mafia page - I found through google - looked at it briefly but didn't think too much of it, cept down in the friends part it had this one white guy Tom that just stood out. So later I google "Zanny Orlando" - no quotes - and got a myspace site that said Zanny from Orlando - male -101 years old, but I could swear the photo it had for this Zanny was the same photo of this Tom guy. Now when I go back to look it has changed for me and all I get is a red X for Zanny's photo - but this same Tom Guy is the only one listed as this Zanny's friend. Seem strange to you guys? Or could this Tom have just made himself a friend to both these sites cuz he's lookin for clues like we are?
Will someone more in the know about myspace please follow this up a bit. Pretty please. I wish I was more computer savvy.

Tom created myspace and is everyones first friend when you join. Once you start messing with myspace, most people delete him off, unless they dont know how
I'd bet anything that Casey's family is cooperating FULLY with this investigation & that psychologists, the FBI, LE & Casey's family & close friends have all been working together to figure out the best strategy to get Casey to talk.

I don't think Orlando is that close to the ocean.... but she did have a car.

What about Coco Beach?
Someone needs to put the fear of God into that girl to make her talk. Even if its the parents refusing phone calls from her.

I've been thinking with the ocean so close to Orlando could Casey of dumped her into the ocean & she'll never be found again? Since the cadaver dogs found 2 spots & alerted LE / maybe she put her in the parents back yard then decided to throw her into the ocean at night? JMO

Would this not be hard? You;d have to have a boat and go way out?
It it kind of hard to even imagine this:( But then, Willie Crane, the guy who was convicted of killing the little girl, was gound guilty, he dumped her body in the gulf off Tampa causeway, no body ever found but he was convicted. So....I guess it is possible.
I could just think a body would wash ashore unless yo could go way out?
As in a boat.....
Even if they never find Caylees body, she could still be convicted in a trial, that is about the only good thing. It just takes all the right evidence and presenting it at trial the right way.
Tom created myspace and is everyones first friend when you join. Once you start messing with myspace, most people delete him off, unless they dont know how

lol. didn't even catch that~!
ma's spouting of everything Casey tells her is heartbreaking in my opinion. Gma, Gpa and Lee know something is seriously wrong and they know Casey is lying. Lee so far, is the only to speak up to Casey. I understand Gma's position, she is trying to stay on Casey's good side so Casey will talk, but the bottom line is, they need to hold Casey accountable.

while you may be right, and i agree, this is the opposite of what her lawyer is telling her to do. she can only incriminate herself further by talking to LE. dont get me wrong, i want her to. but his job is to keep her out of prison. talking will completely undermine that. its her right to remain silent, and it would be a big legal blunder to offer her up now. especially because her police report has so many holes in it. LE could more or less ask her anything and catch her in subsequent lies. baez is looking to stall, waiting for some intervening event, in hopes of a deal.

Originally Posted by cricket View Post
That's an excellent point. Maybe LE is holding those charges and plans to file them if Casey makes bail, to delay her release. That would add an extra day or two for a new arraignment/bond hearing.

what other info do we have about these charges? a criminal complaint for fraud is different than a bank complaint for fraud. is the bank actually filing charges against her? i'm intrigued. while i think these checks will definitely come into play, especially if amy testifies about them (and particularly in terms of casey's character, as well as her ability to lie and steal), i really don't see them using it as a reason to hold her in this situation.

it would most likely undermine their case-in-chief. almost like grasping for straws. as if they had to create a reason to hold her, because they didnt have the evidence to back it up. if anything, i see them charging her with something higher, and hoping to plead her down for an admission of guilt. i mean, can you imagine LE saying to her, "listen, we are looking to lock you up for 50+ years, without parole, for first degree murder, child endangerment (any other scary charge they can think of, to rack up more time) and we have X, Y, and Z to prove it. and A, B, and C have already said they would testify. unless, of course, you help us out here, tell us where caylee or her body can be found, and we will make sure you are out of here, pending good behavior, by the time you are 30."

i feel like faced with the guarantee of door 1 (getting out at 30 with the lesser charge of manslaughter) vs. the looming possibility of door 2 (being locked up until she is 70 something, as a child murderer, and missing all of those parties and shopping sprees and stealing excursions while she is "young and hot") could very well break her.

this is just my opinion...

You have GREAT points, but are thinking about this from an attorney's viewpoint rather than LE's. When a police report is filed for theft, LE has an obligation to investigate it. Amy has stated that Casey DID steal money and checks from her. The bank has replaced Amy's money. There is a legal and a criminal consequence here.
Wow, I've only been away a few hours, but I am way behind.

I can't quote your post, saqqara, as it's way back on the other thread now, but I agree with you.

I kind of feel bad for people, such as this Mike Walker character, who have not directly involved themselves in the case, but are still being scrutinized. There is absolutely no evidence to support that he has anything to do with any of this, yet I think one poster even suggested that his new car could have been a pay off from Casey for something? That is kind of overboard, to offense to the poster. That's insinuating that this guy, who has not injected himself into the case at all, is guilty of something.

I do agree with you- I have things on my myspace that might cause people to think I'm a dark person- hell, some of my art work is a bit dark at times, but I'm certainly NOT a dark person. Also, I hang out with lots of people who have tattoos- I even dated two tattoo artists. It doesn't mean I'm into gangs or drugs...I also have friends who have questionable myspaces, or give peace signs, or "the shocker" in photos, but they certainly aren't in gangs.

But it's not just about these people's myspace, because even Patrick, who has his religious affiliations listed all over his myspace, and no evidence of drugs, etc, is still a part of these speculations. So is the Mike Walker from oveido who obviously was very into electronics and robotics, and seemed to be very studious...someone noted that people haven't sent him messages, even though he was logged in?

I think some of the speculation gets a bit crazy in these cases:)

But, I can't blame the posters here for wanting to figure things out. I guess you just have to exhaust all options before you form a final opinion, and I think that's what these posters are doing. So I can see why they are doing it. They want to examine all sides before they move on.

But I would certainly hate to be on the opposite ends of these sometimes hurtful allegations, based on my myspace, or worse, on contents of a (perhaps distant) friend's myspace. I'm willing to bet that a lot of these myspace friends of Casey's are horrified at the prospect that she could have hurt her child, and are not in any way involved.

Just my thoughts on it:)

Best regards to everyone, and certainly no hard feelings.
why are they listed separately on the cfnews website and have different addresses? i don't know, i'm just going by how they are in that article. i thought it was curious...

i am new to myspace, so i am by no means an expert. can someone explain?

oh wait, i see what you mean, when you click on each site. it has the same url listed on each page. weird. nevermind, my bad. but the article is still misleading...

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