Cell Phone Activity Discussion Thread #2

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One of the things that I found interesting when checking the timeline about the cellphones was that LE spokesmen Steve Young said this on Oct. 6th.
"They told us three cellphones were missing. It hasn't produced anything we can go forward with," Young said. "The investigation is directed and handled by hard information."

But they did have information from one of these phones to call in Megan Wright for an interview on Oct. 8th.
Wright: Yes. Dane mentioned it to me, and when I was downtown for my interrogation on the 8th, the detectives lied at first, saying that there was no phone call.

I think that one of the first things LE checked was the phone records of those missing phones. And they did go forward with it by interviewing Megan Wright. JMO.


Steve Young confirmed that the parents told LE about the missing cell phones "that morning" which refers to the morning of October 4th. Here is the quote from Thursday, October 6th.


“I can confirm that the family told us that there are three cellphones missing from the home. They told us that that morning. What the detectives have done with that I don’t know,” said Capt. Young earlier on Thursday.
I've been going back and reading the stuff from the very beginning. I read a news blog the other day that was basically a play by play for the first few minutes, hours, days, weeks that Lisa went missing.

Today I started reading through the discussion threads here, I do it from time to time to see if there is anything I had missed previously.

In the very first thread, post #83 there is a link to a video that has since been removed but there is infor from the video posted in the thread. It was initially reported by the aunt (I'm assuming Ashley since she did a lot of talking at first) that the parents cell phones were taken by LE.

It really made me think because we didn't hear about the cell phones missing until days later. So I wonder if JI and DB told family their phones were with LE to explain why they couldn't be reached by phone. I wonder at what point they told LE their phones were missing. I wonder if LE asked for them and that is what prompted the lack of cooperation.

BBM. I have that video transcribed. Here is the part that mentions the cell phones:

Reporter: First reports from the scene at least created the possibility that perhaps this child was taken out of her bedroom window some time between 10:30 last night and when she was discovered missing at 4:00 this morning- that is as of yet unconfirmed at this point, and there is no suspect information available as of our last report, but let's get the update right now from KMBC's Kerri Stowell who is there, Kerri-

Kerri Stowell: We've been here for several hours working to bring you the most up to date information. I had a chance to talk to an aunt of the parents. She says that she learned about this Amber Alert from TV- in fact she's been able to piece together little bits of information from police and she has learned that the parents- their names are Debbie and Jeremy, that police did take their cell phones. Again, family of this little girl learning about this Amber Alert and the fact that she is missing from TV.
BBM. I have that video transcribed. Here is the part that mentions the cell phones:

Thanks Nina. That's a real sketchy report by Kerri Stowell. She talks to the aunt of the parents. Well which parent is this an aunt of? Is it Jeremy's aunt or is it Deborah's. Who is this aunt? And this aunt is learning about this from TV and piecing things together from police? What?
Okay. I know how there are many that hate to hear comparisons from the Caylee Anthony case on this thread. But I was pretty well saturated with it for the last three years. I'm certainly no expert on all the cell phone threads, but IIRC, the only things that could be determined from the cell phone providers were the times and the pings (which indicated a general area of the cell phone.) This is very useful, of course, if you know who is in possession of the cell phone, to determine who was contacting whom.

It played out that LE was very pleased that Amy H (one of Casey's friends) had a plethora of texts that she had not deleted from her phone (all documented and available in the Caylee forum). Casey's mother seemed to have deleted hers and they were not available for the investigation. This leads me to believe that carriers do not have access to content of text messages. There were also a couple of pictures found on a couple of ancillary players' phones. These were accessed through the cell phones, themselves. The text messages did register as activity on the carriier"s records but LE needed the phones to actually see what they were.

From the history of that, it makes me wonder if the last recorded activity picked up by the carrier (Verizon?) could have been a text message rather than a voice call. (IIRC, there was an indication on the carrier's documentation that distinguished between text and voice ~ Hope I'm remembering this part right ~ but would have to be checked out if we ever get to see the records.)

