CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #50

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Dylan had been to the Walmart with Mark on Sunday night. Monday morning he was waiting for his ride to Bayfield, to spend the day, and possibly the night, with his friends. So I doubt he had a need for anything from a large market at 11:30 on Monday. He was ready to go see his friends.

ITA this excuse for calling borders on ridiculous so it is suspicious in my books. If he was calling to remind Dylan to make sure he had all his things ready for 11:00 or called to say he was running late & it would be 11:30 instead it would be believable to me. I just don't buy this reason at all.
From the MB uncut interview transcript here on Websleuths: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Dylan Redwine *Media , Maps & Timelines*[/ame]

Melissa Blasius:
Did you rush back at all, did you think, like, well, that’s weird, I haven’t heard from Dylan…or anything…

Mark Redwine:
Nah, I was gonna’ stop at the store and pick up some stuff. I was trying to get a hold of him to get a better idea what we were going to be trying to do for Thanksgiving knowing that I was in Durango and that I could pick up things if we needed them for Thanksgiving or what we were gonna kinda do, so that’s what was my biggest reason for trying to communicate wit him. You know, he had time to sleep on it for a night, so at this point, you know, maybe he thought about it and can give me some way to figure out where we’re going from here.
You know, when you drive up here, you don’t want to go to Durango again the next day, so you have to think ahead. You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked.

Melissa Blasius:
Did you rush back at all, did you think, like, well, that’s weird, I haven’t heard from Dylan…or anything…

Mark Redwine:
Nah, I was gonna’ stop at the store and pick up some stuff. I was trying to get a hold of him to get a better idea what we were going to be trying to do for Thanksgiving knowing that I was in Durango and that I could pick up things if we needed them for Thanksgiving or what we were gonna kinda do, so that’s what was my biggest reason for trying to communicate wit him. You know, he had time to sleep on it for a night, so at this point, you know, maybe he thought about it and can give me some way to figure out where we’re going from here.
You know, when you drive up here, you don’t want to go to Durango again the next day, so you have to think ahead. You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked.================

This is such BS. Seriously, Mark? You were calling that Monday morning to get Thanksgiving plans in order?

He KNEW that Dylan was waiting for his return so he could go meet his friends.
Did he really plan to shop for their THANKSGIVING meal on MOnday instead of returning to pick up Dylan?

So tell us then, Mark. Did you stop and get a turkey? Or did you just come home and take a nap?
Thanks for the direct quote. I don't see anything suspicious in Mark's explanation for trying to get in touch with Dylan.

I do.

They were in Walmart TOGETHER on Sunday night. So then the very next morning, Mark's calling him wanting to know what he needs from Walmart and what he wanted for Thanksgiving?

What about the ride to his friends, who Mark says he knows are Dylan's priority? No mention of that?
ITA this excuse for calling borders on ridiculous so it is suspicious in my books. If he was calling to remind Dylan to make sure he had all his things ready for 11:00 or called to say he was running late & it would be 11:30 instead it would be believable to me. I just don't buy this reason at all.

Apparently he was calling to see what Dylan wanted for Thanksgiving dinner. :waitasec:
I thought they had not even decided what to do about Thanksgiving?
The whole idea of calling sounds more like an alibi-call than anything else. JMO
I do.

They were in Walmart TOGETHER on Sunday night. So then the very next morning, Mark's calling him wanting to know what he needs from Walmart and what he wanted for Thanksgiving?

What about the ride to his friends, who Mark says he knows are Dylan's priority? No mention of that?

When Dylan and Mark were at Walmart on Sunday they hadn't decided what they were going to do for Thanksgiving yet. In the quote above, Mark said that he tried getting in touch with Dylan to see if he had an idea what they wanted to do after sleeping on it overnight.

A few minutes at the store would not have changed things to a great degree in my opinion.
When Dylan and Mark were at Walmart on Sunday they hadn't decided what they were going to do for Thanksgiving yet. In the quote above, Mark said that he tried getting in touch with Dylan to see if he had an idea what they wanted to do after sleeping on it overnight.

