Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #23

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If she needed money, she could pawn the blackjack and keep the SIM card to use in another phone. They are selling for 220 on ebay.

LE does have one phone that she was using and she claims to have lost the blackjack (newer phone) which would not hold a charge. So both claims could be accurate.
NG has been so inaccurate on her show (and others that are sitting in for NG). Hard to tell where that came from or if she pulled it out of thin air! LOL

I thought the same thing ... who is the other bf that was a cop? TONY???? I never heard it mentioned here that Tony is an ex-cop and you guys here would have uncovered that one for sure! :)
How much money does this girl NEED in a month's time?! So far we have $45,000.00 from her Mom's CCs and another $700.00-$1,000.00 allegedy stolen from Amy. My theory on the credit card scenario is that she was buying items then selling them for the cash. So where in the hell did ALL that money go in one month?!?!
i agree with both of you....

i think maybe, at the most, casey had ties to drug dealers (king merk, merk = getting stoned, apparently). but lets be serious, she is not the brightest crayon in the box. if she was dealing, she would have been picked up months ago and then lied with some unbelievable excuse like a fairy planted that cocaine, officer, and then flew away, while explaining why drugs were in her system by saying that the evil fairy injected her with a magic potion. i don't see her having the ability, the means, the street smarts for this. and if you are dealing full-time, she would have no reason to run up her credit cards at all. dealers would much rather pay in cash and leave their fingerprints no where - she, on the other hand, leaves them everywhere. i also don't think a lot of drug dealing college-aged kids in florida moonlight as baby stealers, even if for collateral purposes.

i can't help but think that the nanny does not exist. maybe i'm just being skeptical, but caylee has been missing for over a month and a half already. and casey, but a few days ago, was still "protecting the family" from these evil nanny kidnappers. it was as the evidence has mounted, the holes in her story established, that all of a sudden she has become more forthcoming.

in fact, if you take away all of the craziness that results from her statements on the nanny, casey is actually a bit more believable (dont get me wrong, she is a pathological liar). she doubled down on this nanny excuse, which made no sense to begin with, and as she has added things to clarify (this phone thing, the senior living facility, not knowing the nanny's address, or the phone number, her wild goose chase trying to find the nanny's apartment, no neighbors had seen this nanny or caylee even though she apparently was there every day, all of the numbers being immediately disconnected, looking for the nanny at bars while drinking her face off and inviting everyone in the myspace community to "join her at fusian!!!! tony will be there!!!!", knowing the nanny for 4 years but no one has ever met her, dropping caylee off at the nanny's every day but not knowing anything about her.....)

it makes no sense. i know it gives us hope that caylee could still be alive, and i wish that more than anything; but in reality, it has been over a month a half (almost as long as tony and casey's brief relationship, how sweet) and this poor little girl's mother is still not talking, still making excuses, and still being uncooperative.

all signs point to casey. LE zeroed in on her and they have never really left - i think that is because they have amassed evidence that establishes this conclusively. they have the phone and credit card records already - those are easy to obtain. i assume they already have her computer records, as well. this could obliterate every single lie casey has told them thus far. i think just the phone records, based on whatever number she gave them for the nanny (since she called the nanny that morning and it was apparently disconnected), would directly lead to her culpability. i would love to hear her try to explain it all....

in my opinion, sadly, it isnt so much a question of who took caylee - it is a determination of what casey did to her and when.

Blue- I agree with your line of thinking. Your posts have been very astute and I think you will make a fantastic atty! Wasn't it you that said WS was distracting you from your bar exams? I may be wrong as my head is spinning!
How much money does this girl NEED in a month's time?! So far we have $45,000.00 from her Mom's CCs and another $700.00-$1,000.00 allegedy stolen from Amy. My theory on the Credit card scenario is that she was buying items then selling them for the cash. So WTH did ALL that money go in one month?!?!

This is why I really believe the girl has a serious drug problem. Although no indication of withdrawls in jail there.
Drugs, hotel rooms, clothes, laptops, digital cameras... It's not like she was just spending money on herself, she had to be spending money on the people helping her.

She may have used the gasoline to burn her clothes and the clothes of whoever helped her. Then she'd have to replace everything that burned.

