Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #125

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Noted there are now new POI's being discussed. My question is... aren't there too many POI's being discussed?

And it seems like there is a continual neglect of the real POI in this -- that cute little 3-year old child, Caylee.
Just stopped in to see what was happening and if LE had been called to the address to calm down any disagreements yet.

Noted there are now new POI's being discussed. My question is... aren't there too many POI's being discussed?

First, Casey should know when she last saw Caylee and who she was with (I mean if it happened that way.) So why are there so many POI's? Bottom line would be, she was last seen with ____ and maybe that they are associated with ____. Putting in so many POI's and from different groups to me says, we are guessing or looking for reasonable doubt. So throw out some names and see what sticks.

Hi there
What can I say after Game Theory's concise recap?
Unreasonable doubt is what it's about now. :confused::furious:
Would someone make me real happy? I found this myspace page,, before I joined WS. In fact, this is kinda what ultimately got me to WS. This page kinda bothers me in a way, when you look down at what I consider not the most 'normal' list of friends. This also kinda feeds back to my deep seeded fear that Casey may have been involved in something bizarre, which may have led to Caylee disappearing. Maybe I'm reading way to much into this, since I realize anybody can post anything. Sure would appreciate your thoughts.
Nite, all. Hope you have a good night and get some rest.
Thanks for everything!
I like your thought of mind....Yeah why you gonna spend 7 hours in a attorneys ofc. While your kid is out missing. That was me I would be standing at the end of the drive way passing out flyers...

Not just that....

1. you would have reported the child missing or kidnapped the moment it happened.
2. If you were afraid of the police's would sit at home by a phone or alert your brother or your EX-COP!!!!!!! father about it. So she didn't even trust her father to tell him about the ''kidnapping''? Her ex-cop father with all his knowledge and experience? Really?

3. You wouldn't go out partying like there was no tomorrow. What if the ''kidnappers'' were trying to reach Casey and she couldn't hear her phone all busy table dancing? :bang:

4. And when police came into the case anyway and it was on tv and the ''kidnappers'' knew it, you would tell the police the truth and try to solve the situation with police's help. You have no choice.

5. And since it is months now that the child is missing, a REAL parent wouldn't give a d@mn if they were sitting in jail while innocent, worrying about their defense, reading law books, or being afraid to say anything in case they incriminate yourself. A REAL MOTHER would happily sit in jail if it meant her 3 year old child was safely in her bed dreaming happy dreams.

6. If you REALLY WORRIED and WANTED the child returned home safely your lawyer wouldn't ask for an IMMUNITY DEAL in order to speak with the police. You would tell them everything...every little stupid thing you have done...just to bring your child home. And then worry about the consequences and your defense.

Yes!Caylee is kidnapped and is a hostage: Caylee is her mother's hostage and that tells it all really. The mother asked for immunity to speak with the cops. She is holding Caylee as a shield, information about Caylee as a negotiation card. Isn't this what kidnappers do? Hold on a child to get something they want?
Would someone make me real happy? I found this myspace page,, before I joined WS. In fact, this is kinda what ultimately got me to WS. This page kinda bothers me in a way, when you look down at what I consider not the most 'normal' list of friends. This also kinda feeds back to my deep seeded fear that Casey may have been involved in something bizarre, which may have led to Caylee disappearing. Maybe I'm reading way to much into this, since I realize anybody can post anything. Sure would appreciate your thoughts.

Their first blog post says: name is bobby head founder of and my wife regina have started this page for caylee in hopes that someone will see it and let us know where this angel please if you have any information about her please let us know.
bow tie? In the 80's it was all the rage (Flash Dance)...heck I had my female tux :)

I think the red bow tie is just some club thing, nothing more, nothing less.
Would someone make me real happy? I found this myspace page,, before I joined WS. In fact, this is kinda what ultimately got me to WS. This page kinda bothers me in a way, when you look down at what I consider not the most 'normal' list of friends. This also kinda feeds back to my deep seeded fear that Casey may have been involved in something bizarre, which may have led to Caylee disappearing. Maybe I'm reading way to much into this, since I realize anybody can post anything. Sure would appreciate your thoughts.

