Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #49

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I must comment on those who think Casey might have "disposed" of Caylee with the gasoline or perhaps put her in a lake or the ocean. Isn't it out of character for a "family" member to do this? I have read it is common with killers who had no emotional attachment whatsoever with the victim to dispose of the body in a very horrific manner, but isn't it believed that if it is a loved one the killer would most likely bury the body with a blanket or in a more loving manner? I am just asking for opinions, because I have read that a mother usually will give a more "loving" burial or disposal of the body than say a stranger. (Even if she is guilty of cold blooded murder).

Honestly though, I have a slight shred of hope that Caylee is alive. I always seem to do that though! I had hopes for Laci Peterson, Brooke Bennett, Adam Walsh, Jessica Lundsford........ the list is endless. I guess I am just constantly hoping for miracles.

I don't know why exactly..... but Cindy's "Dorothy Hammill" haircut bothers me.

A mother who was actually bonded with her child may not dispose of the child in such a horrible way, but imo Casey does not strike me as that type of mother. I have yet to hear of anything that says she was a loving and caring mother. Where are the other mothers she was friends with so Caylee could have playdates with their children?
I'd really like to take a close look at Casey's bedroom to see if there was even 1 item there that had to do with being a mother, something like a book on child care. She had a beautiful little girl and I just have not heard of 1 thing to make me think she took any interest in her.
If she was going to the clubs to search for the nanny, ummm wouldn't there have been someone speak up by now to say that they saw her there asking questions about the nanny?

You know what bothers me the most with Casey, it's her smile, she's just so damned pleased with herself!

Ya know there's a pretty hefty reward being offered .............Why hasn't anyone come forward ???

You would think that money would come in handy and let's face it folks it's not looking like Casey has a bunch of loyal friends . I'm sure if anyone knew anything they would have come forward by now .
Ya know there's a pretty hefty reward being offered .............Why hasn't anyone come forward ???

You would think that money would come in handy and let's face it folks it's not looking like Casey has a bunch of loyal friends . I'm sure if anyone knew anything they would have come forward by now .

I think Casey orchestrated this mess all on her own. I don't think she had an accomplice.

I do think her family is trying to cover up AFTER the fact.
It's not just his demeanor but also his white hair, in combination with the black eyebrows.

Everytime I look at George I think of our Florida Governor - Charlie Christ - with the black eyebrows and white hair.
I agree. IMO he's hiding something. He is trying to hard to protect his daughter and maybe the wife. It's sort of hard for us to understand these folks.
But this thing about "Caylee will be home for her birthday" It almost seem's like it will happen. What will he do when it doesn't.? What's next? He kept telling us, even this weekend, that Casey had finished "the letter" Today we find out from Jose Baez there NEVER was a letter.

Should we really believe Baez?
A few more addresses and oddly enough they are all in the atates that Casey has said Zaney runs in. New Jersey, New York, Florida, and North Carolina. There are next to no Zenaida's that are not in those states. Also found a possible alias, but I don't want to post it on here, because I can't be sure. It's a really distinctive name and I don't want to get in trouble for posting a name that I am not sure is connected. Her name is very close to letter off and she is listed as liveing with one of the Zenaida Gonzalez's. I don't think that two people with names that close would be living in the same apartment unless they were maybe twin sisters or mother and daughter. And the birth years don't work for either of those.
Don't's Zenaida with an A- Zaneida (at least that's what Casey said)
I wonder what Lee thinks about the fact that she never wrote a letter. Seriously?!? He is like "Throw me a bone, here, Casey. I'm trying to help!"

Well this may not be the popular belief around here but in my mind George doesn't really care. He is full of S***. He is simply preparing for his daughter trial by trying to but reasonable doubt in the publics mind.

I only have my own dad, God rest his soul, to compare George with as far as first grandkids. My oldest son was his first grandkid. I was his only daughter but I can tell you if I had harmed a hair on that kids head he wouldn't be kissing my hinny.
I would think that at least one of her friends would know about the babysitter.....we know she lied about who introduced her to "Zanny". Casey is a liar.
A mother who was actually bonded with her child may not dispose of the child in such a horrible way, but imo Casey does not strike me as that type of mother. I have yet to hear of anything that says she was a loving and caring mother. Where are the other mothers she was friends with so Caylee could have playdates with their children?
I'd really like to take a close look at Casey's bedroom to see if there was even 1 item there that had to do with being a mother, something like a book on child care. She had a beautiful little girl and I just have not heard of 1 thing to make me think she took any interest in her.
If she was going to the clubs to search for the nanny, ummm wouldn't there have been someone speak up by now to say that they saw her there asking questions about the nanny?