How much money does this girl NEED in a month's time?! So far we have $45,000.00 from her Mom's CCs and another $700.00-$1,000.00 allegedy stolen from Amy. My theory on the Credit card scenario is that she was buying items then selling them for the cash. So WTH did ALL that money go in one month?!?!
What is the "gasoline" evidence that some have brought up about?
George Anthony filed a police report back on June 24th, 2008 that two gas cans and $50.00 were stolen from his shed in the backyard after someone broke the lock and door. Interesting, huh?! The same day that Jesse said he heard Caylee's voice in the background of that call. However, the report appears to be made in the morning.
it doesn't make sense for a drug dealer to have caylee. if you were a big time dealer would you want to take a child and add to the chance of getting caught plus have the added expense of taking care of the child for an indefinite amount of time?
Another thing that rings false is Casey's apparent lack of concern that if someone DID take Caylee, the amount of media heat would have caused them to have gotten rid of her by now.
How much money does this girl NEED in a month's time?! So far we have $45,000.00 from her Mom's CCs and another $700.00-$1,000.00 allegedy stolen from Amy. My theory on the Credit card scenario is that she was buying items then selling them for the cash. So WTH did ALL that money go in one month?!?!

I have yet to see any real hard proof of this $45,000.00. I am sticking to my opinion that with the judgments GP and GM have against them they would not have any credit cards with such huge limits.
Wasn't this figure propagated on Nancy Grace? Who was it that gave her that amount?
Because she needed something to break the lock to get into the shed. A shovel is a great tool to break a lock. Plus asking a neighbor for a crow bar or bolt cutters would of raised suspicion so a shovel works.

You misunderstood my statement. Why break into the shed to steal gas, but didn't break into the shed to get a shovel!
After listening again, I think she really did slip up when she mentioned Jay Blanchard Park. I don't think she meant to.

I think they need to start a search there A.S.A.P. for Caylee's body. They need to be dragging the Econ or whatever it is called and looking for places a fire could have been started with gasoline.


And, unfortunately, they need to bring those dogs with them.

But I think the gasoline was used for the car, imo, and she ditched the car when she either ran out of gas or the gas/oil mixture messed up the engine or maybe the smell just got to her.

We don't really know when Cindy cut off the credit cards. Casey needed to steal $700 from Amy at some point, too. I'll bet she needed $50 in gas for some reason between 6/22 and 6/24 - and probably didn't want to be seen getting gas or paying for it with a card.

Interesting that Amy's checkbook was in the glove compartment of the car that Casey borrowed and then Casey's parents' car was found in front of a check cashing business...
Drugs, hotel rooms, clothes, laptops, digital cameras... It's not like she was just spending money on herself, she had to be spending money on the people helping her.

She may have used the gasoline to burn her clothes and the clothes of whoever helped her. Then she'd have to replace everything that burned.
She could keep people at the nicest hotel in town and not spend that in a month's time. We are missing something. Casey didn't have any known big ticket items that have been mentioned that she spent money on when they found her or when they searched Tony's appt.

Believe it or not, it would be difficult to spend that kind of money in a month without a single thing to show for it besides a lost blackjack!
Cindy to be on MSNBC Dan Abrams
The media needs to get their chit together and report facts! lol.. They're making me crazy. NG's show just said that LE searched high and low at TonE's place for her cell phone, since that is where she said was the last place she had it, and LE didn't find it.

I thought LE found it also. This is dumb.

The media story about the boyfriend and the cell phone are here under "Attorney, Boyfriend Speak (about 6 from the bottom). It is mentioned by the reporter at the very tail end of the report that LE went to TonE's to pick up a cell phone and some photos that he took of Caylee when she was at the pool on June 2nd. The report certainly doesn't make it sound like they did not find it so I wonder where NG got that bit of info from.
it doesn't make sense for a drug dealer to have caylee. if you were a big time dealer would you want to take a child and add to the chance of getting caught plus have the added expense of taking care of the child for an indefinite amount of time?

I agree, the drug dealer theory makes zero sense to me.
IF (big if) she owed money to a drug dealer, she/he/they would simply have robbed Cindy and George's home.
Hi All! This is my first post on here and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it because I am still about 10 pages behind but... I just listened to the calls. I don't know how many of you have AT&T cell phones, but I work for AT&T and have for over a decade, so I have always used them. Never once has my phone said the word 'private anything'. When a number is private and it calls an AT&T cell phone, it says 'Withheld'.

Hi MsScarlet, this is my first post.

We've been with AT&T for 8 years. My husband is in heavy construction, so occasionally, his phone goes down a deep, muddy hole, before his upgrade time is near. So he goes to Walmart and buys an AT&T GO phone (throw-away), calls AT&T and has them activate it. It's much more cost-effective than buying another "good" phone, because this happens frequently.

When he gets calls from a blocked number, it says Private, rather than Withheld.

I've had to get a GO phone once, too. My Razr refused to hold a charge. Rather than buy a new expensive battery, I bought a GO phone at Walmart. It also said Private. I was able to just move the SIM card from the Razr to the new phone, and I didn't need to have it activated, it worked immediately.

We're in Ohio, BTW.
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