It also explains why LE (and everyone else) is eager to get the phones physically in their possession. There could be texts or photos that would be helpful and IMO that's enough reason for them to consider the cell phones important.

I could not agree more. The phones, calls and txts are key here ( they are key in several cases including MS and R.Zahau's ) also, DB's 3 phones missing are literally in the original statement and Police Report "three missing phones" which were supposedly on the counter. So this would prove a lot! ( IMHO everything)(Besides true and false statements and claims.)

This is an improbable scenario when you think about it. Can you imagine, stealing a sick toddler from their crib and 3 ringing/ pinging phones?

Wouldn't the family be calling it every minute? even...now?

God Bless BL
It has almost been a year, and we will never forget you
I could not agree more. The phones, calls and txts are key here ( they are key in several cases including MS and R.Zahau's ) also, DB's 3 phones missing are literally in the original statement and Police Report "three missing phones" which were supposedly on the counter. So this would prove a lot! ( IMHO everything)(Besides true and false statements and claims.)

This is an improbable scenario when you think about it. Can you imagine, stealing a sick toddler from their crib and 3 ringing/ pinging phones?

Wouldn't the family be calling it every minute? even...now?

God Bless BL
It has almost been a year, and we will never forget you

Don't forget the debit card that the intruder apparently went back to get. :what:
I could not agree more. The phones, calls and txts are key here ( they are key in several cases including MS and R.Zahau's ) also, DB's 3 phones missing are literally in the original statement and Police Report "three missing phones" which were supposedly on the counter. So this would prove a lot! ( IMHO everything)(Besides true and false statements and claims.)

This is an improbable scenario when you think about it. Can you imagine, stealing a sick toddler from their crib and 3 ringing/ pinging phones?

Wouldn't the family be calling it every minute? even...now?

God Bless BL
It has almost been a year, and we will never forget you

I've thought about the missing cell phones and I don't believe that it's an improbable scenario for an intruder to take them along with Lisa. And it's definitely not an impossible scenario.

Cell phones don't ring when there turned off and I didn't even know that some will still "ping" when off. I didn't learn of that possibility until I started to follow this case and I'm still not sure that all cell phones will do this.

I have a couple of ideas as to why an intruder would take the phones while kidnapping Lisa. One would be a matter of opportunity. They were laying on the counter and the intruder stuck them in a pocket. Or maybe the intruder wanted the phones to check them later for information.

What I call an improbable scenario is the parents of a missing child calling the stolen cell phones numbers for months on end and getting an answer to where their child is. JMO.

I've thought about the missing cell phones and I don't believe that it's an improbable scenario for an intruder to take them along with Lisa. And it's definitely not an impossible scenario.

Cell phones don't ring when there turned off and I didn't even know that some will still "ping" when off. I didn't learn of that possibility until I started to follow this case and I'm still not sure that all cell phones will do this.

I have a couple of ideas as to why an intruder would take the phones while kidnapping Lisa. One would be a matter of opportunity. They were laying on the counter and the intruder stuck them in a pocket. Or maybe the intruder wanted the phones to check them later for information.

What I call an improbable scenario is the parents of a missing child calling the stolen cell phones numbers for months on end and getting an answer to where their child is. JMO.

Are you saying that the phones, calls and txts from the night LI disappeared are not key in this case?
I never said there wouldn't be a reason for someone to steal phones.
Only- that finding the phones- are " key". IMO it is key to many proof of guilt or innocence for many statements given to LE.

Of course phones can be turned off, Of course it is improbable for them to call those phones...But I would think it has been known to happen.
Are you saying that the phones, calls and txts from the night LI disappeared are not key in this case?
I never said there wouldn't be a reason for someone to steal phones.
Only- that finding the phones- are " key". IMO it is key to many proof of guilt or innocence for many statements given to LE.

