Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #134

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I was intrigued when reading Amy's interview, how she described Caylee sleeping on the couch and marveled at how Caylee could sleep through anything. Then she related how one time she (Amy) was in the house, Caylee was asleep on the couch and Casey was in the backyard. Caylee woke up and stared right at Amy and then passed out again. My first reaction was OMG Casey was drugging her daughter. I feel very strongly that this part of the whole tragedy is true. And I believe Zanny, Zani, etc. is Xanex. All MOO.

They can drug test Caylee's hair and see months and months of drug ingestion. If this theory pans out it is completely testable.
Was saying before do we know anything about the whereabouts of the car BEFORE it was abandoned? where was it parked? At tony's?

That's been asked but I don't think there is an answer, Waddles.

I would assume she was using it. So if she was staying at Tony's house, it was parked at Tony's et al...
That whole e-mailing to yourself just takes this to a whole different level to me. I sorta feel like CA... "Are you KIDDING me??!!"

Yep, it indicates to me she was doing a lot of work to cover up her lies about work. Which to me could mean if she did something to Caylee it was probably thought out. She seems like she went to great lengths to make folks think her lies were true.

All her friends seemed to think she worked in the same place, Universal. She told the same stories to people, she probably told them so much she did in fact think they were true as well.
I just finished reading the last of the 3 documents, and I cannot believe (well yes I can now from everything I've read and heard) the elaborate lengths Casey went through with all of her lying, and to put together all of those fake emails.

I just have something to say to the local people who are involved with this case -

The Anthony Family - If you read the same documents that the whole world did yesterday and today, there should now be no doubt in your mind of the volume and depth of your daughter's lies, and if you "know something" you should stop covering for her and come forth now with what you know and when you knew it. Save yourselves from being brought down with her.

Current and/or Past Friends of Casey - If you know anything about the whereabouts of Caylee, dead or alive, you should come forth now and tell LE what you know and when you knew it. Don't let this case bring you down along with the Anthonys.

Mr. Baez - Run as far away from this case as you can, and let a judge assign another public defendant for Casey. This case is way to big for you. She is going to need a "Gloria Allred or Garagos" level attorney to help her try and get out of this mess. I don't think the popularity (positive, negative or otherwise) is worth it. She will never get a fair trial anywhere on this planet, and why in the world would you want to stake your reputation on that ??

Bounty Hunter and Bail Bondsman - Run as far away from this case as you can, and eat your losses, and revoke Casey's bail. This case is bringing you negative attention, and I just don't see where this will ever lead to a positive for you. If Caylee is even alive, she is most probably hidden so far "underground" that you will never find her. And I don't mean "buried" when I say "underground".

And finally for Orange County Florida Law Enforcement - I'd like to commend you on the excellent work you've done thus far. I pray that one day you will find America's Little Sweetheart Caylee".
Tony says that Casey was waiting at home with dinner and a clean house when he arrived. I think she was coming back to the apt with Caylee after the boys left for school and Clint got home earlier. Casey took Caylee to whereever before Tony got back. Clint said he got out of school at 1, Tony said with labs he wasn't done until 5.

My question is if she was always with Caylee during her "relationship" with Ricardo, to the point that Caylee shared a bed with them (squicks me out to no end)..... why the big difference with the Caylee time factor for Tony?

IMO, Tony liked Caylee, but maybe she was mischievous, or getting into things all the time. Maybe he had expensive furnishings, and was worried about them when Caylee was around?
Maybe, all they wanted to do was have sex, (honeymoon period in relationship, lots of impromptu, spontaneous sexual intimacy?), and Clint wasn't always available to babysit?
I read on LP's BH myspace page that he is a Cancer. That explains him not wanting to believe that a mother could kill her own child. Cancer's have a high regard for motherhood generally.

I was still feeling sorry for Cindy & George just 4 days or so ago, until I did just that...watched the videos again....after that, it became clear as day to me that she was deliberately covering up. Then the documents yesterday show the depth of her involvement, which I wasn't at all surprised by and had suspected since re-watching.

So, though painful to re-watch, it is a good suggestion SS. I can't imagine anyone could re-watch, knowing what we know now, and still feel she isn't involved somehow. And, IMO, it's worth re-listening to the jail house call b/w her & Casey after re-watching. But of course, IMO only.