A few minutes at the store would not have changed things to a great degree in my opinion.

It was Monday morning. What was the big hurry to shop for Thanksgiving?

And Dylan was waiting for him for his ride to Bayfield. Why go shopping instead of keeping his promise?

If they had not decided on Sunday night, what makes him think D would have any better idea by the next morning? That makes no sense at all.
"You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked."================

But Mark, weren't you already on your way to Bayfield? Your son was waiting for his ride to Bayfield so you were going there anyway? So why not just go pick him up and talk about Thanksgiving on your way to town?

Your son is back alone in the cabin, waiting for your promised return---and you are going Thanksgiving shopping instead?

I haven't checked myself but up thread ColdHands said that it looked like there are no large grocery stores in Bayfield but there are in Durango. Maybe that's why Mark wanted to find out about Thanksgiving plans before he left Durango and the larger stores that are available there. MOO.
It was Monday morning. What was the big hurry to shop for Thanksgiving?

And Dylan was waiting for him for his ride to Bayfield. Why go shopping instead of keeping his promise?

If they had not decided on Sunday night, what makes him think D would have any better idea by the next morning? That makes no sense at all.

I didn't get any sense of urgency from Mark's quote, he just said what he did. I'm a 52 yr old man like Mark and it wouldn't take me very long to get things for a Thanksgiving dinner. But, since I don't know Mark he could be a slow shopper. Looks like we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
So now the question I have is, Did MR actually stop at the store in Durango on Monday before heading home and if so, what did he buy? Also, I would like to see his phone records from Monday - attempts to call or to text and what did he say in his texts. Those would help substantiate this part of MR's story for me.
So now the question I have is, Did MR actually stop at the store in Durango on Monday before heading home and if so, what did he buy? Also, I would like to see his phone records from Monday - attempts to call or to text and what did he say in his texts. Those would help substantiate this part of MR's story for me.

Those are some good questions. I'd like to see the affidavit for the search warrants in order to see what the probable cause was.

The true results of everyone's polygraphs would be interesting to know but they wouldn't by themselves make me think that anyone was guilty or innocent.

I would also like to see all phone records and ping location information for Dylan's phone.
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"You know, you gotta’ make sure you pick up everything you need while you’re in town because it’s a long way to go to Durango or Bayfield to get something you overlooked."================

But Mark, weren't you already on your way to Bayfield? Your son was waiting for his ride to Bayfield so you were going there anyway? So why not just go pick him up and talk about Thanksgiving on your way to town?

Your son is back alone in the cabin, waiting for your promised return---and you are going Thanksgiving shopping instead?

Yes! Why not go pick up Dylan who has been waiting much of the morning for a ride to go see his friends? Talk over Thanksgiving plans in the car and if the decision is to stay home, make a grocery list on the way to R's house.

Better yet, make sure your son is up and ready to go in the morning to avoid all this driving back and forth! Oh that's right, he was dead to the world (paraphrase), simply impossible to wake him up! While is friend is UP and anxiously awaiting Dylan's arrival.
I haven't checked myself but up thread ColdHands said that it looked like there are no large grocery stores in Bayfield but there are in Durango. Maybe that's why Mark wanted to find out about Thanksgiving plans before he left Durango and the larger stores that are available there. MOO.

That's not the point, imo.

The point is WHY would he stop and buy groceries for Thanksgiving, when he admitted they did not decide yet where they were going. They discussed a few possibilities. So why the rush all of a sudden?

And what about his promise he made to his son to be back by 11 to take him to Bayfield? Now it is 11:30, he is still 45 minutes away, and he is going to walmart to shop for Thanksgiving dinner BEFORE giving Dylan his ride?