Uhhh you think this because they're Wiccan? And on myspace, what's a "normal" set of friends?

Not trying to be confrontational, just don't understand what's bothering you about it?
I am just going to take this quiet moment to post a rule that not everyone is aware of. this is directed at no one and is just for general information.

Inviting outside Contact:

“Inviting” is termed as a post where you invite other members to contact you to find out more information, rather than post it in the forum. This is not allowed and any posts with emails or invitations to contact for more information will either be edited or deleted entirely. This includes use of the Private Message system via comments such as “Check your PMs” or “PM me” posted in discussion threads.

so does this mean can't say you have a pm or send it to me in pm ?? and since it is quiet time to post this most ppl won't even read it. so ppl can be reported for this ?? have seen this done sooooo many times by new ppl and the ones that have many many posts.. i have done couple times cause i have seen the others do it. like tonight. I try to understand all the rules but some just go by me. the way worded so I just thought I would feel safe if follow fellow sleuthers that have been on here for quite a long time.. jmo
so does this mean can't say you have a pm or send it to me in pm ?? and since it is quiet time to post this most ppl won't even read it. so ppl can be reported for this ?? have seen this done sooooo many times by new ppl and the ones that have many many posts.. i have done couple times cause i have seen the others do it. like tonight. I try to understand all the rules but some just go by me. the way worded so I just thought I would feel safe if follow fellow sleuthers that have been on here for quite a long time.. jmo
Part of the reason I posted it is because not everyone realizes it is a rule. If a poster has something to share then either share it online or exchange it privately. but to post that you ar exchanging private information that you can't share is against TOS.
If you think about it, why do we need to post that we are sending pm's?? I have never really understood why people do that anyway. I get a big box that pops up in the middle of my screen when i get a pm!
I think the private PM stuff is directed towards others trying to *target* a person to talk about behind their backs, whilst making it obvious. Kinda like the obvious constant posts about putting one on ignore.

I think it's about antagonizing folk. JMO of couse
I don't get a big box .. I have no idea unless i check at top of page. how do u get big box to show up?
so does this mean can't say you have a pm or send it to me in pm ?? and since it is quiet time to post this most ppl won't even read it. so ppl can be reported for this ?? have seen this done sooooo many times by new ppl and the ones that have many many posts.. i have done couple times cause i have seen the others do it. like tonight. I try to understand all the rules but some just go by me. the way worded so I just thought I would feel safe if follow fellow sleuthers that have been on here for quite a long time.. jmo

Interesting.....why have a PM system, if it's not to be used??
I don't get a big box .. I have no idea unless i check at top of page. how do u get big box to show up?

You can get a big box too! You can find out how in the USER CP. You have to enable notification when getting private messages.
Interesting.....why have a PM system, if it's not to be used??

Nobody says you can't use the PM system. What the rule says is that you should not POST about requesting a PM or wanting to PM. It's like in High School, you know? It's ok to tell a best friend something about another person, but it's not really polite to obviously grab your friend, in view of others, and openly whisper in her ear....

Am I making any sense?
no idea, mommad....I did get one pm and it was a pop up. The person has/had class and thought something funny, that I had posted, but didn't put that on a thread. I had respect for that. jmo
You can get a big box too! You can find out how in the USER CP. You have to enable notification when getting private messages.

O/T ok ty saw that but duh im not to smart with puters .. so i thought that meant to my emails. i dont like dealing with those so I try not to send to much to email.. lol
I think the private PM stuff is directed towards others trying to *target* a person to talk about behind their backs, whilst making it obvious. Kinda like the obvious constant posts about putting one on ignore.

I think it's about antagonizing folk. JMO of couse
I think if you cannot share it on the board, why do you tell everyone that you have something to share but you are sending it to so and so in a pm?
Share it publicly or share it privately.
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