Of course phones can be turned off, Of course it is improbable for them to call those phones...But I would think it has been known to happen.

No, I'm not saying that.
The biggest problem when it comes to the phones is a majority of the information we know of them didn't come from LE, it came from the lawyers. It is lawyers who said the phones had activity at 3:20am. The question will always be, if everything we know of the phones is the truth, is who is calling MW when MW (and everyone else associated with her) was a stranger to the family?
Here is the question I posed to Jim Spellman on the question of how long Megan had the number. I still think it's possible that the caller was trying to reach the previous owner of the number. My question in bold, his answer in italics.

Do you know how long Megan Wright had that phone number, do you know who had it before her?

Hmmm. I can;t find it in my notes, but i know I asked her that, probably on camera in one of my interviews with her. I searched the number to try find if it popped up anywhere but i didn't find out anything about it.
Here is the question I posed to Jim Spellman on the question of how long Megan had the number. I still think it's possible that the caller was trying to reach the previous owner of the number. My question in bold, his answer in italics.

Do you know how long Megan Wright had that phone number, do you know who had it before her?

Hmmm. I can;t find it in my notes, but i know I asked her that, probably on camera in one of my interviews with her. I searched the number to try find if it popped up anywhere but i didn't find out anything about it.
BBM in green.

That's a possibility. Megan apparently only had the phone for a few months at most. Ron Rugen said this.
Keep in mind that Megan Wright claims she had that phone number three or four months prior to this incident. A former roommate had thought she only had it a month-and-a-half to two months.

And this "intruder" took the cell phones why? The fact that the cell phones were taken says it all, at least to me.
One theory that I have as to why an intruder took the cell phones was to check them for photos, text messages or contact list. The fact that the cell phones were taken tells you what?
Yet the cell phones never left the area and were pinging until 4am. So if an intruder took the phones and baby, he/she hung out in the backyard just chilling until right before JI gets home?

There is always the possibility that the baby and phones are completely not related to each other not that DB & JI wanted to hide something on the phones and disposed of them themselves and blamed the intruder.
Yet the cell phones never left the area and were pinging until 4am. So if an intruder took the phones and baby, he/she hung out in the backyard just chilling until right before JI gets home?

There is always the possibility that the baby and phones are completely not related to each other not that DB & JI wanted to hide something on the phones and disposed of them themselves and blamed the intruder.

All we have for information about the "pings" is from JT. I'm sure he never suggested that an intruder was "chilling" in the backyard with the phones and Lisa until 4 AM.

I'm not sure how the missing phones don't have something to do with the disappearance of Lisa. As for DB/JI disposing the phones to hide something, sure why not, but why can't someone take them to find out what was on them. What makes me feel that is more likely is why would all three phones have something on them that DB/JI would have to dispose of? One phone she just got from her dad. She wouldn't have put any incriminating evidence on that phone that quick would she? JMO.
Yet the cell phones never left the area and were pinging until 4am. So if an intruder took the phones and baby, he/she hung out in the backyard just chilling until right before JI gets home?

sbm. bbm.The phones have not been found - in the area or otherwise.
I'd think the only reason the phones stopped pinging at 4am is because the batteries were removed. It was 3 phones, I doubt all 3 batteries failed at the same time. Question being where did they go, were they carried out of the area?

I'd think LE was pinging them to locate them. Remembering back the search was pretty intense for those phones around the house.

Was the last call to Marilyn's phone for someone to pick them up?
I'd think the only reason the phones stopped pinging at 4am is because the batteries were removed. It was 3 phones, I doubt all 3 batteries failed at the same time. Question being where did they go, were they carried out of the area?

I'd think LE was pinging them to locate them. Remembering back the search was pretty intense for those phones around the house.

Was the last call to Marilyn's phone for someone to pick them up?

Maybe, but that phone call was made hours before that. . .was it 11:57pm? Why would the phones still be pinging in the area at 4am if that was the case?
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