You know what bothers me the most with Casey, it's her smile, she's just so damned pleased with herself!


What bothers me is that she did bond, imo. Either that or she is a very good actress, or literally been planning something since Caylee was born. Those hospital pics, those are her holding a child that she loves and has waited for. And according to one of the tapes with Lee she said that there were only three people that knew she was looking. Yes, I know, we can't listen to anything that Casey says.

Does anyone remember who the people were that she supposedly told she was looking for Zaney? I can't find the freakin link.
Casey must be telepathic or something to have this inside scoop that little Caley will be home for her birthday. How did she come across this information? She doesn't have visitors, except family. And they surely wouldn't sit on information about Caylee when her life is in danger! Who passed this along? Phone calls are recorded. Is this jailhouse scuttlebutt? Did the vision come to her in a dream? Truly a gifted individual.
Maybe Casey plans to talk before the birthday rolls around? Wouldn't that be nice?

I heard that too. Well, let's see now ~ Zenaida (and whoever else in this band of kidnappers) took Caylee, so she's going to risk getting caught and charged herself by bringing Caylee back for her birthday party? :eek:
Don't's Zenaida with an A- Zaneida (at least that's what Casey said)

That is not what she said to the police. The charging affadavit and all reports that I have seen say Zenaida.
Casey must be telepathic or something to have this inside scoop that little Caley will be home for her birthday. How did she come across this information? She doesn't have visitors, except family. And they surely wouldn't sit on information about Caylee when her life is in danger! Who passed this along? Phone calls are recorded. Is this jailhouse scuttlebutt? Did the vision come to her in a dream? Truly a gifted individual.

i know :) too bad she didnt have her visions BEFORE leaving her with Zanny.
Casey must be telepathic or something to have this inside scoop that little Caley will be home for her birthday. How did she come across this information? She doesn't have visitors, except family. And they surely wouldn't sit on information about Caylee when her life is in danger! Who passed this along? Phone calls are recorded. Is this jailhouse scuttlebutt? Did the vision come to her in a dream? Truly a gifted individual.
I think it's just Casey trying to make everybody believe Caylee's alive and her family's wishful thinking. :)
Casey must be telepathic or something to have this inside scoop that little Caley will be home for her birthday. How did she come across this information? She doesn't have visitors, except family. And they surely wouldn't sit on information about Caylee when her life is in danger! Who passed this along? Phone calls are recorded. Is this jailhouse scuttlebutt? Did the vision come to her in a dream? Truly a gifted individual.
I don't know what to think. If she let Caylee go "somewhere with someone" why wouldn't she just come out with it?? This sounds like more of her sociopath BS to me. I just don't know. Cindy and George act like they believe her. George even said "She will need to pay for all the trouble she has caused" or something to that effect.
In the next breath Cindy says we should all get off our *advertiser censored** and look for her granddaughter. If they know where she is and believe that she is coming home in time for her Birthday why say that????
Usually in a family you don't see that many nuts!!!:crazy::crazy::crazy:
That is not what she said to the police. The charging affadavit and all reports that I have seen say Zenaida.

On one of the 911 calls she said that.....omg could it be?
Another lie??
I guess I have seen too many CSI episodes or something, because in one episode they found a small child in a shallow grave wrapped in a blanket with a little toy, and the detective said he knew immediately it was a parent who killed the child because the child was buried with care.

I guess Casey (if she did kill Caylee) would probably not care how she was laid to rest. She obviously doesn't seem to miss her kid at all. She does not even seem mad at Zanny. I would be chomping at the bit to kick some @ss if my babysitter ran off with my child. Casey doesn't even seem mad about it. She is so matter of fact, "oh, the babysitter won't give my daughter back... she kidnapped her... now leave me alone so I can blog on MYspace". What the *advertiser censored**???????
What bothers me is that she did bond, imo. Either that or she is a very good actress, or literally been planning something since Caylee was born. Those hospital pics, those are her holding a child that she loves and has waited for.
At that point in time, everyone thought that Jesse was the father and the couple even got engaged awhile later.

Now there is no father, no fiance, just Cindy paying the bills. And Casey living at home, with her parents and a daughter who has her own need for time and attention.
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