Why not discuss Thanksgiving plans during their drive to Bayfield? They had plenty of time to get groceries. They had 3 days and nights with no plans yet whatsoever.
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Yes! Why not go pick up Dylan who has been waiting much of the morning for a ride to go see his friends? Talk over Thanksgiving plans in the car and if the decision is to stay home, make a grocery list on the way to R's house.

Better yet, make sure your son is up and ready to go in the morning to avoid all this driving back and forth! Oh that's right, he was dead to the world (paraphrase), simply impossible to wake him up! While is friend is UP and anxiously awaiting Dylan's arrival.


Did LE not confirm that Mark did his errands and returned home? Yes they did, so why was Mark not concerned when he returned hom?

If I returned home, and my child's belongings appeared to be there, I would think they had gone out maybe to meet up with a friend for a few hours. Kids change plans constantly.

I have been perplexed as to why LE was concerned enough to call in SAR teams, send out media alerts et al.

I have also been perplexed as to why LE has not released a description of any items that Dylan brought with him. Why would that be?

I think I found my answer. LE would be concerned if Dylan's items were still at the house, but no one had been in contact with him.
Exactly! Parents expect an instant response to their calls or texts. God forbid they don't answer. I give my kids 20 mins to respond then I start calling friends and their parents. My sons friends parents do the same. There is only one reason they wouldn't answer. They cant!

If the phone died they use a friends phone to let me know hey mom my phone died im at so and so's.

He says he took a nap because he cant account for his time and he was tired from the night before. I think whatever happened to Dylan happened sunday night when cell activity stopped.



The phone/battery dying could be one reason.

Another could be that Dylan did not feel like texting them back. I understand that this would be a difficult concept to understand, but I watch my own kids do this all the time.

Occam razor and such.
I keep in contact with my kids when they are out and about with friends. I don't worry about them when they are with family.... If they are with the family or dad and I call and they don't answer I figure they are ok and DAD WOULD CALL ME IF SOMETHING WAS WRONG! Elaine wasn't the one on duty that night it was one day! then she got the HORRIBLE news from MR I lost Dylan!


I do as well, but then I live in an area that has great cell phone coverage. This particular area has spotty cell phone coverage.

By Mark and Elaine's own admission, they did not speak on the phone, so it would not be either of their first initial reaction. This had worked for them so far, and habits are hard to break on BOTH sides of the coin, no matter which way one looks at it.
And see, I don't think 9:30 is early at all, and I don't feel the last text from R that night required a response. I guess that's an agree to disagree there.

But NO ONE's alarm went off. Not the mom who didn't get responses to her texts. Not the grandmother of the boy he was supposed to be visiting at 6:30 in the morning. Not the dad who left his kid 20 miles from anywhere yet wasn't surprised that he wasn't waiting at the house or within yelling distance when he came home.

What would help Dylan at this point? LE giving out positive indicators of where to search. In this radius from the house or in that direction. Or a full description of what's in the backpack,


Usually, LE would release a description of the items missing. That would be difficult to do, if most of his items were still at the house.

As for searching, Dylan could be anywhere. I don't mean limited to just the Vallecito area. People jumped to a conclusion, which has directly affected Dylan being found.

I made a post sometime back, that if they continued down the route they were travelling and were wrong, the only person this would affect would be Dylan, and I was right.

I have not even seen a concerted effort to get flyers out to neighbouring states.
BBM: I disagree. R's alarm went off. He texted when Dylan was 15 minutes late. Then hours later to make sure Dylan knew where to find him. But R is a 13 year old boy and the blame for not sounding an alarm should not fall on his shoulders. I imagine his grandma did not know he was expecting Dylan so early until much later. My point is that Dylan's friends thought it was odd of him not to have responded.


Did R's alarm go off? I don't know.

I am more apt to believe that he texted Dylan when he woke up. If Ryan was alarmed, which I don't believe he had reason to be, he would of told someone. Even if that someone was a friend.

There has not been a child kidnapped in this area for 25 years. If the adults were not alarmed, why would anyone expect a 13 year old to think his friend might be in trouble.
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