Okay.. two things just to be clear. Number 1 - I "absolutely" believe CA is responsible for whatever happened to Caylee. BUT I believe she is solely responsible. JMO!!

Secondly, I do not feel sorry for G & C in the least at this point... just haven't been able to convince myself they are involved.
That's been asked but I don't think there is an answer, Waddles.

I would assume she was using it. So if she was staying at Tony's house, it was parked at Tony's et al...

there's info to be had there, did anyone see it parked etc and what dates -and if it was parked there the 24th-25th etc was there not a smell that tony or someone would know about
That's been asked but I don't think there is an answer, Waddles.

I would assume she was using it. So if she was staying at Tony's house, it was parked at Tony's et al...
Whose car are you talking about?
That whole e-mailing to yourself just takes this to a whole different level to me. I sorta feel like CA... "Are you KIDDING me??!!"

I think Casey was trying to get money out of Cindy or George by using some of these emails. One email (and I don't have the page in front of me to quote--the one that goes like "sorry we cannot process your request as the payroll department and yadda yadda department will be closed") was likely used to show Cindy (or whomever) to *prove* not only that she had a job but that she couldn't get money for some reason on a specific date and needed to borrow some. The email I am referring to is *old* like 2007. It would appear that Casey has been working her parents, her friends, *everyone* for a long time. It seems like Cindy has moments when she sees the light (calls Casey's friends over the summer to try and figure out what Casey is lying about) and then Cindy freaks and put the blinders back on! George and Cindy have done their mentally ill (or child with personality disorder) daughter NO FAVORS (in my opinion)! At the first hint of her illness they should have gotten her treatment. Instead it would appear that they have coddled, shielded and protected her.
I know it was vacant but if you believe Casey , which I don't, ZG lived in that apt. - This wasn't the first time she left Caylee there right? Why didn't she frantically bang on the door & look in the windows when ZG didn't answer the phone?

You would think she would have done that, if she was really worried.

LE claimed they had surveillance video from that day and Casey was not on it at all. Now I'm wondering if that video would have been from June 9th rather than June 16th.
I must have missed where the LE confirmed the new pavers. I was going by this link and never saw anything again, goes to show how fast stuff changes.,2933,390054,00.html

I thought they had confirmed, but maybe wrong. In any event, I know they told police they did a bit of yard work over July 4th weekend, at least re the hibiscus. I don't remember what cindy said about pavers to greta. My head is spinning with this stuff!
Some of us believe after some video yesterday of Tony that he has a lawyer.

I think he's smart to hire a lawyer because the whole "Nanny took her" scenerio didn't work out so now Casey is going to start the "I left her with Tony" crap & never said anything earlier becase he threatened me...or something along those lines.......I fell bad for the kid
Maybe it's just me but Cindy saying the things she did to Casey's friends seems like she is going out of her way to set Casey up as a nut job.

Why?? Is she or was she afraid Caylee's "disappearance" would be pinned on her.
That is what I keep wondering about...what the heck was Cindy's motive? I have 4 grown kids and would never, ever, dream of degrading them in such a way to their friends or anyone else.
I just finished reading the last of the 3 documents, and I cannot believe (well yes I can now from everything I've read and heard) the elaborate lengths Casey went through with all of her lying, and to put together all of those fake emails.

respectfully snipped

And finally for Orange County Florida Law Enforcement - I'd like to commend you on the excellent work you've done thus far. I pray that one day you will find America's Little Sweetheart Caylee".

Lazzarro seems to mention her house cleaning and cooking abilities often, we have no way of knowing if he appreciated that or if he was starting to get creeped out by it. I'm think that he was watching her nesting and starting to think of ways to get her out of his apt.
You'll notice he did not extend an invitation to Casey to stay in his apartment when he went back to NY for a few days. I'm sure he was happy to have her cooking and cleaning around the house, kinda like mom.
Went out to get some errands done and see I have missed a lot of discussion!
Two points Id like to make:
1. As per the backyard search:
We have a paver type of patio,and the contractor poured cement underneath the pavers to make it more stable.this is in Connecticut though..not sure if they do this in Florida.

2.Have the two guys that helped pushed Casey's car been talked to?
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